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Everything posted by whisperingmachines

  1. whisperingmachines

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    Awesome. See, I imagine it as what James McAvoy smells like in that scene in the library in Atonement... I thought R'lyeh was absolutely bizarre. It smelled like a murky, brackish puddle to me. Ultraviolet was also tingly and I found that to be kind of a strange scent, but ultimately it was too bugbite soothing itch cream smell on me.
  2. whisperingmachines

    The scents that get you the most compliments?

    During the summer I'm a cashier at a pet store, and thus far I've had a construction worker like The Illustrated Woman and a woman in her late 40's-50s say I smelled good- go Beaver Moon 05! My mum: "I like everything!" I get compliments on everything, even though she's pretty much my opposite (she doesn't wear oils, but I'm gonna get her a bottle for her birthday) since she likes florals and I like spicy musky scents, but she likes Mme Moriarty/Snake Charmer/Death Adder/BM05.
  3. whisperingmachines

    Sweet, sweet florals

    I think my mum is jealous of me smelling so good all the time- even though we have different tastes in perfume (I like stuff like Snake Charmer and Death Adder, she loves florals). She wants me to get her a bottle of something floral and sweet for her birthday in August, so the sooner I can get some imps to test the better. Any more recs for honeysuckle? She likes jasmine too, which I loathe It looks like Eos has both, and Juliet and Euphrosyne have jasmine or honeysuckle, so I'm gonna try and find those.
  4. whisperingmachines

    Hay Moon

    Oh, no. Lemon. *cries* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Okay I'm going to compare this scent in terms of Lost. Let's pretend that everything but the lemon is the people who have crashed on the island, having moved to the little commune where the Others used to be. Happy happy. BUT THEN, Keamy, portraying the evil lemon, comes crashing in with his group of mercenaries (more lemon!!) and completely annihilates the happy little commune. All that remains when Sawyer wanders across the lawn littered with hay absolute, cardamom, amber and wheat is the sharp, bitter scent of lemon pervading the air, the slightest hints of wheat and hay and amber faltering under the looming lemon. And then the smoke monster (also known as "whatever soap I can find in the bathroom and scalding water") comes along and wipes away all evidence. Back to normal terms... UGH! I envy you lads and ladies that this works wonderfully and non-lemony on. It sounds perfect
  5. whisperingmachines


    Soap. Pure soap *cries* Why me? It must be the carnation or the cedar. I don't even get hints of anything else- just floral soap. Really weird. The bottle art is beautiful though! I have a feeling that if those two notes weren't in there, it might work better. I just started the red tide this evening, so that may have something to do with it. I'll give it another shot in like a week.
  6. whisperingmachines

    The Illustrated Woman

    At first: Pine. But not necessarily a bad pine. When it dries, it mellows out a LOT. This is a very "quiet" and mellow scent, which isn't a bad thing- sometimes I like something that isn't loud and out there like Mme. Moriarty. My mum says it smells good too, but I think all BPAL smells good to her This would make a great body wash... and soap...
  7. whisperingmachines

    Death Adder

    Warm, dark, and sweet; I like the coconut a lot in here
  8. whisperingmachines

    Eat Me

    It's the poor man/woman's Beaver Moon 05! Not as red and velvety and cheesecakey, but it's definitely got the feel. LOOOOOVE this.
  9. whisperingmachines

    Hunting for the ultimate _____ blend

    I want some MORE CARAMEL... I've got and love my Red Lantern, what else should I look for? Is the Salon scent (arrival at the sabbath and homage to the devil) very caramel-y?
  10. whisperingmachines


    This is my favorite blend with leather in it, by far. It blends in so smoothly here, and the chardonnay is a little bit fruity and sweet. I don't get any smoke from this, except maybe a weee bit of that really lovely smelling pipe smoke I sometimes smell when walking out and about the city. Next time I have a boyfriend, I'm making him try this! WHY DOES MY DISCOVERY OF BPAL SO PAINFULLY COINCIDE WITH MY BEING SINGLE It could work really nicely on someone who was submissive or dominant. I'm half asleep so I'm really not sure where the hell I'm going with that, but I guess it could work either way with the scenario below... This scent is someone dark, beautiful and maybe a little dangerous coming up behind you. The warm smell of a recently-shed leather coat lingers on their skin, and there's the smell of sweet booze on their lips. They snake an arm around your waist and delicately wrap their fingers around your neck, and breathe "You're mine." into your ear, in an accent you can't quite place. A breath of smoke from somewhere in the room, the faint waft of a vanilla candle, and flushed skin pressed against an exquisite leather sofa. So pretty much it's like sex in a bottle.
  11. whisperingmachines

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Apparently Dorian doesn't like my neck. I've got a bugbite-sized bump (like a normal person sized bump, bug bites swell to the size of quarters/half dollars on me) on my neck behind my ears, so I guess that area is too sensitive for oil. I'll try the cleavage area at some point and see if thats any better.
  12. whisperingmachines

    Temple Viper

    In the bottle: Ooof, this is strong. Wet: Uh oh. HONEY. I amp honey and honey doesn't like me. Dry: I walk out of the room and my suitemate exclaims "OH MY GOD! I smell apple strudel! I want some!... wait, that's your perfume isn't it?" Spicy and warm and not too Snake Oilish, but that's okay because it works nicely on its own. Now Saw Scaled Viper, that's another story... EDIT: A few months later and my imp is even better now that it's aged a bit! It has that nice, sweet incense and resin smell that I like in scents such as Death Adder and Snake Charmer. I actually think it smells a bit like Snake Charmer before it completely dries. This is really beautiful.
  13. whisperingmachines


    Over the summer I dated a friend- it had its ups and downs, but I'd still consider it the most successful relationship in some ways (I'm young, I've got time to fuck up and start again ). Our last date, we went to the carnival at a town on the water nearby- full of creepy carnies, bright lights, laughter, and sweet foods. Then we sat on the rocks and watched the lights. It was awesome. This reminds me of that, but without the creepy carnies Edit: Okay, this morphs funny. In the bottle, its beautiful. Then as soon as it hits skin theres sweetness with a bit of plastic- but only if I sniff really close. From a distance (ie. average distance between my nose and wrists as I'm typing this) it's a nice sugary carnival smell. Whaaaat.
  14. whisperingmachines


    In the bottle: Tea, vanilla, and a little lemon. Wet: sweet sugary tea. Dry: Warm, gentle and feminine: flashes of the tea come back and forth between the dribbles of musk, lemon, and florals. I normally dislike lemon and florals, but they're so gentle here and the tea mellows them out a bit.
  15. whisperingmachines


    I love the rich sweetness of Elegba and Red Lantern, and read that Gluttony is good if you like either of those: but alas, this is all yankee candle on me, and wayyy too rich, even for my tastes
  16. whisperingmachines


    I got a mix of the above two reviews- turkey legs, citronella and poop. Really bizarre.
  17. whisperingmachines


    5/5 This is a lot like Red Lantern but less complex. Smokey, warm, and sweet- really glad this worked on me.
  18. whisperingmachines


    Now this is a floral that I can wear without it going cloying on me! I hate heavy florals, so this is nice since it's fairly light. I'm part Hungarian, so I had to get this The white musk, ozone, aquatic and floral notes all work really nicely here.
  19. whisperingmachines


    Imp: Light. A bit alcoholic. Wet: OOH. Alcoholic aftershave. Yerk. Dry: Warm, sweet and pretty. Woodsy but rather light on me. I was a bit put off by the fact that the oil is the color of ripe boogers, but I'm glad I tested it.
  20. My favorite sexy scent is definitely Red Lantern. I also love Mme. Moriarty, Snake Oil, and Scheherazade. Bengal went to playdoh on me. O smells... weird on me. Semen-ish.
  21. whisperingmachines


    This SEEMED like it would work on me- but it does the same really weird peanut-y smell thing that Smut did on me
  22. whisperingmachines


    Oooh, I wish this was a bit stronger on me. It's really lovely, but I don't think that unless I was, uh, doing things that live up to the scents namesake anyone else would notice it! *whistles* Fig newtons and sweet tarts, a weird but really nice smelling combination. Maybe I'll slosh on more later or wear it when it will be warmer out and see if my body heat makes it throw more.
  23. whisperingmachines

    Red Lantern

    I would just like to say... Dear Beth, Please bring this scent back every year for ever and ever. love, me
  24. whisperingmachines

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    Check out the Beyond Perfume section of the BPAL Chatter forum if you haven't already. There are a few pinned threads with all sorts of discussion on methods, retailers, and etc for making roller bottles (& pretty much anything else you could want to do with your oils). I'll go check it out, thanks
  25. whisperingmachines

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    Where can I get a bottle of a carrier/diluted oil or whatever to make a rolly out of red lantern with? Does such a thing exist?