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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. in the bottle: honey, sweet warm honey


    wet: flowers, a big summer boquest of flowers still warm, and fresh picked, quite alot of throw at this point


    dry: this one is a morpher in a big way, now it is soft soft honey and a himt of what i think is thyme. it is a second skin scent after it dries

  2. in the bottle:dried grass and minty freshness


    wet: same sun dried frasses and fresh mint right from the herb garden, possibly meadow tea


    dry: warm grasses (duh i could just copy and paste) they settle to the back ground, it is more minty then grassy now w/ the barest breath of violet. i wouldn't really classify this as a "floral" it is more herbal, and clean then "floral" on me this is like a cross between the lion and my ct2 blend, very light, summery, and beautiful, i believe this is my favorite of the zoryas

  3. in the bottle: this is masculine to me musks, and patchouli


    wet: musky, and masculine, i can see the comparison to "comercial" scents but it is deeper then comercials smell


    dry: smokey and musky, still very masculine. i can see my dh wearing this for a night out, he usually wears fenris wolf but for a change occassionally i may ask for this one.


    the patchouli keeps the musk from going over the top, and the musk is a sexy blend that just screams manly to me. i do not even get a hint of poppy

  4. in the bottle: musk and jasmine, but more musk then floral



    wet: well hello there miss jasmine, my evil nemesis


    as it dries i can detect it is not all jamine there is something darker, heavier then jasmine, something spicey and grounding, i also detect primrose i believe. so i look up cereus and this is what i find...very intresting


    One of the strangest plants of the desert, the Night-bloomiing Cereus is a member of the Cactus Family that resembles nothing more than a dead bush most of the year. It is rarely seen in the wild because of its inconspicuousness. But for one midsummer's night each year, its exqusitely scented flower opens as night falls, then closes forever with the first rays of the morning sun.


    this is very sophisticated, polished, dark, and regal

  5. Aids in the cultivation and development of personal power in all aspects of your life. Can be used in conjunction with any magick to add additional strength to the work.

    gah this is intimidating. being the first to review a mysterious tal blend.... :P

    in the vial resinous, and a very familiar scent of tal blends. sharp, and well powerful

    wet: hmm cedar i believe it is cedary, there is something spicy there too possibly tonka? (ppsssttt did i say this is intimidating?)

    as it dries it is mostly resinous but occassionally i get a whiff of smething spicey. it is a powerful scent, i wish i could do it justice but alas i fear i am not. the longer it is on the less "resinous" it is and it becomes somewhat floral i believe gardenia, heady and strong and the hint of light clean soap (in a good way not in a coast way)

    my skin really soaked this one up, like a sponge

    eta recieved a decanted imp in a swap

    Added Lab description --Shollin

  6. ct2 LXXVIII



    in the vial: something edible, like ginger maybe. w/ sandalwood


    wet:yeah i believe it is sandalwood and ginger


    dry: cinnamon, spicey i do believe it is cinnamon and ginger and definitely a sandalwood base. i don't get any floral (thank goodness) just a yummy spicy very edible scent.



    ty laochodia for giving me tha chance to try this :P i adore it


    Previously reviewed by laochodia and olympia301.

  7. in the vial: clean herbal, not sharp but instead a comforting herbal


    wet: soap.


    as it dries it is less soapy, i wonder if there is lily in this? it is a clean floral, borderline soapy. if it were a man it would be ward cleaver, stoic, quiet, very clean cut. yes i imagine this would be ward's scent :P

  8. in the vial: apples, and lotus giving it a fruity candy type scent


    wet: this smells like herbal essence, a totally organic experience. it is fruity, floral, light and warm.


    as it dries this reminds me of sunshine, it is fresh, warm, summery, i picture a beautiful floral sundress clad woman slowly walking through an apple orchard.


    definitely not what i expected in hanged man :P beautiful indeed

  9. in the vial: fruity sage and lavander


    wet: herbal, yet sweet and resinous


    dry: hmmm i think there is something along the lines of some sort of tree resin, but not piney at all. and cinnamon spices, and sweet fruit not sure if it is fig or grape, or a combo of both.


    this is a beautiful scent. i will have fun meditating on it and using it in ritual

  10. ok i was a bit hesitant...corndog???? then carnation *joyful squee* then jasmine cries....but i decide to sniff it meself



    in the vial: herbal, green


    wet: saffron? and sandalwood. hmm why am i getting saffron?


    as it dries it is all saffron and sandalwood sensual, relaxing, beautiful looove it

  11. in the vial:light breezy blossoms


    wet:yes light, tropical, breezy sweet but not foody type sweetness


    this stayes very true even through drydown, it is light, breezy, blossoms, very tropical, sunny, florals, the sweetness i believe is the tobacco leaf. i barely get any bay rum just a hint occassionally to make me go ooohh there it is then it is gone, like a ghost in the night floating away on a summer breeze

  12. in the vial: musk, bergamont, neroli in that order


    wet:sweet candy like scent almost too "fruity" and sweet, bubble gum type scent


    dry: it softens, and isn't as in your face, it is still very sweet, it must be the bergamont and neroli combo, it rings a bit citrus, the musk is trying to ground the scent but the sweetness is just too much for it to handle. i am not getting teh frankencense or amber. this is sweet and light and fresh smelling

  13. in the vial: vetiver strong, sharp dark


    wet: patchouli, cedarwood, and a hint of occassional violet


    as it dries it is not as pungent, when my arm is a bit away from my nose, i smell mostly the violet, but up close to "sniff" it is myrrh and patchouli w/ a hint of cedar.


    this is lovely, dark, earthy, yet sweetened w/ the violet. very beautiful if not classically femenine.

  14. in the vial cologne. i usually get that sensation from strong lavander


    wet: lavanderand lemon


    as it dries a hint of leather appearsand the tonka whiffs by every once in a while but it is mostly lavander and leather.


    reminds me a bit of claiborne for me, but much better and fresher

  15. in the vial: yeah dbr for sure


    wet dbr and i think i agree w/ eros gardenia


    as it dries it remains a dbr scent obviosly (plus my skin amps dbr) but there is a spicness to it and the very floral gardenia note there is something else. something creamy that pops up occassionally but i am not positive as to its origin. could be vanilla or possibly coconut...but coconut goes a tad plastic on me and this doesn't hmmm anyway it is yummilicious

  16. in the vial: jasmine



    wet: jasmine (please let something else show up as it dries jasmine hates me)


    as it dries the jasmien is still very prevelant but teh sandalwood is making it a bit more tolerablei also am getting a bit of the musk but so far no vanilla burbon :P

  17. in the vial: green? grassy? huh?


    wet: still green, and leafy. w/ an undercurrant of something spicy


    as it dries it is amber, spice, carnation w/ a hint of something astringent that i can not place. this is spicy yet summery. very intresting and a tad effrevecent

  18. in the vial: i can't smell anything but a clean scent *shrugs*


    wet: saffron (one of my favorites)and sandalwood


    as it dries i detect a musk and rose, but the rose stays a supproting memeber and not the lead part i can't smell the madarin or bergamont on me it is all musky, sandalwood, saffrom roses. i wish nutmeg would mingle a bit

  19. in the vial: hmmm very resinous and slighty green


    wet: patchouli and myrrh w/ some frankencense


    dry this is very incense. it smells just like teh ritual ones i make by hand. when i have the stuff sticking to me, and making me sniff my fingers. on me the most prominent note is frankencense w/ the myrrh a close second and occassional glimpses of patchouli. i often use sandalwood as a base for my incense and i am telling you they smell so much like this scent. so of course i love it

  20. in the vial: juniper and sandalwood


    wet: a floral bouquet w/ a hint of juniper


    as it dries: wow this is well blended. i get a very light waft of musk every once in a while but is is brief and light, the rosewood is just barely there and adding a wee touch of depth and the orchid and lilac are twisted around each other so that it is almost impossible for me to distinguish between were one ends and the other begins.

  21. in the bottle: apricot brandy indeed


    wet: yes apricot brandy



    as it dries it remans true to the initial stages. it is a dominatrix, apricot. she is whippin the brandy's butt and believe you me the brandy is enjoying every second of it.


    all in all love it and want more NOW
