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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo


    Gloriously innocent and guileless: pure buttered popcorn! what can i say everyone else is correct it is buttered popcorn, beth could have called it sex w/ orville
  2. shelldoo


    in the bottle: wow juicy sweet fruits wet: is there lotus in this? i am getting a strong bubble gummy type note. as it dries it becomes, smoother, creamier, almost like an orange julius, yes that is what it reminds me of. orange julius. i couldn't see myself wearing this one when i was reading the description, yet now w/ it on i am being sucked it. it is sweet, creamy fun
  3. shelldoo

    Love in the Asylum

    in the bottle:greenery, rose, a hint of something a bit medicinal wet: ROSE!!!! and a touch of teh crisp green scent from rose red. not so much up front but lurking. as it dries it is still very much rose, but i get a hint of vanilla, and something kind of sweet, the green is not as prominent after it dries. this has quite a bit of throw, and is a rose lovers dream. i just wish carnation would play a bit...but i still love it
  4. i would agree, i ahve them both and they are nothing alike.
  5. shelldoo


    in the bottle: oh my. ummm it is kind stinky to my nose, almost smells a bit like mushroom soil. shivers wet: ok shew not as ummm bad smelling as in the vial, altho i wouldn't go so far as to say it is pleasant. this one is one i can't even decipher. there is something a bit floralish but it is being strangled to death by something dark and nasty, not neccisarily nasty smelling but something that is overwhelming me and giving me shivers i do detect vetiver but on me it is not the forerunner there is something a tad scary even choking out the vetiver, something i am uncomfortable w/ and something i don't even know if i want to work w/ i just am getting a bad vibe. i rarely have negative reactions, emotionally to a scent, only has happened one other time, in the 200+ i have tried, but this one gives me an emotionally hard time, makes me almost panic, like i am drowning
  6. shelldoo


    hmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmmm intrigueing in the bottle, i get dried tea, like when i am scooping out some from my container to put in my teaball. and dried grasses, nothing minty or clean although i can see it being called medicinal wet: dried, tea leaves, that is the thing that is smacking me aorund. i don't get any other notes. dry: this is an herb shop, the roots, the dried, leaves, the teas. YES it smells just like the herb shop i go to, a mish mosh of dried things that can be used for all sorts of intresting things. this is not so much as "firey" as i expected, but instead to me is the salamander that is a bit to nixy, and hops out of the campfire to scortch it's way around, it is the aftermath, the dried, cracking grasses, that got in said salamander's path. intresting and something i must think about. i like it a bit more then i thought i might
  7. shelldoo

    Bed of Nails

    ok so in the bottle is a masculine men's cologne, not bad a tid ozoney wet: umm yeah ozone. dry: no "cologne" scent anymore, it is all ozone, a hint of something fresh airish, possibly some sort of floral, but not one i can put my finger on this is definitely for someone who loves fresh, clean, scents.
  8. shelldoo

    Fire Eater

    ok, i must have incredibly different chemistry then anyone else. in the bottle: hellfire. smells just like it to me, no florals, no soap, just heat, fire, ash wet it is a bit sharp a hint metallic, and yet still reminds me of hellfire, not a floral or soapy note in sight. dry: all but nothing, it has evaporated, or been osmositized (yeah i made that word up) in to me, it has a very very very light hint of hellfire still there, but mostly nothing at all. weird
  9. shelldoo

    House of Mirrors

    Antique amber frames a series of distorted, eternally warping clear crystal and glass notes. in the bottle: crystaline is right, and citrussy sunny smelling wet: not as ozoney mostly sweet citrus, like tangerine, or orange as it dries the clean laundry smell comes in, it reminds me of the smae feel as dirty, but not nessicarily the same notes, i also get some salty ozone, and aquatics here, but the sweet orangey scent keeps it from becoming too sharp, sadly i do not get amber in this one at all. it is a fresh, sweet, clean scent very summery to me
  10. shelldoo

    Snake Charmer

    in the vial: spicy and sweet fruits, it is very viscous, and dark in color (yes like i expected it to be wet: wow, sweeeeeeeet, vanilla amber, and some spice.no fruit, no coconut dry: yup snake oil's teenage sister. i wonder if this will age as nicely as snake oil, i must not use it all in on sitting so i can find out for sure i *think* this is a tad more vanilla then snake oil has, and it is lighter on the "spice" it is a bit more innocent then snake oil, but it is sexy still, the plum is ever so light sometimes i miss it. and coconut usually goes plastic upon touching my skin. it does not in this blend. altho i can't say i actually detect coconut anyway. gah how am i gonna choose what to order more of. i will end up w/ 2 whole oddieties at this rate
  11. shelldoo


    in the vial: mosses, cedar, and pine wet: cedar, cinnamon, and moss dry:omg this is way more beautiful then i imagined, w/ the other reviews. my chemistry amps the cinnamon, it isn't a candy cinnamon, it is a cinnamon stick, raw cinnamon kind of scent, the cedar is also very prominent on me. but i usually magnify both notes so this is not unexpected. i do not get dried grasses at all, nor the patchouli there is a slight slight edge of leather, but it is mostly lurking and peeping in here and there not a take charge kind of leather, more like a comfy leather armchair that engulfs you on a lazy afternoon, as you nap. i am gonna have one hell of a time choosing a favorite out of this bunch so far
  12. shelldoo

    Torture King

    in the vial:lime, smoke, leather wet: the vetiver come out to bitch slap me in a sexy, masocistic way, the lime is lingering around the edges as it dries the vetiver settles down to play a supporting roll, i get mostly frankencense, no clove or mandarin, alot of leather, the lime is hiding now. i think the vetiver must have gotten a bit too naughty for the sweet innocent lime. and the musk is just intwining everything, bringing them all together in a big bondage love fest. this is a sexy, musky, sexy, sexy blend. hmmm i may have to "annoint" my dh and see what happens mauahahahaha
  13. shelldoo

    Bearded Lady

    in the vial: extremely feminine, fresh flowers. wet , i get the rose, jasmine, violet, and vanilla dry: this is very very floral. i was scared a bit of the jasmine. as jasmine usually goes way way wrong on me, but this behaves, possibly due to the vanilla. i am getting a bit of honeysuckle rose, hint of violet and a generous helping of vanilla final thought, generally i am not one for straight florals. they just r not me, i am a incensey wino, w/ a dash of fig and possibly a flower thrown in for good measure as long as it isn't jasmine. but bearded lady won me over, must be her good looks, cause i am very superficial no really it is soft, feminine, and summery. if you love florals, you are gonna wanna take her for a spin
  14. shelldoo

    Gypsy Queen

    in the vial i double take. i smell wine of some sort. oh how i adore wine. wet, incense and rose, and wine as it dries a bit of neroli pops up, and i still get heavy incense (which i adore) some rose, the rose seems like a young bud, not a full blown bloom, hint of smoke, and a touch of musk. the winey under current is not there anymore, the neroli fades fairly quick, and i am left w/ a soft rosey scent w/ a smokey incense over tone. it is wildly alluring and amazingly gorgeous. i adored freak show, i thought i would be lucky to find a couple i loved, well gypsie queen certainly fits the bill too. i am beginning to worry it wil be like gibberish and i will love them all too much
  15. shelldoo

    Cinnamon girl...

    wrath was all dbr on me, just barely was there a hint of spice. maybe 99% dbr and 1% cinnamon
  16. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    macha, all the artwork is incredible. you rock! i love the lita lable too, wow just wow. and man am i sitting here in envy over that wee collection of cn, moon, and lita. whhhhaaaaa *yay for self pity parties*
  17. shelldoo

    Cinnamon girl...

    chimera on me is way way complex, and more of a confection done in a bakery then a candy. malkuth imho is an excellent rec, it is cin candy. port au prince is cinnamon and clove but more cinnamon on me. i would say malkuth is your best bet. if you are looking for candy cinnamon, but chimera is so beautiful you should just try it cause it is fabulous.
  18. shelldoo

    Freak Show

    A strange, disconcerting embraceā€¦ to some, alarming, and to some, intimately familiar: fig, pomegranate and cocoa bean with lemon, bergamot, vanilla, mellow honey musk, calamus and tonka. what was i expecting??? no clue, i was leary of the lemon, i am no lemon fan. but i adore fig, and chocolate. in the bottle that is all i smell dark chocolate covered figs. mmmmmmm wet: strong strong dark cocoa w/ a hint of figginess and a hint of pomegranet as it dries it ellows, and softens a bit, it is incensy, chocolatey fig, hangs close to my skin, and is a very "me" scent i adore it, and being able to get my grubbies on it before my oditorium shipped is a great treat thanks so much *she who must not be named* for getting it to me oh and i agree it feels like ddlm
  19. shelldoo


    in the bottle: grapefruit. tangy, mouth watering grapefruit wet: grapefruit and tangerine rind as it dries it gets a ginger kicker, but the grapefruit remains the foremost note. it is strong, and invigorating. and amazingly sexy
  20. shelldoo

    Blood Pearl

    hmm i have wanted to try this for a while and just swapped for it. in the vial: intresting i am thinking it reminds me a bit of something from my childhood wet: this makes me drool, and is whisking me to a hot summer day at the pool when i was 12 it remains very true the whole time, in the vial, wet and dry. i really really like it. but here is the weird thing, it reminds me of a snocone i used to eat at the pool, i can't think of the "flavor name" but it was electric blue, stained my mouth. i miss those snocones. and i can't place why it smells of those but it does. it is a bit sexier then then snocone would be rubbed on me i think, well maybe dh would disagree. it has a human edge to it the snocone would not, but all in all it is very wistful and fun for me. i am definitely ordering a big bottle
  21. shelldoo


    in the bottle: wow, my mouth actually waters when i smell this one spicey, mulled wine wet: holiday spices, w/ a hint of what? hmmm plum? and something green as it dries it mellows. this is deep swirling velvety red. spicy for sure but there is a mature almost over ripened fruity scent to this this will be gorgeous and perfect for the time between thanksgiving and yuletide it actually smells winey and joyous
  22. shelldoo


    in the bottle: almond and astringent wet: almonds and nutmeg w/ a hint of green astringency as it dries it softens and there is a hint of oakmoss, but it is a soft almondy spice. comforting, nice, cozy all these describe this scent to me
  23. shelldoo


    when they say roses they mean ROSES, there is the lightest wisper of sandalwood but it is screaming roses. not bad really, i like roses occassionally, so yay
  24. shelldoo

    What to wear to a rock show?

    yeah neo tokyo came right to mind, the funky thing jumped at me. glad u liked it
  25. shelldoo

    Honey Moon

    in the bottle: honey, sweet warm honey wet: flowers, a big summer boquest of flowers still warm, and fresh picked, quite alot of throw at this point dry: this one is a morpher in a big way, now it is soft soft honey and a himt of what i think is thyme. it is a second skin scent after it dries