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Everything posted by annietoes

  1. annietoes

    The search for "Clean" scents - general discussion

    yayyyy thanks for all these great suggestions! keep 'em comin if you got 'em and i'll try to assemble an imp set....this is very exciting. i miss smelling good!
  2. annietoes

    The search for "Clean" scents - general discussion

    ok, i've read the thread and looked at reviews of some of the recommended scents... i'm looking for clean but not in the 'crisp' or 'bright' way - not dominated by a linen or citrus scent, although i like both of those. even lavender is a little bit too light for what i want. basically i want a warm soapy fresh smell. about, oh, ten years ago, a camp friend of mine had a bottle of kind of essential oil stuff that smelled really fresh and like awesome soap. but since it was so long ago i'm having a hard time remembering what elements there were in the scent. any suggestions? i am a total novice at this kind of stuff...
  3. BBW ylang ylang myrrh.... it's been discontinued and it's the only lotion i've ever gone through 3+ bottles of...i've dug around to investigate the ylang ylang and myrrh scents and i'd like to try some imps...all suggestions are appreciated, as i am a scent novice. to me, the BBW ylang ylang myrrh was not a very complex scent - which makes sense, i guess, if it's really just ylang ylang and myrrh. a little bit heavy (kind of like gardenias?) but also kind of clean. (i don't like really perfume-y scents and old-lady powder depresses me.) thanks