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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by whisperingmachines

  1. This scent is -so- lovely. I definitely agree with a lot of the points Space Kitty made- at first I was a bit hesitant, because it was a bit too strong and sweet and- dare I say it? Pier 1 Imports room candleish- but the more I sniffed myself, the more I started to like it. It's definitely a very sweet and rich scent; there's a lot going on in here and I can see why some people might not like it.


    The caramel hits the strongest; it's a tad cloying at first but quickly turns sweet and warm and nice. I definitely get opium den/bordello from this, classy and rich and decadent with just a liiiiiiittle bit of smuttiness. Just a hint.

  2. I think I might have been sniffing something else when I first tested this- I DID have like 4 scents on my arm. This smells like... like... those generic "bathroom spray" things that are mounted on the wall at hospitals. And antibiotics. I don't know. And maybe powder. What the hell?


    Oh God. This smells like bathroom spray and, I think, semen. I couldn't think of what it was, but I think it smells just slightly semen-ish. DEFINITELY trading this. Or keeping it locked away. It's mostly the weird bathroom cleaner smell getting to me.

  3. Hope it's okay to crosspost, but I'm desperate to find something similar to the scent I posted in the BBW thread:


    Does anyone own or remember Star Scents Fragrance mist in Aries? I've only got a tiny amount left in the bottle and have no idea what its notes or whatever would be, since it was discontinued in like 2001-2002 :D


    This is what the bottle looks like:



    The aries scent is a pink bottle with a red cap, though.


    I'm really bad at guessing notes unless its really obvious, like vanilla or orange or whatever. I'd say its a light, springy floral- NO ROSE- maybe with some white musk? I might take it to Nantucket Natural Oils and see if anyone can find a more famous scent to compare it to that I will then find a BPAL scent to compare to, if that makes sense :P

  4. Last night when I first tried this, I wasn't sure if I would like it- it was like BOOZE BOOZE BOOZE. But now that I sniff it again it's a lot more clove and cherry, and more light wine than heavy alcohol.


    Wet: Harsh and very hard liquor-ish.

    Dry: warmer, sweeter, and very dark. It's grown on me in the past 24 hours :P


    It makes me think of vampires, definitely; sexy, devious partying creatures who like their blood, alcohol and sex all at once.

  5. This is my first review, bear with me on the crappiness of it :P I'm not very familiar with individual notes in scents, but hopefully I'll learn by posting/lurking here :D



    In bottle: Floral.


    On me, wet: Floral, but maybe a little aquatic, with a little soap? Hard to describe because I don't really know much about this stuff. Beautiful nontheless though.


    On me, dry: Soft, clean, has that nice "I've just bathed and have freshly cleaned clothes on" with a bit of perfume scent to it. This is lovely :)


    After a short time: Creamy.


    Would I buy a bottle of it?: As with most things in life, if I had the money right now, definitely :D
