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Everything posted by ValerianOddity

  1. ValerianOddity


    Obatala Out of the bottle: Rich, creamy coconut. Wet: Still predominantly coconut, but I'm starting to smell something else as well. Shea, maybe? Dry: Very soft and subtle, but still a love-fest of creamy coconutty goodness. This is wonderful. My s/o said, "You smell like coconut... and YOU." This will definitely be a bottle purchase; it smells like summer to me.
  2. ValerianOddity


    O Out of the bottle: Sweet and a little naughty. The scent reminds me of something I have smelled before, but I can't remember what. The amber is pervasive, though I think I smell a hint of vanilla. No honey at all, though. Wet: Amber is all I can smell; it completely overpowers everything else in this scent. I no longer smell that hint of vanilla I got out of the bottle, and honey is nowhere to be found. Just amber..... Dry: Still nothing but amber. Kinda sad; I really wanted to love this, but it isn't working for me. One month later: Isn't it strange how much your skin chemistry changes when you add hormones? I decided to give this another try (by coincidence, during "that" time of the month) and it's WONDERFUL now. Sticky, delicious, marvelous honey, with a hint of vanilla, and the softest whisper of amber. I am so happy! (edited for further impressions)
  3. ValerianOddity


    Just got my first pack of imps a week or so ago (squee!!), and here is my first review! Gluttony Out of the bottle: OMG. Rich expensive toffees---the kind that stick to your fingers and your mouth and are impossible not to have more of, with a hint of buttercream. Almost nauseating, it's so powerful---but in a good way. More, please..... Wet: Still the toffee smell, though it dies down a bit to more of a butterscotchy/caramelly sweetness; not so overpowering as before. I'm starting to smell hazelnut now, which is a scent I don't normally care for. Combined with everything else, however, it's delicious. Rich and creamy and decadent; I can't stop sniffing my wrist! This is divine! After 20 minutes or so: Still smells similar to how it did wet, though I get less of the individual scents now; it's become a marriage of deliciousness on my wrist. I almost want to lick myself, to see if I taste as nummy as I smell. My 12-yr-old son sniffed me, and told me I smell like hazelnut coffee. I love this scent, though i do not think I will be buying a bottle of it; it's just too powerful for everyday wear. I'll likely get a couple of imps to have around, though. Something tells me this would be a lovely "comfort scent" for PMS-y moments.....