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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. this is very clean, a storm rolling in on a beach, a summer storm, the kind you like to sit and watch. there is a slight citrussy note to this, i am not one for ozone type scenrts but this is masterfully crafted and smells devine, i would consider using this for a room scent to capture the beach smell.

  2. ok i must first state i am not a big fan of florals, w/ white florals being top on that dislike list, but it was free and i am aiming to try every scent, and i like doing reviews even if i am not so good at them. ok disclaimer added :D


    i am surprised i can tolerate this white floral, the vanilla really is there taming it from being typical floral, i really like this, maybe not enough to wear regularly but definitly enough to try occassionally, and my youngest dd is trying to steal it so i guess she likes it alot :P

  3. hmmm wet it is indescribable, but i didn't detect the burning smell....


    dry i am not getting a mascualine smell altho it is hard to describe, there is some sandalwood, and possibly lemon or lime, but it is on me a very light clean smell not dark, not burning, i like it i will definitely use the imp

  4. weird i thought this was all honeysuckles, i was so expecting honeysuckle reviews :P i am unsure of what lotus smells like is it similar to honeysuckle?


    that is the only smell i get from this no fruits, no amber, just that honeysuckle type smell and alas i am not a huge floral fan so off to swaps w/ her


    eta i went and sniffed my lotus single note and it is kinda bubblegummy so i have no clue where or what the honeysuclish smell is

  5. wet: this is mostly frankensence


    dry it is a rosewood geranium w/ and occassional whif of the frankensence.


    this is very beautiful, very complex, almost "regal" to me it does go a bit soapy, i am going to try it again before i make up my mind completely, altho the geranium and rosewood smell great right before it completely drys down.

  6. ohhhhh


    in the vial lilies, and juicy pears


    wet: all pear, and not a fake pear smell but a ripe juicy fresh warm pear right off the tree


    dry: the lilies are making a reappearance, but the pear is still the front runner, i hope the rose peaks out as i am a huge fan of beth's roses.

  7. hmmm i am beginning to think i am odder then i thought i was :P it smells like bathroom cleaner to me , i do not smell musk, i did get a minty type citurs smell when it was wet, the vetiver is there too, but forwhatever reason it really went bathroom cleaner one me :D

  8. hmmmm in the vial, oddly smells kinda like pot


    wet: still smells like pot to me, wouldn't wanna get pulled over wearing this one


    dry down: ok not so bad now, the vetiver is the magnified scent here i get hardly no patchouli. it is a great dark scent once i get past the wet stage. i will probably swap it tho

  9. hmmm in the vial it is lemon but w/ a metalic edge, i wonder which note causes that raection for me



    wet not more matalic not but all lemon verbena


    on dry down it becomes more of a floral blend w/ a lemon kicker. it isn't dark enough for me but it is beautiful and is a very light summery scent innocence comes to mind

  10. in the vial...

    sad if sadness had a scent this would be it


    on it is a very soft rose, but remeber roses have thorns, it is soft yet there is pain in it i am not sure how else to describe it. i like it alot, but i definitely get a sad or melancholy vibe


    i am editing this to add it is such a beautiful dark rose, orchid blend, the second time i am wearing it it is calling to me, i do still get a sad feel from it but it is triumphant also...weird, i think i may buy a bigger bottle for those days when i just wanna feel that sad yet beating it kinda feel

  11. hmmm earthy pine good musk not usually a thing i like


    wet pine yup it is pine


    dry: a bit earthier yet still fresh pine musk is hiding w/ no complaints from me about it :P this one is nice and yes outdoorsy i will wear it to bonfires and hikes and feel like i am a part of the earth

  12. ok so this one took me by complete surprise.....i do not like violets they always go permsolution on me...well always did:


    in the vial: no way omgah this is lovely tonka vanilla blend no violets in sight whew


    wet: same i find myself drooling on my hand


    dry: this is going on my top 10 list and i am getting a 5ml w/ my next order i am in awe really was not expecting to find one i adore so much in this sniffing session

  13. ok so i am not an aquatics chick



    but the rose saves this one, it is a beatiful scent very "white" to me the rose is the strongest note, the salty smell is barely there which perchance is why i am liking it :P nice, is more of a summery rose, i do not get teh negative funeral association but then i avoid funerals so that could be why.

  14. wow in the vila this was in my face resins, maybe rosewood? teak? i am not sure


    wet: holy moses this is a strong one, dark resins, maybe some frankencense.



    drydown, ahh she mellows, hello figgy i still am getting teh dark woods smell but it has mellowed and is caressing the fig beautifully very nice reminds me of intrigue a bit definitely like this one i am thinking if i wear intrigue out dh could wear this and we would smell beautifully together i wonder if it is listed asd nuetral...scuttering off to check

  15. well i adore alot of beth's roses and love love love black rose but this is not like that velevety goodness it is drier, definitely a tea rose, it seems almost fragile, if a scent can smell fragile that is but yes tea rose is all i gte, it is pretty and to me smells young, i think my dd would love it to death i may gift her w/ it

  16. i was not expecting to like this....


    but it is nice, i don't think i will buy a big bottle but i will use the imp it is a strong woodys scent very resinous, cedar, possibly had vetiver, rosewood, reminds me somewhat of cathedral
