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Posts posted by shelldoo

  1. in the bottle, sweet, spicey, definitely a holiday scent. i like this better then eggnog latte


    wet, cinnamon, spice, and i am getting something incensy.



    as it dries this becomes lighter but still very spice heavy though a certain smokey quality keeps it from going foody. gorgeous.

  2. in the bottle this si spot on egg nog latte, sweet eggy vanilla, and a shot of coffee.


    wet remains very similar to in the bottle


    as it dries the coffee is less prominent and it is a sifter spicier, scent, very christmassy, very "foody" i am not so much a foody girl as a heavy incensy musk girl, but foodies will surely love this beautiful scent

  3. i realized i have let my reviews slip lately. and what better scent to form my comeback then *my* scent. when beth first asked if she could do me, i was stunned, crazily fangirl flattered, and uber excited, athough a bit nervous to have anything threaten my love for snake oil. the description and artwork brought tears to my eyes, it is soooo me.


    so the prototype arrived for ECWC and i had to try it first, i mean come on it is meeeeee.


    and i opened the bottle, i love beth's pine notes, i have made no secret of that, but man wow smack in the face pine. wow did i say pine??

    this is one of those times i trust in beth, i know what she can do, i have read the notes, i know there are other facets to this scent.


    wet: still heavy on the pine, but i can detect patchouli, smokiness, and a hint of musk.


    then it dries. O.M. GAHHHH gorgeousness. this is a skin hugging vanilla, honey, smokiness, the pine fades back to barely waft by occasionally and say hi. the tobacco, honey, and musk frame the patchouli and make this just stunning, it is definitely a "me" scent and definitely tends to give snake oil some competition. although snake oil will always be my signature scent, illustrated woman is my comforting hell yeah scent. beth continually amazes me, and it is such an honor to have such an amazing scent w/ my pic on it.

  4. as a retailer i can say alot of hershey-ites are wearing bpal, that otherwise wouldn't neccesarily realize bpal is there, when they come in i show them what we have, and give out lab postcards, and tell them about the forums, it is win win w/ from my perspective, i promote the lab, they may order online, but then will calls are promoted to me in this area, so they come back...great big circle of love really.

  5. in the bottle:swweeeet, creamy, hint of something almost cherry


    wet: very strong almost powdered sugar slightly powdery, slightly floral, no cherries


    as it dries it is a soft sweet cloud of yumminess, vanilla, sugar, sticky yet strong. maybe the stay puff marshmallow man in ghostbusters is a good comparison. big, white, poof of stickiness.

  6. 07 all souls.


    in the bottle sweet, incensy, hint of fruit.


    wearing this is like being in a hippies kitchen. the hippie is baking a delicious white cake, placing a touch of currant preserves in between layers and the whole time the kitchen is permeated w/ soft, wafts of incense. it stays close to my skin but wisps around me intriguing me when i catch it.


    i keep thinking if cheech and chong were married, this would be what their wives kitchens would smell like when they came home after getting the munchies :P



    love this one for sure

  7. another lovely bptp soap. it is very lightly fragranced sugar skull, true to the scent of the same name, it doesn't over power the shower, but makes it's gentle self known, i again use a poof due to the scrubby texture, but i have uber sensitive skin, so some may not need that step. there is just something so decadent about lathering this lovely scent on my body. i am truly spoiled.

  8. As sweet as death, as deep as the grave: pomegranate, raspberry, gardenia, plum, and rose with patchouli, black pepper, rose musk, and a hint of blood accord.

    What I see in the distance is a moss covered ancient mausoleum. Being the daring soul I am, I silently creep, on careful footsteps to the door. It makes en eerie creak, almost a slow moan as I ease the door open. Standing alone, in the center of the interior is a coffin that looks almost as aged as the building itself. Somewhere deep in the recess of my mind I realize this could be dangerous. I have heard rumors the ever dangerous inhabitant who wants to own her victims abides in these hallowed halls. I get closer to the coffin, commited to my destiny, I slowly open the lid by sliding it a crack, the smell of dry almost crackling moss. I can tell the inhabitant once had life a hint of almost animated musk. I also can detect funeral flowers, particularly rose, and something barely fruity and sweet. As I get to know the Queen better I can almost feel her breath and eyes on me, deep, dark, dusty. She still has the barest hint of sweetness, and that musk, I want her to love me, I want her to always be with me, captivate me w/ the life she once led, holding court and having people fall at her feet, worshiping. I feel I could stay here all day, and a drowsiness starts to fall across me, hypnotic. I desire to curl up, rest, deep, undisturbed slumber. It feels like hours have passed, I realize they have, I had fallen asleep. I awake feeling almost as if someone was there with me, then recall I had been invisioning *her* and her scent still lingers, enfolding me in a cloud of the softest skin musk, no bitterness, no anciant mosses, just a soft sweet breath, a hint of her previous beauty lingering, bekoning me to become hers fully. I realize suddenly I want to. I want to be hers, stay with her forever.....

  9. in the bottle: musky deep florals something slightly fruity


    wet: yes i believe it is a white floral, although i don't get jasmine...there isn't that rusty nail scent jasmine likes to do. it is mostly musk though, i am thinking red musk, but agree it could be a fruity maybe plum note mixed w/ a different musk, that is making me think red musk. it is definitely regal, and deep and dark, and even lush. reminding me of a deep, dark, royal purple velvet.


    as this dries the florals burn off and it becomes a musky slightly spicy skin scent, very sexy and alluring. this is a definite keeper. i love it!

  10. in the bottle: fruity, sweet, clean.


    wet: yummy sweet candies, fruity candies to be exact, very light, dainty, yet elegant florals, very fragile smelling, slightly watery underneath.


    light, otherworldy, etheral, fragile, even twinkly, might describe this blend. there is softest of florals, something ever so slightly aquatic (mist), something like sugared melons, and a slightly smokey waft. but the smoke is not a heavy dark smoke it is light, almost clean yet not at all soapy. just a very gorgeous scent. very complex, very well blended.

  11. inthe bottle: musky, rose,slightly sweet


    wet: still musky rose, but a bit sharper, and throw in some incense. hint of lily.


    as this dries it deepens, becomes more incensy, but still retains a hint of rose, heavier on the plum and the plum reminds me slightly of snake charmer. i also can detect the bees wax. this is indeed very sinister, deep, dark, yet gorgeous. i LOVE IT!

  12. This is the second prototype for BPAL (as opposed to TAL) Arabian Nights. Its OOAK, but its similar to the one that went into circulation briefly. This one is a myrrh, lilac, mastic, fennel, and rose blend.


    in the bottle:myrrh, something almost powdery, and hint of rose


    wet: strong myrrh, slightly spicey. rose background, hint of lilac


    as this dries it is a soft, spicy, resinous rose. very deep, kind of dark, and very sexy!

  13. Grace is an aquatic with mahogany, carnation, rose, violet leaf, black cedar, and bourbon vanilla.


    in the bottle: slight aquatic, not overbearingly so,and a woody note i am assuming is mahogany


    wet: woodier, definitely smell the cedar, and mohogany, back drop of aquatics there is something kinda spicy possibly it is the carnation. this is an amazingly complex blend, the laters are so intricate that even in a sniff one must concentrate to pick it apart


    as it dries it becomes alot more floral. i definitely smell the carnation and hint of something green, with a backdrop of woods, the aquatic is mostly gone at this point but occassionally it sneaks in to keep me on my toes.

    the spiciness of the carnation is the front runner, but there is a sweet dryness to it that i am wondering if it is the vanilla burbon combined w/ violet leaf? whatever it is this is another incredible prototype. just showcasing how amazing beth's talents are.

  14. This just in: LA prisoners expell sigh of relief, after our celebutante is released, more pruno for the *real* prisoners, she kept flashing some expensive boobies to get the other prisoners to give up their share and everyone missed their hooch...


    As our media darling exits the building we get the hint of bartels and james wine coolers....maybe she got a good batch of the pruno.


    why, i do declare i belive the gaurds might have helped smuggle her in some classy champagne in a box, this doesn't smell at all like ketchup and nasty fruit...i have some investigating to do, but don't worry i shall get to the bottom of this.


    after doing some dumpster diving and digging through false eyelashes, shimmery lip gloss, and fake butt pads???? i have found a wine cooler, i can not reveal the name brand so i don't get sued..we know how these rich socialites love to sue. but the real story is this is no jail house pruno, no my friends we have had our legs pulled. this is beautiful fizzy white grape, a touch of alcoholic beverage for sure, and i believe in an attempt to throw us off this story they have thrown in tomato leaf, to fool us in to believing our genteel papparazzi prey was indeed imbibing in the aforementioned hooch, but alas i have uncovered the truch, just as in life she has had the privilege of drinking this fine smelling wine. it shouldn't surprise us, she has after all earned her way by being born in the lucky sperm club.


    stay tuned for more *news* from world reknown stalkerazzi, shelldoo out

  15. NEWSFLASH: low speed chase, papparazzi in tow.


    in vehicle one we have overated, glammed up, soon to be crotch shot photography, a clean, fresh...not what the press was expecting folks, i was expecting something a bit more...i dunno fishy? :P


    we have stopped at a redlight and someone has rolled the window down to daintily flip me off...is that any way to treat the press i ask? after all we made you famous, didn't we? the culprit smells very, very, green, possibly like linden & hint of roses. clean slightly citrus. i am sure these girls are upto no good, what is it they are smoking back there.


    as the debutantes emerge, flashing smiles (and bits of nether regions) we can tell who the true blondes are and who the real fire crotch is, we also can smell the lovely scent of spoiled brats, it is classic florals my friends, soft, clean florals, trying to deceive us into believeing their on screen innocence i believe, i am not buying it though as i have seen those video tapes...you know the ones. so don't let the sweetsie, cutesie smiles and nice smelling perfume fool ya, these girls are debauchery personified...if only they didn't smell so good.

  16. in the vial:fresh, watery, almost melon like.


    wet: it is very watery, fruit like.


    as it dries it becomes more floral and less watery there is a touch of greeness but i am thinking fresh green moss, not stems. it is somewhat on the clean side.


    for those who like fresh, clean, watery, florals this will be a winner.

  17. in the vial:light, sweet floral


    wet: very light, fresh boquet of flowers,


    as it dries not typical spring floral type boquet, more like a soft fresh boquet of wild flowers, yes victorian definitely springs to mind. soft, close to the skin. this is very feminine, almost fragile, reminds me a bit of flowers being crushed under foot. did i say soft?

  18. Pink pepper, golden amber, honeysuckle, and passion flower.


    in the vial:mmmm yummy pink pepper, andthe fruitiness of passionflower


    wet: strong pink pepper, and something that reminds me of saffron or sandalwood.


    as it dries this has a strong amber note, it is reminding me slightly of the lion, the peppery smells adds a new demension to the lion and there is a hint of sweetness form the passionflower. not getting honeysuckle from this, but i adore it greatly

  19. in the vial:sweet, faint, clean hint of vanilla


    wet:man how yummy this is! tonka and benzoin are the most obvious and something faintly floral.


    this ends up a soft, sweet vanillay (tonka) blend, there is a hint of musk, a hiont of floral, but tonka is the most prominent. it is simply gorgeous!

  20. madmeg.gif


    Mad Meg, Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

    Fire-scorched earth, black mandarin, cinnamon bark, bitter almond, sage, vetiver, and balsam of peru.


    in the bottle, dark , smokey. vetiver is obvious


    wet: earth and vetiver


    this is earthy, very earthy, lots of vetiver w/ the slightest breath of cinnamon.
