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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. wet was cherries, bitch slap me cherries


    dry it calms down a bit and the annis is more prominent w/ the sandal wood mellowing it all a bit, i liked it after the cherry wasn't in my face to much.

  2. this was mostly sandalwood, and tobacco when wet


    as it dries the sandal wood went a bit pencil shavings, and the tabocco kicked it up a notch, w/ nag champa saying hi, i didnt get any lavander :P

  3. wet: green herbal


    dry it becomes a soft, herbal, appleblossom, w/ a getle breeze of orchid


    this one is soft, floral innocent scent


    ADDED March 21:


    the moss, hawthorn and red clover where the only things i smelled, didn't get any appleblossom or orchid (which is fine by me :P ) this one really smells clean and warm, very nice

  4. wet and dry remained very similar on me, but i get no lemon at all (which is good i am not really a lemon fan, i got juicy, dark, sweet grape wine, w/ a smokey spicy incense in teh backgrund, just enough to deepen it so it wasn't a sweet little girl's perfume, this one is beautiful

  5. when i first aplied this it was all almond. i love almonds so i was a sniffing fool. but very quickly it morphed, the almond all but disappeared and as it dried it became a deep, sexy amber, musk w/ a saffron kick. this is very feral, ultra sexy, i adore it

  6. wow for a lily scent this one speaks to me, i am no lily fan, but the sweetpea, and pear take the sharpness out of the lily. i get the slightest hint of musk and even slighter hint of heiliotrope. all in all very innocent, beautiful, and young yet deeper then one expects a "young" scent to be

  7. ummm well this went horribly wrong on me...and horribly would be an understatement, at first it smelled of dirt, which was ok enough, but then it smelled of dirty dirt, not good, not good at all....swaps

  8. Strong black tea and milk with white pepper, ginger, honey and vanilla, spilled over the crisp scent of clean linen.

    wet the linen scared me, i don't like smelling clean :P

    as it dried teh linen takes a break and it is honeyed, creamy teaw/ just a hint of pepper. nice...i may end up getting all the mad tea party blends.

  9. living in Hershey (chocolate town usa) i have smelled chocolate from morning til night all summer long....i know chocolate and u sir are chocolate...but somewhere deep deep down in this cocoa haze is a hint of caramelly yumminess, chocolate gluttony :D i have "plans" for this one :P

  10. WOW *wakes up from swoon*


    this is the main component in "o" i def can pick it out , now having the single note, this is thick, sweet, sexual, this actually smells "sticky" if that is possible.

  11. wow wet was grapefruit and at first i thought pepper...it made my nose twitch like bewitched....but no it isn't pepper it is ginegr i believe and a white floral, but very light playing peekaboo...this one is so different then i expected.
