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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by whisperingmachines

  1. I think this is what I wanted Agape to smell like. Sweet and summery, I get predominantly melon, as well as what I think is the lychee and vanilla. We've got a bunch of rainy days ahead, so this will be a good way to bring some sunshine in :)

  2. Bottle: spicy and musky. Mmm red musk.


    Wet: Leather! And that lovely red musk thats in Mme Moriarty. This could be like, her lover. Aside from the Krampus being a scary Christmasy goblin dude. This is if Krampus had a dark, handsome, suave manly man human form.


    Dry: Dusty leather and red musk, with a bit of soft woods.


    Throw: I'm not really a slatherer, but I put a bit on my wrists and its wafting up, so it's pretty strong. I don't think theres a mild form of red musk...


    Overall: I bought this because I heard its like Spanked Lite (and Spanked is impossible to find and I want to try it) and this is what I was hoping Spanked smells like, and it's awesome. Certainly not an everday scent, but it would be just as nice as an out on the prowl scent as it would a stay home wrapped in a blanket and the warm rich smell of leather and wood kind of scent.

  3. Ooooh this is great! I have to do a graphic design project where we organize something we have 100 of (in my case, BPAL), then make a bunch of variables and categories- whether or not something ages well is a great category! So thanks for unintentionally inspiring me and helping my project :P



    Previously described as: "In bottle rum like...dried wheat fields

    Application-This one goes on like a dried fall field.I get a slight grain like note.After time I almost get like a hint of dried grape vines with a hint of wine...resin and that dried grain field scent.I can also get a hint of dried grass...slightly sweet but dry and fall like.."


    In bottle: There's a slightly wine-like scent, with the wheaty grassy smell.

    Wet on skin: Uh oh. Lemon. Like lemon cleaner and fruitloops.

    Dry: kind of winey-molassesy, and still lemon. The wheaty smell is still hiding there, but I'm amping the lemon (lemongrass? verbena? plain old lemon?) quite a bit.


    Unfortunately, lemon is one of my least favorite notes. Ever. Almost more than jasmine.

    Le sigh.

  5. (ETA: I'm not referring to anyone here! Just thinking of people I know who've said that the website is too big and confusing - I might direct them to Amazon instead in the future.)


    The website IS big and scary... thats half the fun! Spending several hours looking through categories and picking out what you want. Thats how I did it, and then I converted my roommate and thats how she did it :P


    Hrm, Amazon is one of the few sites my mum doesn't mind ordering from (very paranoid about online shopping). CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!


    It's very cool to know that they are on Amazon now.

  6. Ooooh, I like this.


    Wet, it smells like red velvet cake thats just out of the oven and smothered in buttercream frosting. Homemade buttacream frosting. And maybe some fruit?


    Dry, it's red velvet cake, with the scent of some kind of fruity cake hiding in the background. Yum!

  7. Well, this is unusual.


    Wet/immediately on skin is SUPER floral- gardenia I believe. I'm really not a florals girl at all, but gardenia I can tolerate in small amounts.


    Dry, after wearing it for a few hours- it's almost cakey in its sweetness. A foody floral? I'm very curious as to what notes are in this blend. Pretty, but I'm not sure if it's something I'd wear too often.

  8. SOAP.

    I had high expectations for this one. Both honey and amber can be iffy on me, depending on the blend. I don't know if being ill (allergies/cold) has any to do with this, but all I can smell is soap. Wet, dry, SOAP. In the bottle, I smell a wee bit of the sandalwood, but predominantly soap.



  9. My first 1/4 imp of Beaver Moon 05 smelled EXACTLY like fresh baked cake with gooey buttercream frosting. Then my next couple of imps and bottle smelled like graham crackers/sweet cookies with cheesecake.


    It's weird, that one imp smelled closer to MB: Closet than the other BM decants and bottle I own. Maybe it's like weed, where nothing is as good as the first time :P Hehe. Strange thing is, it still manages to smell a bit differently than the other decants.
