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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. i am finding that snow moon is reminecent of tintagel. they are not the same perse, but there is a feel. a festiveness. and of course the piney yumminess. anyway i know i am not spot on w/ chemistry that soem people have. but they are related in my mind.
  2. shelldoo

    Three Witches

    resurrected version i adored the original so i was happy to have some more. having said that their are variances from the original, but this is still gorgeous. in the bottle: white pepper, and clove. wet: a note i can not place rifles through the wet stage, it is not a bad note. i just can't place it. the cinnamon comes in to play. i however do not get red hots, or even sweetish type cinnamon. this is dry dry cinnamon bark the cloves peek in and duck out of sight repeatedly and the white pepper is sprinkled over the whole thing as it dries, the uin (unidentifiable note) evaporates leaving a well balanced blend, very reminecent of the original version. i am happy. thanks beth
  3. shelldoo


    resurected blend in the bottle: rosey, lavander, chamomile. wet:whew herbally green, must be the lavander and chamomile duking it away as it dries: the rose resurfaces, yet is stabalized by chamomile. this is a fragile scent to my nose. the ylang ylang sweetens it bit, adding a softeness that keeps this scnt from being brittle.
  4. shelldoo

    Red Phoenix

    ok first off since i was hearing so much about this being related to blood moon, i pulled out my bottle to test them side by side. in the bottle: red phoenix is similar yet, sweeter then blood moon. it is has a very strong cassia note. i love me some spices. wet: still strong cassia. also heavy on the patchouli. it is sweeter then blood moon. i am assuming from the plum, possibly due to the benzoin. either way a sweetish, spicey, patchouli. as it dries it softens, the musk plays out. the tonka travels in whisps, occassionally i detect it, but not intentionally. red moon was way resinous in comparison. certainly the cassia is similar, and possibly the musk. but red phoenix is more refined, and friendlier.
  5. shelldoo

    Pink Phoenix

    in the bottle:wowy, pink! mmmm bubble gummy? very "young" smelling wet: strong, i am getting more pear then strawberry i do believe. i am thinking the "pear" gives it the bubble gummy type smell. it is sticky sweet smelling this has alot of throw. i would venture to say on me this is a sweetpea/pear blend. that goes slightly honeyed as it dries. i don't get alot of strawberry. it is not a soft pink. i am thinking vibrant, hot pink, after quite a bit of time, it has a stronger honey/vanilla touch but remains mostly sweetpea on me.
  6. shelldoo

    Snow Moon

    ok i wanted to love skadi but it went wonky. the skadi reviews scared me a bit. i trepiditiously sniffed: in the bottle:fir, and very skadiesque. oh no i am worried! wet: fir. strong fresh fir. like when you cut a tree down for xmas and the sap is on you. as it dries it becomes the most gorgeous. i am thinking it is my favorite lunar oil to date. and trust me i adored milk moon so this is huge. it is sweet, soft, floray, but picking apart the florals has proved fruitless for me. it simply is a floraly boquet backed strongly w/ the fir. and although it definitely isn't listed i am getting something reminecent of sandalwood. it is very odd because i don't detect it when i sniff my wrist yet in the air hovering around me occassionally i will be like wait...sandalwood...then poof it runs off. it is sweet, and wintery, and way more then i had hoped for. i am so so glad it had everything i loved in skadi and yet didn't go haywire. put simply i am a snow moon slatherin whore.
  7. shelldoo


    holy honeydew batman! wet same drying: from several inches away i can still mostly smell the honeydew. but up close sniffing i get the tea and something vaguely floral. and a very light touch of peach syrup. on me it isn't a fresh juicy peach, but more like the juice in homemade canned peaches. it really is much nicer on then i thought it might be after smelling it for the first time. and once it dries it becomes a close to the skin scent, which is surprising because not on the skin it permeates my whole house.
  8. shelldoo

    Lump of Coal

    in the bottle: chocolate. wet: wow, much nicer it smells just like underbaked brownies. dry. this is an amazing brownie scent. really it smells exactly like brownies baking. i imagine burning some in an oil burner would trick everyone into thinking one was baking. but wearing it makes one entirely edible very very naughty scent!
  9. shelldoo


    in the bottle: buttery, sweet, dessert like. but butter is the strongest wet: buttery, sweet mostly buttery this has a common note to shill and has a sweet creamy almost pudding type smell, i want to take a nip, but know it will not taste as good as it smells so i am refraining. but it is a bit tempting the longer it is on the more the buttery note mellows, and it becomes sweet, creamy and soft. eta this has some staying power. i test ran it last evening, and woke up this morn to a wonderful scent, i was like mmmmmm what is for breakfast, and sure enought twas my wrist. the buttery scent mellowed and it was sweet caramlized sugary yum. i actually liked it even better the next morning.
  10. shelldoo


    this one was a bit weird on me, i got the clean fresh scent while in the vial and i agree w/ shollin i thought it might be eucalyptus too. then it hit my skin and...voila no scent at all, nothing i mean really not even a int of somthing, i drank it i guess
  11. shelldoo


    this is almost all redmusk and a hint of cinnamon on me, it reminds me quite a bit of blood moon, and it is sexy and sweet. i want a bottle when tal goes live.
  12. shelldoo

    Hymn to Pan

    i haven't really tried this for intent, i jsut got a quick sniff. it is a musky herbal. that fades pretty fast on my skin leaving a slightly musky skin type scent.
  13. shelldoo


    i got to sniff what i think is a prototype, and what i hope the final version smells like. it also has made me long for it as my inquistion decision. pleeeease!!! anyway in the vial buttery note like jack has, strong butter and i am like uhoh i hope it gets a bit morphy on. wet: all mint ,strong, and butter killing mint. dry: all i can say is OMGPLEASELET ME HAVE THIS!!! it is soft, sweet, creamy, w/ a breath of mint, there was a stage that made me think of buttermints, but that went away fairly fast and i was left w/ this soft vanilly, sweetness, and an occassional waft of a gentle soft mint. i should say i do not really care for mints most of the time, however i could wear this daily, so if you are not a mint lover don't give up on this one it is definitely a keeper.
  14. shelldoo


    this smelled strongly of citrus candy when i first aplied it, but it dried into s soft slightly peppery skin scent.
  15. shelldoo


    this in the vial, wet and dry remians pretty much the same, musky smoky, dark. i don't get fruit, i get teh slightest hint of something sweetening it up, but i ahve no clue what gives this impression. it faded fairly fast which made me sad cause it smelled really good at first.
  16. shelldoo

    Naked Singularity

    in the vial: resinous. wet: herbal resin as it dries it softens and gets a mellow antique type resin note, and retains a bit fo spice. i think there is the slightest touch of musk but it is way deep, behind the herbs which play a supporting role for either frankencinse or myrrh, i am leaning a bit towards myrrh, a "spicey" mature resin. by far this retains the resin scent more then the other notes.
  17. shelldoo

    Sugar Cookie

    05 sugar cookie: in the bottle: rum balls wet: rummy gooey, did i say rummy? as it dries teh rum smell runs off (yay) and i am left w/ a cookie dough, almost toffee like scent. it definitely is not the "snickerdoodle" of last year, but it is sweet, and yummy cookies being rolled out and waiting to go in the oven
  18. shelldoo


    mint, not peppermint, is it spearmint? it actually is chilly to my nose when i sniff it there is an aquatic quality, and a prominent birch note there is also a green fir note but it is very faint. imho this one is more aquatic then woody, however i enjoy the mint pretty much. which isn't the usual for me.
  19. shelldoo

    The Rat King

    in the bottle:a bit of dust,& a hint of what i think is a moss type note wet: ok i am thinking there is some oakmoss in this. it smells almost like pure oakmoss. amazing to me, this is like pure oakmoss, everything else have left the building. no dust bunnies, no musk possibly a hint of "bark' but there is oakmoss draped all over the bark.
  20. shelldoo

    The Peacock Queen

    in the bottle: heavy rose, not the fresh bloom of rose red. wet: wow, this is thick heady rose this one doesn't morph much, it is a very "snobbish" scent.elusive,yet sharp. i like my roses so it isn't a bad thing really. after a bit of time it mellows and the sharpness is not as apparent although it is definitely still lurking like a thorn hiding, just biding it's time to draw some blood.
  21. shelldoo

    Snow Bunny

    in the bottle: definitely a relative of skadi junipery berries, and miny wet: wow way fruitier then in the bottle, still very juniper, and a hint of fresh "air" and possibly a nip of mint as it dries it becomes less junipery, sweeter i am wondering...is that pomegranet? i believe so. and a dash of ozone crisp air. i do believe this would be a good substitute for skadi lovers, yet it is different enough that i like it. actually i like it more then i like skadi.
  22. shelldoo

    Lick It

    this one was one i ordered trepiditiously, i am not a huge mint fan. so why order it you ask? well beth continually amazes me and so i just had to. i would have to agree and yet disagree w/ the previous reviews. it is not straight up peppermint for sure, yet i wouldn't say "candy cane" for me this is those antique candy type peppermint melt away balls. i am not sure if yall know what i mean but they are akin to a buttermint, in texture and they melt almost as soon as you pop them in your mouth. they are little red and white striped balls. and man are they yummy. this is lick it. and i love it, which amazes me w/ my nonlove for mint in general. thanks beth for bringing this out
  23. shelldoo

    The Cracked Bell

    in the bottle: a metalic bite, possibly red musk? and a hint of incense wet: this reminds me greatly of blood moon. there are some definite similarities. there is what i believe is red musk and i feel i am also detecting some frankincense. as it dries: wow, this is hot, steamy, bloody metalic which as i have stated i believe is derived from a red musk, there is a hint of something somewhat spice like but i am guessing it isn't a spice but a resin pretending to be spicy. this is one i want my man to wear. i just "feel" it, a physical reaction very interesting.
  24. shelldoo


    in the bottle: hmm pecan pie? some sort of sugary nut dessert wet: ahhh ok so there is the pine note, actually that is almost all i smell, evergreen. as it dries it is no longer a gooey dessert treat, it is a christmas dessert sitting beside a freshly cut pine tree, the smell of the evergreen sweeping through the room mingling w/ the scent of delicious, sweet nut pies, and yummy smatterings of yuletide treats.
  25. shelldoo

    Midnight Mass

    in the bottle: resins, like chunks of frankincense, myrrh, and another that i know i know but can't place at the moment. wet: wow yes incense intense. as it dries, this is not the "cheap" incense you can pick up at any flea market stall it is the resins you buy to make an offering. it is as if i took a chunk and crush it in my fingers rubbing it to help the scent escape. gorgeous.