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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. in the vial: apples and spices


    on it becomes amber w/ an apple kick, there is definitely some spice here like spiced cider, and teh apple seems like a granny smith. this is gorgeous!

  2. In the end, we have a slightly sweet, spicy, dark green patchouli blend here. This is one for me to cherish. Good for the patchouli and incense fans, and for the dark green/earthy fans.
    i must concur w/ sarada. this is an excellent review


    the patchouli is the front man on me, but the myrrh sweetens it a bit, and it is very earthy. all in all a beautiful blend beth does it again.

  3. in the imp: cloves, a hint of pine, and civet ,,,ahh must be my day for civet


    on: was there anything in this besides civet? it is strong covet if i put my nose up to it my eyes water, but w/ my hands down on the keyboard i get a bit of the other notes w/ a drizzle of civet...hmmm

  4. Urd

    in the vial grapes, lucious, fruity sweet


    on:the patchouli comes out to play as well as nag champa and the grapes run away, i like patchouliand nag champa, this is not bad at all :P

  5. this is mostly amber on me w/ a touch of musk to warm it up, i get a whole lot of pepper also and the slightest swirl of mango. this is a perfectly gorgeous blend, i will miss it when it is gone

  6. ggaaaaahhhh no more, i must not try another imp, my big bottle list is beginning to look like a catalog in itself :P


    i adore this one, i agree it is a spicy snake oil, but it is more then taht too, the saffron note i am adoring, but that doesn't surprise me i have detected it in many of my favorites it also seems to have a hint of fruit of some sort, but i can't put my finger on which. this is a sweet, yet deep scent, i adore it and yes will order a big bottle

  7. wet all i get is sandalwood


    as it dries it becomes a blend of all the notes sandalwood being most prominent and supported by neroli and yalng yalng.


    this is a light etheral scent, extremely light, like a breeze.

  8. bold gardenia, crystalline musk, muguet, water blossoms, clear, slightly tart aquatic notes and a crush of white ginger.



    hmmm in the vial: melon??


    wet gardenia and water melon


    as it dries this is a light watery gardenia and melon type scent, i must say i usually dislike aquatic notes on me, they get sharp and bite my nose, this however is soft, sweet, and gorgeous, and i need a big bottle

  9. A men's virility and sexual domination blend.

    hmmm, i do not know why but my nose keeps detecting civet in voodoo blends, maybe it isn't civet but some note that is having a civet like reaction w/ my chemistry but to me it smells civet like, deep down, below the smell i am associating w/ civet it s deep resinous smell, possibly oak or rosewood, it is so hard to get past the sharp smell, that i am unsure, there is also something sharply green possibly some kind of evergreen or pine which would make sense w/ the name of the scent.

  10. beautiful cedar, altho not cedar shavings in the least, lear is an antique cedar box, that at one time held sage, i am not detecting bay leaf but it could just be hiding in the box, under the sage. this is a deep resinous scent that definitely yells LEAR in my ear
