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Everything posted by marared

  1. marared

    Autumn Cider

    Another vote for fruit punch - specifically Veryfine Fruit Punch with a few extra spices. I get very little actual apple - it's orange and cinnamon and lemon zest and I'd swear there was a hint of pineapple in the blend too, but apparently not.
  2. A friend of mine who is not on the forum, splag****@yahoo, says she sent an email about an order that was shipped two weeks ago but has not yet arrived, and she has not gotten an answer. She says she did check her spam. I'm sending up a flag on her behalf.
  3. marared


    This is a big ole whack of patchouli. I can smell a bit of the cocoa and a bit of the tobacco, but it's mostly woodsy holy-cow-patchouli. Filthy indeed, but in a good way - I need to give it more time on my skin to be sure, but for once, the tobacco doesn't turn all greasy-gasoline on me. Edit to add: When it's had several hours to sit on the skin, it's really lovely. It's still distinctively woodsy-patchouli, but it's not so loud and not so filthy. The tobacco definitely does not take over (thank goodness!) and works with the cocoa to mellow the patch. I really like this now, and can't wait for it to put on some age. After a second test tomorrow, I'm sending this off to the aging box in the closet, to be huffed every few months or so - I imagine this sucker will take a couple of years to truly mellow out. If you like Boomslang and you like a lot of patchouli, you'd probably like this.
  4. marared

    Honey Pumpkin Stout Soap

    This was much sweeter than I expected - I had thought it would be more... beery. Instead, when it's dry it's sweet pumpkin, and when it's wet it's all sweet honey. I do like it though!
  5. marared

    Candied Pumpkin

    Bottle? Pumpkin pie. Yum. On me? Smells just like the Feb '09 13 - one of the spices just doesn't work, and I'm leaning towards the brown sugar. It doesn't smell bad, but that one spice is taking over, and it smells nothing like the yummy pie in the bottle. Definitely very noticeable and long-lasting through at least two hand-washes.
  6. marared

    Invidia Bath Oil

    I never did review this when I had the decants, but I loved it enough to buy a bottle. It's refreshing, both sweet and tart at once - not noticeably floral, just grapefruit and lime and honey and ginger. There is some jasmine way at the bottom of the scent, but it's not the cat-pee jasmine by any stretch. I occasionally run back into my bathroom to huff after I've used it - if there was a perfume oil of this, I'd have snatched up several backups already.
  7. marared

    A mechanic's shop - oil, gasoline, exhaust

    Tobacco Honey was nauseatingly gasoline-sweet to me.
  8. marared

    Leo Stellium

    Wet, it's herbal lemon and something else in particular that I can't identify. Floral, definitely, but I couldn't tell you what it is. Maybe bergamot instead of lemon? It reminds me very much of The Butterfly, but not as fuzzy. I've had it on all day (it's not loud, but it's tenacious) and it settled into something almost powdery, like amber.
  9. Dirty/earthy patchouli blends that I can think of: Banshee Beat Ecstasy of True love is kind of a sister blend to Depraved, to my nose, although it's not as dirty Bat of Wealth Vixen (probably the dirtiest patchouli I can think of)
  10. marared

    Luna Negra: Ted's Creation

    Love this. It smells just like sangria in the bottle and freshly applied on the wrist - a very cool, sweet, alcoholic blast of berry, but not hyper-sweet like the Luau scents. After it dries down, it's mostly just sweet berry musk. I can barely detect the amber, just a bit of warmth behind the musk. Yum. Edit to add that if you like Lampades, this is a definite family member, but a little softer and sweeter.
  11. marared


    I don't like Pussy. When I rub it on my hand, it smells nasty. SERIOUSLY. It's very pretty in the bottle. Warm and golden and honey with herbs. Even on initial application, it's a lovely summery herby honey, and a beautiful background whuff of saffron. After ten minutes, it starts smelling funky. I think it's either the tobacco or the brown sugar. Actually, now that I've let it sit for a while longer, the funk has died off a bit. I think this is something I'll have to revisit in a few weeks or months.
  12. marared

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    Medb v4, a prototype. It's a sweet lemonade when it's wet, but it dries to down to vaguely lemony shortbread. J'adore.
  13. My favorite hot weather scents are: Medb (this has aged nicely and smells less like lemonade and more like a lemon cookie) Ecstasy True Love Mead Moon O Hetairae I do like the sultry ones like Banshee Beat too - but I have to use considerably less of them when it's hot, because it doesn't take much for it to get overwhelming!
  14. marared

    Luxuria Bath Oil

    Red musk, patchouli, pomegranate, red currant, bourbon vanilla, nutmeg, sweet orange. In the bottle: whoa red musk. While slathering: whoa sweet orange. Now that it's been sitting on me for a while? Orange and patchouli. So very lovely...
  15. marared

    Gula Bath Oil

    Absolutely delicious in the bottle. On me... well, guess caramel is a death note in bath oil too. *sigh* Too bad, it was SO yummy until it sat on my skin for about half an hour!
  16. marared

    Walk into a florist's shop, inhale deeply...

    What immediately came to mind were Szepasszony and Danube - both are aquatic florals, very cool, very pretty.
  17. marared


    Oblivion. mmmm. I like Love's Philosophy quite a bit too.
  18. You know how they say scent is a powerful memory trigger? Something in this has kicked me back about twenty years, and I'm not 100% sure what it is. It's making me think of this "create your own lotion" thing I read in a magazine or something once, and I have no idea what the ingredients were to do so, but it smells just like the results of whatever I made. It's very odd. It's kind of a combination between "clean cotton" and aquatic - very murky, musky floral. Pretty, but noooot my thing.
  19. In principle, I love almost all of the notes in this blend except tobacco flower, and the castoreum is an unknown factor. It's a lovely light wood scent in the imp and when it's freshly applied, but thirty seconds later and the tobacco flower dominates. It's still got a woodsy undertone, and it's *almost* even kinda unisex/masculine, but alas, that nasty tobacco flower does not play well with my chemistry. sigh.
  20. marared

    Enlightenment of the Courtesan Jigokudayu

    Reading all these reviews, it makes me wonder if I got the same blend as everyone else, because this smells like coconut wax crayon on me! I smell no pear, no carnation, nothing sweet - just coconut! It's definitely not suntan-lotion/oil coconut, though, which is definitely in its favor, but... yeah, I don't like smelling like a crayon, either. Oh well.
  21. marared

    Red Lace

    Bottle: sweet red musk. I smell the sugar and I smell red fruit, although it is not identifiably pom or raspberry. This is Dionysia stuffing herself with red velvet cupcakes and smoking a cigar afterwards. I was a little concerned about the sugar - it starts out a little sweet, but not hyper-sweet, and it mellows out almost immediately as the tobacco melds seamlessly with the sandalwood. I almost can't tell there's patchouli in this. Unfortunately, the frankincense is starting to amp, and whether or not the scent survives this will determine if I stash this or sell it. Stupid frankincense.
  22. marared

    Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse

    This one is a significant morpher. In the bottle, I smell a bright and clean pepper. Immediately on my skin, it smells like herbal tea. Given some time to warm up, it turns into a resinous musky patchouli that is very reminiscent of The Hag - warm and faintly fruity. Thankfully, the rose and the myrrh are also so faint as to have no soapy effect. It's very pretty, I'm sure it'll age nicely. ETA: there's also a mysterious pickle note in the bottle. It's definitely gorgeous once it's been on the skin for 10m or so, it's just a little odd til then!
  23. marared

    The Butterfly

    While it's very delicate, the bergamot is surprisingly bitter and sharp, and it reminds me strongly of the CTV Amber I got over the summer, which had a note that I had parsed as lime peel, but after having smelled this? Could very easily have been bergamot as well. I think this will be a lot more interesting in 4-6 months when that's burned off a bit...
  24. marared

    The Ultimate Raspberry!

    i have that on my wishlist, but wasn't sure if it'd be too boozy with it - did you find it that way? It's not a true raspberry by any stretch, it's raspberry punch, and by punch I mean hooooly cow is it alcoholic. I have not found a good true raspberry scent yet - it seems to be very hard to translate it to perfume without it being overly sweet or syrupy, when true raspberry is tongue-tinglingly tart. Dionysia is my favorite of the blends that *have* raspberry, but it's more of a general dark-tart-fruit than distinctively one berry.
  25. marared


    Black tea with spices simmered with a clove-studded orange - a very citrussy chai. More citrus than spice. I'd almost agree with the cookie comparison, but I've never smelled cookies with that much citrus in them. Yum.