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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by marared

  1. marared


    It started out pretty soapy right off the bat. Something in this doesn't agree with my chemistry; I would have thought this had alcohol in it for the sour note that comes up after ten minutes. As it is, I think cedar is the troublemaker, or possibly the woodmoss. Off to the swap pile...
  2. marared

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    I smell the plum and rice most strongly - what immediately comes to mind is that plum wine I had once from some Asian-owned liquor store on New Year's Eve. It's nice, but not as mind-bendingly yummy as I hoped.
  3. marared


    Wow. Khrysee and I will never be best friends due to the amber, but I am enamored of her charms and will hold a girlcrush on her from a distance. It's a *gorgeous* blend - sweeter in the bottle than it is on my wrist. It doesn't have excessive throw, but it has a great deal of staying power - after eight hours through two handwashes and an application of Villainess lotion, it's still quite noticeable on my wrists. It's very yum, very sensual, *very* adult. Maybe something I'd put in an oil warmer if I had a visitor...
  4. marared

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    Apparently I never reviewed this, although I got a decant several months ago. Whatever's in it, it smells GOOD on me - a very warm and comforting mix of spice, floral, and musk. The ginger is very snappy, but the mums balance it out so that neither overpowers the blend, and the musk is sexy without being in-your-face about it. I'd reeeally like a bottle of this...
  5. marared

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    Ohhhh man this is yum. It's pretty heavy on the caramel when it's fresh out of the bottle, but the pepper very quickly tames the sweetness and keeps it from turning foody. The caramel comes back into play ten or fifteen minutes into the drydown, but it's just walking-past-the-chocolate-shop sweet rather than diabetic-coma-inducing sweet. I don't get the booze that some other people are smelling (thankfully!) but it does have a bit of a gourmand-coffee aroma to it. Not much throw, although the bottle is still a bit cold from the mail truck, and that may change when it settles. I wonder how this would layer with Boomslang? Hmmm... Further edit to note that after a couple hours, it dries to pretty much straight-up pepper. Even further edit: nope, doesn't work on me in the end, and I think the culprit must actually be the *caramel*, due to a nearly identical drydown with Gluttony - kinda burnt and ashy. It was so good to start, but I can't keep it.
  6. marared

    Thirteen (13): February 2009

    I'm going to concur that this is a blend that needs to age - right now it's fresh and sharp spices, with virtually no chocolate or brown sugar that I can detect right now. It's all ginger, nutmeg, and allspice; it smells like when you're about to make pumpkin pie or gingerbread cookies, and you blend the relevant spices off in their own little bowl first. About ten minutes into the drydown, the tonka starts sweetening things up a bit, but it's still too dry and sharp to wear right now. Into the aging jar it goes! What it reminds me of at the moment is a combination of Bakeneko and Red Moon, even though none of them have notes in common that I can see.
  7. marared

    Centzon Totochtin

    I didn't look at the notes before I chose this, just remembered it coming up as a popular scent. I smelled the cocoa right away, and the metallic tang of blood behind it all, but it's been overwhelmed by the rum and particularly the wine - I'm amazed it doesn't go sour on me (must just be only certain booze notes), but the wine is really too strong - major throw for just one little swipe of the wand. In fact, it reminds me a rather lot of Blood Kiss, which I like, but can also get in your face. This one's destined for the swap box, I think.
  8. marared

    Mad Hatter

    This initially smells to me like those after-dinner mint candies that are very powdery on your tongue - it's a nice fresh pale mint, but not cold and biting. The herbal background gets stronger as it dries, and the black musk is marching in like Darth Vader looming over Princess Leia, and turns it into a bitter mint that ... isn't bad, but isn't a suitable perfume for moi.
  9. marared

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    This was spicy plum goodness right out of the imp, but it's dried to craftstore plum soap. I still like it, but I liked it better in the imp.
  10. marared


    I was curious to try this - honey isn't precisely one of my amp notes, but it agrees very well with my chemistry. O doesn't really call to mind any bodily fluids, let alone sex, but it does remind me strongly of a (much) less sweet, less boozy Mead Moon. It's a nice mellow scent that's sexy, but not "you will take me now on the nearest horizontal surface or vertical I don't care" sexy. I'd blame the amber; we are pretty apathetic to one another.
  11. marared


    Newly applied, it's fruity lilac and a bit of leather. It was very nose-wrinklingly acrid right out of the imp, like it's probably lab fresh and needs some time to sit and age. Once it's been on my skin for a while, it becomes a lot more leathery, a lot more masculine, with just a bit of plum and lilac. It's pretty interesting, but leather and I move in entirely different circles - we don't disagree, but we aren't meant for each other.
  12. marared


    Hm. This one morphs a little bit. It started out fruity and powdery amber - where the fruit came from, I don't know, might be the carnation. Either way, it smells kind of like old chewing gum to start. After ten or fifteen minutes, though, the fruit impression evaporates, the vanilla musk comes out, and the powder hangs in the background. It's nice, but it's not anything I need to have in a bottle.
  13. marared


    This started out very spicy-figgy, but it loses the fig as it dries, and it's picked up something that I don't like very much. I want to point my finger at the amber, but I don't think it's the amber alone; possibly the myrrh is the other culprit. Whatever it is, Aeronwen starts out nummy but turns to powdered carpet deodorizer on my skin. Not BAD, but not something I really want to smell.
  14. marared


    This is probably the spiciest thing I've tried from BPAL - the overall impression is of black tea and a whole lot of black pepper and clove. I can't even pick out the *patchouli* (let alone the carnation), which is unusual. It also doesn't have a whole lot of throw - it loses most of its kick within about ten or fifteen minutes and subsides to spicy tea. I'm glad I went with a decant instead of a bottle, because while I do like it, it's a little too dry for my tastes. I like warm and spicy, but on my skin I think it really needs a dab of fruit to balance it out.
  15. marared

    Candy Phoenix

    Decant! I was well aware ahead of time that this wasn't going to work on my skin - sugar notes never do - but I love pomegranate, so I wanted to give it a sniff. I'd never be able to pick it out specifically as pomegranate or currant, let alone the pear, but it is definitely super-sugary red/purple candy in the imp. On my skin, it doesn't turn sour as sugar often does, but it definitely smells a bit stale. It doesn't have a lot of throw, but it's very strong regardless; it's overwhelming every other test on my arm within six inches.
  16. marared


    Witchfrimp! If there's one flower whose scent I know very well, it's lilac, after living in upstate NY for seventeen years (where the Lilac Festival in the spring is frequently snowed out), and this is a very good lilac. I don't get any of the foody impressions, just lilac with a hint of that Glasgow blackberry bush in the background. Not a bottle purchase for me, but I'm going to love this imp for all it's worth.
  17. marared

    Vicomte de Valmont

    Wishlist frimp from my witch: Oh, this is wonderful. It's so nicely blended that nothing in particular really stands out - I can tell the orange blossom, mint and a wee bit of rose are there, and kinda the sandalwood too. It starts out just a touch flowery, but it dries down to a warm and bright scent that is definitely of a masculine nature, but is pretty darn nice on me. I will be considering a bottle purchase, but I do want a male to smear this on and sniff...
  18. marared


    While this is certainly quantifiably a masculine scent, it's not as dark and heavy as I thought it would be based on the notes - I smell the musk and the patchouli, and the saffron to a lesser degree -- I think it's the saffron that keeps it from being really dark. It's very warm and sensual, but not outrightly sexual. Spicy and just a little sweet. It gets a little woodier as it dries, but still pretty awesome. (And the oil is a pretty typical gold, not the olive green others have mentioned.) I really like this one - if it doesn't go sour in the next half an hour, it's going on my bottle wishlist. I need to try this one on a guy, too.
  19. marared

    Snake Charmer

    Resurrected: *huff* oh. *huffs some more* oh man. While this smells nothing like Dionysia, it has the same scent vibe - resiny and spicy with a good dark tart fruit to it, that's so finely blended that neither really takes over. If it's this good now, I can't wait til it ages. I'm so going to buy at least one more bottle, possibly two, before it comes down next month.
  20. marared

    Sed Non Satiata

    Oh wow, this is quite a fuck-me-with-my-heels-on scent, isn't it. It's all musky honey on me with a bit of the tuberose - I'm sure the patchouli must be coming into play too, even though I can't smell it (blended with the musk, no doubt), because patchouli invariably turns to sex on my skin. It just gets warmer and richer and *delicious* on me as the minutes pass. The more I sniff this, the more I'm certain that it's going to be a bottle purchase. Good job, labbies! Edit: oh man, it went sour. CURSE YOU BOOZE NOTE WE COULD HAVE DANCED SO BEAUTIFULLY AND YOU RUINED IT.
  21. marared

    Poisoned Apple

    Imp: straight up dark red apple with a bit of herbs in the background. On my skin: juicy red, super-sweet apple at first, and then it gets lighter and less sweet as it dries, and it turns more of a white floral that must be the oleander. This is very nice, but it fades rapidly - less than five minutes on a swipe and it's nearly gone. The starter whiff is pretty awesome, though.
  22. marared


    LOUD chocolate. It's so loud it even drowned out the floral four inches away on my arm. It's definitely very foody compared to some of the other cocoa blends, to the point that I have a sudden craving for brownies. Yum.
  23. marared

    On Darkness

    Lavender and poppy are the strongest notes right off the bat, but the other flowers join in after a bit for a dark floral arrangement corralled by amber. This is a floral mix that I really like - I'm usually not too big on heavily floral blends - that calls up embroidered satin corsets and long skirts. I might consider a bottle of this one, if only to have something so *different* from my usual likes.
  24. marared

    Snow White

    I'm going to have to go with "yuck" on this one. It *does* smell like car freshener - like white flowers swiped on cardboard. I think the cardboard for me is what other people are calling almond - it *is* a vaguely nutty smell, but almond is straight up vile on me, and this isn't almond. Editing a year later to say - yep, still yuck. It smells lovely in the imp, but it turns to rotten coconut on me.
  25. marared

    Lick It Like You Mean It

    Creamy peppermint, yum. Loud peppermint, too, although the vanilla note that doesn't exist in this gets stronger as it dries.