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Everything posted by windbourne

  1. windbourne


    That one got you, too? <3 No 93 Engine (one of my big all-time loves), does, I remember that. It's so gorgeous...! Here's a Lab search for balsam, which should get you all the GC that have it: http://www.bpal.org/search/index.php?term=...=1&search=1 Other LEs are: Glukuprikos, Mort de Cesar (rather exciting, that one.), Farewell to False Love (last year's Lupercalia), Mourning Moon...a little searching will turn up a few more.
  2. windbourne

    Pothôn Mêtêr

    This one is proving to be my surprise hit from my decant collection and will soon be joining my bottle collection. Initially, it's largely spicy berry with a subtle but noticeable rose tint. After a while the pepper really comes out to play and it's sneezily sharp (though still pleasant) for about an hour -- seriously, it made me sneeze once. -- and after that it settles down and becomes this beautiful mellow floral berry tea-like scent with a hint of peppery vigor and a background of smooth sweetness (that'd be the caramel & cognac...). It really reminds me of one of my favorite tea blends. I...just kind of love it. Unexpectedly, but without reservations.
  3. windbourne

    White Rose

    Of the two, this was the one that really grabbed my nose first. I love the Lab's white rose, and it's very nice on me, mellow in ways that their red rose isn't. I agree with other posters -- this is something like a much milder Dorian, with tea and sweetness -- but creamier and fruitier, which is AWESOME. I would wear this very happily by itself any day; it delights me! A sweet, creamy scent without the cream note of death! Layered with Red Rose, it changes in tone, becomes sultry and delicious. The Red really brings out the sexy, and the two together are a stunningly paired whole. ...I thiiink I need a full set. The decants are nice, but I think I'll gift them forth and just dive in.
  4. windbourne

    Red Rose

    This scared me a little at first, with its fir and tobacco aspects, but after a few minutes, it really blossomed out into something completely gorgeous. This is one of very few clove scents that I've found really smells like clove on me, and I have discovered that I really like it, particularly blended with the rose and amber. The musk is pretty mellow, which is nice, and it adds a lovely sexiness that appeals a great deal to my more hedonistic side. As has been said, though on its own it's nice, with the White, it really enters the realm of the sublime. White Rose mellows it out and adds sweetness without being saccharine. Altogether a gorgeous blend.
  5. windbourne

    Bony Moon

    What Teilan said. Seriously, I think I got this mostly reflexively, because I -know- what cedar is on me, and while I love sandalwood, without something sweeter to temper it, it tends to go straight to the land of import shop and stay there. That said, this scent is almost exactly as you might expect. The lunar herbs make it lighter and sharper than it would be with just the main two scents on their own, but otherwise ...yup, Cedar vs. Sandalwood -- FINAL ROUND. I like simple scents, but I really need to learn that simple does not always equal wonderful on me. It might actually make a really nice room scent, though, if you were aiming for a mellow, vaguely Middle-Eastern-without-incense feeling. Hm.
  6. windbourne

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    Holy heckuva kick, Batman... This one I have such mixed feelings on. The initial wave of sweet salty caramel covered in dark chocolate please me completely, but the pepper burn that comes out as it dries makes me vaguely disgruntled. The chocolate -does- come back after a while, but it's much fainter. If this stayed true to the first wave, I would need multiple bottles. As it is, I might get one. And scent locket it. It is, for what it's worth, the first caramel scent that I've tried that didn't go ragingly bitter after a few minutes. It's much smoother and mellower than most. It's also not -exactly- foody. It's pretty sweet, but the sweetness is much calmed by the pepper and rendered almost masculine in tone. This is one I think I might try putting on a boy sometime, possibly layered with something with leather in.
  7. windbourne


    Diwali has a lot of notes I like and a few I apparently cannot wear -- mango is good for me, and the scent certainly starts out a bit mango-rrific. Cardamom, clove, almond, rice flower -- good, good, good (though I really wish the rice flower was stronger. I have developed a strong liking for it, but there's not much that really showcases it because it's usually so light.) Tamarind, raisin, and cashew I don't think I've ever met in a perfume format before, so it's hard to say if they are creating more than a dull background hum. There's a certain orangey-but-not-orange quality to it that I do associate with tamarind, so I suppose that's noticeable. There's jasmine (that'd be the mogra) whispering out from the sides, but it's not too strong and a curious bitterness that might be the supari? Both of those are okay. Then there's the incense. CEDAR. MY BANE. That's the thing. This one is lovely and sweet and mellow and creamy and vaguely -- but not overly -- fruity for about fifteen minutes. And then it's cedar. A lot of cedar. And that's it. So Diwali is not my friend. It's really pretty for a short while, and then pencil shavings and sadness. Boo. *shrug* Ah, well. More for thems what loves it.
  8. windbourne

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    You know...this scent is way too subdued on me to have the description be apt. On me, the woods are not splintered, they are neatly chopped up and made into a very charming bookcase or coffee table; the flowers are neatly arranged into a pleasant arrangement on top of the resulting piece of furniture, and the pepper is so pale as to be absent. The mandarin is completely absent as well, and the musk is very pleasant and well-behaved. In other words, I get the ghosts, and I get the grandmother, but the mania is conspicuously lacking. *shrug*!
  9. windbourne


    In the imp it smells quite lovely, all tobacco and rummy leather. On me, after a fifteen-minute wet stage in which it's quite pleasant, it turns into rather scary old lady perfume. You know, the kind of old woman who chomps cigars and carries around a long-suffering little dog in a heavy leather handbag? It's just awful. I had to wash it right off. I'm not sure what it is -- perhaps the snakeroot? I can't remember seeing that note in anything else....(and a quick search tells me that, at least among the gc's, there is nothing else. ^-^;; ) But it just kills this one for me. *shrug* There are other leather and tobacco scents in the catalogue...
  10. windbourne


    An ethereal bouquet of night-blooming flowers. Evening primrose, ruellia, flowering nicotiana, wild petunia, panani-o-kai, night phlox, night gladiolus, moonflower and the elusive scent of Nottingham Catchfly. This one was unexpectedly nice on me -- I'm not much of a floral-lover, but apparently a scent made up almost entirely of 'night' flowers works well with my chemistry. It's quite dark and dense, and suits the name quite well. After several hours it -does- turn to a hint of dryer sheets, as many pure florals do on me, but this is one of the few Moriendi scents I may keep around. I'd feel more inclined to wear it during the summer, however, as it has a vaguely sweaty feeling that doesn't sit well with me in midwinter.
  11. windbourne


    On me, Fae is very sweet, with a touch of underlying rot -- a little peach, a little floral, a tiny touch of hesitant citrussy sparkle, and then a lot of goo. It's like a peach that's gone bad. I like the scent of the imp, but it's not one I can wear, and it only gets worse as it dries and the oakmoss takes over. Passing along~ passing along~
  12. windbourne


    Elegba was great for the first fifteen minutes -- boozy, coconutty, very sweet and a little burnt, but then it turned strangely plasticky and awful. I was stuck wearing it for the better part of several hours at work, which made me very sad. The throw, fortunately, was not strong, and it wore off eventually, but it took a while. This is one for which I like the sound of all the ingredients individually, but the overall whole leaves me feeling disgruntled. Passing it on. Go, imp, Go!
  13. windbourne

    Antique Lace

    I must admit, the description of this one doesn't at all do it justice -- there's nothing faint or dry about it! Maybe as it ages it mellows, but this Lab-fresh imp was quite gooey. I found Antique Lace to be stiflingly sweet, very vanilla and linen, very Grandma's house (nostalgia, indeed.), with that semi-cleaning product ~thing~ that linen seems to do on my skin, and extraordinarily strong, with a thick, viscous throw that oozed off my skin for several hours even after being washed off. While not an unpleasant scent, it's not one that suits me at all. Off to swaps it goes.
  14. windbourne

    Snake Charmer

    This is regarding the current Resurrected version. In the bottle, it's incense and vanilla and red musk. Nice, but not exceptional. On my skin, it's a very somewhat lighter and sweeter Mme. Moriarty clone. It's nice, and I love the Madame, so I find Charmer appealing and wearable, but not obsession-inducing. There is a hint of the mustiness that Snake Oil leaves on me for a short while, but it fades relatively quickly, which is good, because I don't like Snake Oil. On me it smells a bit of wet dog. ;; I may buy a bottle, mostly to see how it ages, but I'm not wildly crazy about it.
  15. windbourne

    Beaver Moon 2005

    Yum. I think I may eat my arm. :9 I've been really into the cookie/cake/uber-foody scents lately, and this one is made of delicious white fluffy gooey cupcake with frosting and creamysweet cheescake. Definitely bottle worthy, and now I understand why it was such a popular and sought after scent. :9 I get absolutely no fruit from it, which is fine by me. I have plenty of other fruity smells. This one is fresh-baked! Edit: I must also mention that I had a terrible snowy commute and a really busy and stressful day at work, and this perfume was the best part of my day. Lovely waftings of cupcakes all around me, all day. Every time it made me smile a bit.
  16. windbourne

    Candy Phoenix

    I really understand the comparisons between Sticky Pillowcase and this one -- on my skin, they're very close, but Sticky has a darker undertone to the scent (something like burnt sugar), while this one is really light, and yes, effervescent. Also, very fruity, though pomegranate vaporizes on me, leaving an indistinct, rather generic "fruit" scent. I like it pretty well, but I'm not going to want to wear something that makes me smell like a piece of flavored sugar crystal very often, so I probably won't buy a bottle -- it's terribly, terribly girly and sweet, and I'm not really either. ^.^
  17. windbourne

    Oil Equivalents of the Bath and Massage Oils?

    For Winter Maiden, Lines Written Among The Euganean Hills is practically spot-on. And I second that Mme. Moriarty is a gorgeous complement for Luxuria. The one I'm curious if anyone has a hint about is Castitas -- what else (especially, maybe, a GC? ;_; ) has that lovely light rice flower scent?
  18. windbourne

    Banana Peel in a Graveyard

    Unbelievably accurate. I can't wear either banana or death-related scents with any degree of success, but I had to try it, just because. It was pretty amazing, but so not something I'll be keeping. Other people deserve to test out the awesome for themselves.
  19. windbourne

    Green Party

    Musty/mossy cucumber-melon-grass-greeeeeen. Very appropriate to the name and ideals, not at all good on me. I'm happy to have gotten to try it, though.
  20. windbourne

    Hanerot Halalu

    I lovelovelove the BPAL beeswax note, and may be fairly accused of bias in this matter, but still. I LOVE THIS. It's got a beautiful beeswax center, surrounded by wisps of smoke and the smoothness of the olive oil. It sticks and it stays and I love it and would bathe in it if it were a bath oil. It's as close as I would ever want to get to a beeswax SN -- warmer and more mellow than To Helen, no flowers to distract like Her Voice, no black pepper or wool to muddle it on my skin like Ichabod, and without all the extra trimmings of No. 93 Engine. I love all of those, but this is the one I'll likely turn to as a default scent on days when I want ~beeswax~ and don't want to think too hard about what I'm wearing. ^___^! Plus, the throw isn't excessive, so I can wear it to work. A++++++ will wear again 1000 times. ^_~
  21. windbourne


    Humhum. It reminds me of...honey and wax, with something under it...maybe ginger? Some kind of resinous aspect, and, on me, just a little of some heavy floral, possibly jasmine or lily. I like it, but I like it wet more than I like it dry. Also, it seems to be a little burn-y on my skin, which is disconcerting, as I haven't run across any oils that felt like this before. I like it, by and large, but it's not one I'm going to immediately leap upon as a new favorite.
  22. windbourne


    Wonderful, FAST punch in the head of clarity and focus. I keep forgetting that I have this since I put all my TALs in a special box rather than leaving them out with the rest of the imps & decants. I need to use it more often when I'm feeling muzzy and distractable. It's got a brisk (almost brusque!) minty-lemony-tea scent, but it doesn't matter because it works extremely well for me. I do tend to use it with a little Determination, so that I don't get bogged down in the wrong thing, but it really helps me keep to task.
  23. windbourne

    Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

    Brilliantly fruity and shining, but in a menacing way. Something (the green musk? the snakeskin? I'm familiar with neither of those notes...) makes this scent smell very dangerous. The currant and citrus notes are pretty much as I'd expected, but there's a sinuous aspect to it that sets my nose on edge. I give it credit for being exactly what it says it is on the label -- it's full of slippery snakes and shining fruits, but it's not one I will ever want to put on my skin again. I don't have a problem with snakes as animals, but smelling of snake is not something I want. :/
  24. windbourne

    The Little Sparrow

    I don't know that I have a lot to add to this one. It's very dry, mellow, and fluffy, like an autumn field with the white seed pods flying about. The sandalwood is the most distinct note on me, which is terribly unsurprising, as I amp it like the dickens, but it's not as aggressive in this blend as it often can be, which is a pleasant surprise, as I don't often want to smell like an import shop. I find it very comfortable to wear; it's one I think I might wear on a day when I don't want to smell like I'm wearing perfume at all, but want a soft aura of cozy to snuggle into. I don't know that I need a bottle of it, as I generally prefer more showy perfumes, but I'll be keeping my imp for harsh wintry days when I just want a snug and a warm room.
  25. windbourne

    The Miller's Daughter

    I really like this in the imp -- it's very golden and sweet, with a bit of rose to light it up a bit -- but as soon as it hits my skin it turns to soapy water. :/ It mellows some as it dries; I can smell hay in it at that point, but it's definitely not a -dry- hay, which is good, since I couldn't stand Scarecrow. As it continues, the rose shows up a bit. It's really more of a white or pink rose, light and airy and -very- sweet, with the amber remaining mild and impersonal. I -think- I like it? It's not really like any other scent I've tried, ultimately. I may have to try it again in a week or so after it's settled a bit. Maybe the soapy salt will fade a little? If not, I'll swap it away. But I'd like to give it another chance.