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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    oh....my....god..... how is that for a review? want more? ok, give me a second to change my undies.... back i will try to expound on my thoughts, however i will be unable to do the incredible scent justice. with that in mind: in the bottle: a lush scent, creamy, yet spicy. very musky slightly smokey a touch of what must be the ginger. wet: ther is a very familiar note, something resinous. also i do recognize an opium type note, and something slightly floral, but a mild gentle floral. as it dries, this scent gets creamier, yet retains a floral type incense feel. it is indeed in the snake oil, a.l. etc, yet is also a whole new animal. sexy, slinky, hypnotic, and all around scent perfect for my tastes. well done. very well done.
  2. shelldoo

    Harvest Moon 2006

    in the bottle:apples. spices. yummy. reminds me of mabon. wet: a hint of green comes out i think it is the bamboo... this still reminds me a bit of mabon w/ a hint of greenery. as it dries is this a golden/green scent, there is a common something to mabon, but this dries much more herbal, and tea then mabon does. i put mabon on one hand and h.m. on the other. the mabon has that deep reddish feel spicy. h.m. is much greener in comparison. on me this is more bamboo and tea then apple spices. i do occassionally get a whiff of a grainy note, but it is fleeting. this is very much an asian moon on me. once this has had plenty of time to dry it is indeed very similar to mabon with a bit of bamboo and tea thrown in for good measure. mabon lovers will love this.
  3. shelldoo

    Nag Champa scent in a BPAL blend?

    MALEDICTION, and SCHEREZADE both smell incency to me.
  4. i want to get her onto the bpal bandwagon. is there anything reminicent of rapture by v.s.?
  5. snake oil has the most throw/longest lasting scent on me, however it took me a while to love it, which i now do
  6. shelldoo

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    i fully agree w/ donna's assesment. al and mlst are my two favorites in your list. the mlst seems to me like a cousin of al, the sweet pea is very pronounced though. eat me imho wasn't like the others in this catagory, and i don't get the connection to snake oil at all, but that is my chemistry for ya
  7. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    i can take some pics. but my digital camera is broken, so i am using the one for the body shop. it doesn't take them so good (the come out kinda like the choas pics did)
  8. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    yes donna, they are all smaller versions of the pic on the salon portion of the site.
  9. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    i could be wrong, but i believe the salon labels are from the original pieces of art they are named after? and therefore are not macha's handy work...but i may be mistaken.
  10. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    here are the chaos labels if anypne is intrested although they are a bit bl,urry (my digital camera is still in the shop)
  11. shelldoo

    Two Monsters

    in the bottle: vetiver. strong, and deep. wet: still mostly vetiver, but i can smell the patchouli, pepper, and musk also as it dries it softenes the vetiver lets others join in on the fun. it becomes a soft incensy sexy blend. very nice.
  12. shelldoo


    in the bottle: airy floral. slightly green edge. wet: very soft floral. definitely can get the lily, also can smell the lavender. no jasmine, which is hell's flower on me. it overpowers and makes me smell metallic, so having it go mia is a good thing. as it dries it softens even more, and the amber is very obvious. this is a very subtle, gentle, sophisyicated scent. not my usual fare, and yet i am still loving it. it is very complex, well blended. and "dressy"
  13. shelldoo

    Et Lux Fuit

    in the bottle: powdery soft amber sunshine. definitely can detect the ylang ylang. wet: very much the same, this is definitely a bright cheery scent giving me a pale yellow buttery impression. as it dries i can occassionally get a waft of carnation, it has a honeycomb background that can be smelled when i put my hand up to my nose, but it is not detectable in the throw, i aslo get a bit of vanilla musk after complete drydown. the powdery amber note makes a soft fuzzy edge to this beautiful smile in a bottle.
  14. shelldoo

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    in the bottle this is very fruity, almost sucker like, looking through the ingredients i don't know what is causing that scent so i look uo the components i am unfamiliar with. ho wood ti looks like a tea leaf maybe? so i am guessing in the bottle i am getting the ho wood, and aloe scent, it has a green edge, possibly some tea. wet: it is very strong fruity scent, has alot of throw. yet a green herbal back ground. as it dries it remains much the same, almost a candied fruit smell, not getting any vanilla, or musk, it is a bit aloe like, and has a green edge. i think i would describe it as being a bright pink lollipop w/ green streaks in it.
  15. shelldoo

    Hippiesh, spicy, musky scents - without patchouli

    i am one that doesn't find o and snake oil similar, but i *do* find morrocco and snake oil similar. i also agree w/ g.p. but not so much w/ snake charmer (it was all plummy on me not spices like snake oil), i love patchouli so i love snake oil, but prefer it aged about 6 months. also my reccomendation would be to go back to snake oil after being getting familiar w/ bpal for a while. i didn't like snake oil so much when i was new, i wondered why people raved about it. but now i love it, i think my nose needed to get used to the feel of bpal, and then snake oil smelled fabulous.
  16. shelldoo


    in the bottle:patchouli, plum wet: patchouli, sandalwood, definite resinous scent as it dries is softens, ad sweetens greatly, it becomes a plummy musk, and sandalwood blend w/ patchouli creating a spine for it to stand up with. i adore this scent
  17. shelldoo

    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt

    in the bottle: gorgeous. myrrh, musk, saffron, hyssop and sandalwood wet: musky, cypress. slightly reminds me of fenris wolf a bit, maybe just the "feel" of it. as it dries it is mostly red musk and sandalwood, and reminds me of scherezade but heavy on the musk.
  18. shelldoo

    The Death Of Sardanapal

    in the bottle: wine, cassia (most prominent), and cognac wet: holy wowsers, this almost burns my nose. the cassia (which i amp up btw) is LOUD as it dries it is a myrrh, cassia, and honey mix w/ just a hint of cognac peeping in. i like it alot better after the initial cassia blast (i am a cassia fan but it stung my nose and made my throat a bit itchy for the first few seconds.) while lucretia is the standoffish snob of scents this one is more like a fun alcholic matron, one who isn't a mean drunk, just a funny old drunk woman, with a great slur and bright red lipstick....wait i think i actually know her
  19. shelldoo


    in the bottle:iris and violet, a bit powdery wet:slightly manadrin,vanilla musk, and violet this is very florally, with a touch of powdery background. i believe the powdery note would be the black amber, i definitely detect the iris and violet. it is slightly musky, but only in whafts. and i don't get mandarin in dry down at all. this one is a beautiful, sophisticated woman, someone snobbish and slightly standoffish, imho
  20. shelldoo

    Litha 2006

    in the bottle: mead,and honeysuckle actually i googled to see if there is a honeysuckle mead (there is) i bet it would taste as good as litha smells. wet: woah, honeysuckle a honeysuckle dropkick to be exact. slightly lurking in the background is the mead. as it dries it turns a bit green (ivy i presume?) and still is mainly a honeysuckle scent on me, occassionally i get a whaft of carnation, and even fresh thyme...and even sometimes i think i smell lemon...maybe lemon thyme? then the mead rears up again saying hello i am still here. i personally don't get much honey. final thoughts: (sheesh i shouldn't spend the holiday weekend whating jerry springer summarize his thoughts, now i think i must immulate him ) this is a spring garden party, flowers, summery sun, and freeflowing mead. all in all spring in a bottle.
  21. shelldoo

    Lotus Moon 2006

    in the bottle:herbal, lotus, and rose. wet: resionous, herbal, slightly sharp. really getting the pine now. as it dries it softens a bit and the sharpness all but disappears, there is a hint of lotus, but it isn't overwhelmingly bubblegummy. i bleieve the opium and amber are grounding the bubblegummy type note. i still get quite a bit of rose, but that isn't surprising, my chemistry usually amps up rose. final thoughts ala jerry springer: i am not surprised beth went a completely surprising direction. while this could have been the perfect opportunity to go omg bubbalicious she chose to show me exactly how lotus can be used and still have a grownup, resinous scent. this blend is a fabulous representation of just that. a grown up lotus blend that doesn't scream bazooka at all. i am glad i went against my initial plans and ordered more then one bottle. i will definitely wear this as a summer girly scent.
  22. shelldoo

    The most hippie / hippy scent you have tried?

    scherezade, maleadiction, samhain. all faves of mine.
  23. shelldoo

    Hymn to Proserpine

    in the vial: soft amber and berries, mostly amber wet: woohoo amber beauty ummmm amber. just amber...possibly something reminecent of myrrh. i loooove amber. not getting florals, or fruits, just a deep resinous amber. love this and will order na big bottle for sure.
  24. shelldoo

    Dragon Moon 2006

    in the bottle: sweet, tea, bamboo, and dragon's blood wet: bamboo & cherry blossom a soft floral w/ definite green undertones. dry:yup bamboo and cherry blossom almost exclusively. they drown out anything else. it is a very green scent w/ a hint of floral thrown in.
  25. shelldoo

    The Pool of Tears

    in the vial: aquatic, ozone, and breezy salt. wet: wow this is some ozone, aquatic oil. makes my eyes water a wee bit. i am somehow missing the carnation (boohiss) and only getting the aquatic ozone quality. it is fresh and biting, and makes my eyes water lierally. i am not one this type of scent works on, but if you enjoy ozones, aquatics, and scents reminecent of a sunny beach vacation this would be perfect for ya.