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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lunaticana

  1. lunaticana

    Allegory of Chastity

    This IS my FAVORITE BPAL of the last 2 years ??? This is sooo goos on me omg the pink roses ??? In combination with that vanilla cream & all of the jasmiiiin lovely scent !!! So creamy with flowersssssss the best one ever for me And I already looooved all of my Unicorns so much ?
  2. lunaticana

    The Virgin and the Unicorn

    It is the combo of all the notes that makes it os good, especially the green mosses with mist rose is delicious on my skin, I thought I was done with bpals plear haha but I guess this is so little that I can handle it well, I guess I really do love everything Unicorny bpal brings out
  3. lunaticana

    Lavender Pumpkin Floss

    This perfume starts off with a lot of pumpkin on my skin, with just a hint of lavender, it sure smells good, but also very strong ? I hope that when it ages the lavender will be a little bit more prominent ?
  4. lunaticana


    I would never ever choose ths myself as a scent to wear as perfume for myself, but this is why I keep loving imps so much! It surprises me every time when I get something that I find weird totally weird from reading the notes alone The name does fit me whehe the notes are thngs I really don't look for in my BPAL! And stil, this is uper good on me! So yummy, I feel edible LOL Leather and tonka are heavy and strong but it doesn'make m sick or anything, it is sexyyyy as HELL I am telling you girls, use this and your lover will be like melted wax in your grabby hands
  5. lunaticana

    Little Fairy Tales of History Bath Oil

    This oil is sooooooooo soft and for some reason much more hydrating then my older/other TP bathoils So I am super happy with it and I have using it every day since I have it, as an after shower! The scent is light and not to overwhelmely sweet, even though it for sure IS sweet! A little bit of honey and a looot of cute little flowers I was doubting a lot to get this one (cause I also had 3 atmo's to get from Crimson peak) but I have NO REGRETS at all! I will be using his in summer when I shaved my legs and wanna go out! To bad the lable is not plasticy, I know this will not survive it till the end, I hate throwing the empties away ...
  6. lunaticana

    Ghost Revelry

    This is one of my last blind buy's and I LOVE this scent so much The orris root is perfect, thecombination of lilac and moonflower make it go misty and etheral, spooky even !!! Like it's drifting on that sandalwood, like an eerie veil .... This is the bottle I have with the most Weenie feeling for me
  7. lunaticana


    The Dark Side of Earth: deep, brooding forest scents, including juniper and patchouli. The scent of upturned cemetery loam mingling with floral offerings to the dead. Yep. Dirt! I just poured alittle bit in my oilburner Should b helping to give me the outsidey feeling and less misery for not having my own garden ...
  8. lunaticana

    The Russian Dance

    I like that black tea and I love the iris, but all the other notes are horrible on me, especially the ambergirs. I bought this years ago, when I did not had any knowledge of my scenthabits yet I still put it on today, I would hate to see more unloved bottles in my collection, I chose to keep this for the reason of it's name and th play I will go and see one again in december, so I WILL use it till it's gone
  9. lunaticana

    Pralines and Powdered Sugar

    I could swear I can smell something fresh and minty in this one! Strange but good
  10. lunaticana

    A Moment in Time

    I love this so much, tiare is my favorite and I love bpal's french lavender This is truly warm and comforting to my nose, I use it a lot to go and fall asleep, tranquility galore!
  11. lunaticana

    Blood Popsicle

    This is weird but good! It really does remind me of the smell of cinnamon, which could explain my bad reaction to it I stilll use it once in a while, but only on my wrists and just not to much First it got out I didn't wanna get it, but then I selled it on a bpal-friend and then I knew I for sure really liked it! It also gives the idea of a true and creepy blood popsickle ...
  12. lunaticana

    Alice Hair Gloss

    This is Alice, just the real little odd and weird Alice It is exactly the same as the perfume is, but maybe a little bit stronger ... I love it and even though I was really doubting because I never go for the C scents the TP makes, I am super happy that I did go for this one! NO regrets and I sometimes use it in my bedroom aswell, it is such a happy and comforting scent! And offcorse also very curious
  13. lunaticana

    Figgy Puddin'

    A loooooot of figs. So good! And brown sugar, my skin lovs this, my bottle is almost finished, It really smells super cozy and fun, but also sophisticated. It will also might give you some serious Puddin' cravings When winter arrives, I am gonna haunt the forum for some more
  14. lunaticana


    I like the flowers in here But especially the GARDENIA is really peeking out on my skin! Heliotrope is always hard to fin in perfumes so I am very happy with that too
  15. lunaticana


    This is a scent made for me I love all the notes in it!!! Super simmerisch orchid but also rose And a combination of cream accord with musk is just THE BEST
  16. lunaticana

    Nut Crack Night Atmosphere Spray

    Oaks, hazelnuts and chestnuts! Ohhh my I love this earthy scent, it is super grounding for me and my thought, I am looking out to autumn with this!
  17. lunaticana

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Beautiful picture I like all of those imps sitting happily over there
  18. lunaticana

    Comparison of Celebrated Beauties

    This is PURE vanilla cream and mimosa :love: First I was super afraid that it wouldn't give me any mimosa at all
  19. lunaticana

    Black Vanilla and Cardamom Hair Gloss

    With a touch of cinnamon, tobacco, and oudh. I have tested this from a friend that bought it The moment I spritzed this in my hair it really smelled DELICIOUS! But ...... it was all gone in a flash Very strong vanilla but on me NO THROW (at all) So, not worth the money, too bad but offcorse I did buy another HG
  20. lunaticana


    Thisbis a very strange scent. Well, atleast o me it is I love pumpkins and especially the Lab's pumpkins! So when my sweet BPAL friend got this as a frottle she gave it to me! It is so soft and warm and cozy. It is totally an autumn scent! Also in winter this can be fabukous. It reminds me of hkt cream in my coffee and a bathtub or open fire to ait in or next to. Awrsome craftsmenwork! I am happy with it and will use till it is all gone
  21. lunaticana

    Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean Atmosphere Spray

    Sugar plum is soooooooooo present I LOVE this spray, I carry it with me in my bag. It is such a cute scent, I do not want to live without it anymore. I miss my Black Pomegrantae and Blackcurrant that I completely finished, but this was a good trade The Vanilla Bean comes out after a about an hour and the combination is just lovely!
  22. lunaticana

    Trying to find the right winter scent for me

    Purple Snowballs !!!
  23. lunaticana


    Red plum galore on my skin! Also the lily and jasmine are very prominent. Offcorse the Luna LOVESSS it I've tried all of the Courtesans and together with Celeste and Kitty this os one of my favorites
  24. lunaticana

    Madagascan Vanilla Rum

    I got this from a friend, during one of our BPAL meets I did read all of these reviews to decide if I really wa ted to have the bottle And skin tested a few drops aswell! And I did smell that it has a very spicy kick to it! I love love love this vanilla that has SPICE and not just buttery vanilla. i already have enough of the more "normal" BPAL vanilla types. I think it is super sexy to wear to something special Ow. And it is my FIRST SN!!!
  25. lunaticana

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Not so many uploads lately ... I would love to see some photo's of Weenies and/or Yules though!