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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Anita

  1. "Do not touch" must be the scariest thing to read in Braille...

  2. I want the weekend..

  3. Still no snow... can I get a woot woot!

  4. Feeling like Fall is in the air

  5. I want to go back to New Orleans....

  6. packing sucks

    1. cyanidenoir


      You can say that again.

  7. Went to see Star Wars In Concert... Dah Dahdah dah dahdahdah... :)

  8. why do I feel hung over when i didn't drink?

  9. Feel like sending me my bottle of screeching parrot yet? Its already been a year... or do you have another excuse to give me instead?

  10. Like surreal said, I would prefer the scents to the cash.

  11. Hi, sent you a payment for three bottles which I haven't received. Please, I don't want to file a claim w paypal, but will if I have to. I can't message you as your inbox is full.
