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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. :faint: faints dead away. omgwtbbqwtf!!!!! squuueeeeee.


    on me this is f54's sister, i have searched and searched for anything even 1/2 way similiar, and altho this is a bit darker it is similar enough that i can stop bemoaning abt f54.


    wet it is that juicy wine scent i have only found in f54, as it dries the myrhh comes out which makes it deeper then f54 but still is incredible, and the bonus is i love myrhh.



    toddles off to order abt 10 10mls :P

  2. ummm, well, aqua note. which doesn't get along w. me...aquas never do *sigh* i am a bit disappointed because i adore peonies, but i just can't get to them the aqua watery note is all i get, and i am not a fan of them

  3. JUICY! great googly moogly, this is all berries, lush sweet berries, like soending an afternoon picking and getting your hands all sticky and sweet, the way it clings to you, almsot becomes part of your skin...that is jester. it is sweet almost reminecent of razzles gum but not quite. this is a big bottle for sure

  4. i do not get along w/ jasmine, it always goes painfully sharp, metallic on me. but the lime must stop that from happening, when i open the vila lime is there teasing me wet it is lime and a tad of jamine, as it dries it becomes more jasmine, but w/o the metal edge. intresting

  5. huh, i think i am allergic to this one, which is my first reaction to one of beth's blends. i have horrible allergies to almost all mass produced perfume, but to my delight found i could wear all beths...until now.


    when first on it is lilac i believe taht is swatting me in the sinuses. i can't detect anything else. as it dries it becomes almost all rose w/ a breeze of lilac from down the road. like standing in a rose garden on a breezy day and the neighbors lilac bush is tresspassing.


    bummer i really wish it didn't feel like my eyes and nose were set aflame....now i must figure out what is in this that did this.

  6. there is rose in this???


    i am getting loads of frankincense, and a hint of the green ivy smell metioned by others, possibly a touch of orchid but it is almost not there, but no rose. however it is still a beautiful scent very mature.

  7. incredible, i am completely astounded by beth's genious


    this is deep, woodsy, earthy, slightly floral, the floral is so very difficult to pin down, it is a wafting hide and go seek floral, the resinous evergreen type note is most prominent, followed by the ambergris, and what i thought was orris, but i don't see that in the description...huh? anway it is a gorgeous blend, i definitely will wear.

  8. in the vila, and wet i can hardly detect anything. just a ery very faint clean scent


    as it dries it became a very strong floral, most plumeria, w/ a teensy touch of ginger.

  9. wow, i almost don't know what else to say, wow. this is truely an expertly blended gorgeous garden scent, the fruits and floral blend so gorgeously together it is hard to tell one one ends and another begins. this is sweet, juicy, beautiful garden, the kind i wish i could grow i want a huge bottle of this!

  10. hmmm, i am wondering.....



    no blackberries, or even the slightest hint of fruit. this is very very green on me, and a touch of ozone. heather is there but barely it is a soft clean almost soapy but not quite scent. i was hoping for some juicy berries *sigh* my wonky chemistry is at it again

  11. in the vial it is a strong floral....not real sure about this one


    wet: jasmine, but as others have said it isn't the jasmine i am used to, it doesn't have that sharp metal edge. not bite. after maybe 5 seconds i get a very brief soapy scent but it passes after a second or two.


    as it dries: teh jasmine is taking a back seat, or atleast mingling w/ the other passangers, the incense is the note in the forefront w/ a nice floral background making things a wee bit femenine. all in all not bad, and by far the better jasmine scent i have tried.

  12. hmmm the le graveyard dirt is somewhat like the twilight blend and yet nothing like it.


    it definitely smells like dirt moist, freshly turned dirt. but it is not a sharp and face slapping as the twilight version.

  13. wow i hadn't read the description before swapping for this, i open the imp and bam honey, which is a good thing, o is my bedtime scent, it is sexy, relaxing, and perfect for a goodnight's sleep, but this is no o.


    wet it is all patchouli and honey, mostly honey


    as it dries the fig is very prominent, mmmmm honeyed figs, w/ a tough of patchouli to keep it from being sickly sweet.


    all in all this is gorgeous, it is reminecent of o. and le petite morte, but it has it's own thing goin on, the patchouli makes this incredible!

  14. hmmm it is definitely a spring floral. i get alot of hyacith, possibly tulip? and carnation.


    wet it is alot of spring floral, fresh spring flowers


    as it dries it becomes very much carnation on me there is a hint of the bulby flowers still but it isn't as strong. it is very femenine and graceful smelling. all in all just simply beautiful (and i am not usually a huge floral fan other then some roses and violets)

  15. in the bottle it is very herbal, like a cousin to the lion


    as soon as it touches my skin it becomes very cinnamony, and cloves, and pepper, and possibly a hint of i think lime but almost like lime pith not the flesh i agree w/ holly, it is a relative of three witches altho it has a wee bit something else.

  16. Each bottle of Chaos Theory is truly unique, a fragrant fractal, and exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty! Each is a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim, mood and gut instinct. Each bottle is numbered, and comes with a small parchment certificate.

    chaos theory CXIII
    in the bottle this smells sharply of cleaning fluid?

    on it becomes more herbal, although herbal w/ a bite i think there is a hint of floral here too, possibly jasmine, but there is also something going very cleaner like on me.

  17. hmm in the bottle it is very much dragon's blood, it has a white floral back note, but dragons blood is definitely the prominent note


    on: spicy, but not like cinnamon type spice, possibly saffron? but sweeter then saffron that spice note is the thing i smell the most, i wish i could put my finger one what it is, the dragons blood is still there but very faint, and the floral is all but gone, it everyonce in a while simmers through but not in the forefront for sure, this is a beautiful blend

  18. hmm on me it is mostly berries, and plumi get a swift breeze of vanilla wafting through the fruitiness, and oakmoss lingering faintly in the background, as it dries teh berry scent fades slightly leaving an earthy sexy scent, yes it is the perfect counterpart to QoS....sigh
