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Everything posted by L-z_Empress

  1. L-z_Empress


    I've had this for awhile and wanted to post a review, but I just wasn't sure how I felt about it and honestly, I am still not sure now. It smells great in the bottle, sweet and bit salty (which I love). When I first put it on, not to be harsh, but it stinks on me. It smells like a deep, greasy, unsweet caramel. It's really strange and obviously unpleasant. After about 40 minutes, it seems like the scent completely disappears. The strange thing is that hours later, I start to get whiffs of cotton candy with a touch of salt. And when I get the cotton candy scent that one lasts for a long time and has much throw to it (even though it's not a heavy scent). As someone else said, on drydown it is quite reminiscent of Aquolina Pink Sugar (which I love), but I think I would rather smell like Pink Sugar than Midway. Sorry
  2. L-z_Empress

    Snake Charmer

    I ordered two bottles of this one thinking that I would love the scent and I do. And believe it or not, I actually like this one better than Snake Oil. The two oils do have their similarities (mainly the spiciness, throw, and the long lasting scent), but Snake Charmer is lighter, sexier, and slightly fruity (mostly plum with maybe a tinge of coconut). I wore this one yesterday and people were actually following me around asking what I was wearing and where could they buy some If that is not an acknowledgement of the beauty of this one then I don't know what is ETA: I had to go back and order more because I CANNOT be without this scent.
  3. L-z_Empress

    Gypsy Queen

    All I can smell with this one is cinnamon (carnations smell like cinnamon to me so that may be what it is) and neroli. The scent is semi-strong and it's pleasant enough, I suppose. I'm not keeping my bottle though because it's not quite remarkable enough.
  4. L-z_Empress


    At first Regan smells exactly like O on me (which is not a good thing seeing as I HATE O). Then it goes to this smoke, powdery honey thing that I abhor even more. I'm not even going to use my entire imp of this one
  5. L-z_Empress


    On me Neo-Tokyo smells like cherry blossoms, mountain air and something aquatic. It is a very soothing and pretty scent. It also bears a fleeting resemblance to a soap that I once smelled (I can't remember the name brand though). I think I will get a 5 mL of this for next spring.
  6. L-z_Empress


    Unfortunately this scent literally made my stomach turn and my head hurt as soon I smelled it. It's super strong and wafty on me and smells like some sort of polish. Not a pleasant experience at all
  7. L-z_Empress


    Elegba made me nauseous the same way that Black Pearl did. On my skin, it is buttery to the point of being overpowering. After about an hour of drydown though the butter scent goes away and I am left with the scent of sugar and coconut rum and then I couldn't stop smelling myself because it was nice (I am a lush when it comes to coconut rum though so that may have been part of the attraction). I am not sure that this is something that I want to walk around smelling like but I'll give it another go (or at least use the rest of my imp) before I decide whether or not to buy a bottle.
  8. L-z_Empress


    Eden is a scent that I have dying to try so when my imp came yesterday, I was very happy to try it. When wet, it is very sharp and to be honest, not entirely pleasant (well, at least not for me). I don't know what fig smells like on it's own (as a single note) so I can't say if that's what I was smelling but I presume so. After about 30 minutes other scents start to come up. First a dry sandalwood then a bit of dry coconut. I expected this scent to be very creamy and it is not. I expected it be my favourite scent ever, and it is not. In the end, Eden smells like a dry wood that has been rubbed with coconut oil and I think it might smell good on a man. However, I will say that Eden is an oil that does not quit, I put it on my hand at 2 PM and washed my hands repeatedly, took a shower and everything else and when I woke up the next morning my hand still smelled like Eden
  9. L-z_Empress


    First off, I have to say that I love Thierry Mugler's Angel so that is why I tried this scent to begin with. When I first put the oil on I got a strong incensy floral that was really nice, but I was a bit saddened because it smelled nothing like Angel (which is what I was hoping for). After a few minutes of drydown, I got Angel but better. I got a strong, wafty, sexy as hell version of Angel. I like this soooo much more than Thierry's version. Everyone at work thought that I was crazy because I was sitting at my desk sniffing my wrist and smiling like a mad woman. I was so happy I actually thought that I was going to cry. This automatically went to my top 10 list (right up there with my beloved Dorian). I am buying two 10 mLs of this one. THANK YOU, BPAL!!!
  10. L-z_Empress


    When I first put this one, it smells like sweet, artificial citrus flavoured candy (sort of like sugared lime), but not in an unpleasant way. After a few minutes of drying though, the cherry blossoms come through and then the tea. What I am left with is an exotic scent that stays close to the skin and smells like cherry blossoms floating in a steaming hot cup of black tea with a smidge of citrus in the background. It is really a lovely scent that is different and refreshing. Definite 5 mL for me.
  11. L-z_Empress

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    Strawberry Moon is a scent that I thought I would be allergic to because it seems that any BPAL oils with lotus in them make me break out in hives, but I couldn't resist - every single lunacy blend has worked on me (gotta love the "traditional lunar oils") and cream and tea are my favourite notes. Because of this, I figured I would give it a go and if I was extremely allergic I could always swap it for more Pink Moon . Well, there is no way I am getting rid of my lone bottle of Strawberry Moon. When it got to me yesterday, I was wearing Skindazzles whipped Body Frosting in Pink Sugar, but I had to try the scent on right then and there. With the two scents together, what I got was the most gorgeous thing - a sweet, creamy, juicy, ultra feminine scent that made me want to go do something wholesome like pick flowers in the woods. Today, I am wearing it without the Pink Sugar and it still just as lovely, the strawberries are very pronounced and smell like the strawbetries that my mother used to grow every summer. I don't smell any lotus, green tea, or sage, this scent is light, sweet strawberries and fresh cream which is okay with me. Strawberry Moon is definitely a keeper.
  12. L-z_Empress


    I got this as a freebie from the lab. As almost always (the only one that doesn't do this to me is Kali), the rose ate all the other scents and then started to smell like a dying rose. It's too sweet and giving me a headahce. Too bad the tea didn't come out because tea is one of my favourite notes.
  13. L-z_Empress

    Thirteen (13)

    When I opened the bottle of this, I was wondering why the oil smelled like Doritos or Cheetos or something (strange, I know). Still I decided to stick to my rule of giving all BPAL oils a wear test. So I dabbed a little on my wrist and tried not to put my nose near it I was even starting to type up my swap post for this one when I got a whiff of something really nice and I was wondering if it was Kyoto (which I had on the other wrist), but no it was 13 morphing into this lovely scent. After the initial drydown once the strong chocolate, orange, dorito scent fades, I get this lovely, perfect warm weather scent. It smells like white tea, a tiny smidge of citrus (i guess orange), and light florals. I guess I'll keep my bottle after all
  14. L-z_Empress


    When I was in university, there was this huge hill that I would climb to the top of with a good friend of mine. We would always carry a blanket and we would just lay on the blanket together, listen to the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and grass, and we'd stare up at the sky, watching the clouds float by and not saying a word. Amsterdam is the scent of those days gone by. It encompasses everything about that time in my life that I loved. It is the scent of clear, cool stream waters and grass that is begging to by layed in. It is the scent of flowers on the air that aren't in sight, but you know that they are around because the breeze is carrying the scent to you. I wish I had tried it earlier.
  15. L-z_Empress


    I received this one as a free imp in my last order. THANKS LAB It has some of my favourite notes, namely orange blossom and vanilla. When I sniffed it in the imp, I honestly wasn't that impressed because it just smelled like hair grease, seriously (you know the store bought kind - meaning it's kinda sweet yet slightly smoky). But when I put it on, I couldn't stop smelling myself. This scent is sexy in an understated way. On me, I think it is mostly orange blossom and black narcissus. I couldn't wear it everyday though, I can't put my finger on why, but there is something about it that I would not like to smell everyday (I am no help, I know). But I am going to keep an imp of it on hand for weekend outings because I think it would be a good scent for that. I should also add that it has LOTS of staying power. I put it on around 6:30 in the AM and it was still going strong by 9 PM.
  16. L-z_Empress


    Nothing good is coming from my freebie imp of Juliet. It is headache inducing when sniffed from the imp, but I still figured I would give it a go on my skin. Even in this incredible heat, it is an extremely potent scent with lots of throw. I love white florals, but this one is the type of scent that is so awful that you can taste it. I am not getting any pear or musk for that matter. It's mostly sweet pea and soap with a touch of the other florals I think I would like it better if some more of the pear came out on me. I need to go wash this off...
  17. L-z_Empress

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    In the bottle, this smells sickeningly sweet and it stays the same when I first apply it to my skin. However, within a few seconds, it morphs into all kiwi and some other fruit that I can't figure out what it is (maybe pomengrante). It is very light, yet it has a good amount of throw. I think it stays very true to the idea of it being a soothing blend. The scent is okay at this point, but then it dries down and turns into this WOW scent. It becomes mostly spicy with light florals and tea in the background. There are pretty much no fruits when it gets to this point and it is lovely. I still don't know that I like it enough to keep both bottles, but I definitely like it enough to keep one of my bottles of it.
  18. L-z_Empress

    Belle Époque

    Red sandalwood and vanilla? I knew I was gonna love this one as soon as I read the description! I was DEAD wrong. As soon as I put it on I kept sniffing because I couldn't smell anything. I mean nothing at all! So I kept putting on more from the imp and there was no smell. However, as I drove to work, I began to catch whiffs of this smoky, floral scent. Maybe the opium? I have never smelled a smokiness quite like this before and it was the one redeeming note in this oil. When the other scents did start to come through, they were light, but just not the type of florals that I like, they smelled too much like a perfume that all the old women in church wore when i was a little girl.
  19. L-z_Empress


    This was a freebie imp (thanks Lab). Wet it smells like straight, single note white musk. As it dries, the white musk does stay as the most prominent note, but I can also smell some light flowers. For some reason this reminds me a bit of Unseelie. Unlike other reviewers, this scent is very feminine on me. Unfortunately, this scent is very commerical perfume smelling to me (puts me in the mind of the perfume called "Romance"). Not very me at all.
  20. L-z_Empress


    In the vial, it smells tart and smoky and when wet on my skin it smells the same as in the vial. As soon as it dries down, it turns into this smoky, spicy, berry scent. It's really nice, but also very light. I can't smell if after about 5 minutes though (despite my slathering of 3/4 of an imp) which is a shame because I would buy a 5 ml of this if it lasted longer on me....Someone in my office said I smell like a Glade room freshner. I think I am insulted.
  21. L-z_Empress


    I wanted to like you Oneiroi because you contain some of my favourite scents - lavender and sandalwood, namely. Alas, you smell like witch hazel on me and I had to wake up in the middle of the night and say "what the hell is that smell?" I am not very fond of you. Thank goodness you were a freebie
  22. L-z_Empress

    Pink Moon 2005

    Upon application, Pink Moon smells like a mix of florals that I can't pick out and something sugary and smoky underneath. It was a bit much when wet and gave me a bit of a headache BUT it dries down into something lovely. The best way that I can think of to describe is to relate to a childhood memory of the way that our house would smell a few hours after my mother would bake a strawberry shortcake. It's light and slightly smoky and creamy and the florals really back off and balance out with the other scents. It is quite nice, but not my favourite lunacy blend - that still belongs to Chaste Moon (the scent that I am allergic to but love it so much that I wear it anyway). I loves me some lunacy blends ETA: I just found out that Pink Moon also smells AMAZING when mixed with Bath and Body Works Tutti Dolci moisturizer in the scent called "Angel Food Cake". I am sooooo in heaven.
  23. L-z_Empress


    Honestly, when I sniffed the imp of it, I wasn't very impressed because all I could smell was incense. However, I normally hate the scents that everyone else loves so I wasn't suprised. When I put it on, it immediately morphed into this spicy baby powder scent. What the hell I have never had a scent turn to baby powder on me especially not spicy baby powder I am keeping my imp anyway so that I can give it another chance.
  24. The two ideas that I had, others have already mentioned, but I'll second them: Bathsheba and DORIAN.
  25. L-z_Empress

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I think I am allergic to Chaste Moon. Why do I break out from all of my favourite scents? I was noticing that my throat always feels kinda funny (i.e. scratchy and a little sore out of nowehere) when I wear Chaste Moon, but I didn't care, but now I am noticing that almost everywhere that I applied Chaste Moon is itchy with bumps. I may just suck it up and wear it anyway though ETA: I was wrong, it's Bastet that is making me feel so nasty. I have been alternating between the two scents and I think Bastet must be it, which means that it's probably Lotus that I am allergic to (since both of the scents that make me break out have Lotus in them - Kali is the other scent I can't wear). Luckily, only 13 scents have lotus listed in the description