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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. i actually like thsi one after the initial vetiver scent dies down, at first i was liek oh no but when it dried it is very crisp, smoke, like smoke on a winters night, very masculine, i am making the man wear this one

  2. this one is beautiful once it dries, wet ithad a sharp biting note i am unsure of what it was but it almost hurt my nose but after it dreis, it is a sweet tea, w/ a rose and gardenia at the party, i am not picking up patchouli, altho i like patchopuli also, overall, this is a fresh young smell and one that would be very nice on a warm breezy spring day.

  3. beautiful and fragile feeling, much lighter then i expected.

    the amber is very light, there is a citrus hint but it is super light and fleeting, i am not detecting musk really, i also am picking up something a bit vanilla like, this is a very sophisticated scent very very nice

  4. i am currently studying to get my yogic degree, so i have been intrigues by this one, and i finally scored an imp


    in the vial and wet it is straight up patchouli, but i didn't get teh "dirty" patchouli smell *shrugs*


    dry down it becomes deeper, sweeter, and darker, i am definitely gonna try this during my asana practice.

  5. wow....when wet this smelled completely pine, or evergreen of some sort


    dry it becomes very beautiful, rosewood steps up the evergreen smell is gone amber, musk they all just blend beautifully simply lovely blend!

  6. holy switcheroo batman!


    in the vial was grape bubble gum making me a bit nervous,


    wet all rose


    dry it is a wine rose misture that is sweet and intoxicating i find this one veru alluring and almost innocent yet not completely innocent i know that doesn't make alot of sense but it feels that way. definitely a gorgeous rose blend!

  7. i ADORE THIS ONE i may have to change my top 5 again


    it is a lovely warm mishmash of chocolate and vanilla, on me i almost think the vanilla is stronger and it takes on a caramel type note, it is soft and sweet and amazing! :P

  8. in the bottle and wet (for about 30 min.) lemonhead candies which made me think i was insane as the description doesn't list any citrus...i do not like teh wet stage at all


    dry: ahh this is worth the wait (i think) it is a deep, chocolate, rich blend very very beautiful i like it alot

  9. in the bottle: something metallic, not what i was expecting at all


    wet: gardenia and that sharp metallic scent...i think it is teh jasmine doing something weird, i wanted teh vanilla


    dry: mostly gardenia and jasmine, i don't get too much vanilla if any and teh tea rose has gone missing w/ it.

  10. ahhh she is a sweet one


    the in bottle, wet, and dry semme to be pretty much the same, a sweet juicy warm peach wine, a hint of amber, and the musk is very very light this is a gorgeous scent, i def will be wearing this in the summer when i go home to ga. good old ga. peaches mmmm

  11. ok i ordered a 5ml of this unsniffed, i knew i must love it no matter what, my obsession w/ dragons would not allow anything else, the other dragon scents didn't kick me in the britches, they were nice but i could take or leave them so this had to be the one, plus alot of people swear i have a dragon's heart instead of a people one....well


    in the bottle: i really smell the dragon's blood first it is a strong sweet smell nice but not what i was hoping for


    wet: more dragon's blood but w/ some musk



    dry: ahhh i knew this had to be the one, the dragon's blood is still present, but the musks seem to be the forerunner, and the figs and currants are the supporting cast, this is beautiful, warm, sensuous, sinuous, throbbing, beautiful blend. i am very glad i took the risk!

  12. i do not really care for most citrus blends, this however is nice, there is a floral undertone, but the lemon is a fresh lemon rind, it doesn't ahve the candy smell like lemonheads that some do it is fresh clean yummy lemon w/ a bit of some hiding flower. keeper for sure
