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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo

    The Perfumed Garden

    ok i am a bit hesitant to open this one. jasmine is my nemesis. i am....say poison ivy and jasmine is bat man (i love me some roll playin) shelldoo bravely faces the small amber bottle of doom.....$%^@@BANG$%&^&@@ @@@@POW@@@@ i have no clue what i smell. is that myrrh? something a bit gritty and somewhat earthy smelling. almost mossy. amd a hint of apple. i am picturing green apple. batman is hiding, just waiting to jump out w/ his utility belt and snag me by the balls...wait i don't have balls, maybe by the ear. wet: wth is the scent i am getting, i know i have smelled it before but for my life i do not know what it is. it is kind of peat smelling. earthy. looking over the listed notes i am unsure what some are, so putting my finger on this is making me batty (pun intended) and lurking past the peat type scent i see pointed rubberized ears....**batman is hiding i can finally detect him...now to out smart the beast.** as it dries it is all jamine. i am bitch slapped, stomped upon, and tied up in the trunk of the batmobile. DAMN FOILED AGAIN. but wait there is an interior trunk relase handle. could it be??? i am detecting gorgeous sweet sandalwood (woohoo the rescue backups are sneaking up. could there be hope for this supervillian?) this is becoming a sandalwood, musk, sweet, combo, i still can detect the evil jasmine but i have escaped. i am not being held prisoner. i will have to try it a coupel more times but i do believe i could actually get away w/ wearing this. poison ivy lurks off undetected mumbling to herself...until we meet again batmat.
  2. shelldoo


    in the bottle:oakmoss, and patchouli. very earthy. wet:patchouli, a hint of beeswax (yes it smells just like honeycomb) and a tidbit of musky goodness. as it dries: well color me happy. this sweetens and becomes absolutely beautiful. the oakmoss is no longer present, and the whole blend softens quite a bit. the patchouli is there almost giving me the image of an infastructure, holding this blend in stable arms. the honey, sweetness, keeps it from being all resins, and the musk adds a wonderful sexiness that completes the whole concept. i am loving this way, way more then i imagined i would. all in all an excellent scent experience.
  3. shelldoo

    Night's Pavilion

    in the bottle: light, fresh, florals. wet: did i say light? as in barely there. interesting, i am not a "huge" lily fan, sometimes they are ok, sometimes way not ok. these r ok, not slapping me around and not going funky. the musk backdrop makes for the perfect scenery for the play to unfold. as it dries i agree somewhat w/ macha, there is something here that is reminding me of tea, or something greenish as in green tea but not green as in ivy or herbs, but the lily keeps it from going so clean that i can't wear it. and the frankincense mellows the lily keeping them from going soapy floral, which lilies tend to do on me. this plays out gorgeous and slightly innocent two things i usually can't pull off. final thoughts: i am pleasantly surprised as lily, and waxy type scents very rarely work w/ my chemistry. they tend to be soapy, clean, and sometimes chemical on me. this is none of that. it is a light fresh smell grounded by lovely frankincense i actually think this will be wonderful in early spring for easter or family gatherings during the early spring times.
  4. shelldoo

    Parlement of Foules

    in the bottle; fresh sweet roses. wet: still mostly roses, but i get the slightest breath of something woody as it dries it really softens. the rose is not as upfront as it was, it is a shy innocent rose. the resins are grounding it, and adding depth also keeping the white rose, which sometimes goes chemical, in check. it eventually turns more resin/incense then rose. but the rose remains there keeping this blend stately and beautiful
  5. to me tintagel is in the same family as snow moon. they are not the same but seem related and have a similar *feel*
  6. shelldoo


    in the bottle:hmm not what i expected. it almost smells a bit smokey or like campfire. definitely not expected wet: on it becomes a bit floral, tuberose for sure the gritty smoke like smell fades so fast. as it dries it mellows a bit and becomes a sweet fresh floral w/ an incensy backdrop that just peeks in occassionally.
  7. shelldoo

    Red Lantern

    in the bottle: the most obvious note is the caramel, but w/ a deeper sniff i can detect a hint of amber,and a bit of the opium scent, as well as something slightly green. wet: still very sweet, caramel. it reminds me of elegba a bit but there is also a green something. not green like fir, and not really an herbal smell. more like a green flower stem. i am wondering if this is the delphinium. as it dries: interesting the caramel sweetness is burning off a bit, and it is becoming spicier, i almost am thinking something pepper like. it also has a definite amber note and a nice tobbacco scent. this is gorgeous and my second favorite of the valentines scents.
  8. shelldoo


    in the bottle i get a red fruity sweet musk. i believe the red musk gives me a hint of fruitiness. wet: strong gorgeous! sweet musky scent. not getting any boozy notes. dry: this softens and becomes a sweet sexy skin scent. it is more innocent smelling then i expected. but it is incredibly sexy and gorgeous. and i do believe it has hopped right on to my top 5 list
  9. shelldoo

    The Great Sword of War

    in the bottle, at irst i thought shub, but chocolate, the i thought it has the dust note of m.u. but it definitely has teh cocolate goodness of freakshow. very intriguing as i love all those scents. wet it is a moist chocolate w/ a dusty topping. then bam hello citrus. orange possibly tangerine. but it settles a bit and lets the herby goodness come in to play i also get a smoothness i believe is the tonka which is binding it all together. final thoughts: i am not a big citrus fan. but this one works. i am unsure what makes it different but the other notes keep the orange tame enough that i rather enjoy sniffing this one.
  10. shelldoo

    The Scales of Deprivation

    in the bottle, wet, dry, this is all the same it is a breath of very light resins. frankencinse and myrrh. but the lightest barest touch. hardly there. i get no citrus and no lavander which is wonderful because i am not a huge fan of either. all in all i like this. it is comforting and light yet warm. very well done.
  11. arabian nights snake oil o morrocco all have good throw and staying power on me ymmv
  12. shelldoo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    ahhhhhh macha no teasing!!!! how exciting. now i am anticipating my bottles even more.
  13. shelldoo

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    i adore so many notes in this carnation, cedar , vanilla, white musk and leather so i was excited to get some. in the vial: cedar, lavander, and musk wet: musk, cedar, w/ a touch of lavander as it dries it becomes a musky cedar, w/ a slight touch of vanilla & leather. this is incredibly sexy. i already ordered a 5ml, and i am glad. this i believe could be for gals, or guys. it is great on me, but i really realy wanna smell it on the boy. what a great scent
  14. shelldoo


    in the vial:hmm, i smell cumin? a hint of something sweet wet: the same, i am wondering if somehow i am getting "cumin" when it is rosemary, but indeed i smell cumin like substance. which could be what karin interprets as nachos. nachos are cumin laden usually dry: this is an intresting blend, from farther away i smell something faintly floral citrus and slightly dried herbs, but if i sniff up against my wrist i get the "cumin" smell. i will be trying this a few times to see if it changes. i actually like the wafting smell, the up close smell i am iffy about. after a good 1/2 hour there is no trace of the note i am calling cumin (but really it must be rosemary) now i have a sweet, soft, fruity floral there is definitely grape, but also a rosey aspect. it is light and sweet
  15. shelldoo

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    and w/ trouser snake, just as devil's panties there are loads of layering options. i have smut on my trouser snake, inferno in my trouser sake. btw i totally woudl buy trouser snake. shell is a pervy one she is
  16. shelldoo

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    hehehe i know i would just love to tell people i *am* wearing panties....even if it is a scent someone recently asked if my hair was my real color. i replied no my natural color is bald. this is a case of the drapes not matching the carpet oh and could you just imagine the layering possiblilities? hello i have smut on my devils panties? or o on devils panties? how about a wee bit of inferno in my devil's panties...really i have a million of them. as far as the rest of your post. really, where does one get all the things you mention other then at bpal? and to top all that off, there is a day every month when the lab is open to the general public. that is amazing!
  17. shelldoo

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    i would *so* wear the devils panties shelldoo is now trotting off to order a ton of imps....jk
  18. shelldoo

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    i wanna live down by the river, in a van, eating goverment cheese. *not really a hi-jack cause it is about free cheese.*
  19. i get complimenst from teh opposite secx when i wear morrocco
  20. shelldoo

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    i just want to chime in, i have always recieved timely and courteous replies, recently i sent an email to the tp and asked a question which ted had already emailed and asked me. my isp apparently filtered the email. i however sent an email and asked, and recieved a reply with in minutes. it was worked out, and i am grateful for all the lab does for it's customers. which is obvious because i order repeatedly, which i wouldn't do if a.) they had crappy cs and b.) if i felt they were ripping me off. beth posted about the new machines filling the exact amount. i compare that to a cereal box, when i open my cereal it is "1/2 full" however it is the correct amount if i choose to weigh it. i also know for a fact the lab "overfilled" many bottles, because if i decanted it never filled just 5 imps but often at least 6 and usually 7. so if the machine measures exactly 5ml then the bottle will look less full then it used to because in addition to the frimp imps we were getting more then 5ml of oil. i personally would never complain about lack of free imps, that is a gift to us, and one should never expect a gift.
  21. shelldoo

    Snow Angel

    Cherubic spun sugar with a hint of lemon, sparkling peach, and floral tea. in the bottle: lemons, and peachiness wet:almost candyish peaches and lemon dry:much softer, herbal tea, w/ a hint of fruit and sugar
  22. shelldoo


    Sado-masochistic holiday cheer: whip leather, cardamom, patchouli and bourbon. ok so i am proving to be a complete and total freak. because i *swear* i am wearing the same oil as everyone one else, yet on me it is smells like someone who just toked up and is trying to hide the smell of reefer by spritzing a light spray of spicey perfume. i walked around all day making people sniff me and then i would say i smell like pot don't i the girl who has never smoked a joint smells like pot. why it entertained me i have no clue. i blame it on meds. now having said that i shall say i adore the pothead smell and can't wait to get pulled over while wearing it. i shall let the officer know he is profiling and i will protest soundly. eeeee i can't wait. *disclaimer shelldoo will not drive recklessly just fast *
  23. shelldoo

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    yay! the lab rocks and sara is great!
  24. shelldoo

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    yes, i have had a leaky bottle. they are very good at making things right.
  25. shelldoo

    Traveling with BPAL

    i believe they discuss that here http://www.bpal.org/index.php?s=&showtopic...ndpost&p=131674