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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. in the bottle:sweet, delicious, and a hint of my beloved snowy scent....


    wet: i am getting alot of the baking scent, cloves, pasrty, yumminess and a hint of the wet snow.


    this reminds me of a warm christmas kitchen, baking being done all day, and opening the window to let some of the heat clear out, as the hour hands continue to click off time, a snow storm hedges in and begins to work it's magic. this is the magic of that watrm lovely kitchen combined w/ the awesome christmas gift from mother nature...her beautiful blanket of snow, helping to take the swealtering heat form the kitchen this quite possibly is my favorite yule blend. thanks beth, for this beautiful gift.


    eta hahahaha i always fall in love w/ ones i can't pronounce so i have to make up names...this one is ogre baby..people are gonna think i am nutters...erm more nutters

  2. i had told myself i had enough 13, but then it is reformulated...what is a girl to do? so um yeah i bought a bottle...i know i am insane...


    in the bottle:sweet vanilla, cocoa, and a hint of lavander...not a huge fan of lavander, but it does sometimes work well in like tko...so here goes.


    wet:chcolate, lavander (which is amped incredibly right now) and a hint of powder (most likely originating w/ the amber)


    this scent is pretty green on me, fig leaf amps incredibly w/ my chemistry i also still get pretty much lavander but it is all dusted in a dry powdery chocolate. there is the gentlest breath of burbon but only occassionally. and i may be crazy, but i think this will smell divine on my dh...hmmmmm

  3. this one jumped on to the big bottle list after just reading the description...i am hoping it works, it has so many things in it i adore.


    in the bottle:grapes, plum blossoms...fruity and fun.


    wet:when it first touches my skin it is all grapes, like squishing grapes w/ your feet at a winery, that warm juicy grape smell...but almost immediately it begins to morph, i get the honey definitely which is awesome as i love bpal's honey.


    as it dries i get a honey, musky, sexy blend w/ a sensual grape background,we have been drizzled w/ honey we are not squishing the grapes w/ our feet anymore, instead we are now rolling in them giving sloppy, wet kisses, on a warm sensuous summer night. i can vaguely detect the tobacco flower, and carnation but more in feel then really hey there it is, if that makes sense. on me it is definitely sexy, slinky musk, and honey w/ a fun fruity fling. i am so delighted w/ this one, i will be wearing it tomorrow.

  4. i have been dressing up all week at the salon. i have been: a dark pixie, a gypsie, a pirate, the grim reaper...on monday i will be gothic ann (raggedy's evil cousin), and on tues i will be lil dead riding hood. i have worn the same scent w/ every costume. SAMHAIN 04, it is my perfect fall scent!

  5. 1. snake oil...duh if beth wants to let us have a shot at *her* scent we should all try it.


    2. o it is so "bpal"


    3. samhain just exactly what clover said.


    4. morrocco i think imho this is a perfect example of beth's twist on a classy "perfume" simple swoon worthy


    5 tko showcasing how beth can make an aromatherapy blend that is stunning and i want to wear it even when i am not in bed , but i don't cause i have too much to do when i am out of bed.


    6. batwoman an amazing floral even i love, and i am not too much of a soft floral kind of girl. it is an amazing blend


    7. al azif the perfect resinous blend


    8. velvet cause we need foody recognition and other then underpants it is the best foody....


    9. scherezade because it has that great mideastern feel


    10. one of the ars draconis, but i have a hard time picking which one, mostly i say this because brian needs his creative genious represented, but i can't decide which one because they are all so stunning


    i am trying to use non le's w/ the exception of samhain which simply must be included

  6. Schwarzer Mond: Brian's Creation
    The keeper of secrets: opoponax, Tunisian black amber, night musk, antique patchouli, zdravetz, terebinth, myrrh, and Pimenta racemosa.

    in the bottle: aptchouli and bay rum

    wet: all patchouli

    as it dries it softens, i detect some amber, but it doesn't go all powdery as ambers sometimes do. it is rather a sweet, somewhat woody, bayrum scent w/ a patchouli and musk kicker. the musk is a sexy, almost predator type musk. very sexy. while black moon is soft, fragile, feminine, schwarzer mond is it's opposite. verile, predatory in attitude, sexy, and alluring. this is a stand out, and watch out i am entering the arena. w/ patchouli so strong in this blend i am betting it ages in an amazing way. very well done brian!

    after a while the spicy myrhh starts to shine thround, it becomes a myrhh, patchouli, resinous musky, sex in a bottle. i am in love...

  7. Black Moon: Beth's Creation
    The absence of light: motia attar, black orchid, mugwort, English pear, cucumber, blue lotus, jonquil, massoia, calamus and crystal musk.

    in the bottle:fruity, spring floral

    wet: the pear is very obvious, sweet and juicy. i am also getting quite a bit of lotus and jonquil. this is light, fresh, and very springy to me.

    as it dries it becomes soft sweet, and very feminine. innocent. i get wafts of cucumber, and the pear seems to be the base note. it isn't very musky yet there is a crystaline quality to it that makes it very fragile smelling. most jasmines do not work, they go terribly awry, but although this has a jasmine note (motia attar) it remains wearable and doesn't go wonky. all in all if you like a soft floral w/ fruity background this is going to be a great scent for you

  8. I agree w. much of the previous review. bitch is herbal, and I wouldn't really wear it for scent, unlike tko, which if I could remain awake while wearing i would wear it all day. but i also get a hint of a floral note in bitch, something springy, maybe honeysuckle? something i know but am drawing a blank. anyway the herbs are definitely the frontrunners, the floral just pops up occassionally. but i agree w/ edensixthday that it does remind me very much of my local herb shop. that mishmosh of herbal scents. and it works very well, for it's intended purpose. i recieved it just when i needed it most.

  9. in the bottle: it almost smells like something i am familiar with. possibly it is the orchids and carnation blending together, it is spicey and sweet w/ a hint of rose.


    wet:orchid, and red sandalwood,and carnation. w/ resins.


    as it dries this becomes a soft, sexy, spicy, sweet blend, i don't really get orange in this it is a floral and resin combo, but the red sandalwood, benzoin, and amber give it a softness, sweetness that keep it form turning in to floral garden on me. i am in love w/ this one, and it ties silence for my top salon blend.

  10. in the bottle: resinous, slightly soilish, and something a hint sweet.


    wow, i don't usually care that much for soil scents, yet this is nice mostly myrrh, i also get something slightly clove like, and pineish. it does remind me a bit of skadi soft, snow and myrrh. yay i found a dirt scent i can actually wear

  11. in the bottle: plum blossom, and i almost think coconut?

    wet: sweet, plum blossoms (i am assuming that is the light plummy smell i detect) a very light breath of peachiness


    as it dries, just wow. is that light, sweet muskiness blue musk? i do not get any mint (yay)or tea (double yay) this is soft, sweet, lightly fruity, but not like a fake fruit rather, an almost afterthought of fruit. incredible. this is my favorite salon to date. not at all my usual fare as i like the heavy, incensy, musks. but this is ever so soft, like a feather brushing against a memory. a special memory, sweet and fuzzy, yet it brings forth the happiest feeling. that is silence. it is incredible, and i find myself going back to sniff my wrists over and over

  12. in the bottle: sweet and ozoney


    wet: minty, ozone, and still a touch sweet. i am wondering where the "sweeteness" comes from


    as it dries the mint becomes more prominent, as well as the white musk. it still has an ozone quality, but ozone is not the most prominenet note on me. this is a fresh, clean, almost sweet quality. not my usual thing but not nearly as ozoneish as i was expecting

  13. this was almost all jasmine on me. well jasmine and tea. imagine if you will soakinging a jasmine blossom in steeping tea. the heat makes the jamine permeate every ounce of the tea, yet the tea retains a hint of it's self. sadly my skin amps jasmine to the inth degree. this may be a balanced, blend on some, and i wish i got teak, but on me jasmine is the prominenet note.

  14. this is is very spring floral, light, airy, soft lilies in the bottle. on the skin wet it is very much the same as in the bottle, but as it begins to dry it gets a hint of light muskiness, and honey w/ amber. it is a soft, innocent, sweet floral. i am not a huge fan of soft girly scents, but this one sneaks in and wins me over.

  15. i used tko last night. i have ptsd and have trouble sleeping. i am even on a perscription sleep med, and i still wake up. so i had to have this regaurdless of smell. although i am not a lavander fan and was scared of a lavander blend. in the bottle, herbal, lavander, greenish scent. not overwhelming lavander so i hopefully can deal w/ it. i applied it to my arms and in my sound soother which has an aroma therapy thingy too. i smelled it all night, after about 1/2 an hour the lavander scent completely burned away (whoot) and it was a soft, sweet, vanillay, scent like a warm hug in the bosom of a warm sugar coated baker. i slept so well. and i am totally in love. i had a very hard time rolling out of bed this morn

  16. in the bottle: faint musk, but not alot of scent



    wet: hmm very faint, light, clean slightly mossy smelling


    as it dries it becomes a faint musky vanilla, w/ a hint of sandalwood. very light clean. and soft.


    ok this has aged close to 5 months, and it has become alot stronger it is a clean musky scent w/ a hint of vanilla sandalwood. i like it much more aged.

  17. in the bottle: cherry cassia and patchouli


    wet: woah baby, is it cherry, cassia and patchouli. patchouli jumps out as the front runner


    as it dries a bit the cardamom joins in no verbena thank goodness. it is a bit too lemony for my tastes usually. i am not usually a cherry gal either, but this is indeed a dark cherry, and it is sexy as hell. i love the depth of this and will wear it often
