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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. i was super excited to get this one my significator tarot is emporess and i adore roses...


    well i am not disappointed this is a complex rose scent and i too get a whiff of violet this is going o my top ten i can already tell there must be a touch of musk, possibly amber that deepens this and makes it addictive. excellent! two nostrils up!

  2. wet it was musky i almost thought civet

    as it dries it becomes a complex jasmine, but not sharo liek alot of jasmines tend to go on me and there is a spiciness lurking in teh background. the moon is beautiful if not one that i would reach for often

  3. entirely edible yumminess


    wet i for some reason thought almonds?


    but yes as it dried it became yummy fabulous juicy fig w/ a slight touch of mandarin this is sweet, sunny, warm and gorgeous. it literally makes my mouth water :P

  4. too bad it is gone i love it


    it did stain my skin tho :P


    it is a sexy, grape version of snake oil yes that is the perfect description it went very snak oil on me but kept a very very slight touch of grape, at least i ahve snake oil since this one is gone :D

  5. :P i am a rose whore


    love this is it sexy, mature, complicated rose, this one definitely has strings attatched,


    it is a deep rose, myrrh blend, i can somewhat detect sweetpea as i move my wrist away after a sniff, but mostly it is roses and myrrh yummy

  6. in the vial it was sharp, biting, and not my thing


    wet: lmeon pledge


    as it dries it mellows and becomes not loathsome it is still citrussy, but the jasmine (which usually hates me btw) makes it bearable.


    i didn't have high hopes for this as i am not a lemon fan, and am even less of a jasmine fan but considering the components this was not bad at all

  7. man this one is divine


    smokey, floral, spices, creamy


    wet it is all magnolia on me but as it dries it becomes this complex blend that would be very hard to disect. this is surely a big bottle for me it is creamy, spicy, smokey, floral, what possibly could eb disliked :P

  8. excuse me as i bawl my eyes out cause all i have is an imp



    this is incredible...

    starts off cherry wine smokiness


    but becomes deeper...there was some floral, some wine, definitely a hint of smoke (i was wondering if it was buring cherry tobacco at first) and maybe apple cider? this is so multilayered, gorgeous and perfect i need more i hope it comes back

  9. whoot got this from the sweetest swapper ever (ivyand peony) altho i wold like to know it's ritual use i will review it as a scent


    this is resinous, there is an evergreen in here for sure, i was thinking cedar but it may be a pine, and i believe there is sandalwood, as it dries i mellows and gets a slight touch of a spice possibly cloves, it is faintly resemblant of my clove cigarettes


    i actually like it as a scent i am a resin lover....nw to find out the use of it so i can see if it "works" :P

  10. ok i am not a huge ozone fan (disclaimer for review) but i had to get it because i am getting all the lunar blends for the lunacy


    wet: coast deodorant soap


    as it dries, it still has a fresh clean just showered smell, but the incense smell is joining in to make a very complex combo


    intresting and actually not nearly as bad as some other ozones i have tried, i actually would wear this occassionally

  11. in the vial:



    wet narcissus


    dry; this becomes a wrestling match between the rose and narcissus, w/ a musk (white musk i believe) referee


    beautiful, sophisticated, summery, strong, def will use the imp

  12. i actually sqeed when i opened this one


    wet was honey and wine


    as it dries it becomes prominently honey sexy sweet sticky honey, w/ a wine sophistication and a deepness offered by myrrh.


    i didn't get even the slightest hint of florals and i am not complaining one bit...this one is beautiful



    (altho i must add i lived in athens ga for a while and it smells nothing like this it is beer, and college dorms to me...ohhh wait athens the greece location nm perfect :P ok ok i am a goof)

  13. A nocturnal bounty of fae dew-kissed petals and pale fruits: white grape, white peach, iced pear, musk rose, sweet pea, moonflower and snapdragon.

    *sighs* like a sigh after making love, fullfilled

    wet:beautiful fruitiness the pear, peach and grape all balance perfectly, beautifully,

    dry: a soft breath of floral, not too floral just a breath of sweet freindly flowers mingles in and tangos w/ the fruitiness

    def will get a big bottle of this!

  14. wet is almost pure sandalwood, as it dries the cader lopes out to join in the ruckus and frankensince is hanging out in the background like a wallflower a bit too shy to really join in


    nice light, woodsy scent...2 thumbs up (ok ok so they are both mine)
