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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo


    Deep, luscious green and berry scents that evoke images of woodland witchcraft and the raw power of nature: blackberry, sage, green tea, wild berries and dark musk. In the imp: herbal greeness. wet: very very green, herbal dry: wow this got a bit sweeter, I smell the berries, they are a very ripe juicy smell, the musk is very well hidden, and the herbal scent (very clean smelling) is lingering behind the berries, I go back and forth w/ this one, sometimes it smells very masculine, and I think wow this would smell great on G, and then I sniff again and it is all sweetness and feminine, very nice! A definite keeper maybe we will both wear it eta i really really like the smell of this one the second time around ADDED Feb. 21: this was much nicer then i expected in the bottle it is very very herbal wet, wow as soon as it touches my sking the berries just explode dry: this is simply a gorgeous scentit is not too berryish, it is not very herbal, it is a perfect, grown up summer berry scent. i like this one alot even tho i expected not to.
  2. shelldoo


    I jus got an imp of this, and oh how I wish it were still available! wet: cinnamon, that reminded me og Port au Prince dry: the berrys have belnded beautifully w/ the cinnamon and the musk is gently simmering in the back ground. This is a gorgeous, fun scent, *sigh* oh the unrequitted love for carnivale
  3. shelldoo

    Blood Kiss

    In the bbottle and wet: veviter, and vanilla. dry down, this reminds me of O maybe a bit darker but definitely a relative. The vetiver isvery strong on me but I like it, it is a very sexy, dark scent. I am glad I have a big bottle.
  4. shelldoo

    Best BPAL blends without floral notes

    Have you tried tintagel? It is my favorite, and has no rose but has some spice similar to port au prince (but it is deeper, kinda smokey boozy too )
  5. shelldoo


    I have been hoping I would find at leats one scent that would be summery.... wet: intresting, I smell the bergamont the most dry: beautiful, bergamont, white musk perfectly blended w/ the peaches kissing quietly in the background just peeking in every now and again to intrigue me. I have found my summery scent 5ml will be on order. this is still going strong about 4 hours later and I adore it.
  6. shelldoo

    Mata Hari

    HMMMMM I have learned I usually adore beth's rose scents.... in vial: ummm metal? wet: where are the roses. I get a metalic, jasmine....do not enjoy this much. dry: hmmm the metalic is gone now I just have a sharp jasmine, maybe I will try it again in a few weeks. hmmm eta after 3 hrs or so the smell ahs mellowed into something very beautiful, floral, light, and all the sharp smell I disliked is gone. I will try it again, not sure if I like the wait til the yumminess appears.....but the end result is beautiful
  7. shelldoo

    Hunter Moon 2004

    I am beginning to think I am a fall scent kinda gal. I adore this one! In the bottle: I can not pick out any individual notes, it is simply beautiful wet: ahhhhhh I adore winey smells and I can definitely smell some kind of wine in this one dry down: what can I say? GORGEOUS!!!! I love the blend of wine, floral, fall leaves, it is just such a superb blend!
  8. shelldoo


    hmmmm intresting I must be crazy: in vial & wet: Grape nehi soda. dry down: becomes a soft fresh floral w/ something grapy lurking underneath. Which note has the grapysmell? It is a pretty blend very fresh and clean and sweet, I tend to like dark, and sinister I will either A.) try it in spring or B.) give it to my dd
  9. shelldoo


    in the vial: butter wet: ahhhh nicer, pumpkin spice, maybe pumpkin roll, oohhhh if this stays true I will definitely need a big bottle! dry: YES! It is buttery, rummy, pumpkin roll, gorgeous, fabulous autumn scent, winter scent, heck I do not know f I can give it up for spring and summer
  10. shelldoo

    Frost Moon

    frost moon oh how I love thee.... in the bottle, wet and dry were all pretty much the same. It smelled light and mminty mmmmmm like melt away mints too too yummy and good, a direct opposite of my normal drak, red, heavy scents.
  11. eclipse is my second favorite and imho is very similar to my nuber one favorite tintagel.
  12. shelldoo

    Sudha Segara

    hmmmm in the vila: ginger aneseptic. wet: ginger... dry: becomes somewhat creamier, it is a very light clean smell, a clean warm after noon breeze. not exactly what I usually wear but not bad.
  13. shelldoo

    Tiger Lily

    This smells lie a field of lillies, one a warm summer aftrenoon. I do not pick up the honey at all just lillies and it stays just the same in the bottle, wet, and dry. If you like lillies you will love this one.
  14. shelldoo


    In the bottle: floral, roses, I thought violets too wet: hmmm very strong floral don't think I am gonna like this. dry: Beth never ceases to astound me w/ her rose blends I end up loving them. This settles down into a very nice mature yet not old lady like rose, I think it is the amber...gorgeous blend.
  15. shelldoo


    In the bottle: Nothing. hmmm (snow white did this too) wet: hmmm nice clean scent dry: OOOOOHHHHH Love it I am wearing it and G is alseep on the couch....gonna sneak over and drop some on him so I can "snuggle" him big bottle for sure!
  16. shelldoo


    In the bottle: mildew???? Ummm hoping it changes when it meets my skin. wet: shew, no mildew, how odd. It is a flower garden on a summer night. High humidity, heat, and flowers. dry: stays pretty true to the wet smell. I am not really a summer flowers girl, gonna be swapping this one even tho it is a beautiful scent it just wouldn't be worn if I kept it.
  17. shelldoo


    In the bottle all I get is almonds. wet: almonds dry: surprise, the almonds move to the background, the heiltrope is the top note for me, w/ vanilla and a touch of cinnamon almond, w/ the frankinsence just peeking in to say hi, in the background. after dry down the almond was kind of hard to pick out*shrugs* which is funny since it is all I smelled for the first 15 min. I love this one *contemplates bigger bottle* eta I have super sensitive skin (hives virtually all the time and welt easy) and this one did not bother my skin at all
  18. shelldoo


    In the vial, i get bubble gum...hubba bubba from the early 80's. wet: what are the notes supposed to be? I am smelling gum. No spices grape bubble gum? but w/ an astringent bite. odd dry: more astringent but has a definite bubble gum undertone. gonna let my dd try this one.
  19. shelldoo


    In the vial: Pure almonds...very very strong almonds. wet: still almonds, there were other notes mentioned right? dry down: mellows and myrrh peaks ut to say hi. I do not get the smokey smell which is a shame as I love the smokey smells, but this is still beautiful, I will definitely use up the imp.
  20. shelldoo

    Jolly Roger

    I wasx very afraid this would be "aquatic". It smells like a fresh clean carribean beach, not the ones around here it is slightly salty but the beachy sunny smell balances that out. This scent is not one I personally would wear but I am definitely gonna douse the dh w/ it
  21. shelldoo


    In the bottle: greenery- actually winter greenery. I do not get anything else. Just greens. wet: hmmm Greenery- ever green is still the most prominent but I can smell a sweeter maybe berry undertone. dry: the evergreen is a sharp, clean note I am really liking. The berry scent keeps it from being too sharp, there is a bit of spice in the background. I really like this scent.
  22. shelldoo

    Rose Red

    I will preface this as saying before I met Beth's glorious concoctions I never liked any rose scent. They smelled well I dunno but definitely not me But this is my THIRD yes third rose scent of Beth's that I adore. In the bottle: Just as others have described it smells just like the inside of a florist's fridge, there is a fresh fresh rose smell, but also I smell fern or something. just gorgeous! Wet: very true to the smell in the bottle Dry...this one juststayedthe exact same on as in the bottle! Thank goodness for ebay I never would ahve gotten this incredible fragrance w/o it.
  23. shelldoo

    Red Moon 2004

    In the bottle...fruity w/ something kind of "sour" in the back ground. wet: fruity floral dry: mostly dragon's blood w/ some spice. Very very red. Gorgeous there is a slight slight floral hint in the background and no sour smell at all. Adore this one!
  24. shelldoo


    This is one I have been longing to try. In the bottle: CEDAR all the way. wet: cedar w/ something I can not place lurking in the shadows. dry: the raspberry leaf is there adding just a touch of sweetness, the cedar has toned down quite a bit and teh olive leaf adds just a touch of something taht seems to smooth the raspberry and cedar together seamlessly. I definitly will be using up the imp this smells like a spring scent to me.
  25. shelldoo

    The Raven

    Today is the day that I tried scents that smelled completely like I didn't expect them too In the bottle very very floral wet: violets drydown: violets and more violets w/ some iris in the background. I am still waiting for other notes to show. Final thoughts: If it stays this floral I will probably trade it. I think it is a gorgeous scent I just prefer more of a resiny, incense, heavy, dark smell ADDED Feb. 21 ok, big deep breath i have had almost every violet smell go very bad perm solution on me...so i have been avoiding violet notes, then i found my love sybaris....well now i try the raven.... it is kinda like sybaris but a bit edgier....there is a darkness that is polar opposite of the lightness of sybaris yet the similiarity is strong, i may use this when i am feeling darker but i definitely will use it