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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. in the bottle: roses, and something else floral i am not able to put my finger on,


    wet: an almost candy like sweetness, it possibly is lotus, but that doesn't "feel" right it is slightly powdery, i think maybe that is violets. i am getting a slight clean hint of something that wants to be soapy but isn't quite "soapy" this could very possibly be a lily of some sort as lilies sometimes go a bit soap like one me. so it is a sweet, slightly soap like, powdery rose scent not gettin "spice".


    as it dries it softens immensely. it is like a fuzzy soft sweet blanket, it makes me inhale and just feel happier. not quite sure that that *fits* w/ the whole concept but on me it is innocence and sweetness. a first kiss in a garden on a sunny day. just beautiful. all traces of the soap like scent have evaporated. so all in all it is gorgeous.

  2. in the bottle: definitely smell the wine and plums MMMMMMMMM


    wet: fruity wine, w/ a hint of sweet spiciness. not getting "florals" atm


    as it dries: oh it is still all of the above, but a strong green note is present, i am thinking maybe it is the ivy. i get a slight hint of something floral, but it is mostly a fruity wine, spice scent w/ a tad of green to give it some backbone, which is definitely up my alley. i didn't get the apple cider scent some people get. but i love this more then i would an apple cider scent.


    well done beth!


    those wondering about how it compares t last year. this is more wet, juicy fruit. not as sharp. it is a very "round" scent to me. very sweet, heavy. love it

  3. in the bottle: leathery rosewood


    wet: hmm soft woods, must be cedar or pine of some sort. this is resinous. i love resins. it is leather, and deep woods


    as it dries: ahhh this softens, i get whiffs of incense a hint of parchment, and it is all grounded by the deep foresty resinous smell. the leather i catch occassionally but it is like a shadow of leather, not a oh wow leather scent.


    this is sexy, deep and soft all at the same time. i can see why people say it is masculine, but to me it is definitely something *i* wuld wear and i am not butch or masculine at all i just love me some resins

  4. in the vial: masculine, sandalwood.


    wet: peppery, sandalwood


    as it dries i can detect the leather, sandalwood, it went a hint soapy for abt 1/2 a second. then recovered quickly. it is smokey, sensual in a dark, deeply manly way, i thought i got a touch of hops too. but it was so briefly wafting i am unsure. man this is sexy to me. i will NOT be swapping this one. i will however be hinding around the corner waiting for the man to come in and i will sprinkle him genrerously w/ sexy melancholy in a vial

  5. in the vial: light very, airy barely there kind of scent


    wet: well HELLO! honeysuckle, and it bitchslaps me silly. did i think it smelled light? there is nothing light as soon as it touches my skin. it is heady strong in your face summer florals


    as it dries i am getting what i think is gardenia, a waxy lotion type scent, still some honeysuckle.


    nice, summery, but way to florally for me

  6. in the vial: resinous.


    wet: deep resins? i am not really getting ginger, just a woodsy resinous deep smell. and yes it faintly smells like a fresh bill from the bank



    as it dries it does get a wee bit spicier, fresh ginger anyone? something dried grass like herbal. peppery. this is a deep deep scent


    i will be using this in ritual and update on the usage portion but figured i would do a "review" for now on scent

  7. wow, wow, wow...ummm ok review. must focus on review


    in the vial, heavy juicy fruits not getting florals i am thinking maybe it is plum?


    wet: still heavy juicy fruits, actually making my mouth water, delicious.



    as it dries it is a fruity floral. the roses are slowly appearing, not a deep red rose, more of a brightly colored rose. juicy, sexy, sweet. when tals go live i will be ordering this one for sure

  8. in the bottle: herbal. eucalyptus. Pine.


    wet: pine faintly floral. still very herbal


    this is an extremely herbal scent. it has a breath of pine, and something *very* faintly floral. there is a definite pepper note. i believe i also detect some lavander the longer it dries the more prominent the "floral" note becomes it is definitely a violet scent, i love how the pine deepens it, and the pepper spikes it and violets are just amazing, win me over more times then not. i love it. i soo soo hope i can get more then just this baby impling

  9. in the bottle, powder...lots of powder. some musk i actually think it is a bit heavy on the musk. and a floral. i am thinking white floral. possibly white violets bt has a touch of soapy smething


    wet it reminds me of when i used to work in a high end department store. these wealthy old ladies would come in all powdery and makeup caked on and flash their big bling. this smell is them. older, rich, snob w/ loads of make up...what a scent association :P


    it goes very soapy/powdery...as it dries. however it lasts a long time.

  10. did someone say violet lovers??? i come running in, pouncing like tigger.


    in the bottle, there is something sharp, perfumey and floral...i was hoping for something not so sharp


    wet: rose and lily. i am not a huge lily fan.


    after mere minutes it becomes a beautiful violet rose blend, w/ a hint of white lily lingering ever so lightly in the background. i adore violets, and roses. and they smack the lily into submission and make this an overall success on me. thank goodness whatever that sharp scent was it ran and hid.

  11. in the bottle, i get a spicey wine type smell. intresting


    wet, honey and cloves w/ a hint of cinnamon


    the honey fades pretty fast on me leaving me w/ a ginger, clove, cinnamon mixture, that is hot and spicey. the musk is nonexistant on me



    edit to add


    after days of slathering this...and it going on the top 10. i should say the honey doesn't leave. it hides for a bit, then becomes the base of the whole thing, so it has a sweet skin honey note, w/ the ginger, cinnamon w/ a hint of clove. it is amazing. JUST AMAZING

  12. when this imp came it was the first thing from my order i tried. in the vial a vanillay musk


    wet it is very true to in the vial except i get the impression it is tonka not straight vanilla. tonka and a soft skin type musk


    as it dries it doesn't change much, it is a soft sexy scent, like a slinky black cat stretching in front of the fire. soft, smooth, it is more tonka on me then straight vanilla, altho sometimes i do get vanilla, so i am thinking it is a tonka/vanilla/musk blend

  13. in the bottle: lavander & rosewood


    wet: lavander in my face very masculine to my nose


    as it dries it softens amazingly so. it is a skin scent the touch of vanilla like, tonka, a hint of amber a splash of rosewood. w/ a lingering breath of lavander to keep it from being too soft.


    the wet stage is a bit much for me. but the drydown is worth it. i definitely want to try this on my dh. all in all glad i have a bottle

  14. in the bottle:clove, patchouli, citrus,


    wet: no citrus, lots of cinnamon, there is something resinous here not one i can place my finger on. this goes through an intese cinnamon phase and i mean INTENSE!


    when it is dry it is softer cinnamon, clove w/ a hint of what i think is the peach it isn't exactly innocent peach. it is more like the poisoned peach in labyrinth. it is a dark spicey peach. heavier on the spices then the peach to be exact. the patchouli darkens it and makes it a bit deeper then a fruity scent normally is. i love it!

  15. hehehehe i adore so many blends, and my kids (ages 12,10,5,3) love to have snif fests also. they love my colllection, and i haven't found any that irritate them, my oldest two actually have their own mini bpal collections :P i am trying to teach them that bpal is eons beyond mass produced brittney spears in a bottle....


    i love the dragon's milk monster spray, we use dragon's milk as a linen spray and i agree it is comforting
