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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo

    Wolf Moon 2007

    preconceptions on this blend, had me a bit scared of the chill winds, winter air aspects. i am not an ozoney type gal so here goes. in the bottle:wowsers. no scary ozoney feel for me. it is reminecent of tintagel, but less wine type note. i defintely get the pine, but also detect the musk and sandalwood wet:pine, soft sweet pine boughs. but yes a sweetness,that i believe comes from the orris...but i can't be sure as it dries it softens, the pine allows others to debut, the sandalwood softens and gives a glitery quality. musk helps it all stick and orris is sweetening the whole thing still. all in all this is a cozy, wintery blend, that reminds me of a warm snuggle in front of the fire. (as a side note i also am reminded of golden priapus w/ this blend)
  2. shelldoo


    in the bottle:musk and olive leaves wet: musky, sexy, patchouli, frankinsence, hint of olive leaf as it dries it a soft, resinous, musky blend. w/ a kick. i always think frankinsense feels spicey to me and i definitely get that feel from this blend. the olive leaf is alot less evident as it dries. but i do occassionally get glimpses of it. this is definitely a keeper.patchouli keeps this grounded and deep.this is a sexy as hell, dark night out on the town. very awesome.
  3. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    i'll pipe in on label differences. as a *serious* bottle collector, i don't mind at all. it makes it kind of fun for me. like the new spring time in arkham scents have different labels, so i now have both on different shelves. i say thank you lab for always surprising us <3
  4. shelldoo

    Bitter Moon

    in the bottle: blackberry, almost singly blackberry, just starting to ripen and not yet sweetened by the sun wet: wow still very much blackberry, something somewhat watery in feel possibly the lotus this isn't as bitter as i expected from previous reviews, it is slightly sweet even, but it does make my mouth gleep. it is almost entirely blackberry, but i get definite flashes of peony, and the blue hibiscus. i get no vetiver nor sage, it does retain that slightly watery feel from the lotus. on me this is fresh, slightly floral w/ alot of fruit. but the fruit isn't a sticky fully ripened fruit. it is only beginning it's bid at maturity. and in that i get a fresh feel from this scent. it is something i am glad i got more then one bottle of as i can actually see me wearing this quite often even tho fruity florals do not tend to be my grab for again and again scents.
  5. shelldoo

    Purple Phoenix

    in the bottle: yummilicious grape,hint of violet but not strong wet:sweet, orris, plum, hint of floral as it dries it is less grape, more floral, a soft, very "purple" floral with a hint of something deeper, a bit sinister which i am assuming is the myrrh. this is not a sharp floral on me, and often florals do go sharpish w/ my chemistry. instead this is soft, sweet and utterly femenine. a floral i will definitely wear
  6. shelldoo

    Treat #1

    sugary sweet, cavity inducing, almost get a stomach ache like those i would get as a child after trick or treating when i needed to eat one of each candy and it sneaks up on me. this reminds me of a big pink blowpop
  7. shelldoo

    Trick #2

    in the bottle: omg goodness, sweet, tobacco leaf, and oak aged vanilla are predominant wet: seems to be all vetiver, but i notice that is not a listed ingredient, i do tend to amp it so maybe a hint of it is there? i guess it could be the patchouli. but usually i wear patchouli very well, this went almost all pot smoke on me as it dries it mellows a bit, sweetens a bit, the vanilla tempers it, makes it deeper. it is faintlt pot like, yet very sweet and lovely
  8. shelldoo

    Black Ice

    in the bottle....sweet? light? floral....not what i was expecting wet: woah babay, sweet, floral, slightly cool as it dries it becomes more minty, more icy, more aquatic, yet it retains that shining sweet floral, i didn't expect this to be so sexy, so feminine, so....fragile smelling, i actually didn't expect to like it tons, yet it is one of the better yule scents....after a while longer the mint burns off, and it is indeed a fragile floral with slight wafts of mint here and there, still no vetiver, no smoke, no "grittiness" just a very fragile, floral, sweet, soft innocent yet sexy
  9. shelldoo

    Knecht Ruprecht

    in the bottle: fruity, almondy, slightly applish? wet: strong almonds, which i amp anyway and a hint of pine as it dries it becomes less almondish, more pine and apples, not to be confused w/ pineapples, because it smells nothing like pineapples. there is not alot of the "snow" note and then not much apple, but, really strong forest smell, again not to be confused w/ Forrest as i do not know of how she smells. but anyway i digress, it is a forest, pine forest, and almonds.
  10. shelldoo

    The Snow Maiden

    in the bottle it reminds me of ginger, and that slushy snow smell wet wow no ginger here minty, slushy. and yeah mojito sounds abt right. this is skadi with alot of mint strong, lots of throw. mint and bpal's famous snow scent
  11. shelldoo


    in bottle: pine resin, or woody fresh pine, wet w/ resins is more like it wet:soft piney and a hint of berry redness as it dries it is almost all soft woodiness w/ a hint of myrrh
  12. shelldoo


    in the bottle: sligh touch of red musk, but lots of leather wet: dry, very dry. but with a good kick of red musk, there is definitely leather, definitely this softens so much, when dry there isn't a really noticable lather note asthere is when it is wet and in the bottle it is soft, almost skin scent, musky and woody, still veryb dry
  13. shelldoo

    Sol Invictus

    in bottle: resinous, golden...i don't detect citrus yet wet: deep resins. frankincense, frangipani,some saffron, something vaguely green, and an edge of amber (golden soft and not powdery) still no citrus tjis softens a bit but retains the soft resinous scent i have already, a bit spicey, a bit green, and yet resionous and soft. very unique.
  14. shelldoo

    The Darkling Thrush

    in the bottle: slushy, cold, and airy wet: fresh and clean, somewhat soapy wheeeew that is some slushy ozone/aquatic. fresh, frigid air. really that is it.almost like frozen sea spray, have you ever been on a boat in the winter....the mist kicking up turns to little shards of ice almost immediatly. that is this scent
  15. shelldoo


    in the bottle: yes, chocolatey roses sounds about right. wet, it goes slightly almondy, and a hint of bubble stuff, but the bubble stuff burns off way fast, think in like under 10 seconds the hershey spa does chocolate massages, and they often have fresh flowers...this reminds me of my day there. it is a chocolatey, and somewhat floral, but there is also something that reminds me a bit of a massage oil, i don't really know how to explain that scent but it also retains an almond like note. this is a gorgeous scent very red, very sultry, i am glad i got a bottle.
  16. shelldoo

    Lick It Again

    in the bottle:butter mint candies. yum wet: soft buttery vanilla mint (peppermint incase anyone missed that) as it dries it softens and becomes slightly more vanillic (is that a word...if not it should be and will definitely be added to the shelldoo to english translation dictionary) but it still retains a peppermint skeleton...just enough to hold the vanilla in check and keep it strong and give it definite form. love last years and love this years.
  17. shelldoo


    in the bottle this is definitely a relative of snowwhite wet: there is something snow whiteish and yet minty goodness gives snow white a kick in the pants... this one stays pretty true to the in the bottle/wet scent. it is snow white and lick it combined. lovely, and innocent, sweet, fresh....love it
  18. shelldoo


    hmmm in the bottle, eat me, beaver moon, and the butter from jack are having an orgy...or maybe eat me slathered the beaver in butter..either way buttery, dessert, goodness. wet: hhahahaah after that in the bottle description "wet" just cracks me up...i am so not right i know...anyway back to the description.... when it touches my whacko skin it goes completely invisible for a second, which is funny cause the throw in the bottle is amazingly strong then it comes back the desserty yumminess and a hint of olive leaf..unmistakable olive leaf, it keeps this from becoming just insanely tooth achingly sweet. but it still retains that delicious beaver moon/eat me combo, which is too hilarious to disappear. this is a sticky, sweet , fun-loving, scent w/ just enough key ingredients to keep it from being all out sugar rush.
  19. shelldoo


    in the bottle:sweet, delicious, and a hint of my beloved snowy scent.... wet: i am getting alot of the baking scent, cloves, pasrty, yumminess and a hint of the wet snow. this reminds me of a warm christmas kitchen, baking being done all day, and opening the window to let some of the heat clear out, as the hour hands continue to click off time, a snow storm hedges in and begins to work it's magic. this is the magic of that watrm lovely kitchen combined w/ the awesome christmas gift from mother nature...her beautiful blanket of snow, helping to take the swealtering heat form the kitchen this quite possibly is my favorite yule blend. thanks beth, for this beautiful gift. eta hahahaha i always fall in love w/ ones i can't pronounce so i have to make up names...this one is ogre baby..people are gonna think i am nutters...erm more nutters
  20. shelldoo

    Thirteen (13): October 2006

    i had told myself i had enough 13, but then it is reformulated...what is a girl to do? so um yeah i bought a bottle...i know i am insane... in the bottle:sweet vanilla, cocoa, and a hint of lavander...not a huge fan of lavander, but it does sometimes work well in like tko...so here goes. wet:chcolate, lavander (which is amped incredibly right now) and a hint of powder (most likely originating w/ the amber) this scent is pretty green on me, fig leaf amps incredibly w/ my chemistry i also still get pretty much lavander but it is all dusted in a dry powdery chocolate. there is the gentlest breath of burbon but only occassionally. and i may be crazy, but i think this will smell divine on my dh...hmmmmm
  21. shelldoo

    Horreur Sympathique

    this one jumped on to the big bottle list after just reading the description...i am hoping it works, it has so many things in it i adore. in the bottle:grapes, plum blossoms...fruity and fun. wet:when it first touches my skin it is all grapes, like squishing grapes w/ your feet at a winery, that warm juicy grape smell...but almost immediately it begins to morph, i get the honey definitely which is awesome as i love bpal's honey. as it dries i get a honey, musky, sexy blend w/ a sensual grape background,we have been drizzled w/ honey we are not squishing the grapes w/ our feet anymore, instead we are now rolling in them giving sloppy, wet kisses, on a warm sensuous summer night. i can vaguely detect the tobacco flower, and carnation but more in feel then really hey there it is, if that makes sense. on me it is definitely sexy, slinky musk, and honey w/ a fun fruity fling. i am so delighted w/ this one, i will be wearing it tomorrow.
  22. shelldoo

    Scent for Halloween?

    CUUUUUUTE!!! Is that a Halloween tree??? sure is
  23. shelldoo

    Scent for Halloween?

    hey donna here is my gothy ann, raggedy's evil sister...the fun one http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/shel...ilpolish081.jpg
  24. shelldoo

    Scent for Halloween?

    ha, i don't wanna traumatize anyone
  25. shelldoo

    Scent for Halloween?

    i have been dressing up all week at the salon. i have been: a dark pixie, a gypsie, a pirate, the grim reaper...on monday i will be gothic ann (raggedy's evil cousin), and on tues i will be lil dead riding hood. i have worn the same scent w/ every costume. SAMHAIN 04, it is my perfect fall scent!