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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. in the bottle: definitely a relative of skadi junipery berries, and miny


    wet: wow way fruitier then in the bottle, still very juniper, and a hint of fresh "air" and possibly a nip of mint


    as it dries it becomes less junipery, sweeter i am wondering...is that pomegranet? i believe so. and a dash of ozone crisp air.


    i do believe this would be a good substitute for skadi lovers, yet it is different enough that i like it. actually i like it more then i like skadi.

  2. this one was one i ordered trepiditiously, i am not a huge mint fan. so why order it you ask? well beth continually amazes me and so i just had to.


    i would have to agree and yet disagree w/ the previous reviews. it is not straight up peppermint for sure, yet i wouldn't say "candy cane" for me this is those antique candy type peppermint melt away balls. i am not sure if yall know what i mean but they are akin to a buttermint, in texture and they melt almost as soon as you pop them in your mouth. they are little red and white striped balls. and man are they yummy. this is lick it. and i love it, which amazes me w/ my nonlove for mint in general.


    thanks beth for bringing this out :P

  3. in the bottle: a metalic bite, possibly red musk? and a hint of incense


    wet: this reminds me greatly of blood moon. there are some definite similarities. there is what i believe is red musk and i feel i am also detecting some frankincense.


    as it dries: wow, this is hot, steamy, bloody metalic which as i have stated i believe is derived from a red musk, there is a hint of something somewhat spice like but i am guessing it isn't a spice but a resin pretending to be spicy.


    this is one i want my man to wear. i just "feel" it, a physical reaction very interesting.

  4. in the bottle: hmm pecan pie? some sort of sugary nut dessert


    wet: ahhh ok so there is the pine note, actually that is almost all i smell, evergreen.


    as it dries it is no longer a gooey dessert treat, it is a christmas dessert sitting beside a freshly cut pine tree, the smell of the evergreen sweeping through the room mingling w/ the scent of delicious, sweet nut pies, and yummy smatterings of yuletide treats.

  5. in the bottle: resins, like chunks of frankincense, myrrh, and another that i know i know but can't place at the moment.


    wet: wow yes incense intense.


    as it dries, this is not the "cheap" incense you can pick up at any flea market stall it is the resins you buy to make an offering. it is as if i took a chunk and crush it in my fingers rubbing it to help the scent escape.




  6. in the bottle:woody,leather


    wet: dry woodiness, a slight leathery note, and the lightest hint of smoke


    as it dries, it is a manly (yet wearable for women) woody, and sexy i actually believe i can detect certain woods. for instance i could swear i occassionally get birch, and possibly an oak type scent. there is also a the very slightest touch of spice. and of course the leather. i am not really detecting linen, but that really doesn't surprise me as i tend to get rid of that note often

  7. in the bottle: soft, creamy, sexual


    wet: amber, this is stronger on, it "blooms" i still find it incredibly sexual


    as it dries. it becomes more demensional, deeper, there is a spiciness to it that gives it some spunk but it is still more amber then anything else, there is a definite tonka note also. it is golden warmth, sweet, soft like wrapping up in a cashmere blanket scented w/ love (if love had an actual smell).


    this is one of my favorites so far


    and i wanted to add that i agree w/ the above statement that this shares some similar note w/ black opal.

  8. in the bottle: very very light, almost imperceptible. slightly floral


    wet: well hello there, this intensifies almost immediately when it hits my skin. white musk, champagne, and altho it says tobacco flower, and i am unsure what they smell like, i am getting a distinctive "tobacco" note.


    as it dries it softens a bit, i am drawn to this scent. it is elegant, gorgeous. white musk finery, i am thinking there is a smokey haze of white sandalwood, just ringing the edges. there is a definite floral note, but i can not distinguish one flower from another, it is a boquet, possibly spring flowers. there is still a very strong champagne note, it smells like a party, women in dress finery, men in tuxes, champagne flowing freely, vases of flowers, upscale, classy and somewhat arrogant.


    all in all very beautiful and a keeper

  9. in the bottle: frosting. sweet goey, homemade, wanna lick the bowl clean frosting.


    wet: creamy, delicious. very much the same as in the bottle


    dry: it softens a bit, but is still very creamy hand mixed, sugary, buttercream frosting. it almost makes me sticky just smelling it. there is a huge temptation to lick just a wee bit. but avoid this impulse as it doesn't taste nearly as good as it seems it should. (not that i did this :P ) this one has quite a bit of throw. and is gleep worthy (ya know when your mouth squirts that spit cause something is so appetizing yeah gleep). this i believe is my favorite lunar oil.


    i am editting to let ya know about the staying power. i put some beaver on yesterday morning about 8 am and last night at 10 pm it was still going strong! wasn't even faint. i am very impressed w/ her staying power

  10. tomorrow, the first big power meeting under sole ownership of my salon. the meeting is w/ a womanizer man, whom i rent from. he is known for being sneaky, and manipulative. i want to definitely come out on top of this meeting. i am not so much worried about meeting him as i am not easliy intmidated, but i want to "tweak" the meeting. what oil should i wear?



    and after that i must pick the perfect outfit. i am guessing my black leather pants and corset are out? :P

  11. in the bottle: spicey, cinnamon i believe, but not red hots type cinnamon, more like a cinnamon stick. there is definitely a musk (red i believe)


    wet: it is very very spicey, a bit strong, and a touch of metalic twang


    as it dries it gets very deep, and sensual, sandalwood i would agree w/. man this is a sexy sexy scent. it is close to the skin, and hot! i love it! i do believe this could be my favorite lunar oil to date. eta after a while, this has become much softer, still very sexy, the tonka is becoming more apparent. it is much more delicious and not as in your face as it was in the beginning.


    i believe it is feral, and i agree it doesn't "appear" to have dragon's blood.

  12. rhowan, i think waiting for the first order is the worst, once you have a few under your belt it really doesn't seem too bad, i now place orders every 2 weeks or so, just so i don't have "long waits" :P believe me though it is worth the wait.

  13. in the imp:

    leather, incense


    wet: leather, orange blossom, lavander maybe? and a hint of resinous incense smell


    as it dries: this is a spicey manly scent. leathery resinous, hint of rose but it is so light it is fleeting and pops in to say hello occassionally. deep down there is a hint of something i know that i know but it is confounding me at the moment. this is deep, complex and very sexy. i want to try it on my man and see what happens.

  14. in the vial strong strong orchids


    wet: yeah very strong orchids, almost overwhelms me


    there is something very lightly green, and yet the orchid is beating it down, showing it who is boss. something i learned is orchids induce headaches if i sniff them up close. beautiful, etheral yes, and great for someone who likes light florals

  15. in the vial: green and slightly sweet w/ a soap like aftersmell


    wet: hmmm smells like shampoo on me. a hint of berry fruity goodness so it would be a berry shampoo


    yup it is a clean berry scent and by clean i mean it smells like some kind of shampoo w/ a touch of green possibly ivy in it.


    my chemistry does some weird things sometimes....shampoo that is fun :P

  16. in the vial: fresh soil, a hint of mossy goodness, and a really light touch of florals


    wet: wow the dirt note fades as soon as it touches my skin, the moss is barely there, but a big flower arrangement bursts to the fore. lucky for me, it is not the flowers that do evil things w/ my chemistry this is fresh and beautiful


    as it dries, the soil note pops in and out but i wouldn't say it is prominent, the spanish moss smells just as it does hanging on the tree branches in the deep south. the flowers blend in perfectly , and there is just the slightest touch of alcoholic vibe that completes this scent and makes it capture the very essence of it's namesake.

  17. this one scares me. my dh and i went to the shore a few years ago, he got me very very drunk on cosmos (i accept no culpability in the matter whatsoever) anyway after "several" cosmos very quickly i ended up a very sick person, i do recall the cold rough feel of asphalt under my cheek as i lost the contents of every organ in my torso but not much else :P i am hoping this scent brings back the fun i had while dancing insanely drunk to the beastie boys, and not the whole asphalt rendition of said night....well here goes


    in the vial:

    gorgeous, lime and cranberry shine through.

    wet: on it is almost imperceptable, slightly cranberry yet very clean


    as it dries: it does get a tad stronger, though i still wouldn't call it a heavy scent. it is cranberry ringed w/ fresh lime it is indeed a very well made cosmo. oh what fun. it almost makes me want to have another (something i have not done since waking up the morning after above incident w/ my clothing all over the backyard wondering just who on earth saw me in the nude)....now where is that beastie boys cd?
