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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by windbourne

  1. windbourne

    The Enterprise of the Night

    Objectively, I don't dislike this scent. But it was a battle to convince myself to actually put it on my skin and keeping it there for more than five minutes was very difficult. It smells like everything I can't stand about living in a city. Oil, wet cement, waxy lipstick, soap, grime. Public restrooms (YES. Xanon nailed it -- that kind of soapy.) Dirty streets. I get a sense of the florals that people are describing and the petrichor, which does appeal to me, but it's not what I end up smelling. I noped myself right out of this one. Nope, nope, nope. (It's a great representation of those first few pages, though, dang. )
  2. windbourne

    Little Sister is Watching You

    Do you desperately miss Neo-Tokyo, or wanted to try it, or maybe wanted to like it but found it a little too fruity for you? Try this one. That scent was very cherry blossom on me, with a metallic tinge, and the fruitiness didn't show up until late drydown. This is like the wet stage of that all the way through. Very sharp, clean, bright, gleaming, pale pink and white-silver, though not chrome. Most of the other recent LEs/GCs with that as a note have warmer or sweeter notes, but not Little Sister Is Watching You. Cherry blossom is always a little bit like dryer sheets on me, but this is less so than usual. I really like it, but it also puts my nerves a little on edge, so I'm not sure when I'd want to wear it. ?_?
  3. windbourne

    Channel Snow

    Ahhaaaaa, oh god. So I learned with the SN that I -love- galbanum. This opens with a strong green galbanum that I just want to wander around in and huff and roll my eyes back in my head like a shark. Except then, thirty seconds in, suddenly there's this intense black pepper kaboom. And I am not a fan of black pepper. ~___~;; It's like watching late night TV and drowsing off and then the show ends with a BZZZZZZ. (That doesn't happen anymore, I don't think? Maybe it does. I used to watch public access as a kid and that was it, around 3 am. BZZZZZZZ) If I am patient and don't sniff for a half hour or so, it is absolutely amazing. The pepper retreats and the other notes rise and it's gorgeous. Soft and woody with a grey fuzziness from the ambergris and a little sharp ozone under it all. It has a little bit of a peek-a-boo aspect to it, where it seems to fade in and out, not unlike television static. I put it on last night before I went to bed and my wrists still wafted a little sandalwood and ambergris. I think I need a bottle of this despite the pepper. I love Kabuki anyway, so I was predisposed, but. Seriously, if you like galbanum, give this a try.
  4. windbourne

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    I just got to try this sucker out after long-term curiosity and found it pleasant, but not of Super Covetous BPALicorn status. If I'd been at that Convergence, I would be keeping the heck out of it because Memories, but since I wasn't... Wet, it was oddly chemical, but once it dried, yep, buttery crumpets and fruity jam. It dries down like a less cakey Eat Me or, yes, Knave of Hearts minus the rose. Delightful, but I can stop eyeballing the description with heart eyes, because there are GCs that make good substitutes.
  5. windbourne

    Le Père Fouettard

    Seriously? I never reviewed this? Anyway, I have both 2008 and 2013 versions, and they are rather different beasts. On me, 2008 is all about warm buttery cookies and soft black leather that amps up as it dries, then a hint of licorice with a background dusting of coal. It throws like gangbusters, lasts forever, and has basically been one of my favorite things to pull out of my box, look at, and then mourn that it is the last of its kind. Mind you, I've barely made a dent in my bottle because VERY STRONG THROW APPLY LIGHTLY, plus I had a decant to work through before I even started on the bottle. Spoilers: I totally did that. 2013 opens with grasping black licorice, the really tough kind with a bit of saltiness, a niblet of shiny leather, then some hesitant cookies, all layered over with a dusting of coal. The throw is rather less intense and it doesn't last as long. It's still pretty great, but for me, 2008 is the clear winner (as if I were actually death-matching them LOL NO, they are both mine.) OTOH, if you want more licorice, then you are in luck. So in my opinion, if you were looking to the new release to understand why the old one got so expensive, you're probably in the same theater, but 2008 has got the better tickets. 2013 might age to a similar glory, but might get stuck behind a pillar. A pillar made of licorice*. Also, just as a statement -- try layering either of them with Butter Rum Cookie. Omnomnommity nom. *I actually love licorice. If 2013 were my first experience with this scent, I would probably adore it completely.
  6. windbourne


    CYKRANOSH Construction paper and glue, 2013 My Saturn has all the rings. Sour gummi bears, cherry cordial, and apricot preserves. Cykranosh I am impressed at how accurate this is to the notes, at least on initial sniff and application. Seriously, slightly crunchy sour gummi bears with a gooey cherry blop and some sticky apricot on top. As it dries, the apricot and cherry execute a martial take over and the sour crunchy nose-feel (what) dissolves into a melted candy goo. I'm enjoying this rather a lot, though I have to admit it seems to disappear awfully fast. I've noticed that with other apricot notes before, though; it's such a top note, and if it doesn't have something to ground it, the perfume just kind of vaporizes. After about a half-hour it's mostly sugary cherry candy, with about the throw of a scratch'n'sniff sticker. It's a little plasticky, but I don't mind. If you were dressing as the cherry-themed Sugar Rush racer from Wreck-It Ralph, you would want to douse yourself liberally in this perfume.
  7. windbourne

    Tacitus' Phoenix

    I think that, to really love this, you should probably at least be able to tolerate and ideally enjoy galbanum and the peculiar greenish lilt that it adds to everything it touches. As it happens, I have ended up really liking it, so I find this melange of tree resins and the slightest hint of orange and clove to be delightful and very wearable. The galbanum fades after a while to a light and spicy haze, but the clove comes out a lot more after it starts drying, to the point where it's twinned with the quasi-wintergreenish olibanum for staying power. That's where this ends up on me, a mild cool goldgreen scent that lingers quietly on my skin for a few hours before fading out. I don't think I need a bottle, but it's really lovely. (As a side note, I can see where comparisons to Icon might occur, but the orange in that is wayyy stronger and it's a lot deeper on me because of the sandalwood/myrrh one-two punch. Similar families, though. Sweetish resinous goodness. Mmm.)
  8. windbourne

    Wormwood Field

    This is a strange beast. On me it starts as an intensely astringent (like, it made my mouth water slightly in the way that smelling really tart lemonade does) pink lime with a swirly underpinning of herbs and a slithering green musk. The wormwood and hinoki (which often reminds me of citrus-scented cleaning solutions) pop up later. The endgame is mostly green musk and a bit of cedar, but that citrus twist remains strong throughout. It's definitely an 'Alice' scent, in the curiouser and curiouser sense, but also slightly uncomfortable for me to wear. It doesn't have a huge throw, but it actually got stronger after ~1 hour wear and I had to wash it off, so I can't speak to longevity. The last thing that I recall having this strong an "errr, what -exactly- is happening on my wrist?" reaction to was Serpents With Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues, which also had herbal, citrus, and green musk notes. I think, perhaps, that this is a combination I should avoid. OTOH, if you think green musk is the absolute bomb or you love the aforementioned d/c'ed Serpents, Luna (moth), or maybe 51 (wanderlust), and think the other notes sound acceptable, then you should be hunting down some of this to try.
  9. windbourne


    This reminds me a lot of Peter Quint (the notes for that are: leather, balsam, ambergris, and bay laurel) at first, but instead of cooling off as PQ does, the cinnamon spices it up and makes this a warm, brownish blend, very homey and kind. The leather notes are pretty similar on me, though, and they both fade relatively quickly on me and lack much throw. I have no regrets on ordering this one; it's a beautiful and rather comforting blend.
  10. windbourne


    As everyone else has noted, it's really thick and sort of gloppy. I got a decant of this to test and it's a wee bit hard to apply only a tiny bit (unless you use just the end of the wand) because it just blorps everywhere. Pretty cool. My impression of this is more piney and woody, with a vanilla-like sweetness. It reminds me a bit of sniffing the underbark of Ponderosa Pines. As it dries, it mellows a bit and some of the sweetness fades. The throw is not inconsiderable, but it did fade pretty quickly on me. Late drydown reminds me of sap or other tree-related gumminess, and it stayed sticky until quite late in the game. A bottle of this is not in my cards, but I'm pretty happy to have tested it.
  11. windbourne

    To-Day Will Die To-Morrow

    I am not a tuberose fan, so my decision to try a decant of this was based mostly around the word "aniseseed" and hope. Oops. That certainly is a mess of sweet white flowers blossoming off my wrist. Tuberose is definitely the strongest note on me, followed by the lilac and carnation and then the benzoin (which is nice, but not a super-fave of mine, either) and way down at the very bottom end of the stack, a tiny hint of anise. It's quite a pale scent, but very rich, and reminds me of one of those really lush hothouse gardens where everything is just a little damp and it's almost too warm for comfort. It's pretty strong, though not super long-lasting, and wow, if you like tuberose, please do engage yourself in a quick purchase of this perfume. I don't, so, er, I'll just be passing this along to my friend who does.
  12. windbourne

    I am Tired of Tears and Laughter

    This is pretty gorgeous. Definitely a strong lavender at the start, but it does burn off as it dries down, allowing the oudh's spicy, woody glory to shine. The benzoin is not super-strong, but lends a vanilla-like, but nearly medicinal afternote. It is almost masculine, but I think settles in the unisex region and I think I need a bottle. So, basically, what they said. ;; If it sounds like something you would like, you probably will. It didn't surprise me much at all. File under: Does What It Says On The Tin.
  13. SHIRAFUJI GENTA WITH A KAPPA Lansium domesticum, sweetgrass, benzoin, white mint, lavender, juniper berry, cedarwood, osmanthus, and rice wine. When I open the bottle, it smells of lavender and a slight grassiness, with a little floral underneath. On my skin, it's almost entirely lavender and juniper berry, fading down to a slightly sweetened cedar. I hope that someone else will review this who doesn't amp lavender beyond almost everything else, but that's most of what I get. *shrug* You win some, you lose some. If you like lavender and enjoy juniper, don't mind cedar and perhaps delight in benzoin -- this one's all for you, baby. Decent wear length, throws lavender across the room if you're me.
  14. windbourne

    Thirteen (13): May 2011

    This 13 is all about getting lucky! A base of rich cacao absolute and honey with thirteen lust-inspiring oils: patchouli, vanilla absolute, rose otto, red sandalwood, devil’s bit, caraway, cardamom, cubeb, carrot seed, ginseng, yohimbe, saffron, and grains of paradise. Fresh out of the box, this is, and no lie, but I have a hard time waiting to try my 13 bottles. :3 It's one of the releases I most look forward to, even though there have been a few that really didn't work on me. Still, they're different every time, so I always get one. The label on this one is nice, too--black with a red '13' that looks like a peephole into a scene of some possible debauch. So. In the bottle this one worried me. It's a little bit cocoa, like they usually are, but with a weird sour herbal tang that I didn't like much at first (and I generally like herbal). However, on my skin, it blossoms into a definitely strange, but amazing blend of slight rose and sandalwood and citrus. The chocolate scent is -gone-, absolutely vaporized under the herbs. The patchouli starts to grow in strength, but it doesn't seem to be heading towards dirty at all. This is a remarkably clean scent for a lust-inducing blend, though the ginseng lends it a slight earthiness. Like most 13s, some of the notes are a little weak, but I expect they'll grow stronger as they age and, even more, as I let it settle and blend. It's got a pretty decent throw for the first while; I can smell it wafting off my wrists as I type. Longevity seems moderate. I suspect that I'll have a certain amount of lingering fragrance as the day wears on, but I think I'm the only one who will know it, and then only if I really huff my wrists. I think I like it, and it's really not at all like any of the others I've tried. I thought the last one wasn't particularly chocolatey, but this one is even less so. I admit that I'm having a little bit of difficulty grasping it. There's something about it that just kind of slips past my attention, almost hypnotic in nature. I'm going to give it a month or so to settle and see what happens then, but I think I can see a place for this bottle in my collection. I don't know about lust-inspiring, but it's definitely keeping me distracted. I'd give this a color range from medium auburn to creamy golden yellow. It's that kind of scent; mellow in some phases and sharp in others. ETA: Boyfriend likes it. :3
  15. windbourne


    Amaaaaaaaazing. I receive 0% strawberry, but all sweet marshmallow, whipped cream, and rose. It's like, I think my nose is falling off from this being precisely what I hoped it would be. I love rose, I love sugar, but I wasn't totally in love with Hope -- this is like Hope to the 3rd degree. Hope3. Sticky sticky sticky candied candy candy rose rose rose covered in marshmallow mallow mallow goo. Throw is moderate and inoffensive (except possibly to those sensitive to sugar and/or rose), dries to mostly dusty rose petals with an echo of cream. Love3.
  16. windbourne


    Pretty much what they said? It does remind me of Antikythera, except that AM has teak and I hate teak, it does have a slightly cologne-like aspect at first, but that fades after a bit, it's a wood and vanilla scent, and it actually works on me, so far at least. The throw is pretty distinct, but not room-clearing. 3 out of 5 noms, and I expect it to increase as it ages. Vanilla, oak and agar? Yes. Definitely.
  17. windbourne


    Does what it says on the tin A+ x a thousand-thousand. I love ambergris, and on my skin, if it's in a scent, this SN is pretty much exactly what that scent smells like on late drydown, absolutely regardless of what other notes are involved. It's pretty awesome to have that scent bottled and stronger. Throws curveballs (now only I smell it, now half the room is looking around trying to figure it out), lasts for hours with minimal change. Admissibly, I didn't really -need- this bottle, but I'm happy to have it anyway. :3
  18. windbourne

    A Mirror of Spring Pleasures on Kites (2013)

    This bottle was not quite what I was expecting after testing it at Will-Call. That bottle was super-hempy with a noticeable beeswax note and only a little bit of honey and sweetness on the drydown. This one is like this: HONEYSUCKLE, HONEY, black currant, amber, hemp, beeswax. The honeysuckle/honey one-two punch is sweet and pretty cloying. It's more summery than spring-like, a warm, damp, yellowy scent dotted with little deep blops of dark fruit. I kind of like it, but I was really hoping for a meeker substitute for Licwiglunga's herbal-hemp madness, not crazyface honeysuckle. That is not this perfume. Drydown is a little drier, and the hemp steps up a little bit, but it somehow mostly still smells of honeysuckle on me. Dried honeysuckle. Hm.
  19. windbourne

    The Raptures and Roses of Vice

    I am sitting at home hours after leaving Will-Call huffing my wrist with a big stupid grin on my face. I really liked this perfume. ...It is tempting to just leave it at that, but I won't. What really sticks out on me is the coconut-rose combo, which I can't remember ever running across before*. The coconut is really accurately fleshy on me, and with the big fluffy roses in tow, this scent prances around like a lady on the town: some sublimely dressed society harlot with an enormous feather fan and a string of fake pearls that she really knows how to swing. The diamond earrings she's wearing, however, are not fake, and neither is the knowing grin she gives you. I never catch the tobacco tar, but the musk comes on strong after a bit, then the magnolia waltzes in and the whole experience is just amazing. Your life is changed, probably not for the better, but definitely for the interesting. I have rarely made a special order so quickly. I am so very going to wear this to go see Baz Luhrmann's Great Gatsby. Ugh, perfection. :9 You can tell how much I liked this by my blathering on and mixing up all my metaphors. To be more concrete about it, this has a fairly mild throw, even after some pretty extreme slathering, is still going strong (though faded to mostly musk and rose) after about six hours, and may improve your love life**. *A quick search turned up Gwyneth (Grindhouse Girl) and Nymphia, both of which contain death notes for me, and Roses Pearls and Diamonds, which I loved, but which is much less sexy than this. **No actual results implied. No testing has been done on this. Pure speculation. ETA: The released version has a slightly stronger magnolia note than the demo I previously tested. I am still madly in love.
  20. windbourne

    Delight and Consternation

    Mine is full-on sludge, too; at least one imp's-worth of cocoa absolute, if not one and a half, if my experience is any judge. I kind of want to try a bottle that lacks it, just to see if there's actually a difference. But anyway. I experience this scent as a lemony-fresh custard blob at first, with some mildly soapy florals, followed by the skin musk, and a deep whiff of oudh appearing after about ten minutes. The cocoa is very strong in the bottle, but even well-rolled (and the bottle does turn practically black with sludgey cocoa goodness), it doesn't stand out on my skin. The oudh gives it more depth and longevity, but I can never decide what I think about skin musk. I have a whole discussion about it skittering around in my head, as it's so distinctive and not quite like anything else, and it can practically ruin (Ebisu; Beanman & Beanwoman) or make (Tamamo-no-Mae) a scent for me. Clearly I have strong feelings about it. BUT I DIGRESS. In this scent the skin musk is lithe and creamy and, I think, is acting partially as a foil for the custard and vanilla while accenting the flowers and oudh. It kind of toes a line right between the two, between the sweet and slightly sour, and I think it's pretty perfect. After a while (maybe an hour?) it all settles down into a mildly sweet skin scent, and I think previous reviewers have been right on the money about it being an excellent early date perfume. The waft is gentle and on me it lasts about four hours before I feel like I can't smell it at all. It's a very bright, adorable perfume. A++ would wear again.
  21. windbourne

    Peter Quint

    Like ladymeag, I tested this at Will-Call and bought the bottle post-haste, and I REGRET NOTHING. The notes are lovely: the ambergris is warm and musky, the leather is soft and inviting, the bay supports everything, and the balsam sweetens it up. It is seductive and warm, somewhat masculine, but not so much that it howls "THIS IS A DUDE PERFUME" across the moors. Surprisingly, it doesn't have the touch of creepy that I expected it to have, it's just beautiful, spicy, leathery, marvelous. The progression for me was: In-bottle: balsam and ambergris; hint of leather Wet: Heeey leather~ 'ssup? You're pretty sexy. There's a nice ambergris shimmer here, too. The laurel and balsam are present but not excessive. Drying: Leather mellows out some and the spiciness ramps up. Drydown: Soft balsamic ambergris* with a soft whisper of leather. *Ambergris, if it is present in a perfume, nearly always completely dominates the drydown on my skin.
  22. windbourne

    Villainess and BPAL

    Antihero + Sara Pezzini (from the Witchblade collection) = AMAZE. Sara = "A hint of leather and an understated vintage musk layered over the scent of lightly perspiring, honey-dusted skin." Antihero = "Well-worn sweaty leather, the acrid smoke of cigarettes, and a soft side of honey and vanilla." Any questions?
  23. windbourne

    Mori Girl

    Got to be square with you, kids, I cannot bring myself to test this one on my skin. A)It is a gift and that would be a little tacky (though clearly I am curious enough to sniff it, so I wonder how far that excuse goes.) and B)It is chock-full of death notes for me; the only thing here that I actually like in my perfumes/on my skin is the honey. But I'll tell you how it smells to me while safely remaining in the bottle, and I'm betting my peep will love it, both as a mori girl fashion fiend and as a lover of most of these notes. -- From my nose, politely: a haiku sweet floral mosses grace the spring forest floor bowers of pale blooms -- From my nose, honestly: a tanka reeking of tuberose I cannot sniff but to wince jasmine assaulting moss and AUGH WISTERIA this perfume is not for me -- I sure bet this one would be beautiful on someone else, though. If you are aiming for it, be sure you like slightly woodsy florals. It's pretty suitable for the style, too, a little fairy tale and a little forest and a lot vague and pastel browns and greens. If you like your perfumes spicy, foody, or resinous, please look elsewhere. This batch was pretty nice for variety, I have to say. A little something for everyone. Except me.
  24. windbourne

    Dolly Kei

    Urghgghghghgh *sigh* Okay, copal. You win again. This starts out lively and resinous and a little sweet, and then turns into tobacco-y flea shampoo. There is a slight import-shop thing happening with the sandalwood and incense notes, but it never becomes overwhelming. The scent it wafts as it dries reminds me a little of the tobacco in Variety of Pleasing Amusements or Ruddy Daggerwing, but then I lose everything else to the copal. I can easily see how this would be gorgeous on someone else. Just not on me. Fortunately, doesn't stick around long. Fading starts at around twenty minutes, and it's gone entirely by an hour. I hate you, copal resins, I hate you so much. If you are someone who adores Snake Oil or any of the other resinous/sweet class of scents, plus has a firm liking for tobacco, then you are aces and should hunt this down like the furriers responsible for the frequent fur accessories involved in this style. It is warm and amber and burnt sienna and you will probably love this. I can say that it does remind me of browsing Dolly-kei tumblrs for hours, and the imagined scent of the vintage shops, slightly macabre accessories, and the often warm colors involved, so if you are a fan of this style, you should probably check this thing out tout de suit. If you are not a fan of these things, or cannot deal with resinous and slightly goopy scents, do look elsewhere for your perfume needs.
  25. windbourne

    Hime Gyaru

    Starts brutally, tooth-achingly cotton-candy-fluff sweet with a slight rosy tinge, develops into a dusty (violet on my skin = dusty, like orris but purple instead of greyish lavender in tone), sweet frilly nothingness. Smells a little like one of those powdery violet candies, Chowder's I think?, but if there were rose in addition to the violet. There's a slight grape-like note, too, which is probably some variation on the black currant, and the musk is present, but pretty subdued. On me, this faded after about an hour, with a moderate-to-minimal-throw. I actually found this to be a pretty solid interpretation of the Hime-Gyaru style, really, so if you imagine one of those girls, totted out to the nines with huge hair, frilly skirts, plenty of makeup, strings of pearls, and way too many ribbons, all of which cost her (or her boyfriend, or someone else who supports her in her fashion/lifestyle) $$$, then try to decipher the waft of sugar-sweetness, money, and hairspray coming off of her, that's not a bad description of how this smells. Not really for me, but if you like yourself some expensive sugar, it'll probably be good for you.