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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo

    Hollywood Babylon

    Hmmmm, gathering my thought for this is tough. My 11 y/o has been bugging me to get her some so when a surprise imp of it came today she went all wooky. So as I have a rule that I must try it first we are now both wearing it. In the bottle: cherry bubblegum? thinking ok she can have it wet: on me: I don't really smell a berry scent, I was scared the musk would be amplified as it usually is not one of my favorite notes. but I do not detect the musk at all shew. on mel: all strawberry and vanilla drydown: on me: I am going to be trying this one again it is not at all what I expected. I barely get any strawberry, no musk, but I smell a boozy scent? How is that? *scratches head* on mel: strawberries, vanilla, and honey, like a totally different scent...these oils amaze me when they do that. final thoughts: well if I end up not liking it so much I know someone who is dying for it
  2. shelldoo


    Just got this today from an ebay auction. I was so excited ot get it on. In the bottle: Evergreen of some sort. I love the piney scents so I became even more excited wet: Still some sort of evergreen but something sweet lurking in the background. drydown: Beautiful. The pine scent mellows and lets some of the sweet berries creep in. There is definitely a mulled spices smell too but very very faint. A gorgeous gorgeous winter scent. It is my favorite of all the yule le's (which says alot because I adore gingerbread poppet.)
  3. shelldoo


    Wow, this is very resiny. I get a strong cedar smell, but not just cedar there is something else to it. It in a way reminds me of intrigue but heavier on the resin smells. I want my dh to try this one on.
  4. shelldoo

    Silentium Amoris

    I do not get any of teh ylang ylang, just a very very dry powdery rose. Not to wild about this one. eta i have grown to love this one, it is a soft soft sweet rose, that is very gentle and almost morthering.
  5. shelldoo

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    This is a very beautiful blend. It does smell strongly of somekind of fruity blend, i do not think just pineapple tho. And frankincense is really coming out. What a gorgeous bland is about all I can think. it also has quite a throw. I am enjoying this one it is a keeper.
  6. shelldoo


    Hmmmm the first notes taht hit me are some kind of spice, reminds me a bit of spanish rice. but as it dried it went very very heavy florals possibly strong orchid? or something similar. It has a definite aquatic undertone and that is a lethal combo w/ my skin- florals & aquatics sso do not wotk on me. *sigh* off to swaps
  7. shelldoo


    Definitely a fruity floral on me, but it is very strong not light and wispy as I expected. there is something there w/ a sharp edge I am not sure what it is maybe the jasmine but that doesn't make sense to me. At first I didn't care much for this but it is growing on me I will try it again possibly use up the imp.
  8. shelldoo


    I too, have a dislike of spiders but the description intigued me. And I am glad I tried this I really like it. Will definitely finish the imp and possibly buy a 5ml for summer. On me it is not too floral and definitely not aquatic (aquatics generally go wonky on me) but instead it is a very soft clean herbal I definitely think of a summer breeze in my herb garden.
  9. shelldoo

    Dia de los Muertos

    ... This is a Mexican paean to La Huesuda: dry, crackling leaves, the incense smoke of altars honoring Death and the Dead, funeral bouquets, the candies, chocolates, foods and tobacco of the ofrenda, amaranth, sweet cactus blossom and desert cereus. I will start by saying I am wearing this on one wrist and f54 on the other. the f54 is really over powering my olfactory senses so I will probably have to update this review tomorrow. This is not nearly as sweet as I expected. I smell something faintly reminescent of fried rice? The real fried rice a friend of mine used to make, not the instant kind. It also has a light floral scent. I am not sure what the cactus blooms would smell like but this floral is lovely. Simmering in the back ground is something faintly creamy. I do not get any chocolate notes. This is a very beautiful scent.
  10. shelldoo

    Formula 54

    wow I knew from the description I would love this scent I love the smokey boozy type it is simply gorgeous. the notes are very well blended. Difficult to seperate them. i can smell the fruity sweetness first I do not know that I would say cherry though. then faintly i smell a smoky boozy type scent. although not like a night club more like an intimate party. on me this is pretty strong and has quite a throw. Wonder how long the scent will last? I wish it were still available as all I have is a wee imp
  11. shelldoo

    Egg Nog

    In the bottle: yummy! I have never had egg nogg (the drink), but this smells devine. sweet, creamy, touch of rum. wet: Exactly the same as in the bottle. dry: Stays really close to the same scent on as in the bottle. Very sweet and creamy definitly a keeper for me!
  12. shelldoo

    Black Rose

    I was hesitant to try this one. Florals are not my thing. Well I thoght they weren't. In the bottle rose definitely rose but not a fake light rose smell. It smelled like a rose petal if you pluck it off and place it up againts your nose and inhale. wet: Still very rosey it wafts up around me wrapping me in a rose petal cacoon. dry down: I am really liking this scent which frankly surprises me. The "throw" is roses, but if I sniff my wrist i smell amber i don't get a lot of the musky smell which is good as I am not much of a musk kinda girl. This oil is masterfully blended and a gorgeous gorgeous scent.
  13. shelldoo

    Midwinter's Eve

    in the bottle: wow ve4ry sweet and fruity i am not too into the fruity scents but the plum is a beautiful smell wet: wow i really smell the plum and is it maybe rose? a floral faintly sitting in the background. dry this becomes very beautiful, it is very well balanced between the plum and floral and a wee bit of something is it a wine? i as i said am not usually into the fruity stuff i i could wear this one....def will try again and if not it will be a gorgeous room scent
  14. shelldoo

    King of Diamonds

    i gave kod to my dh and it smells fabu i have no clue exactly what chypre is but whatever the notes certainly smell clean, and handsom on him (he liked it too) i could detect a faint citrussy smell but didn't really smell the musk...generally i am not a huge musk fan but this was a great scent musk and all
  15. shelldoo

    Snow White

    hmmmmm in the bottle i smell....nothing???? hold bottle up to light yes there is oil in there sniff again...nope nothing....try it on to see if somehow water is in my bottle wet...nada dry...very very soft faint something...hint of floral? and yes soem tape, maybe the coconut but the whole scent is so very very faint. gonna try it again in a few days and see if my nose is just funny right now edit: i wore snow what thru the night and i must say the scent "grew" it was a soft fluffy scent not sure of teh notes but i smelled it all night a couple times it woke me up...so it does have a fragrance but very odd how it is late in showing up...the opposite of alot of oils that show up and fade i am thinking of giving it to my dd as i like a "heavier" scent but it was beautiful
  16. shelldoo


    hellcatn ahhhh my sweet hell cat in the bottle: all butter cream and hazelnut sweetness i actually sigh aloud. we:t hello almonds very very strong almonds...where is the lovely sweetness of the butter cream where is the rum?? almonds r nice but i wanted them mixed w/ the other notes. dry: ahhhh nice everything is blending together i wiff rummy spiciness and then buttercream sweetness and the almonds they seem to take turns catching my senses and i love this fragrance i see def a 5ml possibly a 10
  17. shelldoo


    loved this one so much i can't really pick out the individual notes but it smells very home to me if that makes sense it is spicey and sweet and basically lovely
  18. shelldoo


    wow. not quite what i expected. in the bottle CHERRIES specifically cherry coughdrops. wet: still cherries but more or a swisher sweets tobacco cherry smell dry: the swisher sweets smell hangs for a while then the cherry settles down and i can smell a brandy? and a waft of smoke it takes a while to get to a point that i really really like but all in all glad i have it
  19. shelldoo

    Can we order single notes?

    thanks i will keep my eye open...sorry to drag up a moot thread <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No need to be sorry at all! That was really my point -- I don't want anyone to get confused seeing this thread, when the Single Notes don't appear on the Lab's site anymore. And, as others pointed out, many people do have various single notes. You might want to post in the "Wanted" forum if there are certain ones you especially want. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thanks i guess my reply came out a bit weird i didn't mean it like bad
  20. shelldoo

    Can we order single notes?

    thanks i will keep my eye open...sorry to drag up a moot thread
  21. shelldoo


    i adore tintagel and it has a leathery background note it is in my top 3 favs
  22. shelldoo


    i just traded for this and am very glad i did. in the imp almonds all the way w/ maybe a wee hint of rum wet cherry/almond notes drying spices. some cloves for sure and a bit of sassafrass do not smell the rum which was why i really wanted it i love the rum notes. i am gonna wear it a while and update how it goes but for now i will prob be getting a 5ml because i do like it...oh and i am not getting a masculine feel from this at all...but then i tend to like things on me that alot of ppl think r masculine
  23. shelldoo


    i wish i was more familiar w/ the notes in her besides pachouli first out of the bottle wow it is strong doesn't taek a lot. on dry down it i slovely and different from anything i have ever smelled the patchouli is in the background i can barely make it out but this lovely golden smell is wafting around me i don't know which note it is but to me it seems very intertwined and i loove it 5ml of it when the 2 imps r gone
  24. shelldoo

    Sugar Cookie

    in the bottle i smell snickerdoodle dogh...yum wet wow hello cinnamon and spice dry ahhhhhhhh i smell the dough wonderful floury and buttery w/ a slight brush of sugar and cinnamon this is a wonderful scent so happy i got it
  25. shelldoo


    hmmm i was a bit weary of this one after readong abt the "earthiness" of it. i opened the imp.....JUNIPER jumps right out at me...ok i like the woody smells so i will try it. wet very juniper no earth no floral just juniper. dry ahhhhh roses and pachouli i am learning that i adore pachouli i have had this on a few hrs and i think i am gonna wear it tomorrow and if i still must keep sniffing myself then i am getting a 5ml w/ my lunacy order