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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo


    hmmmm in the vial, oddly smells kinda like pot wet: still smells like pot to me, wouldn't wanna get pulled over wearing this one dry down: ok not so bad now, the vetiver is the magnified scent here i get hardly no patchouli. it is a great dark scent once i get past the wet stage. i will probably swap it tho
  2. shelldoo


    hmmm in the vial it is lemon but w/ a metalic edge, i wonder which note causes that raection for me wet not more matalic not but all lemon verbena on dry down it becomes more of a floral blend w/ a lemon kicker. it isn't dark enough for me but it is beautiful and is a very light summery scent innocence comes to mind
  3. shelldoo


    in the vial... sad if sadness had a scent this would be it on it is a very soft rose, but remeber roses have thorns, it is soft yet there is pain in it i am not sure how else to describe it. i like it alot, but i definitely get a sad or melancholy vibe i am editing this to add it is such a beautiful dark rose, orchid blend, the second time i am wearing it it is calling to me, i do still get a sad feel from it but it is triumphant also...weird, i think i may buy a bigger bottle for those days when i just wanna feel that sad yet beating it kinda feel
  4. shelldoo


    hmmm earthy pine good musk not usually a thing i like wet pine yup it is pine dry: a bit earthier yet still fresh pine musk is hiding w/ no complaints from me about it this one is nice and yes outdoorsy i will wear it to bonfires and hikes and feel like i am a part of the earth
  5. shelldoo


    ok so this one took me by complete surprise.....i do not like violets they always go permsolution on me...well always did: in the vial: no way omgah this is lovely tonka vanilla blend no violets in sight whew wet: same i find myself drooling on my hand dry: this is going on my top 10 list and i am getting a 5ml w/ my next order i am in awe really was not expecting to find one i adore so much in this sniffing session
  6. shelldoo


    wow in the vial is lemonhead candy wet yup lemonheads good thing i think they are yummy drying i get hints of tea and a wiff of leather here and there but lemon is dominant...i love wanda and i am forcing dh to wear severin
  7. shelldoo


    ok so i am not an aquatics chick but the rose saves this one, it is a beatiful scent very "white" to me the rose is the strongest note, the salty smell is barely there which perchance is why i am liking it nice, is more of a summery rose, i do not get teh negative funeral association but then i avoid funerals so that could be why.
  8. shelldoo


    wow in the vila this was in my face resins, maybe rosewood? teak? i am not sure wet: holy moses this is a strong one, dark resins, maybe some frankencense. drydown, ahh she mellows, hello figgy i still am getting teh dark woods smell but it has mellowed and is caressing the fig beautifully very nice reminds me of intrigue a bit definitely like this one i am thinking if i wear intrigue out dh could wear this and we would smell beautifully together i wonder if it is listed asd nuetral...scuttering off to check
  9. shelldoo


    well i adore alot of beth's roses and love love love black rose but this is not like that velevety goodness it is drier, definitely a tea rose, it seems almost fragile, if a scent can smell fragile that is but yes tea rose is all i gte, it is pretty and to me smells young, i think my dd would love it to death i may gift her w/ it
  10. shelldoo


    i was not expecting to like this.... but it is nice, i don't think i will buy a big bottle but i will use the imp it is a strong woodys scent very resinous, cedar, possibly had vetiver, rosewood, reminds me somewhat of cathedral
  11. shelldoo


    wow eve is stronger then i anticipated. very very strong floral, i get yalng ylang and rose. not wild abt her, off to swaps
  12. shelldoo


    hmmm intresting in the vial it was veryy lily i think wet: lily/rose still more lily then rose dry: umm coffee? w/lilly, and a hint of rose. this is very fresh the coffee smell deepens it , before it showed up it was a green fresh scent reminding me of a floral fridge but now it is a different animal i like it better w/ the coffe smell
  13. shelldoo


    wow this one is strong, in the bottle it was light, i couldn't detect much wet hello musk! drying down it is becoming louder and louder, it is very musky, white musk the rose is soo soo faint which saddens me as i wanted it to be the other way around. this one is masculine smelling to me, but i do not think i want dh to try it...gonna swap it away.
  14. shelldoo


    gardenia and jasmine both wet and dry, very very strong on the gardenia
  15. shelldoo

    Ave Maria Gratia Plena

    in the vial: mealic florals...what is that metallic note? on: very very floral w/ an edge. i definitely smell the lillies, w/ a touch of sandalwood, taht is abt all i smell the lillies are running rampant.
  16. shelldoo


    hmmm in the vial: violets on: per solution....violets tend to go a bit perm solution one me i am wonky i guess it smells faintly of roses yet a rosy perm solution...learning violets r not my friends hahahahaa how times have changed violets are my love this is a violet and tea rose combination that encapsulates the best of both, it is light, summery, and floral perfection cheers to trying something again and loving it
  17. shelldoo

    Queen of Sheba

    in the vial: almonds on: ok the hit ya in the face almonds have faded and become a strng honey almonds, more honey then almonds, very very faintly spicy, gorgeous, it *does* remind me of a richer deeper danaoshee but i love them both. definitely a keeper for me
  18. shelldoo


    wet: all cypress on: cypress remains the most striking note, the patchouli is fainter but there and a wee hello from tonka, but that is abt it, it is a dark woodsy, resinous smell w/ a hint of patchouli. nice but not my favorite.
  19. shelldoo


    I am not one to really enjoy watery notes for sure. but my dd wanted to try it so i ordered teh imp. in the vial: minty on: mainly minty, i get the juniper too, this actually smells cold, makes my nose chilly, it really is not bad at all of an aquatic (and for me that says alot ) if you anjoy aquatics, and minty freshness, this one is surely for you.
  20. shelldoo


    holy schnikies.... wow.... drolling here... i am going to have a hard time reviewing this one as i must stop sniffing to type. did i say wow? in the vial it was sweet sweet, buttery, toffee, almost could feel it sticking to the roof of my mouth. on....wow!!!! the hazelnut is more prominent, but it still has the buttery toffee feel, chocolate, is the kicker! this one is stunning and delicious and definitely gluttonous.
  21. shelldoo


    OHHHHHH OHHHHHH OHHHHHHH i the vial it smelled of amoretto and citrus wet almonds strong sweet almonds dry: there has to be dragons blood, almonds, citrus(which citrus bergamont? grapefruit? unsure) there is a definite boozy scent, and possibly vanilla. this is simply devie i adore it and can't wait to get a big bottle when i can!
  22. shelldoo


    huh in the vial it smells like bubble stuff that kids use to blow bubbles... on it is completely different thank goodness, i really get alot of chardonay, a touch of smoke but it is fleeting not lingering smoke, the vanilla and coconut really are intertwined this is an absolutely gorgeous scent, how many 5ml can u order before u must be commited have it on again today and it is very very tonka, tonka and chardonnay, gorgeous, smokey sexy scent.
  23. shelldoo


    wow i didn't get cinnamon at all...i love cinnamon, anyway it is a rich heavy scent i get alot of honey smell, and some myrrh no honeysuckle and cinnamon. it has a similar feel as o to me, unsure why. but anyway i love it it is a beautiful rich thick scent
  24. shelldoo


    I have found yet another note i enjoy, leather. thsi is a sexy, hot smell (duh) on me it is mostly leather, but w/ a smokey, boozy background, like I am just comin home from an after dinner drink at a pub. for me a boozy, leather, and smoke is cool in my book
  25. shelldoo


    wow what a spicey hot scent. perfect! dragon's blood creates the base, w/ a nice warm peppery, kick. The clove and cinnamon are just barely there (udsually my chemistry magnifies them) all around a nice hot firey scent.