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Posts posted by Anita

  1. All cake with a touch of currants, which I find my nose can't smell until my arm in heading away from it, like a memory of currants.


    The cake is vanilla-y, but has spices in it- kind of comparable to a box cake versus one from scratch. The scratch one is better, and this imp has the scratch version in it.


    Surprisingly light, for being a foody scent, and I suspect this won't last long on my skin.



    I was mistaken. It's still on me, just really close to my skin. Any hint of currant is gone and has been replaced by smelling like a food version of snake oil, but in secret because snake oil blows up on my skin and has tremendous throw, while this doesn't but has the same spices in it, with the sweetness still there.


    A keeper.

  2. So, when I first sniffed this, I thought uh oh, that jasmine is super strong. But I got brave and dabbed it on anyway.


    The Jasmine gets a slap and is told to behave by the lemon verbena. It's actually quite lovely. I don't know if I am getting any neroli because I do smell something else, but the green tea is a no show, which I can live with. it's a bright sunshiny floral, that I don't mind at all.


    Although I 'm not usually one for lemon scents, this one does beautiful things- at least on my skin. I will probably frimp this to my daughter though, she loves lemon perfumes. :)


    Edited to add: This one doesn't last very long on my skin at all.

  3. Orc

    Like a lot of people on here- a lot of zucchini at first, but then the leather shows up halfway through the drying time. Not much in the way of vetiver, which is ok by my as we don't always get along. I have almost no throw and have to keep my nose close to the skin to sniff it out.


    near the end of the drydown the vetiver has peeked out, with the zucchini still faintly there but leather being the note that stands out the most.


    I only have an imp, and I think I will keep it, but not sure how often I would wear it. I will try layering it with the other rpg and see how it goes.

    Edited to say: I'm going to let the man try this one on for size, see what he has to say ...

  4. Oya

    All cherry almond in the imp.


    While it is wet, the plum comes out, but still has a almond smell to it. I agree with alot of pp's that it has a plastic smell to it. It is missing the "realness" of the plum, and the almond for that matter.

    During the drying down, my skin sucked on it like a kid with a lollipop, kept it close to itself and and didn't throw it away. Some sort of sour flower is showing itself, but every note is shadowed by this fake smelling something. It's like I am trying to smell it through a layer of saran wrap almost.

    I wanted to keep an open mind with this one but it just isn't meant to be. Off to the swap pile.


    edited for spelling

  5. Good

    Got this as a frimp, and thoght I would give it a go. In the vial it's very sweet but with something floral. On my skin it's sweet with a hint of musk, and the floral is still there, just not as prevalent. As it dries I get the honey, the musk, and an afterthought of floral. Zero throw, and not overpowering, but does feel like it's missing something, but that makes sense (scents?) as they were made for layering. I think I have an imp of Rogue I will have to dab on top of this to see what happens.


    Keeping my imp, but don't think I need a bottle.

  6. Dammit I wanted to love this one.


    Super nauseating throw and all I can small all lilies, which is odd, since it isn't even in the description, but man oh man, there is no question that this is all lilies on my, like big blooming Funeral lilies. When I get my nose up close, I can just make out what I think is the peony, but I smell nothing else.


    I can't even wait for the drydown, it is giving me a raging headache. Sadly off to the swaps/sales with you.. :(

  7. Just got this in and had to try it on right away.


    I agree with a pp about it smelling like strawberry candies in the bottle, but that is not the case when it is on my skin. At first it is straight up strawberry, with something soft trying to peek out, I am assuming it's the mallow. After about half an hour the mallow and the strawberry are dukeing it out, and it has considerable throw on my skin. a couple of hours later, I have a very soft, closer to the skin sweet creaminess with a slight flower smell to it, which has to be the mallow, and an afterthought of the strawberry. I am wondering how this will age, as it does seem what others have termed a "young" scent.


    Been trying it again, and for some reason, my skin chemistry at this moment has it drying out to be a VERY similar scent to Antique Lace, which I adore. I know (am pretty sure) they don't share any notes, so it is probably just me or my nose, but who cares?? So this one, for me at least, just keep s getting better and better.

  8. I get a hint of leather and some super luscious sandalwood, it's beautiful and has a paper "feel" to it in my nose. A decent amount of throw, but does fade quite quickly. I wish it had more staying power but I am fine with having to reapply regularly.

  9. Really light on me, not so sweet but.. innocent I guess is what I am looking for, but not in a little girl innocent sort of way. It's really very pretty and a surprise that I like it as much as I do. Not much throw to it, but I think that if this scent had a lot of throw it could become very overpowering very quickly, so The lowness of throw suits it quite nicely. I will see how often I reach for this decant to determine if I need a bottle of it.


    Edited to add: I think my husbandis on drugs. Severe drugs. I aksed him to sniff me. He said he liked it. I asked him to describe it. He said I smell like Butterscothch- WHAT!?!?! He doesn't have a cold so he must be high lol.

  10. I won this through a giveaway (looking at you crimescenecleanup- thanks again!) and finally had the opportunity to test it today.


    Super inky wrapping paper, definitely the kind where the ink may come off on your fingertips. It has that processed smell to it, but there is something in the background that I have smelled before but can't place it for the life of me. I agree with TTP I think that it would be a good layering scent, on it's own it makes you smell like you work in a print shop- which is fine by me because I like it, but people may need a bit more depth than that to wear it.


    Decent wear time and throw.

  11. First on: This is summer grass, lush and warmed by the sun. Don't get any leather and only catch a hint of smoke at the end of my "sniff", if that makes sense. Really clean and unique.


    10 min in: I smell more smoke now, but only when I am up close to it, and still no leather. The grassiness is still dominant, but not overpowering. This is different from anything I currently own, and I am really enjoying it.


    20 min in: I have had the man smell it and he says it is very leathery with a green smell to it. I for the life of me, still can't pick up on the leather in it, but I ain't eve mad. I love it, and will definitely need more.

  12. this to me is definitely a medicinal lab oil. This is what you want for a good nights sleep and headache relief. When I sniff it, I can almost taste it on the back of my tongue, it's very aggressive but not in a make you sick way. Wet, it is a well balanced scent of lavender and pennyroyal, which I believe is giving off the medicinal scent as well. Which when applied amps up to smelling like something that my massage therapist smears on me when my muscles are especially bad and the lavender has vanished. I will keep the imp to see if it works for bedtime, and if it does then I know I will need to get a bottle.

  13. So... I seem to be the first person to love it :) It has a faint flowers in the library smell. Like the flowers are gone but their scent remains with the dustyiness in a grand old forgotten room. It makes me want to keep smelling my wrist. Not a lot of throw, a smell that pulls you in close to have it. And, it makes me want to track down more of the Coraline scents, since this was my first one. It's amazing.

  14. This is an imp I got at least 5 years ago, and sniffed it and so NO WAY. Too much dirt. Tossed it in the pile of ones to swap and forgot about it. Fast forward to now, and I am going through all of my imps that have been languishing and trying every single one to at least say I have had it on my skin. upon sniffing the imp I thought, where did that vanilla come from? so on it went, This is absolutely lovely. The sweetness is tempered by the soil note in the background which is still there, but now instead of being a shovelful of dirt in your face it has grown up into a light loamy greenhouse smell of dirt and accentuates the sweetness perfectly. I don't know that I will wear it often, but at least now I like it enough to consider it some days. Oh what wonders does aging do!!

  15. In the imp I smelled it and said to myself no way is this touching me. It smelled so, aggressive.


    Wet on my skin, all I get is honey flavored Halls cough drops. But then as it is drying I get rose, which I amp like a mofo. At this point that is ok, since I don't like smelling like cough drops, and they seem to be keeping each other in check, but in a weird way.


    On the dry down, the rose wins. Again. ugh.

  16. in imp: gingersnap cookies


    wet: gingersnap cookies, with "something" in the background- not there enough to figure out what it is, but there enough to make me want to resniff every 10 seconds to try and find it again.


    dry: I think what is in the background is nutmeg, and now I have delicious nutmeg-y gingersnap cookies wafting from my arm. yummy. It also has a decent throw.


    I['m not usually one for foody scents, but I don't know that this one will be going anywhere soon. I may use it in a diffuser instead. Yay!

  17. in the imp- super clean, your clothes off of a clothesline in the middle summer, with a soft floral coming from somewhere....


    Wet- exactly as in the imp, except the floral is a little stronger now, no sign of anything woodsy, just that lovely floral, which is so weird when matching it to the description.


    on the drydown- this hasn't changed at all for me from what it was in the wet stages, except slightly less strong, but it wasn't a hugely strong scent anyway, and doesn't seem to have a lot of throw. I keep resniffing because it's as though there is "something" my nose almost smells but then it's gone and so I have to sniff it again, I keep just missing what my nose thinks it almost smells.


    Strange, but I like it.

  18. IN the imp- almost lemony, sweettart kind of a candy smell, with something clean in the background.


    on wet- still getting the candy sweettart, no sign of anything else that is in the description, unless the lemony stuff is the wood.


    dry- oh, there you are incense! very faintly showing up, the sweettart is gone, but the lemon remains in the background with the incense now.


    I think this is off to swaps, because while it is a nice clean scent, it isn't something meant for me.

  19. Well this, this is just straight up sexy..


    in the imp: I think it is the metal I smell most, with the amber, frankincense and musk hanging out in the background, waiting for their chance to shine.


    wet: I can smell more frankincense, and amber, but not the metal isn't completely gone. The musk is still dancing around the edges of it.


    Dry: Frankincense is still there, but the amber is the big player in the end. Musk is all but a whisper, and the metal smell is tricking my nose, i think it's there and then I sniff too hard and I can't find it. Tricky.


    But in every format, it's still sexy, very.
