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Everything posted by donnatron

  1. donnatron


    Imp: Butter toffee. I put this on and then booted up the site, so scent list unknown, my first instinct was sweetness, butteryness, and a bit of a burnt smell. Wet: Immediately on the skin it goes butter toffee with a hint of juniper on me. This fades quickly leaving a buttery-spice scent. Dry: A nice spicy scent. I still smell a pine-y scent and I don't quite know why. My one caveat is that this is making me cough a lot, but I am just recovering from a cold and the two could be correlated. Throw: Ample. I might have to wash this off before I go to bed. Overall: I received this in a lot off eBay and I'm glad I did. I don't feel compelled to hunt down a big bottle, but it's a nice imp and I'll be sure to use it up.
  2. donnatron


    Bottle: Amaretto over maraschino cherries. Wet: The cherry fades slightly, allowing the scent of anise and the dryness of sandalwood to peak through. So far so good. It's a really complex drydown. I smell something different each time I put my nose to my wrist. Or when I sniff my wrist and then sniff the crook of my arm where I also applied it. Getting sweetness and the licorice scent of the star anise is amping up. Dry: Star anise is the dominant note on me. The sandalwood provides a delicate spiciness in the background and the cherry is around but not at the forefront. I bought a bottle of this unsniffed because I loved the concept and I'm glad I did. This is a spicy, sexy scent that's still light and playful enough for daytime. Throw: Polite throw. You can smell it if you're in my personal space, but it's not pervasive. However, I really like this, so I'm going to have to be careful about going overboard in my application. Overall: So, so good. Even though I'm wearing a boy's t-shirt and a jean skirt, I feel wonderfully feminine and pretty. I love that this scent smells suggestive of candy rather than exactly like candy, which was my fear. Love it.
  3. donnatron


    Another late-night review scribbled on Post Its without the benefit of a list of notes. Imp: Like Christine Daae I get a strong bubblegum vibe from this. It's a mentally threatening scent because it smells like freshly chewed bubblegum stuck onto a very expensive armoire or similar. It smells like all hell is about to break loose. Wet: That pink bubblegum you get with the little comics inside. Dry: The sweet bubblegum smell is tempered by the wood and a sort of herbal-incense scent. Looking over the ingredient list, it must be the sage. On me this smells sort medicinal and almost like a disinfectant. The woodiness stops it from being too sterial, but I can't see anyone standing next to me complimenting me on it. Throw: Slim to nil. I have to get up close to smell it on myself. I'm not too fussy, though, because it doesn't seem to like me. Overall: I'd probably care for this more in warm weather. I'm not in a rush to swap it more out of laziness than out of faith that it will come round on my chemistry.
  4. donnatron


    I tried this on last night without the description in hand and then wrote my impressions on a post it. I have come to the conclusion that I have insane skin chemistry. Imp: It smells like homeopathic muscle rub. Wet: I get a bright mint/citrus scent that lingers for a few minutes. Dry: Dries down pretty quickly. I get that same clean mint/citrus except a bit relaxed. In the background I smell a sort of tangy floral lotion scent. Throw: Very good for what I consider to be a light scent. Overall: This is why my skin is weird. After the final drydown this smelled like the florals in The Dormouse on me without the tea notes. It's a nice, bright scent and I'll keep it around for work outs and hot summer days.
  5. donnatron

    The Witch Queen

    I received a half imp of this in an eBay lot. I didn't even read the description until this morning. Imp: Molasses and cleaning fluid. I'm braving it. Wet: Dear Ylang Ylang, I know what you're doing. You did the same thing to me in Erato and you've done the same thing before in commercial perfumes. You're making me smell like molasses, and that is not something I have ever aspired towards. Please dry down quickly, because we are not amused. You are also lending a hint of funk to the floral and fruit notes, making me smell somewhat rotten. Kindly stop that. Yours truly, PaperRose Dry: This is a very pretty scent in concept. Once the ylang ylang has calmed down, I get a whiff of sweet florals, fruit and a bit of a woody scent. Unfortunately, the ylang ylang is not done tormenting me and rears its ugly head a few times. Throw: I'm home alone so I can't ask anyone objectively, but this seems to have decent throw. It's not overpowering or a smell-from-across-the-room type scent, but if someone is in your immediate vicinity, he or she will probably be able to smell it. I've had it on between half and hour to an hour and it's had pretty good lasting power. Probably a once or twice a day reapplication. Overall: I'll get you next time, ylang ylang. Next time.
  6. donnatron

    The Dodo

    Imp: Red Hots and lemon zest. Potential but also sort of terrifying. Wet: Imitation cinammon leaf. Dry: There's the fruit! This dries down lovely and sweet and alost resin-y. I don't smell many of the individual notes, but there's an overall impression of candied fruit and spice. It's a very sexy, mature scent. Throw: Good throw for the first few hours. Even later in the day there's a lean-in quality to it. Overall: I'm surprised at how much I like this. I didn't think I'd care for it, but now I want to just slather myself in it and call my guy to come over. This makes me feel exceedingly womanly and sexy.
  7. donnatron


    Imp: Patchouli and orange zest. Interesting in concept but it smells like this guy I know and don't care for who smears patchouli and mandarin orange essentials on his skin. Wet: PATCHOULI!! Thankfully I am between indifferent and in love with patchouli. Dry: The longer it dries down, the more the orange blossom comes out. At first this is a harsh, single note patchouli but it acquires a delicate orange-y scent the longer I wear it. It's not the nicest blend on me, it just feels like the two notes are slapped on top of each other without mingling. Throw: This has a LOT of throw. I could smell it all over me since application. I've showered and applied ginger citrus lotion since but I can still smell the patchouli on my wrists. However, other than the one stinky patchouli-loving man in my life, I dont' think anyone else would be too into this. Overall: I'll use my imp, but I don't need a bottle.
  8. donnatron

    The Dormouse

    Imp: Green floral. A deeper and more complex Amsterdam. Wet: Lemon dish soap and crushed ferns. This could possibly be nice... Dry: ...On someone else. It's got to be the tea, because this winds up smelling cat pee-like on me, just like White Rabbit. My skin makes it smell absolutley horrifying--like someone didn't want to clean the litterbox so she just sprayed a bunch of SJP's Lovely into the air to cover it. This will go to friends who don't have my crap chemistry. Throw: Intense. I applied a small amount right after getting out to the shower and even though it's dry now, it hits my nose harshly. I can taste this in my throat. Overall: It's a shame because clean florals don't normally have great throw on my skin. This is a beautiful scent, we just don't get along, unfortunately.
  9. donnatron


    Imp: Mint and eucalyptus are the dominant notes. In the imp it kind of smells like one of those aromatherapy blends for sore muscles or nasal congestion. Wet: Initially I get a blast of eucalyptus. That disappears quickly and the mint and eucalyptus become almost anise-y. My skin is big ho for violets and the violet comes through loud and clear. This smells like Goodie candies and Buckley's cough syrup but in a very pleasant way. Dry: All violets all the time. My skin has kindly absorbed most of the mint and eucalyptus. There's a hint of them remaining--this is a very cold, harsh scent--but mostly what I smell is soft, feminine violets. Throw: Lounging around doing nothing = no throw. This is a body heat-dependent scent and if I'm doing some light physical activity, it amps up and I'm in a cloud of violets. Conclusion: I might use this as a gym scent. It seems to like me warm and sweaty and I might be compelled to work out a little longer if I've got a scent-initiative. This is a very beautiful, feminine scent with an edge that says "If you cross me, I will kill you." I could also see this working out well on a man, depending on his chemistry. I used this in the bath a few nights ago and it was lovely and head-clearing. It also wound up scenting the book I was reading in the tub. Now every time I open the pages, I get a lovely whiff of Ultraviolet. Definitely big bottle worthy.
  10. donnatron

    White Rabbit

    Imp: Red Rose tea with lemon and honey. I'm cautious, but scents often come around from the imp on my skin, so here's hoping! Wet: Wrong. The cream scent comes out full force and then is curdled heavily by the lemon. It's an unfortunate drydown. Dry: I'm disappointed because this was one of the scents I was most excited about in my order. I think there's something about the lab's tea scents that doesn't agree with my skin because this has what I imagine civet smells like on people whose chemistry doesn't agree with it. There is a definite cat urine scent to this on drydown, tempered by lemon air freshener. Throw: Very strong for the first thirty minutes and then it disappears. I can't say I'm upset about it. Conclusion: My body strongly thinks that tea is for drinking, not wearing. It's too bad but I'm glad that I exercised restraint in my order and didn't order 5 ml of this unsniffed.
  11. donnatron


    I ordered this on name alone. I was pleasantly surprised to have this turn out to be one of my favourite scents from the imp lot. Imp: Pure frankincense. There's also a bit of a sour, citrus-y smell like when you zest a lemon and get too much rind while doing so. Wet: Frankincense x 10! It smells like frankincense when you burn it on charcoal or in an incense blend. Dry: I want to say "beautiful" but beautiful seems too feminine for this scent... It's handsome, at lack of a better term. All harsh angles and surprises. The cinnamon peeks out on the drydown and the violet lingers in the background keeping this from getting too sweet or candylike, as violet is want to do on my skin. This is a really sensuous unisex scent. It has a real undercurrent of the rawest, naughtiest things you can imagine doing to another person. Very, very sexy on the drydown. Throw: I put this on at about 11 o'clock Friday morning and around 3 o'clock when I went drinking with schoolmates, the boy sitting next to me started sniffing around and asked if I was what smelled so good. Bonus? That guy always stinks of patchouli, so he smelled it over that. Conclusion: Sexy, sexy, sexy. I want to smell it on my boy but only because it's rubbed off my skin onto his.
  12. donnatron

    The Old Lady Scents

    I went out for a friend's birthday last night wearing Marie. When I got there and gave him a hug he told me I smelled like an old person. After he was sufficiently drunk I suddenly smelled like candy to him. So either I amp violet or he's just a jerk (but he's my jerk, so it's okay). Maiden, despite the name, makes me feel 150 years old. My skin just seems to eat the green notes and leaves me with this sickly floral that makes me think of rancid Lily of the Valley dusting powder and this underlying scent of decay.
  13. I've read the thread and I've seen the Caterpillar thrown out as a suggestion for incense, but haven't seen any recs stemming from the Caterpillar. I ordered it on a whim in my last order and have fallen in love. It's a big, gregarious (if that makes sense) scent and it makes me think of road trips through British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. It smells like those little roadside log cabin gift shops you can buy turquoise jewelry and dream catchers in. Does anyone have any recs from that description? I'm not looking for a dusty or serious smelling incense blend, I'd like something that is similar to the wet, woodsy/mossy, dramatic scent the Caterpillar brings.
  14. donnatron


    This was a freebie in my last order and I'm very glad the lab tossed it in. I'm not a fruit scent girl and the thought of apple perfume took me right back to Calgon body sprays and junior high. Imp: Sharp and a bit unpleasant. Smells like semi-rotted crab apples. A bit boozy. I didn't think I would like it. Wet: That same rotted scent but sweeter. Booziness is gone. Dry: Bellisama! The dragon's blood comes out to play and there's both a very gentle apple blossom scent and a crisp golden apple sort of scent. Very feminine and lush smelling. It didn't last very long on me (curse my dry skin!) but I could see this being a very beautiful spring/summer scent. It makes me think of a lover's lane on the edge of an orchard. Throw: Definitely a lean-in sort of scent. I might try mixing it with a carrier to see if I can get that beautiful drydown to last longer. Conclusion: It doesn't have that big, musky/incense-y scent I usually go for, but it's a very pretty and unusual scent. I don't think I need a big bottle but I'll be hanging onto my imp until the snow melts. ETA: Well, call me a dirty liar. It's a few hours later and I can still smell this on my wrists. I'm a bit of a slatherer, but the throw and length of scent is a lot better than I initially anticipated. Yay, skin for not eating this one up!