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Everything posted by shelldoo

  1. shelldoo


    There was a family resemblance between the two men. That was unarguable, although that alone did not explain the intense feeling of familiarity that Fat Charlie felt on seeing Spider. His brother looked like Fat Charlie wished he looked in his mind...Spider was taller, and leaner, and cooler. He was wearing a black-and-scarlet leather jacket, and black leather leggings, and he looked at home in them...There was something larger-than-life about him: simply being on the other side of the table to this man made Fat Charlie feel awkward and badly consructed, and slightly foolish. It wasn't the clothes Spider wore, but the knowledge that if Fat Charlie put them on he would look as if he were wearing some kind of unconvincing drag. It wasn't the way Spider smiled--casually, delightedly--but Fat Charlies's cold, incontrovertible certainty that he himself could practice smiling in front of a mirror from now until the end of time and never manage a single smile one half so charming, so cocky, or so twinklingly debonair. White ginger, artemesia, vetiver, nutmeg, King mandarin, bergamot, and lime. in the bottle: mandarin, lime, and ginger wet: sweet citrus, slightly clean. as it dries the ginger and nutmeg become more prominent. the citrus less so. but it has taken an herby turn. i assume from the artemesia (wormwood i believe). this is incredible sexy slightly spicey. i can wear it and i also know it will smell amazing on my dh.
  2. Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death, Alexandre Cabanel.Accords of peach kernel, hemlock, aconite, and belladonna, with bitter almond, saffron, honey, myrrh, hyssop, frankincense, and palm. in the bottle: honey and frankincense. wet: it almost smells chocolatey w/ a resinous background and a splash of honey. i am wondering where the chocolate like scent is coming from. it must be a combination of something in this blend confusing my nose as it dries i am still getting a chocolatey or cocoa type vibe from this and of course the honey is still there, although i now detect saffron and a faint floral i am assuming is the belladonna. i wasn't really expecting to like this scent, but it is one of my favorites from this new exhibit. very very nice!
  3. shelldoo

    Black Moon

    Black Moon: Beth's Creation The absence of light: motia attar, black orchid, mugwort, English pear, cucumber, blue lotus, jonquil, massoia, calamus and crystal musk. in the bottle:fruity, spring floral wet: the pear is very obvious, sweet and juicy. i am also getting quite a bit of lotus and jonquil. this is light, fresh, and very springy to me. as it dries it becomes soft sweet, and very feminine. innocent. i get wafts of cucumber, and the pear seems to be the base note. it isn't very musky yet there is a crystaline quality to it that makes it very fragile smelling. most jasmines do not work, they go terribly awry, but although this has a jasmine note (motia attar) it remains wearable and doesn't go wonky. all in all if you like a soft floral w/ fruity background this is going to be a great scent for you
  4. shelldoo

    Dragon's Hide

    Flame-kissed, warm, smooth, and highly protective. Dragon’s blood, leather and a hint of smoke. this was almost all dragon's blood on me, w/ the slightest hint of smoke. it didn't change or morph while drying. if you are a dragon's blood lover this one is for you.
  5. shelldoo

    Love and Pain

    Love and Pain, Edvard Munch.Lavender, Balkan tobacco, black musk, dark vanilla, and golden copaifera. in the bottle: smells like single not lavender. wet: strong and i do mean STRONG lavender this doesn't change on me, it is all lavender, those who love lavender herbal scents will most likely want this one.
  6. shelldoo

    Monna Vanna

    Monna Vanna, Dante Gabriel Rossetti.Russian rose, mimosa, gardenia, bois du rose, parma violet, calla lily, red currant, ambergris, and bourbon vanilla. in the bottle, mostly rose and violet. wet:lily and violet w/ a splash of rose. i amp up rose, lily and violet and really that is drowning out all the other notes.
  7. shelldoo

    Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent

    Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent, Yoshitoshi.Salty ocean spray, red kelp, black plum, lychee, sea moss, green musk, hachiya, plum blossom, and matcha. in the bottle: very light ocean spray, slightly fruity. wet: more aquatic, then in the bottle, but not a over bearing aquatic. i am not an aquatic lover but this is nice. still a hint of fruitiness, but it is very subtle behind the ocean smell. there is something faintly floral, but i can not decern which ote it is exactly. this dries in to a soft ocean scent w/ a background of plum blossom
  8. shelldoo

    Dragon's Musk

    Dominant, passionate, devastating. Dragon’s blood and five deep musks. i love love this one! wet it was all dragon's blood, as it dried the musks blend beautifully w/ the blood, and it becomes a deep, sexy, dance between the notes, it is very heady and makes me feel a bit intoxicated w/ the sexiness of it.
  9. shelldoo

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    MONSTER BAIT: UNDERBED Cassia-caked cocoa coconut over angel food cake. in the bottle: very dry cocoa, and cassia wet: almost entirely cassia as it dries it mellows and softens, becomes a soft sweet cassia scent, w/ a dusting of cocoa, i am assuming the sweetness is the angelfoodcake in the description, but mostly it just sweetens this. this is not as foody as i expected it to be, it is quite wearable.
  10. shelldoo

    The Smiling Spider

    The Smiling Spider, Odilon Redon.Bitter clove, black musk, mahogany wood, and patchouli. in the bottle: cloves and patchouli. this actually reminds me of my clove cigarettes. on: big surprise here, cloves and patchouli. and smells more like my clove cigs, although not like the smell of them burning so much as the smell of how they taste against my lips. on me this is a true to the bottle scent it is spicey, and gritty, and i find it amazingly alluring. of course i love my cloves, so that could be why. the musk becomes just a bit more noticible on drydown, but it is still mostly clove and patchouli. man it is a perfect me scent, and i do love the wee spider on the label.
  11. shelldoo

    Mr. Ibis

    The smoke stung Shadow’s eyes. He wiped the tears away with his hand, and, through the smoke, he thought he saw a tall man in a suit, with gold-rimmed spectacles. The smoke cleared and the boatman was once more a half-human creature with the head of a river bird. Papyrus, vanilla flower, Egyptian musk, African musk, aloe ferox, white sandalwood. in the bottle: very very light scent. slightly vanilla, slightly floral. hint of musk. wet: a juicy, wet scent. sweet. i still detect the musk, sandalwood, and aloe, the most. yet it is slightly floral also. this scent is very very light. soft, and gentle. teh sandalwood and musk are light and clean, the aloe winds its way through here and there just keeping things juicy smelling. and the vanilla flower adds a subtle floral base that gives this fragrance a hint of femininity.
  12. shelldoo

    Schwarzer Mond

    Schwarzer Mond: Brian's Creation The keeper of secrets: opoponax, Tunisian black amber, night musk, antique patchouli, zdravetz, terebinth, myrrh, and Pimenta racemosa. in the bottle: aptchouli and bay rum wet: all patchouli as it dries it softens, i detect some amber, but it doesn't go all powdery as ambers sometimes do. it is rather a sweet, somewhat woody, bayrum scent w/ a patchouli and musk kicker. the musk is a sexy, almost predator type musk. very sexy. while black moon is soft, fragile, feminine, schwarzer mond is it's opposite. verile, predatory in attitude, sexy, and alluring. this is a stand out, and watch out i am entering the arena. w/ patchouli so strong in this blend i am betting it ages in an amazing way. very well done brian! after a while the spicy myrhh starts to shine thround, it becomes a myrhh, patchouli, resinous musky, sex in a bottle. i am in love...
  13. shelldoo


    The Daemon Sultan, Seething Nuclear Chaos ...that last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the centre of all infinity -- the boundless daemon-sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin, monotonous whine of accursed flutes; to which detestable pounding and piping dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic ultimate gods, the blind, voiceless, tenebrous, mindless Other Gods whose soul and messenger is the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep. Azathoth is the blind, idiot god who sits on a black throne at the center of Chaos. His scent is high-pitched and screeching, both impenetrably dark and searingly bright with the clarity of madness: tangerine, saffron, vetiver, black amber and cedarwood. in the bottle dark, sinister resinous, a teeny bit of the tangerine lingers. this is definitely a unisex blend. i actually would love to smell it on my dh. on my skin cedarwood is the note most prominent, then vetiver as i move my hand away from my nose i get a gentle waft of black amber and the tangerine is mia. this is strong and masculine dark resinous, swarthy. yet there is something green in there i am trying to pin point what exactly is the greenness. man this is a wellblended scent. i will have to keep sniffing and update when i place exactly what that note is.
  14. shelldoo

    Ded Moroz

    DED MOROZ Grandfather Frost! Accompanied by his granddaughter, Snegurochka, the Snow Maiden, he bestows gifts to virtuous and hard-working people, rewarding their decency and integrity, and punishes those who are lazy, shiftless, and unkind, killing their fields with frost, cracking the trunks of their trees, and destroying their homes. The first incarnation of Father Frost was not at all benevolent. He was the personification of the darkest aspects of winter, winter's destruction incarnate. He kidnapped unruly children, and slew people capriciously by freezing them to death. Light, darkness, kindness, and malice: golden amber, white amber, redwood, teak, bois du rose, sage, tree moss, and snow. The label is the same as all the 06 Yuletide scents. waaahhhhhooooo, this finally arrived, i couldn't wait! in the bottle:very light scent, slightly green smelling and something almost minty, this smells somewhat familiar, yet not something i can readily place my finger on. wet: hmm, yes there is something slightly minty here, even though i don't see mint as a listed ingredient, but it isn't a pepperminty scent, i am getting i think spearmint? and the very faintest whiff of "snow" and the barest touch of sage. this is such a soft scent, up close i get something greenish, and minty, but so amazingly light. the waft of teh scent is a soft almost powdery scent, but not old lady powder, more the soft fuzzy powder type feel. not florally, not slushy, just a fuzzy, almosty hazy, minty, goodness. i also at this point can detect an aura of redwood, it confused me at first i was thinking evergreen, but then when the scent settles, i realized it was redwood and teak, more redwood though. the longer this is on, the more the scent settles and melds into this beautiful, comforting scent, it is definitely a cool scent, definitely a soft scent and definitely a scent i am proud to own. adding after a long drydown time, this does get a hint of rose, it is a very soft rose, not sharpness even hinting at the edges, and teh amber really starts to step forward as teh mint softens i really hope beth can resolve the component issues, and offer this. i love it.
  15. A deceptively sweet scent; just like the Critters themselves, the perfume is fluffy, poofy, soft, snuggly, and googly! Five vanillas with Moroccan jasmine, white gardenia, and pink grapefruit. The bottles that accompany the Critters have a grr-specially kyoot label, designed by Jennifer Williamson. in the bottle: soft citrus, i was thinking orange at first but now i realize it is grapefruit, and soft vanilla. wet: jasmine, but softer then usual jasmine. and vanilla, w/ a hint of pink grapefruit i also get a hint of the sweet waxy gardenia as this dries it retains a very soft, fluffy feel indeed. it is sweet, and floral, and feminine the jasmine, surprisngly, is behaving itself and it is a vanilla/gardenia blend. no sign of the citrus anymore. just a very innocent, fluffy, feel good scent. eta after quite a bit of drytime, this reminds me strongly of underpants w/ a soft floral background and after a few hours, it is almost completely like underpants, maybe underpants' wee innocent sister
  16. shelldoo

    Macbeth and the Witches

    Macbeth and the Witches, Henri Fuseli.Lightning-charged ozone, steel, myrrh, mugwort, colophony, ajowan, and leather. in the bottle leather and ozone. the ozone is sharp and electic to my nose. wet:wheeeewww ozone major lightning infused air the scent almost crackles it is so much like a lightning storm. there is a definite herbal backdrop to the ozone and the barest hint of leather however when i move my arm i get more leather then i do when i sniff it up close.
  17. shelldoo

    Hand of Hermes

    Develops concentration and creativity, and amplifies communication skills. hmm this is slightly minty, very herbal, a hint of cinnamon very interesting
  18. shelldoo

    Monster Bait: Closet

    MONSTER BAIT: CLOSET Bourbon blackberry buttercream over red velvet cake. in the bottle this is reminecent of beaver moon. but there is a touch of something..sharper then beaver moon (possibly the bourbon?) wet: damn, all bourbon, strong and beating the shit outta me (note i had food poisoning last night and strong scents are doing a number on me) as it dries: thank goodness, this settles it is sweet, buttercream w/ a hint of blackberry, and yes a wee bit of red velvet smell, but the red velvet is one scent that is flitting around, sometimes i catch a whiff and sometimes i am like huh where did that go? this is truely beautiful when the bourbon settles down and stops it's one man show. those who like beaver moon, i think will like this drydown, they seem like cousins, if not sisters.
  19. shelldoo

    Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree

    Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree, Yoshitoshi.Cherry blossom, blue lilac, lavender monofloral honey, white sandalwood, and Asian pear. in the bottle: lilacs,and pear, a hint of cherry blossom. wet: blue lilac is the most prominent note for me. people who love that note take notice, this scent rocks it! this is soft, light, and sweet. floral lovers i imagine will swoon w/ the beauty of this scent the lilac and cherry blossom do a dance of such beauty it is like watching a passionate tango the pear is like a juicy sweat on the flowers. adding to the sultry dance. just a gorgeous, gorgeous interpretation of this work of art.
  20. CHAOS THEORY III: STRANGE ATTRACTORS Each bottle of Chaos Theory is truly unique, a fragrant fractal, and exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty! Each is a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim, mood and gut instinct. I got 2 bottles of strange attractors. CXCII: in the bottle: almondy, possibly hazelnut too. wet: cherry/almondy scent...more almond but i know some peopel associate the two. as it dries it mellows a bit, becomes a bit more resinous, hazelnut, dusty. the almond burns off quite a bit, and leaves a much mellower scent then when it was wet. CXCI: in the bottle: light, fresh, spring flower scent. wet: very fresh, slightly soap like edge, yet not soapy like coast. this is very floral. possibly lily, and i am thinking maybe hyacinth or wysteria. something along that spring flower like line. remains pretty much the same, a very feminine, spring, sunny scent.
  21. shelldoo

    His Station and Four Aces

    His Station and Four Aces, C.M. Coolidge.Lilac fougere, white musk, and leather accord. in the bottle: leather and cleanliness. wet: whoa white musk. which always has a clean almost fresh scent to my nose, w/ a backdrop of leather. this is a very true to the bottle scent for me, i get all white musk and leather, not really any lilac. it is masculine. much like a freshly showered man, in a deep leather seat.
  22. shelldoo

    Death and Life Completed

    Death and Life Completed, Gustav Klimt.Grey amber, carnation, lemon balm, hydrangea, Chinese peony, white sandalwood, cypress, juniper, cedar, hibiscus, and African daisy. in the bottle:florals, carnation, peony, and juniper. wet: the carnations is the frontrunner atm, but i also detect sandalwood and cedar. this turns in to s fresh floral boquet, complete w/ carnations and surrounded by other gorgeous florals. i am not really getting the woodsy notes, just a hint of sandalwood this is predominantly florals.
  23. shelldoo


    Bat, Albrecht Dürer.Dusty amber, grey musk, red orchid, moonflower, night-blooming phlox, stock, honeysuckle, English ivy, toadflax, and purple salvia. in the bottle: sweet florals, and a light musk. wet:clean florals, i believe i get the moonflower most of all, i also get a whiff of honeysuckle. and definitely some ivy.. as this dries it is a close to the skin scent, soft, feminine. clean musky notes are the background, with bright spring florals, although not spring as in lilies, just a fresh spring smell, the amber is light and just makes it kind of fuzzy around the edges. this is so soft it is liek a whisper in a spring evening. i really like it, and not just for the great label.
  24. shelldoo

    Sunrise With Sea-Monsters

    Sunrise With Sea-Monsters, Joseph Mallord William Turner.Ocean mist, kelp, ambergris, amber, white pear, osmanthus, freesia, and seafoam accord. in the bottle: seafoam is right, and a hint of springy florals w/ a pear thrown in for good measure. this also has a green note almost reminding me of bamboo, although i don't see that listed. wet: pear and seafoam. fresh almost as if i were on the front of a ship w/ the ocean breezes blowing in my face. as it dries the florals come out a bit more, although the seafoam is still the most noticible note, it is a good balance of freesia and seafoam i think. i also occassionally get the barest whiff of ambergris but it runs almost as soon as i detect it.
  25. shelldoo

    Carceri d'Invenzione

    Carceri d'Invenzione, Giovanni Battista Piranesi.Redwood, red sandalwood, black pepper, blonde tobacco and frankincense. in the bottle:sweet, almost juicy scent looking at the notes i wonder what exactly is giving me the juicy impression it reminds me a bit of a sweet musk. wet:exact same, i see this as a deep juicy red scent i detect the tobbacco, and red sandalwood the greatest. liking this scent alot. as it dries it is still a sweet scent but not in the foody sweet way. it is just a nice round "reddish" type scent, but not a cinnamon type red. the frankencense is there but more as a grounding note holding it all together, rather then being up front getting all the attention. the red sandalwood is the most obvious w/ my chemistryand the tobbacco mingles beautifully w/ it. all in all this is a wonderful, sophisticated, scent. i am definitely going to be getting more!