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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. monnavanna.gif


    Monna Vanna, Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

    Russian rose, mimosa, gardenia, bois du rose, parma violet, calla lily, red currant, ambergris, and bourbon vanilla.


    in the bottle, mostly rose and violet.


    wet:lily and violet w/ a splash of rose.



    i amp up rose, lily and violet and really that is drowning out all the other notes.

  2. deathandlifecompleted.gif


    Death and Life Completed, Gustav Klimt.

    Grey amber, carnation, lemon balm, hydrangea, Chinese peony, white sandalwood, cypress, juniper, cedar, hibiscus, and African daisy.


    in the bottle:florals, carnation, peony, and juniper.


    wet: the carnations is the frontrunner atm, but i also detect sandalwood and cedar.


    this turns in to s fresh floral boquet, complete w/ carnations and surrounded by other gorgeous florals. i am not really getting the woodsy notes, just a hint of sandalwood this is predominantly florals.

  3. macbethandthewitches.gif


    Macbeth and the Witches, Henri Fuseli.

    Lightning-charged ozone, steel, myrrh, mugwort, colophony, ajowan, and leather.


    in the bottle leather and ozone. the ozone is sharp and electic to my nose.


    wet:wheeeewww ozone major lightning infused air the scent almost crackles it is so much like a lightning storm.


    there is a definite herbal backdrop to the ozone and the barest hint of leather however when i move my arm i get more leather then i do when i sniff it up close.

  4. cleopatratestingpoisons.gif


    Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death, Alexandre Cabanel.

    Accords of peach kernel, hemlock, aconite, and belladonna, with bitter almond, saffron, honey, myrrh, hyssop, frankincense, and palm.


    in the bottle: honey and frankincense.


    wet: it almost smells chocolatey w/ a resinous background and a splash of honey. i am wondering where the chocolate like scent is coming from. it must be a combination of something in this blend confusing my nose


    as it dries i am still getting a chocolatey or cocoa type vibe from this and of course the honey is still there, although i now detect saffron and a faint floral i am assuming is the belladonna. i wasn't really expecting to like this scent, but it is one of my favorites from this new exhibit. very very nice!

  5. loveandpain.gif


    Love and Pain, Edvard Munch.

    Lavender, Balkan tobacco, black musk, dark vanilla, and golden copaifera.


    in the bottle: smells like single not lavender.


    wet: strong and i do mean STRONG lavender


    this doesn't change on me, it is all lavender, those who love lavender herbal scents will most likely want this one.

  6. sunrisewithseamonsters.gif


    Sunrise With Sea-Monsters, Joseph Mallord William Turner.

    Ocean mist, kelp, ambergris, amber, white pear, osmanthus, freesia, and seafoam accord.


    in the bottle: seafoam is right, and a hint of springy florals w/ a pear thrown in for good measure. this also has a green note almost reminding me of bamboo, although i don't see that listed.


    wet: pear and seafoam. fresh almost as if i were on the front of a ship w/ the ocean breezes blowing in my face.


    as it dries the florals come out a bit more, although the seafoam is still the most noticible note, it is a good balance of freesia and seafoam i think. i also occassionally get the barest whiff of ambergris but it runs almost as soon as i detect it.

  7. schlafendebaigneuse.gif


    Schlafende Baigneuse, Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

    Skin musk, white cream, honeycomb, yellow rose, King mandarin, chrysanthemum, golden amber, honeysuckle, and wide-throated yellow monkey-flower accord.



    in the bottle:musky floral, very well belnded, no particular note stands out.


    wet: very very light skin scent almost indetectible. slightly rosey


    this gets stronger as it dries, the rose is prominent (i amp roses so take that in to consideration) and honeysuckle makes her appearance. the musk is a clean fresh musky scent and provides the perfect backdrop for the floral scene. this is a soft, sweet floral, i haven't come across another scent very similar, but it is very feminine, and i imagine floral girls are gonna go mad for it

  8. kiyohimechangesfromaserpent.gif


    Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent, Yoshitoshi.

    Salty ocean spray, red kelp, black plum, lychee, sea moss, green musk, hachiya, plum blossom, and matcha.


    in the bottle: very light ocean spray, slightly fruity.


    wet: more aquatic, then in the bottle, but not a over bearing aquatic. i am not an aquatic lover but this is nice. still a hint of fruitiness, but it is very subtle behind the ocean smell. there is something faintly floral, but i can not decern which ote it is exactly.


    this dries in to a soft ocean scent w/ a background of plum blossom

  9. madonna.gif


    Madonna, Edvard Munch.

    Hyssop, pomegranate, Angel's Trumpet, Indonesian patchouli, iris, white orchid, and frankincense.


    in the bottle: pomegranate, hyssop, and floral


    wet hint of orchid, hyssop seems to be the most pronounce note besides orchid


    as it dries this scent is a nice orchid (similar to black orchid) w/ a hint of green in the background.

  10. sunflower.gif


    Sunflower, Egon Schiele.

    Sunflower bouquet, black amber, creeping black moss, wilted greenery, and scorched, dry stems.


    in the bottle:very very light, slightly floral


    wet: sweet floral, slightly green


    light sunny floral, w/ a very light burnt edge to it. almost like a photograph that is just curled and singed on the edge. this scent is just singed on it's edges. it is mostly a light fresh floral, with a hint of fresh greenery and the singed edges.

  11. philosopherinmeditation.gif


    Philosopher in Meditation, Rembrandt van Rijn.

    Smoldering woodfire embers, Galen's Kyphi, and Abramelin incense.


    in the bottle:juicy wine? grapes? uhhhh whuuu?


    on:ahh more like it where did that sweet scent go? now it is definitely wood fires, ambers personified. yes i get incense also. and something almost grain like. there is still something almost sweet about this scent but not the grape like scent in the bottle. this is a resinous, incensy, sex in a bottle blend, i am gonna need more.


    eta this reminds me slightly of the lion. but the lion in an incense chamber

  12. spiritofthekomachicherrytree.gif


    Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree, Yoshitoshi.

    Cherry blossom, blue lilac, lavender monofloral honey, white sandalwood, and Asian pear.



    in the bottle: lilacs,and pear, a hint of cherry blossom.


    wet: blue lilac is the most prominent note for me. people who love that note take notice, this scent rocks it!


    this is soft, light, and sweet. floral lovers i imagine will swoon w/ the beauty of this scent the lilac and cherry blossom do a dance of such beauty it is like watching a passionate tango the pear is like a juicy sweat on the flowers. adding to the sultry dance. just a gorgeous, gorgeous interpretation of this work of art.

  13. thesmilingspider.gif


    The Smiling Spider, Odilon Redon.

    Bitter clove, black musk, mahogany wood, and patchouli.


    in the bottle: cloves and patchouli. this actually reminds me of my clove cigarettes.


    on: big surprise here, cloves and patchouli. and smells more like my clove cigs, although not like the smell of them burning so much as the smell of how they taste against my lips.


    on me this is a true to the bottle scent it is spicey, and gritty, and i find it amazingly alluring. of course i love my cloves, so that could be why. the musk becomes just a bit more noticible on drydown, but it is still mostly clove and patchouli. man it is a perfect me scent, and i do love the wee spider on the label.

  14. bat.gif


    Bat, Albrecht Dürer.

    Dusty amber, grey musk, red orchid, moonflower, night-blooming phlox, stock, honeysuckle, English ivy, toadflax, and purple salvia.


    in the bottle: sweet florals, and a light musk.


    wet:clean florals, i believe i get the moonflower most of all, i also get a whiff of honeysuckle. and definitely some ivy..


    as this dries it is a close to the skin scent, soft, feminine. clean musky notes are the background, with bright spring florals, although not spring as in lilies, just a fresh spring smell, the amber is light and just makes it kind of fuzzy around the edges. this is so soft it is liek a whisper in a spring evening. i really like it, and not just for the great label.

  15. in the vial: sage, and a hint of lemon grass, and a splash of lavander


    wet: sage and lavander


    as it dries it is more bay, lemongrass, sage and lavander, this reminds me of a walk in an herbal store. i like it alot.

  16. in the vial: verbena and juniper, sweet and fresh


    wet: verbena, strong verbena, and an herbal background


    after a couple minutes i get a bit more nutmeg mixed in w/ the verbena, not really getting the juniper, but the lavander is flitting in and out. all in all i'd say this is light, fresh, herbal. strong on the verbena and ther other notes just popping in and saying hello occassionally. this is a sunny, bright scent

  17. in the bottle, soft musk and leather.



    wet strong leather scent, and a hint of musk


    as it dries it becomes so soft, w/ a hint of sweetness and leather. if i concentrate i can pick apart each individual component, but really it is just a well worn comfortable den chair where you sit and just relax. i love this scent so much it is the one i chose to wear today on it's own, after the reviews were done.

  18. hisstationandfouraces.gif


    His Station and Four Aces, C.M. Coolidge.

    Lilac fougere, white musk, and leather accord.


    in the bottle: leather and cleanliness.


    wet: whoa white musk. which always has a clean almost fresh scent to my nose, w/ a backdrop of leather.


    this is a very true to the bottle scent for me, i get all white musk and leather, not really any lilac. it is masculine. much like a freshly showered man, in a deep leather seat.

  19. newyearseveindogville.gif


    New Year's Eve in Dogville, C.M. Coolidge.

    Flirty perfume, dapper cologne, and effervescent champagne.


    in the bottle: light, cologney, slightly airy note.


    wet: there is something very...dewey about this. i definitely get a champagne note, and a light breezy perfume type scent.


    this one is one of those that smell differently up close then it does as you move around. i get hints of a masculine cologne scent as i move, but up close i smell a soft feminine, dewey scent, this smells light and bubbly up close, and it is quite nice.

  20. sittingupwithasickfriend.gif


    Sitting Up With a Sick Friend, C.M. Coolidge.

    Tobacco smoke and leather bowled over by a powerful smack of heady, classic perfume and a whiff of rose water.


    in the bottle:soft, powdery, hint of rose water


    wet: rosy perfume possibly a hint of pinks, or carnation.


    as it dries: this is a grande dame scent. powerful, feminine, regal. i am not really detecting the smokiness, and the leather is so light it just adds another demension, it isn't a frontrunner, and i only catch glimpses of it here and there.

  21. i actually didn't think this would be a scent i would reach for often, but omg is this awesome.


    it is laying on a plush yard, looking up at the clouds picking out shapes in the sky. so innocent, so warm. i can almost feel the warmth imminating from the bottle, feel the prickly grass poking through my clothes to tickle my flesh. this is gonna be worn as my lazy summer day scent.

  22. in the bottle: soft, almost powdery


    wet: something in this is reminding me of numb.


    yup this is numb's sister. anyone missing numb should check this out


    edit to ad lol i didn't even read the above review, and even had to go sniff through my l.e. box to see which le it reminded me of, if only i would have read hers, mine would have takne less effort.

  23. in the bottle: coffe bean, something sweet, i believe it is the tobbacco.


    wet: coffee, and something slightly cologne like hint of cinnamon


    this is soft, cinnamon coffee, i am thinking cappiccino w/ a dusting of cinnamon on top. the dry woods have something very masculine coming through, but not in a *this is a man's scent* way , so much as this is cuddling up in my man's shirt, by a fire, in the study, w/ a big mug of coffee, waiting for him to come home from a trip.
