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Everything posted by Coldfire

  1. Coldfire

    Fairy Bites

    Imp: clean herbal-y floral Wet on Me: very light scent. ethereal very well blended as I can't pick out any one note more than the other. Drying Down: the white peppermint seems almost ghost like as it wafts under my nose. With scents that have lavender my nose usually picks it out right away. But the florals are all playing so nicely together. Dry: This is a light and airy floral scent. Not a white floral or aquatic....but a light shimmery ethereal scent that truly reminds me of my beloved fairie festival!
  2. Coldfire

    The Phantom Calliope

    Bottle: Dark, sweet and a slight hint of earthiness. heady to the nose. Wet on Me: still heady and lovely. that medicinal dark formula vicks 44 cherry scent Drying Down: aww yeah the patchouli is starting to make itself known under my nose sop dark sharp cherry and the sweetness of cassis doing some dirty dancing with the patchouli. Dry: this is almost sinister in that dark dark cherry/cassis/spicy/patchouli blend. So loving this!!!!
  3. Coldfire

    The Library of John Dee

    Imp: Incense and wax and the faintest trace of rose Wet on Me: whew....going heavy rose. All the other notes ran away and are hiding right now. Hoping dry down is better. Drying Down: Nope. All Rose. All amped up all the time. Dry: Rose. I amp rose badly. Glad this is only a decant and not a bottle. I had high hopes for this one.
  4. Coldfire

    Good Morning, London

    Imp: Clean Astringent Lavender Wet on Me: Still a very clean astringent-y lavender Drying Down: starting to get that faint trace of the baby powder I smell with amber notes. It's softening the sharpness of the lavender making it soft and warm and almost fuzzy. Like a soft fluffy fuzzy blanket. Dry: Delightful. What started out as sharp has softened down to this comforting blanket you wrap around yourself when you head downstairs on a cold blustery morning. TO KEEP!
  5. Coldfire


    In Imp: the most amazing creamy vanilla sarsaparilla! Wet on me: Creamy and dreamy sarsaparilla Drying Down: finally starting to get the leather notes mingling with the creamy sarsaparilla goodness Dry: OMGS this is SUCH a keeper! I love everything about this!!!!!
  6. Coldfire


    Sweet. not sugar or baked goods in your face sweet but yes as mentioned above a 'juicy' sweet. and the hints and promises of leather notes below trying to come forward and greet your nose. it blooms soft and sweet. Quite lovely.
  7. Coldfire

    Bitches Love Unicorns

    ya know when Beth and Brian name something Bitches Love Unicorns you just HAVE to get it!!!!!!!!! In the Bottle: fizzy sweet tarts!!! Wet on me: Sweet tarts dropped in 7up! Drying Down: Happy Fruit-y goodness. Dry: smooth light happy fruit sunshine on me! you just can't be sad wearing a scent like this! This Bitch LOVES this Unicorn!
  8. Coldfire

    Abduction of Proserpine on a Unicorn

    Black Currant and Pomegranate are must haves for me...so I just HAD to order this Bottle: mostly sandalwood. Almost astringent-y Wet On Me: okay now I'm getting the faintest whiff of fruit with the sandalwood Drying Down: less sandalwood now. It's fading into the background to make a soft cushion for the berries to bloom Dry: soft. a soft cloud of dark fruit gently whisped by the sandalwood. the astringent-y notes have gone way far away! and I tipped the bottle over on my desk at work and just lost half of it
  9. Coldfire

    Revenant Rhythm Hair Gloss

    MUST. HOARD. ALL. THE. RR Hairgloss!!! because DAYUM! I adore adore adore my BB but to have this has a HG? It's my go to Hair Gloss almost daily! I have thin fine hair but I find that a couple of spritzes on my wet hair makes it easy to detangle before blow drying!. Then the heat from the blow dryer seems to activate it and I'm walking in a lovely RR/BB cloud of goodness!
  10. Seriously this thing is just total LOVE! First sniff and I swoooooned with the goodness! and I agreed with everything Jola said. Considering most of my HG's have been patch heavy I very happily surprised how lovely this fruity one is!
  11. Coldfire

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2015)

    this new version kinda reminds me of my beloved Makhanitis. It's not replaced Makhanitis or Banshee Beat is my favorite but dayumn it's ranking up there! Just lovely deep red dark fruity goodness on me! I may have to order a few more bottles. And yes...it smells fantastic NOW...but I can't wait to smell this one aged!!!!
  12. Coldfire

    TKO Atmosphere Spray

    I have a couple of bottles of TKO v3 that I ADORE! But when TKO Atmo spray became a thing to order? TKO ALL THE ATMO SPRAY! I bought 2 bottles and I should have gotten more. Because DAYUM! This is a perfect balance of lavender and the marshmallow! This is divine sprayed on my pillows at night! Not too overpowering but just right to help me drift off to sleep and fall back asleep during the many times I wake at night.
  13. Coldfire

    Maiden v2

    WOW! I'm first to review something! nifty! Bottle: Rose. I'm getting rose! Wet on Me: sweet rose Drying Down: honey Rose! 2 things that traditionally go sour on my skin Dry: The rose seems to disappear and now it’s honey. But not overly sweet honey. I have to thank the Lovely TwilightEyes who traveled to the Trunk Show and obtained and shipped prototypes for so many to try and own. She is made of win and awesomesauce!
  14. Snape smells of herbs and oils and incenses and dust from his Potions room and classroom McGongall smells of baddassery! She smells of books, and perhaps a touch of wax, and maybe some smoke from the time she said boom! Now....the Great Hall....can you imagine how the Great Hall would smell? Pumpkin juice and candle wax, polished wood, yummy sweets and treats and a feast!
  15. Coldfire

    Ghost Houses

    Decant: GREEN! Sharp Green Wet On Me: seriously sharp greent. Almost antiseptic Drying Down: still sharp green with hints of the clover and daisies Dry: Green and daisies….and that slight hint of marble.
  16. Coldfire


    Decant: white floral with a bare hint of green Wet on me: more greenish now teeny tiny hints of sweet (the bourbon vanilla must be) Drying Down: sweet and something I think is the fougere. Really kinda nice! Dry: sweet fougere with faint resin-y whispers
  17. Coldfire

    Blueberry Picking

    Decant: sunshine. Wet On Me: Blueberry at the first part of the inhale then the grass/weeds and then the lavender and verbena Drying Down: less blueberry and green and more soft honeysuckle. Dry: soap. Honeysuckle sunshine soap
  18. Coldfire

    Lips of Flame and Heart of Stone

    Bottle: deep and heady in the best possible ways. Wet On Me: Rich and lush with a touch of sweetness Drying Down: Sweet, almost deep creamy musky tobacco. Almost resinous Dry: still this sweet lush resinous scent that just makes me smile when I huff the back of my hand.
  19. Coldfire

    Miss Fanny Phippany

    Bottle: mmmm leather. Like walking into a leather store Wet on Me: oooooof fabulous leather. Drying Down: the tobacco is lettings its gentle presence be known Dry: leather and tobacco. Not bad. Man!
  20. Coldfire

    A Brilliant and Ruby Colored Fluid

    In Bottle: WINE! RED WINE! Oh Hai I’m Red Wine! Wet on Me: still a red wine scent but not as strong Drying Down: Softer Red wine and something I can’t quite put my nose on….. Dry: Red and something………herbal-y
  21. Coldfire

    The Phoenix, Having Burst Her Shell

    Decant: I get the bitter orange, tobacco and patch dark citrus Wet on Me: Less of the orange and more tobacco patch Drying Down: Patchouli with the faintest traces of the orange/tangerine and ghost whispers of the tobacco Dry: dry patch with that lovely bitter orange and the faintest of tobacco. this is actual LOVE on my skin! Might be bottle worthy!
  22. Coldfire

    Light and Swift

    Decant: total Lemon verbena and green Wet on Me: green lemony verbena not getting any of the lavender yet but hopeful Drying Down: Really bright lemon with faint whisps of green in the background.... Dry: a bright clean lemon with the faintest ghost whisp of the lavender
  23. Decant: Bright and deep red pomegranate. Wet on Me: This smells like a Kirklands Store. That deep but bright pom that is a touch spicy Drying Down: just this lovely lovely deep fruity pom scent. the spicy-ness I am getting must be from the poppy Dry: like Kirklands settled on me and forms a lovely cloud of heady goodness! Bottle worthy
  24. Coldfire

    Yellow Metal With Mingled Purple Blushes

    Decant: totally get 'yellow' and 'purple' a spicy yellow with a deep purple vibe under my nose Wet on me: breathe deep and I get that spicy yellow...almost like a yellow carnation Drying Down: Yellow 'metal' waiting to get the purples to come out and play....but it's almost a masculine yellow metal Dry: WOOHOO this is one amber that did NOT go all baby powder. Just a soft spicy yellow metallic scent. A little sad that I did not get the 'purple' of this on my skin.
  25. Coldfire

    Frosty Silkybat Hair Gloss

    this is my first HairGloss I've ever tried. LOVE IT! I spray it on when my hair is wet to help detangle without breaking my fine hair. But then when it is dry and I move my head and smell this divine scent! HEAVEN! I may need MORE of this one!