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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo


    hmmm in bottle patchouli...i was like wow inscence wet def inscence...wasn't sure i liked it considered trading it. then i tried it the second time and omg thank goodness i did it is now my fav scent...i smell it now and am like why did i not smell everything else? there is so much more depth then inscence i smell the apples, the spice, the leaves i shall lovethis smell forever
  2. shelldoo


    in the bottle i smelled smoke...not much else just kind of a cig smoke butalas was gonna try it anyway wet still smoke...odd dry- after abt 30 min omg this is beautiful i do not smell cocoa at all i do smell thye figs and woody smell maybe teak? it is very dark ad mature and became one fo my top 3 i already ordered a 5ml justgoes to show try the oil on do not judge by the in the bottle smell or i would have missed this lovely lovely scent
  3. shelldoo


    queen how i love thee, it has become one of my top 3 scents, i am reaching for it as often as snake oil and illustrated woman. in the bottle it is woody and musky, two of my faves. wet a lot muskier, but not just musk, a sexy musk blend that has me sniffing myself. it dries, and softens greatly, it is dead on sexy. in the family w/ o, snake oil, and illustrated woman, powerful, sexy, and strong, not scent strong but i am strong kind of scent. this is my power scent, the one i know will bring me up when i feel down.
  4. shelldoo


    hmmm in the bottle ludens cherry cough drops wet still smelling cough drops dry smells like chloreseptic off for trade
  5. shelldoo

    Black Cat

    totally weird i am wondering if i tried the wrong imp it smells like cat on me more specifically cat pee on a rose bush...i couln't wash it off either even w/ hot water and soap i think i have some quality that makes animal scents stronger musks go funky and now whatever "cat essence" went wacky sigh...i'll stick w/ my alchol scents and sweets
  6. shelldoo

    Nine Mysteries

    in the bottle: mint wet: mint and citrusy dry: still minty but not overbearing, citrus wafting up occassionally but something clean and fresh i usually like a darker heavier scent but this was so beautiful i could see myself wearing it otu to dinner in the summer at the shore...when it is available i would buy a big bottle
  7. shelldoo


    The scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla. whew i was beginning to think myself crazy...i didn't get any honey vanillas smells (don't know what amber smells like ) i got heavy heavy musky sexy...not even fresh sex but the next day i need to shower sex i had to wash it off it was makin me nauseous. bummer i wanted to like it so much...i wonder if my chemistry magnifies musks? eta: I just tried o again and it was not nearly as skanky I literally hated it teh first time, but now it is not so bad, not top ten smell but I can wear it, must have been wonky hormone day last time. Anyway I *can* smell the vanilla now, I do not get alot of amber, it is vanilla musk w/ a touch of honey. not too bad now. edit again: i think o is one of those oils that slowly win you over, i now have a 5ml and wear it to bed everynight, it is so comforting and loving, the smell is not at all what i first thought it was, either i have matured and become familiar w/ notes a bit more, or someone has hypnotized me either way i love o, those of you who dislike it on first try give it another shot or 3 it is amazing how it changed.
  8. i am only now starting on the bpal journey. i have quite a few imps from a friend and fell head over heels for tintagel what r some similar scents i may wanna get imps of? tia
  9. shelldoo

    Dragon's Milk

    this was the second bpal fragrance i tried and i loooved it in the bottle smelled very sweet and faintly like cotton candy being spun wet still smelled of cotton candy but w/ something else i can't quite place possibly the vanilla maybe a vanilla cotton candy as it dried i started falling in love it just got better and better the vanilla started to shine thru but def didn't cancel out the dragon's blood it was a beautiful dance and i just adored participating as a bystander. my dh didn't like it as much as dragons tears but he liked it too. we went in the hot tub and even our heavily chlorinated jacuzzi didn't remove the smell i smelled it all night and even into the morning it gave me luciously beautiful dreams def a 5 ml scent for me edit because i spelled the teh twice and didn't want to annoy anyone
  10. shelldoo

    Dragon's Tears

    this was the very first imp i tried as i have a heart for all things dragony in the bottle was very metallic and sharp wet still very metalic but w/ a sweet edge my dh loved it and told me to wear it again i felt so so abt it as it dried it lost the metallic edge then i liked it more it faded pretty fast within a few hrs i had just a very faint slightly powdery smell that i still liked
  11. shelldoo


    ok please bear w/ me as this is my first review and actually only my 3rd try of any bpal scent. i am still trying to besome familiar w/ "notes" ect but will give it a whirl as i fell in love w/ this fragrance. i was enticed by the description as i love everything from that time period. in the bottle i really smelled pine, fresh cut evergreen of some sort. wet smelled like drunken evergreens. i could really smell the wine and pines i put it on before church and chuckled thinking they will think i was drunk in the forest last night. the woodsy smell and alcholly smell lasted a few hrs then mellowed. now after 7 hrs it is the leathery mulled wine i loved the middle and end stages of this could have done w/o so much pine in the beginning but as it ended up all is good and i will soon be placing an order for a 5ml eta this is my favorite scent i adore it and one 5ml def is not enough i keep coming back to it i simply am in love.