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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo


    yup yup a very floral aquatic, more floral the aquatic, it is sweet and makes my nose itch.
  2. shelldoo


    in the vial i got vetiver it reminds me of brim stone whne i apply it, but then it goes wonky and smells liek burnt hair...not my fav scent for sure
  3. shelldoo


    celestial circular swap hmmm in the bottle, stone, aquatic. and resinous. on it is very cedar, possibly eucalyptus...it is sharp makes my nose rn like a bugger as it dries it gets soapy yet still is sharp.
  4. shelldoo

    The High Priestess

    opening the bottle i am assaulted by almond. wet immediately touching my sking the almond disappears it is replaced by a sharp, metalic biting smell, i can't place. there is definitely pine, and i am thinking it smells like halls mentholyptus or something, w/ a touch of herbs and pine. it isn't a bad smell, it just morphs so completely so fast. it is gone very shortly thereafter, one of teh fastest faders i have ever tried.
  5. shelldoo

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    hmmm i say my-go like in my brain goes in a cannister i say bee-pal also
  6. shelldoo

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    i love most of teh violet scents you mentioned and yet ultraviolet didn't work on me, neither did marie, so maybe marie will work for u?
  7. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Blue Moon:purple Harvest Moon:purple Frost Moon:purple Cold Moon:purple at least on my bottles
  8. wanda, lilith, le petite morte
  9. shelldoo


    in the vial soft, femenine, sexy did i say soft? on my skin musk is the one yelling in my face pick me pick me, bt it is a soft sweet musk, i am thinking white musk for sure.i so detect the sandalwood, and a slight scent of cassia, but the carnation just is not showing, which really would make this completely over the top wild. this is a gorgeous soft scent it is very romantic to me. it reminds me of a super soft creamy colored pashmina wrap, comforting, warm, gorgeous.
  10. shelldoo


    intresting in the vial, i got grapefruit and possibly honeydew? on it went immediately grapefruit and as it dried it got a bit aquatic but graoefruit was the front runner this is sparkling, clean, fresh and light
  11. shelldoo


    in the vial: creamy orange and something stick sweet on me chloraseptic?? smells like a throat lasenge. man wonky chemistry i have
  12. shelldoo


    aaaaccckk i am thinking beth shall be the end of me, she made so many in this pack that scream for me to love them and for me to be their slave. this is one in the bottle ginger and.....molasses? w/ a hint of orange? on my skin OMG OMG OMG did i say OMG this is gingerbread poppet gone to hell in a handbasket, dark, yet still has that sweeteness to lure you in. it is spicy, it is fresh, it is citrussy but not like lemonheads the citrus is a supporting actor, it is just there to affirm the role ginger plays i adore this one. eta i got it i know what this is, ya know in shrek 2 when they make the gigantic gingerbreadman, he is a bit evil/crazy he is this oil.
  13. shelldoo


    in the bottle fruity yumminess, very very sweet on it is still a tad sweet, but has a green twist, and a hint of something spicey. i am getting alot of phlox very fresh summery floral, but has that green twist this is longish lasting and has a medium throw it is sweet and floral but not sickeningy so, it has that green twist i am thinking is a pine of some sort i do get the lightest hint of something berry like, i am wondering if one of the floral components i am unfamiliar w/ has a berry type scent? hmmm all in all i would place this among the top 3 of the gibbering madness pack
  14. i think sometimes in the beginning especially i smelled "hippie" yet when i got acustomed to bpal's individuality i can now greatly distinguish between scents. in the beginning o really turned me off, now i adore it. i just needed my nose to learn bpal subtelties. and on an aside the "darker" regular scents imho don't even come close to our dear beth's dark blends, she is just able to capture completely unique ideas and feelings in a little blue bottle, it always astounds me. hang in there and keep trying and ur nose will catch up (at least mine did) and it is true they very often bloom or develope on teh skin and in teh vial is not abtrue indicator of their notes
  15. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    i *think* the squishy brains are a toy, and i certainly am not gonna taste them to make sure but they are cute, of course my kids are trying to brain nap the wee squishies so now i must hide my squishy brains
  16. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    squishy brains and migo lablepic of lable and squishy brains
  17. shelldoo


    this is masculine to me, ozonish, oceanic. salty, yet clean and i think there is a touch of mintiness. but not very much just a breath, as it dries it goes a bit soapy on me but ozone and aquatics usually do not go well w/ my chemistry. so don't let my reactions decide for you.
  18. shelldoo


    crisp, clean, aquatic, turquoise. this smells alot cleaner and fresher then i had imagined when it dries it is very light faint clean watery smell.
  19. shelldoo

    Al Azif

    oh wow, this is by far the toughest to describe so far, it is dark. there is a sweetness, but i wouldn't really say jasmine or maple syrup, it is a dark sweetness, maybe molassass type but not on top it is dark smokey incense on top w/. the sweeteness waiting, hiding and enticing you. i pick up something saffron like, this has a similar *feel* to DDLM yet they don't smell alike. if that makes any sense at all. as it dries a bit of a floral note peeks outi am not a jasmine fan, i can't say for sure it is jasmine, if it is there is enough other beautiful notes to overcome my dislike of jasmine. gah this one is hard and i know i simply am not doing it justice. editting this, as alazif has aged it has become the sexiest thing on the planet. it is a deep resinous, sandalwood, saffron, there is no floral at all. it is somewhat sweetened resin not all out mollasses, but an undercurrent of sweetness. i love how this has aged.
  20. shelldoo

    Miskatonic University

    *OMFGFAINTSINORGASMICPLEASURE* in the bottle man this is strong, irish coffee, coffee house style, my mouth is watering like crazy. this is fresh brewed smelling, w/ just the right amount of cream and booze. excellent on it stays pretty true, just not as sweet as in the vial yummy goodness. i am getting a light oak warmth that just makes this devine! this scent totally rocks. i am still waiting for the dusty tomes part but will update after several hours of drydown, if i can pull my arm off my face to type. beth woman i adore you!!!! eta i put this on more then 24 hrs ago and it is still there this one stays put, i even cleaned house today and i still have it lingering on me, the rest faded. lol now really i must go shower
  21. shelldoo

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    ahhh yes this is pink. w/ a capital P. this is mostly fruity on me. in the bottle it is tutti fruiti hawaiian style. very tropical fruits. lots of mango. on it doesn't morph much at all. it is tropical fruits, warmth, and sunshine. almost effrevecent. there is a floral note lurking there quietly but it is soft and in the background letting the fruity fun party it's heart out. i don't know what i was expecting, but grey matter was definitely bopping around in my grey matter, but this migo this has no grey matter it is yummy and sweet, and innocent smelling.
  22. shelldoo


    in the imp dark spiciness on it smells like burning wood chips. the smell of just starting a campfire w/ kindling. as it dries i get a touch of coffee like smell, not sure what could cause that, there is also that spicey lurkiness hanging out, this one is drak, and yet comforting. i love it
  23. shelldoo


    opening the imp, jasmine assaults my senses. it is all jasmine, no rose, no myrrh. and after a few minutes i start to get a bad headache (jasmine does it) i got fair warning it was a jasmine scent i was just hoping to smell some of the other notes along w/ it. this is perfect for jasmine loving gals. just not my bag
  24. shelldoo

    Scents for late summer into autumn

    the hesperides...perfect late summer/early fall blend.
  25. shelldoo

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    raven, sybaris, wings of azereal, le serpent qui danse, ingenue