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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo

    Milk Moon 2007

    i was excited for this, i loved the last one, and had high hopes for this one... in the bottle: smells like concentrated white grape juice, and a splash of pomegranate. wet: the honey peeks up to say hi, i still get a pretty large amount of grape, it does smell tropical somehow. i think the milk in this is making it remind me of a tropical drink, the milk combining w/ the fig somehow smelling like coconut? because when it dries this is a cold, wet, pinacoloda on a warm summer evening. i looove it.
  2. isn't succor for calmness/uplifting? or quietude
  3. shelldoo

    The Knave of Hearts

    in the bottle: this reminds me of eat me, a yummy, sweet dessert wet: still very much dessert, but the currant is starting to arrive. as this starts to dry the roses come in to play. but it still retains its desserty yumminess. this is a sweet currant dessert w/ rose icing. what a gorgeous blend of floral and foody. i adore this!
  4. shelldoo

    Aries 2007

    in the bottle: pepper,ginger, and faint florals. wet: ginger pepper., not a cookie type ginger, more like fresh ginger root. more pepper then ginger as it dries this becomes a softer blend, somewhat floral, i definitely can smell the dragon's blood, but not when my hand is up to my nose, just in teh waft when my hand moves around. this is perfectly done, dragon's blood w/ pepper and ginger. i am an aries, and i very much love this scent, it is spicey, a bit hot, and just a tidbit of sweet.
  5. shelldoo

    Brown Jenkin

    in the bottle, coconut meat, i can almost taste it. and a background of musk. wet: still and insence blend. mostly coconut, and some incesne swirling around there. this dries in to a soft coconut, sandalwood, this is a jammie scent, soft, comforting. flannel pj's. LOVE IT!
  6. shelldoo

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    in the bottle: smut only amped up. wet: the honey becomes more prominent, but it retains that smutty edge. although this is not as sweet as smut, and has a sharper edge. after this scent dries, it still retains a similarity to smut, but it is smut that has rolled around in some honey, making this a soft, stickey, sexy smut. i loved smut, still do, some of yall have seen my smut hut, and this is every bit as good as smut. i am so glad i can get some anytime i like.
  7. shelldoo

    Queen Alice

    in the bottle: winey, cider, and something sweet, almost dessert like wet: light, soft, cider w/ a hint of floral after it dries this becomes a sweet, soft carnation and amber scent, simply gorgeous!
  8. shelldoo

    Poisoned Apple

    this will be a short review, apple. fresh juicy, almost makes me think i will need a napkin for all the juice. pure unadulterated apple.
  9. shelldoo

    Pink Moon 2007

    in the bottle: phlox, just like fresh phlox, w/ a hint of carnations. wet: carnations w/ a hint of phlox, and some sweet sugar as it dries only one word can summarize this gorgeous blend. SOFT. it is fluffy, soft, sweet innocent, reminds me of floating on a big pink cloud of cotton candy. the carnation is barely there w/ a sweet vanilla antique lace type scent, i would say this is a.l. w/ carnation. gorgeous.
  10. shelldoo

    Vieux Carre

    i am scared to open this vial...jasmine??? but alas i simly must. and i hope jasmine uncharacteristically behaves. in the bottle: strong floral. wet: honeysuckle...not getting much else. hmm, i don't get my usual jasmine reaction w/ this (usually get rusty nail from jasmine) instead i am getting a more lily, waxy clean reaction, the honeysuckle burns off fast, and then this becomes a springy white floral. nothing really soft about it, but it isn't sharp either. so i guess i would sum up the scent as a strong honeysuckle opener, drying into a very white, clean, spring floral.
  11. my comfort scents? antique lace, morrocco, and snake oil
  12. shelldoo


    whew, i have found this in one or two blends, and now i know exactly what gave me the morning breath impression, this smells exactly like bad breath to me blech
  13. shelldoo

    Shub-Niggurath Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    i haven't bathed w/ the shub soap yet but it was the scent i smelled when i opened the package, and it is very obviously shub, very true to the only, just a touch lighter. packaged just as others have said in beautiful wrap. just gorgeous
  14. shelldoo

    Snake Oil Soap

    i always joke around saying i "bathe" in snake oil.....actually i just slather it. but anyways now i bathe w/ snake oil the packaging was so pretty i was hesitant to even open it, but the soap tempted me past that. the inner packaging is just as pretty. and the soap is divine. stunning, silky, soft, lathers nicely. the scent is light fresh snake oil, and although i could smell it in my hair after my bath, i didn't really detect too much on my skin....which is good so my soaps don't interfere w/ my oils. i am just in love w/ these soaps.
  15. shelldoo


    in the bottle: mossy, earthy, dark. wet: deep turned earth. and spanish moss, no salty ocean spray, not a hint of florals. just a deep dark earthy scent. as it dries it lightens just a bit to let the ocean scent peek in, but then it clouds over again w/ the darkness. like a storm when a small ray of sunlight breaks through, but then the clouds crowd it out again. all in all a dark scent, very very earthy.
  16. shelldoo

    Crow Moon

    in the bottle: woody, musky, something so faintly floral, i can almost miss it wet: a wet, slushy scent, still the woody note (like a fresh cut branch), and a very light soft breath of something floral, it almost reminds me of baby's breath this dries in to a soft, sweet, slightly musky, clean, w/ a hint of baby's breath type floral. i wonder what gives me the baby's breath impression.
  17. shelldoo

    Fire Pig

    in the bottle: fruity! peaches possibly melon, and citrus. wet: uber fruity. peaches, and tangerines. which make quite the enchanting combo! this is sweet. juicy, and i mean juicy like makes my mouth water. i don't get many flowers, this is like a big bowl of fresh fruit salad. a fun summertime scent! but wait just when i give up hope of peonies making an appearance, there they are mingling their big fat heads w/ my fruit bowl. peonies are so sweet, and innocent smelling to me, blended w/ teh fruit they are incredibly sweet, fresh, and innocent, so innocent i am unsure if i can actually pull off this scent...maybe when i dress like a school girl, but i don't think i would really fool anyone
  18. shelldoo


    in the bottle: dark swirling incense. almost sucking me in to the bottle they are so hypnotizing wet: no florals here. just s deep dark incense blend. sexy is putting it mildly as it dries i can detect a bit of the nutmeg, but only around the edge of the scent, not front and center. i also think i smell some sandalwood, but again it is so well blended it makes it hard to seperate out in to individual notes. the longer it is on the skin, the more i can detect teh flowers. but they are not overbearing. this is very much an incensy blend, with a slight touch of dark florals. this quite possibly is one of my favorite bpal scents ever. it is sooooo deep, dark, and sexy!
  19. shelldoo


    in the bottle: perfumy florals. wet: roses. orchids. a floral lovers dream as it dries the musk starts twining its tentacles about the flower garden. strong musky scent w/ a rosey -orchid background. not really creamy at all. and way more flowers then i tend to do regularly, *but* my dh is loving it. came in the room and said wow something you have on is gorgeous....so....
  20. shelldoo


    in the bottle: lemon verbena..strong, but reminding me slightly of lemon candies. wet:surprise: lemon verbena. this doesn't really change on me. it smells liek lemon candies. sweet and lemony. that is all.
  21. shelldoo


    in the bottle: soft, sweetness, slightly musky wet: almost nothing....the great disappearing oil. a barely there whisper of something slightly sweet....but i mean BARELY there after a few minutes, i start getting whiffs of something, but it is a light, faint touch of scent, soft. feminine. there is something honey-like, or sugar coated in my nose....sweet. powdered sugar maybe, and yes something reminding me of cassia. but it is the faintest touch of cassia...not sharp, not harsh, just a whisper and all that lovilness, sweet, spicey... is wrapped up in the gentlest musk imaginable. the scent doess get stronger as it dries, but it never becomes a "strong" scent. it is a skin hugger. soft and sweet enveloping me like a lovers sigh. i adore this scent. really really adore it!
  22. shelldoo

    Isaac, the Living Skeleton (2006)

    in the bottle: bourbon, tobacco, and something chocolatey wet: wow pure bourbon, like sniffing a glass of bourbon as it dries, i am getting whatever is giving me the chocolate impression again...very weird cause this smells like bliss w/ bourbon and tobacco leaf thrown in. i am not getting cologney scent, or even masculine. this is warm, cozy, perfect for sitting here in my pj's looking out at the blizzard outside. which is what i am doing eta: after a loooong time this does quite a morph and goes from chocolatey "bliss" to hod....i kid you not. my chemistry must be on crack or something
  23. shelldoo

    Arachnina, The Spider Girl (2006)

    in the bottle: patchouli, musk and currant wet: strong patchouli and musk as it dries there is an undercurrent of something...interesting and i believe it is the tobacco, i love tobacco scents. this isn't in your face, but i definitely detect the sweet warm brown scent of tobacco, combine taht w/ the musk and patchouli and you get this bold, sexy scent, nothing soft or gentle about it. arachnina is a woman who knows what she wants, she isn't afraid to do what she has to to get it. and frankly i am enamoured of her. :drool:
  24. shelldoo

    Faiza, the Black Mamba (2006)

    shelldoo, reviewing incognito...undercover reviewer hiding from the jasmine aka satan's flower of doom in the bottle: sandalwood, musk, honey, floral wet: awesome, gorgeous, musky, honey, slightly green and clean yet sultry and sexy at the same time. more floral then i expected. but thank goodness the jasmine isn't aware that it is *me* wearing it, or all hell would break loose... as it dries the amber settles this, and it becomes so incredible. very feminine. uber sexy. vanilla, musk, honey, ginger...these are the stars of the show, but the amber and florals are the supporting cast, smooth and slinky. i can't stop sniffing this...and even the jasmine lets me have fun w/ this one. one of the stand outs of this act imho
  25. shelldoo

    The Agony of Heartache

    in the bottle: interesting. almost bitter blackberry, and patchouli wet: all bitter blackberry...blackberry waltzes a very fine line between the fruit, and smelling almost like cat box...so i am watching this very carefully...right now i am still at fruit so here is to hoping.... as it dries the sage is closer to the front but is it still mostly blackberry. the patchouli is adding a grounding earthy note, that keeps this in check. i am a sucker for patchouli.