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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. Deep cocoa laced with patchouli, leather armor, ritual incense, and a touch of Xochiquetzal’s flowers.


    in the vial :cocoa reminds me a bit of cerberus


    wet: patchouli, leather, incense the chocolate is mia



    dry: omg this is sexy, the chcolate is back, the patchouli dries it amd makes it deep, the leather makes it sexy and the insence just makes this one irresistable



    this is such a turn on. i would say i will make my dh wear it but i actually think it is sexy on *me* :P and i won't go into details w/ that :D

  2. coconut, tobacco and sweet, sugared rum



    in the bottle: sweet, sugary, delicious, buttery rum :P


    wet: yummy, briefy has the plastic smell i get w/ snow white. but only for a few seconds it is sweet, spicy alcohol w/ a brown sweet undercurrant i am assuming is the tobacco leaf



    dry: stays very much the same. this is a caramel brown color to me. sticky sweet in a good way, slightly coconut, cassionaly plasticy and the rum makes it grown up and sexy.

  3. in the bottle:green leafy spiciness. the grennery almost has a bite.



    wet: sharp greenery must be the fig leaf, it reminds me of one of those jungle plants in cartoons that grab you and try to choke you


    much later the greenery decides to leave me be. it becomes a ultra soft, almond milk and coconut w. a very light breath of fig. this is fresh, light, next to the skin fragrance

  4. o....m.....g....!!!!


    in the bottle:sweet rich white chocolate.


    wet: white chocolate w/ a slight hint of tangarine reminds me a bit of that chocolate orange thing i always buy the kids at xmas and u smack it to break it.


    as it dries i get some of the currant along w/ the above mentioned notes i don't get any floral at all (thank the heavens) and no tea just the milky white chocolate yumminess and fuity sweetnes of currant and mandarin/tangerine juiciness. this is such an amazing batch. i hope my stash will last until the next 13th

  5. wow...wow


    in the vial...loamy earth


    wet: earth, ginger, and chocolate??


    as it dries it is spicy ginger and loamy fresh earth there are also very light occassional sniffs of something breifly floral.


    this is earthy, naughty, sexy, and did i say earthy?

  6. I always pronounce it as "Bree-SING-ahmun" in my own head...


    I'm sort of similar - I've been mentally pronouncing it "Brih-sin-GAH-mun."


    that is how i say it also :D


    Goneril i say gon (short o) uh reel


    it reminds me of gonnoreah which isn't good, but probably where i pronounce it from :P


    the other that gives me weird vibes is maasbakes, i always think masterbates, i dunno why my brain does phsyco things like that

  7. chaos CCLXVII


    in the bottle: mint, and annis i think. not a huge fan of mint but love annis.


    wet: spearmint to be exact, which as far as mints go isn't as bad as some others, wet it is all 100% spearmint.


    as it dries i think there is annis in this, and possibly a pine of some sort but the mint is definitely the front runner.

    then after abbit whhhhaaaat??? spicy? yes i think cinnamon and mint? wow, i was a bit dissapointed at first but then blammy it shifted to a me smell. wow just wow i am liking



    chaos LXXIX

    in the bottle:rum? butter rum maybe?


    wet: hmmmm i do believe it is a buttery rum, w/ some rose? i know this smell. i am gonna have to think on it a bit.


    as it dries a spicy aroma emerges almost smells like raisin bread baking, mixed in w/ the buttery floral this is my favorite of the three

    this also went thru a cocoa stage, but that was brief abt 10 min. what an intresting blend





    chaos L

    in the bottle, a wood resin, i am thinking the same one that is in delphi, and something very leafy green


    wet: tree boughs, like hiding in a tree in the woods.


    as it dries there is some sort of floral here too, but not the common floral smell, it is something i am having a hard time placing, it is a light fresh greener type floral but the woodsy notes are most prominent.

  8. in the bottle: white roses, freesia, orchid, in that order.


    wet: be forewarned my chemistry likes to magnify roses, and i am ok w/ that :P

    it is almost all rose, w/ a hint of gardenia, there is also something green here, possibly is the bulgarian rose? it reminds me offresh green stems



    dry: this is very balanced, the green stem smell has receeded greatly, it is a floral, but not the sweet innocent girly type florals, this is deep, mature, nice. no bubblegum here.

  9. in the bottle: greener then the queen, i detect the oakmoss, sage, and musk most prominently.


    wet:ahhh hello almond it is almost all almond w/ a hint of the greenery in the background but the almond dies down fairly fast, then i get a mix of all the afore mentioned notes


    as it dries it becomes a warm srping day deep in the forest it is mossy, fresh moss, and deep earth, a shadowy walk in freshly cleaned leathers, deep, deep into a tangle of woods, not dangerous woods, more of like a walk to meet a lover for a mid day tryst. yes that is exactly it meeting a lover on a warm spring day, lying down in the moss to consumate their love. simply breath taking

  10. in the bottle: yes earth notes, warm fresh earthy.i also detect the red currant, rose, and hint of vanilla


    wet: a very sweet fruity earthy blend.


    drydown: this is much lighter then i expected the earth is blending in well w/ the other notes, it is a menegerie of the fruits, incense, amber, and vanilla, it is so well blended and beautiful, definitely royal. i love it they will have a place of honor next to my other royal pairs

  11. in the vial, yup roses.


    wet, huge boquet of fresh roses, very strong throw, but not in a bad way.


    as it dries it does become a tad bit sweeter, but not sugary sweet, just a mellower sweet rose. it is simply gorgeous and i must have more :P

  12. in the vial i thought quietude smelled like fresh churned butter. not a buttery scent, but the actual butter when you are churning. light, fresh butter, just as it is thickening from the cream. hmmm


    wet i get a peppery note, something a bit nippy, that makes my eyes water a bit. and rosemary? i am reminded of rosemary more then lavander. no citurs in this stage for me


    dry: lime, fresh green sliced up lime. the peppery scent is still there maybe it is fresh gingerroot, ya know how that has an almost pepper feel.... and lavander flowers, no stems, the stems have that hsarper feel this is blossom. and still i get a hint of rosemary, altho i don't think anyone has brought that up, it could just be me.


    i like this fresh clean smell, i am going to get a big bottle.

  13. very dry, woody, very light herbs, but not fresh herbs definitely dried and brittle. the floral stays hidden, lingering lightly in the background not really becoming prominent, just being a support to the dried herbal goodness.

  14. intresting really, i was expecting this to go wrong, almost anything w/ lillies does. but this is strong rose w/ a hint of lily and the frankincense is prominent also for something strongly white floral, and lilly, i actually could wear this. very light fresh, summery, and feels like a brush of an angel's wing

  15. in the vial: umm what is that smokey, deep resinous. is it the myrrh? i don't detect any floral at all



    wet: the myrrh, opamax, and plum are partying. it is incensy, dark, gorgeous, and a tidbit sweet, just a hint of sweetness so it isn't all headshop, almost has a saffron type hint, this scent is so *me* i wish i had a big bottle.


    as it dries, it doesn't go florally at all, it remains a deep, resimous, incense. i love it

  16. in the vial, i wasn't impressed, it was a bit *too* earthy, but a weird earthy smell, not fresh dirt like zombi, this is stronger, older smelling.


    wearily aply: wet: yeah um earthy w/ the red wine slithering in the twisted earthy smell.


    as it dries it becomes much nicer the general dank earthiness is replaced by a definite patchouli scent which is the one standing out foremost on me. then the rose and myrrh. the red wine is barely detectable, but i get a whiff of it occasionally. thank goodness the jasmine is mia on me.


    i am glad i waited for it to dry, i like it very much after drydown :P

  17. wow, i was somewhat hesitant to buy this because some florals go so awry on me, but the violet won me over.


    in the bottle, man them is some flowers.


    wet, strong, floral, has quite some throw


    as it dries it matures a bit, i wish i could sit and pick each individual note, but i can't it is excellently blended, like being in a greenhouse full of beautiful blooms, that sticky sweet flowery smell that as you leave a green house clings damply to your skin. this works on me so well i actually am a bit amazed. i am very glad i have this one.

  18. i got nervous reading the reviews for this when it said mint, i am not big on mint. then i opened the bottle....wow this is sweet caramel, milky goodness, soft, sweet, innocent.


    wet ugh mint yes there it is, not as bad as some mints but why oh why couldn't it be the yumminess in the bottle.


    dry....ahhhhh deep relaxing sigh. this is gorgeous, perfect. the mint faded very fast within minutes. i am left w/ innocence. it almost brings tears to my eyes. i nursed all my children, this is that closeness, that sweet smell a newborn has at 3 am when u are sitting there w/ moonlight flowing in and they have just drifted off to sleep after nursing, that sweet, brand new, milky breath. it kills me that i am done having babies, not because i want more kids so much as i miss those nightitme feedings when it was just me and the baby, a time when i would sit there and just be in awe of this little person who is looking at me as i provide the one thing they want and need. that bond, closness, love is encapsulated so well in this scent, and i literally want to be able to remeber every minute of them being so small, because they are growing so fast. beth thanks so much for this beautiful gift.

  19. in the vial i recognize the fruity bubblgumish lotus not detecting the rose, but i am not too worried i usually magnify roses


    wet lotus w/ a very light touch of rose...but i feel it coming :P



    drying the rose gets bolder and bolder i am thinking it isn't a deep red rose, maybe white or pink but the lotus makes it quite sweet, this is very pretty a feminine. i love a good rose blend keeper for sure.

  20. wow in teh vial this is familiar i think it has a similar wine note to f54


    wet: wow again it is all bay, green, not sweet at all like in the vial


    as it dries, how intresting this one is the bay settled after a few minutes, it became a supporting actor instead of the headliner it is so weird when my hand is back away from my nose i get alot of the wine smell, but up close i get the honey laurel, teh laurel almost goes pencilish on me but stops right at the edge, so i am unsure of it, but then a few seconds later it settles down into a woody, honey wine scent. i actually have never smelled anything similar, i am waffling and not sure if it is a keeper or not i am thinking it is.
