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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. in the vial: lighter, fresher then i imagined.


    wet:sweet, yet slightly dusty a hint of green, but i wouldn't classify this as a "green scent" i agree w/ some that it reminds me a bit of honey sweetness.


    as it dries this is faint, close to the skin, a tid bit of bark, but mostly sweetness, and a hint of green. one of my favorite of the new garden scents, no dirt to be found.

  2. yup honeydew, could almost be a single note.


    wet: see above.


    as it dries a note that is more canteloupe, blends w/ the honeydew, this is fresh, summery, and reminds me of sunshine in a bottle



    pss very similar in scent to the tal version.

  3. in the vial: citrussy, clean, a touch of apple...i am not an ozone fan so putting it on makes me trepiditious.


    wet: minty note peeks in, now some mints i love, some go, oh no bad, on me, this one is pretty nice, the apple is still there and it is actually making my mouth gleep a bit, i am also detecting the vodka (maybe that is what is makin me gleep :P. this is fairly clean (assuming the mention of ozone) but definitely didn't go soapy.


    as it dries this becomes a lime, apple mint blend w/ a soapy edge, it is clean, fruity and pretty dang light. i like this...which surprised me a bit.

  4. in the vial: fruity goodness, namely banana and apple


    wet: whooooo fresh apples, juicy and fresh and some banana thrown in for good measure.


    as it dries the other fruits come out to pla, all oi can say is wowser, just an amazing fruity fun scent i am able to discern each of the red apples, banana, coconut, pineapple, pomegranate, yet not chili pepper, nor sugar cane although i imagine the sugar cane is mixed in fairly well w/ all those sweet fruits.

  5. in the vial: copal? labdanum. resinous not getting any floral.


    wet: i think i detect tobbacco flower here, or maybe one of the florals is combining w/ one of the resins to trick my nose into thinking tobbacco flower


    as it dries: sheol becomes more floral, yet a grounded floral, usually i amp up lily and it isn't really showing up so i am a happy camper. this is more resinous then floral, though i do detect a bit of what i am associating w/ iris. more of a grounded tuber type scent. this is dry, complex and sophisticated. copal is the front runner, and i am thinking the tonka is mixing w/ the iris to create something i am really confusing w/ tobacco flower. this is beautiful, dark, and not nearly as hot as i assumed sheol would be. actually i am thinking this one is my favorite of the newest batch of releases and i simply need a big bottle.


    eta, after a couple hours, this has become very much similar to the lion, i adore the lion, and this is just becoming better and better.

  6. in the vial: dry, golden, resinous


    wet:dry, resinous, incensy. yet golden and almost shimmery, not literally but in my mind, like when heat shimmers off pavement, that i s the vision i am getting


    dry: yes that shimmery heat type vision is sticking w/ me. it is like a memory of incense, but i don't mean like stick incense or even cones, more like freshly ground resins, i don't even think they have been burned, i think it is the box the resins have been stored in, then when they were all used the lid was left open out on the deck, in a sunny spot, this encapsulates all of that, the sun, the heat, the remnants of resins, it is at once light and warm and golden, yet also aloof and beyond grasp. very intresting, and another i think will be a staple for me come summer.

  7. in the vial: yes melony, and a smokey edge, but mostly melon


    wet:melony yes, for sure, honeydew i think. a touch of honey, and a hint of spiciness, but i honestly don't know if knowing there is chili pepper is making me think chili pepper. because i am not positive it is saying chili pepper to me. more like spicy melony sweetness.


    as it dries it retains much of the before mentioned qualities. there is a resemblance to fee, but while fee is in your face melon, this is soft, unassuming melon, and the tobacco and honey keep it from being over the top.

  8. in th vial:honey, an something freshly sweet



    wet: herbal, yet still sweet...and something making me think fruit but i can't place which fruit. maybe juicy would be more correct then fruity...intresting


    as it dries i get more honey, and more of a powdery note others have mentions, although i wouldn't say baby powder, but a cosmetics type of powder, a good powder, and herbal w/ a slightly liquid undertone. very nice all in all

  9. in the vial: shea. light fresh


    wet: sweet,creamy, spruce.


    as it dries this is a soft, creamy (i think from the shea) clean yet slightly herbal scent. very very awesome i think it will be a summer scent for me

  10. in the bottle: just guh, sexy!


    wet: musky slightly herbal but not green herbs more like dried herbal.


    man this is sexy as hell, and i don't think it is neccesarily masculine (although i can carry masculine scents pretty well) musk is the main note, but there is definitely something of a woodish nature (assuming the bark mentioned) and something that reminds me of tobacco, fresh tobbacco. anyway it could pass as a male version of smut, and i think it would compliment smut if g would wear it when i wear smut, however i don't know if i can pass it over to him because hot damn i wanna wear this one!!!!

  11. i couldn't wait for this one, i do not know if i was anticipating this or the monsterbaits more.....


    in the bottle:plum, and....something, i can't quite place, not spicey, but...fall? maybe the chrysanthamum?


    wet: lil' shelldoo horner (that's horner not horny) sat in a corner...how does that go...anyway PLUM! and carnation. have i mentioned i love carnation?


    as it dries, this becomes one of the most incredible scents! just omg wow. it is a plummy carnation w/ a hint of chrysanthamum. i am so happy i bought a big bottle, and i will promptly place an order for another. this could be a top 10 ladies and gents. i am not getting loved on by the musk (and musks love me) but i can feel them giving this a depth that just adds to my entrancement


    oh and i agree it is a realative of qos

  12. in the bottle: PINK, very pink blossoms


    wet:flowers for sure, and still very pink, very true to the bottle, those who like very girly, pink, floral, scents, will adore this one i think


    as it dries it becomes a bit softer but still very true to the bottle, i am starting to detetct a woody, reedy back note, it isn't really an obvious note, as you would expect it is a supporting player. it holds the peonies in check and keeps them from being over the top. all in all this is very youthful, sweet, and innocent, i think some people will be totally head over heels for this one. and although it isn't really me, it is a stunning spring floral.



    Bourbon blackberry buttercream over red velvet cake.


    in the bottle this is reminecent of beaver moon. but there is a touch of something..sharper then beaver moon (possibly the bourbon?)


    wet: damn, all bourbon, strong and beating the shit outta me (note i had food poisoning last night and strong scents are doing a number on me)


    as it dries: thank goodness, this settles it is sweet, buttercream w/ a hint of blackberry, and yes a wee bit of red velvet smell, but the red velvet is one scent that is flitting around, sometimes i catch a whiff and sometimes i am like huh where did that go? this is truely beautiful when the bourbon settles down and stops it's one man show. those who like beaver moon, i think will like this drydown, they seem like cousins, if not sisters.



    Cassia-caked cocoa coconut over angel food cake.


    in the bottle: very dry cocoa, and cassia


    wet: almost entirely cassia


    as it dries it mellows and softens, becomes a soft sweet cassia scent, w/ a dusting of cocoa, i am assuming the sweetness is the angelfoodcake in the description, but mostly it just sweetens this.


    this is not as foody as i expected it to be, it is quite wearable.

  15. this in the bottle is overwhelmingly floral, in your face poppy.


    wet i get a bit more of the opium scent, possibly patchouli?


    as it dries it becomes a poppy/opium equality fest. this is very balanced between the two notes, and is a fabulous scent for floral lovers and headshop type scents.

  16. this is indeed a true lily scent, it smells like the stamens in an easter lily, or spring lily. and i am not a lily friend, it goes way over pwoerful on me usually. that said this one stays true to the bottle, it is a true lily non soapy, not freak out omg there is lily scent. it is a gentle spring flower (lily) and stays that way so even a lily non-lover like me questions buying a big bottle
