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Posts posted by windbourne

  1. Three of my favorite notes in one glorious place? Yes, please, and THANK YOU. Well, two (white rose & ambergris) and one that I usually like and often accompanies one or the other.


    It is, indeed, the bomb, if these things are things you also like. The heart is ambergris, salty and damp, but also warm and sexy, followed by a rich breath of dusty orris, then crowned with a very cool, but slightly over-blown white rose. It's not exactly an aggressive perfume, but it's a surprisingly big scent with a pretty solid throw. Less femme fatale and more ...idk, that gently overwhelming boss in a very sleek gray wool suit who wears pearls and is rumored to have a lot of very interesting kinks, but no one can prove a damn thing. Everyone wants to know, but no one ever wants to ask.


    It's not especially complex (outside of the complexity inherent in ambergris), but it is beautiful and I love it. If I were to give it a color it would be something like the inside of an oyster -- lightly shimmery pearly white to gray, perhaps with a hint of iridescence.


    If your skin is prone to going sour or sharp with roses and you don't like it, I'd probably skip this one. The particular combination does bring out that aspect.


    Throw & wear are both slightly above average on me, but the drydown is pure ambergris SN, as is almost always the case on my skin. If there's ambergris in it, that's all that remains after a few hours.


    Overall yeeeeeeeeessss I'll take five. :D

  2. Fascinating. I love it when scents come up as heavily YMMV, even on the first page of reviews. :D


    I really loved Shortbread Snowflakes, a BPTP scent/bath oil from a while back, and this has a lot in common with that on me. Actually, it's almost identical after drydown, which puts me firmly in the category of 'all cookie, minimal rose' reviewers. I can smell the rose very strongly in the bottle, and for the first minute or so that it's on my skin. Big fluffy tea roses, plus warm, very buttery shortbread. It's pretty good! Then it dries and the roses just vanish. Once in a while if I jam my nose up to my wrist, I get a bare hint of what might have once been a petal fluttering by. I like both sets of notes just fine on their own, but I was hoping for a slightly more balanced blend.


    I have a mildly hilarious amount of Shortbread Snowflakes, so I'm almost regretting blind bottling this rose. Almost. It's still a delicious smelling and very foody perfume, and I really like the initial HELLO ROSE blast. :9


    Moderate throw, lasts average length, fades to buttery sugar.

  3. I often enjoy very simple blends, and this one is very simple indeed: a clean, soft honey with a gentle nibble of pink pepper. The honey is definitely dominant; I have to really huff to get any pepper on my wrist, though it's more present where I dabbed a bit on my forearm. If it had a color it would be a soft warm beigey neutral with pink tones. It's almost boring, but still somehow soothing.


    Except. Once in a while, I sniff at my arms and end up sneezing, and that makes me laugh. This is not the only perfume with pink pepper in it that I've had that response to and it feels especially apt here, given the inspiration.


    NB: If you are someone for whom certain honey notes go powdery you'll probably want to avoid it, though. It's definitely that sort of honey. Heck, it almost goes powdery on me, and I'm not prone to that sort of thing unless there's something else in there (orris, usually, or milk) also giving that impression.


    Light, gentle, minimal throw, lasts a few hours, fades gracefully into a lightly peppered honey on me.

  4. This is one of those very rare perfumes that I put on and really enjoyed for about ten minutes and then something went terribly wrong and I had to wash it off. Unlike Haltija, I normally adore the smell of root beer, but Outlaw actually did make me feel nauseated. I'm not sure whether it was the root beer-leather combo, or if the cream usually turns into dust on me problem reared up and bit me, or if I'm allergic to some unlisted note, or what, but, yeah, sick to my stomach after about ten minutes. Tested it twice, and both times, no bueno. Those ten minutes are pretty good, though. ^_^ Fresh sarsaparilla and a bit of leather, pretty simple and almost foodie, but not quite. Throw was solid, and I could catch whiffs just moving my hands. I'm not sad I bought it, but it's definitely off to a new home, and I'm leaving this review to remind myself that no matter how good it sounds, root beer + leather may not be my friend. :) I definitely see the comparisons to Le Pere Fouettard, with the complementary sweet & leather notes.


    ...Man, though. The mental images it brings up are stellar. Lilith in chaps with a cap gun strolling up to the bar and demanding the house reserve root beer, yyy? The dusty scent of the saloon, the smooth frothy mug slightly overflowing with strong homemade rooty brew capped off with a dollop of vanilla cream, the faint jingle of horses outside. If you breathe in deeply you can catch the scent of their saddles.... It's pretty much the best, and I wish it worked on me. ;)

  5. I feel really weird about writing a review that is ultimately a finger pointing up and "what they said!" but sometimes that's all there is to be done. XD


    Yep, powdered hot chocolate mix with dehydrated marshmallows. That is exactly what this smells like on me. Soft, sweet, minimal throw, but the dregs of it linger on my wrist for some time. Very slight plastic, but not nearly as bad as Bliss was on me. I'm inclined to chalk that up to the difference between the 'milk chocolate' and 'cocoa' notes, though the initial waft is somewhat similar.


    Got a 5 ml from Etsy recently, but I've had a decant since last year. :)

  6. So I used to obsess over coconut things when I was a kid, and this included buying raw coconuts, drilling holes in them to drain the milk, then smashing them with hammers in the garage and gobbling up the meat as best I could with my grimy little kid fingers.


    And that's what this smells like to me. =^.^=

  7. My bottle of EDS is a jellyish (semi-translucent, vs. a totally opaque creme) marine blue base absolutely full of chunky holo sparkle. Rainbow shimmer everywhere, with a lot of depth from the jelly base. It twinkles.


    The formula was very thick, usable, but would be improved with a little thinner. It dried extremely quickly, and semi-matte. You'd definitely want a topcoat to bring out the full shiny. I used three coats -- first coat was electric blue and streaky, the second was reasonably full-coverage but not quite the color of the bottle, but the third was perfect. It's a bit more green-tinted in person than this image -- it was taken with my phone, so color accuracy isn't 100% perfect -- but overall absolutely gorgeous.


    Seriously, though, it was touchably dry, even with three coats, after about two minutes, I was stunned. I was expecting to need my hardcore fast dry topcoat, but instead I just used one of my usual ones. A half-hour later, if I press really hard I can dent it slightly with a nail, but I'm not worried about waking up with sheet marks.



  8. Love me some beeswax! I don't get new car at all (that scent makes me feel nauseated pretty rapidly, so I'm glad!) I just get dusty wax both in bottle and on my skin, the scent of the drippings on a candlestick that wasn't cleaned before it was put away. To compare it to a couple of other waxy nearly-SNs:


    VS The Light of Men's Lives -- DAMW is a lot darker. The wax in TLoML is very clean and bright, the candles still burning, and the scent as a whole is warmer and lighter.

    VS Hanerot Halelu -- That one is a little more sour and smoky, more reminiscent being in a room with freshly extinguished candles. It also has an interesting tang to it that I attribute to the olive oil. DAMW is sweeter.


    All of them are fairly strong and last quite a long time, but this one has a slightly beefier throw and better longevity than the other two, though. I wore it at a convention, applying it in the morning, and could still smell it very clearly on my wrists when I passed out around 5 am.


    Overall, if beeswax is your thing, or you're trying to figure out if it's your thing, and you don't mind a hint of dust, grab at least a decant of this one asap. If neither of these things appeal to you, well...don't. :3 It does exactly what it says on the package.

  9. Popping in to say that pear-fans should try Bjugnakrækir! I was worried that it said "sweaty" pear lol but no need to worry in my opinion, the pear is wonderful and sweet!


    I like it a lot, but the Perilous Parlor is still my favorite pear.


    I actually like Bjugnakrækir more than Perilous Parlor, though I do perceive some sweatiness in the overall scent from the castoreum. It's a really lovely pear! My all-time favorite is The Vine. PP was too dusty on me, both versions.


    I love skin chemistry. XD

  10. Chalk me up for having weird skin chemistry, but this one, on drydown, smells like a very strong, heady, dirty incense. For the first minute or two, it's distinctively red patchouli with a soft honey note, and in the vial I can clearly identify the goat milk and other notes, but after that BAM. Incense. Incense and a little smoke. And maybe something sweet underneath. I can't remember having had a perfume morph quite this aggressively on me before; it really smells completely different on me than it does as a liquid.




    It's incredible and I need a full bottle. O_O Like, yesterday. I smell like the mosh pit at the Siouxsie & the Banshees concert I saw in 1995. I can't think of another BPAL I've tried that has achieved quite the same balance of sweet, smoke, and filth. *insert assortment of delighted cursing here*

  11. So this has been tickling the back of my brain since I got it. It just smells so familiar, somehow. And yesterday I was cleaning out my closet and finally nailed it.


    I have this black lace mourning outfit that I got in high school. It's definitely vintage and possibly handmade, and the bodice is lined with silk. It's not in great shape anymore because I wore the heck out of it at every possible goth event that I could between 1996 and 2003, when it got packed into a box during a move. But it smells exactly like this. So, I suppose, on me, this perfume smells like aged lace and silk and a touch of smoke and old sweat. Crazy evocative, at least for me. ;) Takes me right back to summoning up the nerve to wear it for the first time. Wearing it in the rain, in the club (when I was old enough), in a graveyard that one hilariously predictable time with that one guy. XD Yep.


    If I think of it in a more analytical way, it starts out patch, sandalwood, and tobacco, then melds down with the immortelle and ambergris to make a smooth, smoky slip of a perfume. The vanilla cream is a little dusty on me, as cream notes often are. It's pretty strong, but doesn't have a huge throw, and it lasts for quite a long time. Late drydown is all ambergris, because that's what always sticks on me whenever it's involved in the slightest. The sandalwood tries real hard to add something to it, but it's still pretty one note. Yay, my chemistry?


    Anyway, it's beautiful, and I feel pretty lucky to have located a bottle. :3

  12. First: I have a real hard time with copal. I was hoping that black copal would perhaps not so closely resemble a particular flea shampoo on me, but I WAS MISTAKEN. So, with that in mind, here is my review.


    This would be freaking amazing on someone who is not me. The apple is warm and sweet, the galbanum and orange are a complex and delicious undertone (if you're scared of galbanum because it's weird and green, nah, don't be. It's a very small part of the scent. Miniscule, even.) There's some myrrh being all...myrrhine or something. It's a little sexy and a little foodie-ish, and will probably remind a few people of candles, because it's that kind of fragrance. But on me, all these things fade under this intense tidal wave of copal, which we have established is not a great note for me. I have got to stop buying things with copal, even if all the rest of it looks great. I found it to be annoyingly long lasting, with a very apple-y throw that was juuuuust nice enough to make me want to sniff my wrist, only to pull back with a nose wrinkle. It held up under me attempting to wash it off twice. I could sort of feel it laughing at me.


    So yeah. Fruity, resinous, sweet. Copal. ._.

  13. *chinhands* Do you miss Spanked (whip leather, cardamom, patchouli and bourbon)? Never got a bottle, used up your bottle, maybe had a decant, always wanted to try it? This is really, really similar. It's a little less spicy, a wee bit smoky (at least in the initial wet stages; the tobacco and birch tar completely disappear once it's dry), and a tad warmer, but the leather note is very similar, and the drydown, at least on me, is practically identical.


    It reminds me of going to the goth club Back In The Day -- warm leather, sweet alcohol on everyone's breath, and a hint of clove smoke because everyone loved Djarum Blacks. Dark and saucy, with perhaps the implication of an invitation for sexy shenanigans later, maybe. Or now. Who can say?


    I ...this sort of scent is the sort I always want to adore and end up sniffing for a while, nodding appreciatively, then setting aside and never wearing. If you're the sort of person who likes wearing these sexy leather-and-spices-with-a-hint-of-booze scents all the time and cannot get enough, then you should stomp around until you get a bottle of one of these. But really, unless you only like the way they smell when absolutely fresh, you probably don't need both.


    tl;dr: Spanked Part Two: Electric Boogaloo.

  14. I am creating a World of Darkness character that is loosely based on Ginger from the movie Ginger Snaps and I am curious; what kind of scent would you think she'd wear?

    Shub-Niggurath seems like a cop out answer, but it seems not unsuitable. I can see Ginger (or Ginger-like characters) wearing gingery things. :) Maybe Jailbait, Three Witches, or Pepper, as other suggestions. One of the Blood Moons might also work, especially '05.

  15. Ice

    Cool and definitely cologne-like. The eucalyptus burns off almost immediately and I'm left with mostly a white musk and white ginger scent. It reminds me a little of Spider, but less...mmm, friendly, I guess? Harsh, a little bitter, and not as Ice-like as I might have expected. It's also a little headache-inducing for me.

  16. Objectively, I don't dislike this scent. But it was a battle to convince myself to actually put it on my skin and keeping it there for more than five minutes was very difficult. It smells like everything I can't stand about living in a city. Oil, wet cement, waxy lipstick, soap, grime. Public restrooms (YES. Xanon nailed it -- that kind of soapy.) Dirty streets.


    I get a sense of the florals that people are describing and the petrichor, which does appeal to me, but it's not what I end up smelling. I noped myself right out of this one. Nope, nope, nope.


    (It's a great representation of those first few pages, though, dang. :D)

  17. Do you desperately miss Neo-Tokyo, or wanted to try it, or maybe wanted to like it but found it a little too fruity for you? Try this one. That scent was very cherry blossom on me, with a metallic tinge, and the fruitiness didn't show up until late drydown. This is like the wet stage of that all the way through. Very sharp, clean, bright, gleaming, pale pink and white-silver, though not chrome. Most of the other recent LEs/GCs with that as a note have warmer or sweeter notes, but not Little Sister Is Watching You.


    Cherry blossom is always a little bit like dryer sheets on me, but this is less so than usual.


    I really like it, but it also puts my nerves a little on edge, so I'm not sure when I'd want to wear it. ?_?

  18. Ahhaaaaa, oh god. So I learned with the SN that I -love- galbanum. This opens with a strong green galbanum that I just want to wander around in and huff and roll my eyes back in my head like a shark. Except then, thirty seconds in, suddenly there's this intense black pepper kaboom. And I am not a fan of black pepper. ~___~;; It's like watching late night TV and drowsing off and then the show ends with a BZZZZZZ. (That doesn't happen anymore, I don't think? Maybe it does. I used to watch public access as a kid and that was it, around 3 am. BZZZZZZZ)


    If I am patient and don't sniff for a half hour or so, it is absolutely amazing. The pepper retreats and the other notes rise and it's gorgeous. Soft and woody with a grey fuzziness from the ambergris and a little sharp ozone under it all. It has a little bit of a peek-a-boo aspect to it, where it seems to fade in and out, not unlike television static. I put it on last night before I went to bed and my wrists still wafted a little sandalwood and ambergris.


    I think I need a bottle of this despite the pepper. I love Kabuki anyway, so I was predisposed, but. Seriously, if you like galbanum, give this a try.

  19. I just got to try this sucker out after long-term curiosity and found it pleasant, but not of Super Covetous BPALicorn status. If I'd been at that Convergence, I would be keeping the heck out of it because Memories, but since I wasn't...XD


    Wet, it was oddly chemical, but once it dried, yep, buttery crumpets and fruity jam. It dries down like a less cakey Eat Me or, yes, Knave of Hearts minus the rose. Delightful, but I can stop eyeballing the description with heart eyes, because there are GCs that make good substitutes. :)

  20. Red, red roses, murky opoponax, drooping vetiver, and myrrh.

    This is a somewhat gritty rose scent, dark and viscous on the skin, with slightly smoky vetiver and myrrh that settle into your nose and the back of your throat. The roses are big and deep and heavy and definitely red and slightly punchy; they come out more as the scent dries. It goes on a rather dark oil, though it doesn't stain, and on me the throw is fairly mild, but it lasts forever. I could still smell it very faintly the next morning.

    In terms of imagery, it certainly suits the painting depicted on the label.

    ...ah, who am I kidding. OFF smells exactly like you'd expect it to. Pulling out my favorite descriptive phrase: this oil does what it says on the tin. Vetiver, resins, rose. If that sounds good to you, then you are ...well, not really set, because of the approximate rarity of this beast, but the good news is that there have been a quite a few scents in the same family and they seem to come out at regular intervals. You could achieve something pretty similar to OFF by layering any of the really strong, nearly single-note roses like Peacock Queen or Rose Red or even The Rose, though that one is lighter and damper, with something with strong vetiver and myrrh notes. The Sick Rose was, IIRC, a little like this, but less dense, as well, and Elizabeth of Bohemia was brighter with oudh instead of the darker notes, but has a similarly strong rose note.

    I think it's pretty great, and one of my two favorites from the entire line, but that really says less than you would think, as most of the line I found more interesting than wearable.

  21. Seriously? I never reviewed this? :o


    Anyway, I have both 2008 and 2013 versions, and they are rather different beasts.


    On me, 2008 is all about warm buttery cookies and soft black leather that amps up as it dries, then a hint of licorice with a background dusting of coal. It throws like gangbusters, lasts forever, and has basically been one of my favorite things to pull out of my box, look at, and then mourn that it is the last of its kind. Mind you, I've barely made a dent in my bottle because VERY STRONG THROW APPLY LIGHTLY, plus I had a decant to work through before I even started on the bottle. Spoilers: I totally did that.


    2013 opens with grasping black licorice, the really tough kind with a bit of saltiness, a niblet of shiny leather, then some hesitant cookies, all layered over with a dusting of coal. The throw is rather less intense and it doesn't last as long. It's still pretty great, but for me, 2008 is the clear winner (as if I were actually death-matching them LOL NO, they are both mine.) OTOH, if you want more licorice, then you are in luck.


    So in my opinion, if you were looking to the new release to understand why the old one got so expensive, you're probably in the same theater, but 2008 has got the better tickets. 2013 might age to a similar glory, but might get stuck behind a pillar. A pillar made of licorice*.


    Also, just as a statement -- try layering either of them with Butter Rum Cookie. Omnomnommity nom.


    *I actually love licorice. If 2013 were my first experience with this scent, I would probably adore it completely.

  22. I think that, to really love this, you should probably at least be able to tolerate and ideally enjoy galbanum and the peculiar greenish lilt that it adds to everything it touches. As it happens, I have ended up really liking it, so I find this melange of tree resins and the slightest hint of orange and clove to be delightful and very wearable. The galbanum fades after a while to a light and spicy haze, but the clove comes out a lot more after it starts drying, to the point where it's twinned with the quasi-wintergreenish olibanum for staying power.


    That's where this ends up on me, a mild cool goldgreen scent that lingers quietly on my skin for a few hours before fading out. I don't think I need a bottle, but it's really lovely.


    (As a side note, I can see where comparisons to Icon might occur, but the orange in that is wayyy stronger and it's a lot deeper on me because of the sandalwood/myrrh one-two punch. Similar families, though. Sweetish resinous goodness. Mmm.)

  23. This is a strange beast. On me it starts as an intensely astringent (like, it made my mouth water slightly in the way that smelling really tart lemonade does) pink lime with a swirly underpinning of herbs and a slithering green musk. The wormwood and hinoki (which often reminds me of citrus-scented cleaning solutions) pop up later. The endgame is mostly green musk and a bit of cedar, but that citrus twist remains strong throughout. It's definitely an 'Alice' scent, in the curiouser and curiouser sense, but also slightly uncomfortable for me to wear.


    It doesn't have a huge throw, but it actually got stronger after ~1 hour wear and I had to wash it off, so I can't speak to longevity.


    The last thing that I recall having this strong an "errr, what -exactly- is happening on my wrist?" reaction to was Serpents With Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues, which also had herbal, citrus, and green musk notes. I think, perhaps, that this is a combination I should avoid.


    OTOH, if you think green musk is the absolute bomb or you love the aforementioned d/c'ed Serpents, Luna (moth), or maybe 51 (wanderlust), and think the other notes sound acceptable, then you should be hunting down some of this to try.

  24. This reminds me a lot of Peter Quint (the notes for that are: leather, balsam, ambergris, and bay laurel) at first, but instead of cooling off as PQ does, the cinnamon spices it up and makes this a warm, brownish blend, very homey and kind. The leather notes are pretty similar on me, though, and they both fade relatively quickly on me and lack much throw.


    I have no regrets on ordering this one; it's a beautiful and rather comforting blend.
