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Everything posted by IronMollyBlack

  1. IronMollyBlack

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    I do love Hanerot Halalu, and although this is not quite as good, it's close. A bit smokier, lighter in throw, and with vanilla instead of olive, but still with the lovely beeswax. Warm and glowing, it's a winner! So glad it's GC, and I can order to my heart's content!
  2. IronMollyBlack


    Can't believe I haven't reviewed this before. My go-to sleep scent. Lavender marshmallow-vanilla goodness. I get panicky if I only have one back-up bottle. That is all.
  3. IronMollyBlack

    Crib Girls

    MMMMMM, spicy honey. Very sweet, peppery and a bit heavy on the fruit--I can see the Fruit Loops comparison. As it dries, this is sweet, rich, honey, with a bit of citrus and cardamom. YUM!
  4. IronMollyBlack

    The Snow Maiden

    Snow, juniper/pine, a touch of sweet berries, a whisper of musk, and florals that threaten to go to headacheville, but stop just before that point. I almost didn't spring for a decant of this one, but I'm glad I did.
  5. IronMollyBlack


    Initial blast of wintergreen, and then, like others have said, something aquatic, and like Anna D. said, a bit like very faint cucumber? And a hint of something floral, with a trace of musk? Fades down more minty-aquatic then down-right snowy. The snow-flakes, they have melted.
  6. IronMollyBlack

    The Shivering Boy

    Cold ozone and greenery, and then a bit of sweetness from the grape. Ahhhhh, so many snowy blends to choose from!
  7. IronMollyBlack

    Yule Cat

    Yum, vetiver! And musk and civet. This is one strong scent, a little bit goes a long way. Wore it out yesterday, and wasn't sure what the reaction would be. I actually got compliments on it. As the description states, this is no domestic house cat, this one is feral and dangerous. I'm liking it a lot now, and I bet that some aging will smooth the rough edges a bit. If these notes work with your skin chemistry, you are in for a treat. However, if they don't, I imagine this would be an epic fail.
  8. IronMollyBlack

    The Season of Ghosts

    This reminds me of my beloved Holiday Stress Relief Bath Oil, without the mint. It's at least a cousin, in the similarity of some notes, and in the tone of the scent. As with Holiday Stress Relief, I'm not going to analyze the notes, or the scent, but just take it for what it is. A scent to drive away sorrow, indeed! I think I need a bottle.
  9. IronMollyBlack

    Holiday Stress Relief Bath Oil

    Oh, how I love this stuff! The mints and the geranium are most prominent, but the other elements are there as well, adding to the mix. It is deceivingly complex, I think. I rarely am decadent enough to pour some in the bath, but when I am, the whole top floor of the house smells great for a day! If this is released again, I will be buying another bottle to treasure!
  10. IronMollyBlack

    Pink Snowballs

    As others have said, this is pink, and rosy, and girly, and sweet. And it is so NOT ME. I was hoping for Snow White without the coconut, but the rose amps to high heaven on me, as rose tends to do, so this is not going to work at all. I think I will gift the imp to my niece.
  11. IronMollyBlack


    I get a burst of peppermint, followed by what smells to me like wintergreen? The mint sticks around for quite a while, with the musk in the background, fairly prominent. It's cold and icy all right, but I think I still prefer Nuclear Winter for my mint fix.
  12. IronMollyBlack

    In Winter in My Room

    This starts out as sugared grapefruit, which is fine, and then...WHAM, hello florals, thanks for giving me a headache...lol. It was worth a try, but it didn't work out this time.
  13. IronMollyBlack

    But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light

    This is the surprise standout of the Yules so far. It is lovely. Dark, spicy, incensey, definitely sweet, yet somehow not too heavy. Definitely a bottle.
  14. IronMollyBlack


    Another vote for Penumbra!
  15. IronMollyBlack

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    Another coffee-stirrer user here! Got a giant box of 'em from Sam's. So easy to use and toss! If it's something I use fairly often, and it's rare, I've started to decant it and use from that after having an unfortunate bottle-spill accident. Only takes one...lol.
  16. IronMollyBlack


    Eerie billows of spun sugar, fluttering white cotton, and sheets of cream. Whichever reviewer upthread who said this is the marshmallow-vanilla from TKO without the lavender is spot on, at least on my skin. A real winner for me!
  17. IronMollyBlack

    Detestable Putrescence

    Yup, it's vanilla alright. At first it's very buttery, thick vanilla, more like a rich cake than ice cream, as previous reviewers have said. On me, it turns to just a very strong, sort of generic fake smelling vanilla pretty quickly, and lasts forever. I generally like foody scents, and the lab's vanillas, but this one is just not for me. *sigh*
  18. IronMollyBlack

    Velvet Tiger

    When I first put this on, I get about two minutes of OH MY GOD IT'S VETIVER! Then, everything calms down, and it's a wonderful, cinnamon-spiced orange, with the teak and vetiver nice and smoky in the background. Yep, I'm one of the lucky ones whose got the skin chem to pull this one off, apparently. I can see my self reaching for this one quite a bit. It's warm, spicy, and definitely evokes the orange and black stripes of a tiger very well. Rawwwwr!
  19. IronMollyBlack

    Dandelion and Clover.

    I am a big fan of clover scents, and for me, Passionate Shepherd nails it. Very much like a field of sweet purple clover to me! I don't think it's too hard to find, either.
  20. IronMollyBlack

    Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms

    This one doesn't seem to agree with my body chemistry at all. At first, I get all cherry blossom, which makes me sneeze, then it dries down and smells like soap. Oh well, can't win 'em all.
  21. IronMollyBlack

    Giant Vulva

    Something in this blend is giving me a full-on holy-hell headache. And it shouldn't based on the listed notes. The usual culprits for "scent headaches" for me are florals, could it be the vanilla flower? All I know is that I'm getting a lot of floral out of this, it's amping, and it's killing me. I had such high hopes. *sigh*
  22. IronMollyBlack

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    Straight off it's spicy-peppery chocolate, with some creamy caramel. I do get a bit of a boozy note. The pepper burns off quickly for me, leaving a boozy-sweet caramel, with just a hint of dark chocolate. Every once in a while I get a subtle whiff of smokiness from the pepper. It smells good, but it's not my favorite of the BPAL chocolate scents I own. I think the imp with do.
  23. IronMollyBlack

    Goblin of Yuletide Past Atmosphere Spray

    Oh my! This is absolutely GORGEOUS! What a happy, comforting scent. It really does evoke Yuletide past, to me, perhaps a Yuletide past as I wish it was. I get snow and greenery at first, like dragging in a real tree, tracking in bits of snow, with the fresh outside air coming in through the door. Then the smell of sweet cookies coming out of the oven, Snickerdoodles, to be exact. And some sweet florals in the background. *sigh*
  24. IronMollyBlack

    Le Père Fouettard

    Whip leather, coal dust, gaufrette, and black licorice. Oh, how I love this scent, and it loves me back! All the notes play nice, I get just enough leather and a touch of coal dust to keep it from being too foody, the licorice and gaufrette are just sweet enough and gorgeous! I get a pretty long wear length on it, it softens to a nice vanilla-licorice with just a hit of leather in the background. It's naughty AND nice! Definitely going to get my hands on a back-up before this one is gone!
  25. IronMollyBlack


    Well, I thought I liked this blend, then I had a rather impromptu experiment with it. I spilled about 1/4 imp (whoops!) and ended up putting it in my hair, in addition to the regular application. Thankfully, I was at an outdoor event, so I didn't suffocate anyone...lol. I didn't get any bad comments, guesses of roses/honey/incense, which I guess is pretty accurrate. I spilled some into my purse as well, and I keep catching a whiff from time to time, which I like. I'm not necessarily a fan of rose scents, but this one is soft enough and kept in check by the copal/woods/spices. The sweetness is just about right, I like a bit of sweetness to balance out the dryness of the spices and woods. I seem to get a bit of the "beeswax" feel from it that someone else mentioned. It's a complex scent, no one thing takes center stage for me. The throw is good, and it does last a very long time. So it's a winner for me.