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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by donnatron

  1. donnatron


    Imp: Iffy. I had such a good time with Bengal that I decided I had to slather myself in some honey scents. So I decided this sounded good. But in the imp I'm catching hints of Jezebel and we don't get along. Wet: So I'm thinking that honey only likes me with spice or similar. I amp this weird sour scent the second it goes on. Thankfully I'm writing a paper and had a stroke of genius so this got to dry down on me. Dry: Honey sweetness with a bit of herb. Actually winds up pretty nice considering the dry down. Throw: Eh. It's there. But you get the sense that it might prefer to be elsewhere. Overall: It's pretty but the minimal throw isn't worth the drydown for me.
  2. donnatron

    Serpent's Kiss

    Imp: Sweet and dark and overall delicious. I will note that the imp I am using is so aged that it has the old style of label tied on with ribbon. I have a newer imp and it doesn't have the same depth and complexity this one does. Wet: Almost like a masculine Snake Oil. Weird. Dry: I have fallen in love. This is amazing. Sweet with a bit of edge, spicy, naughty, all around a lovely scent. Throw: Reasonably polite. You can smell it on me but it's not overpowering. Overall: I am going to have to buy a bottle and bury it in the garden or something. This has aged gorgeously.
  3. donnatron

    Santo Domingo

    Imp: Oooh, this is lovely. It smells mainly of tobacco with an underlying base of bay rum. To my nose it smells like a true bay berry bay rum rather than a bay laurel rum but YMMV. Wet: Fresh tobacco. Surprisingly nice. It smells like a freshly opened pack of cigarettes which, personally, I enjoy the pre-lit scent of. Dry: Quite nice. The tobacco stays close to the skin and I amp up the sweetness of the rum. I can smell a bit of the floral but it's not overpowering. Throw: Nice. It's because I'm trying three scents at once and now they're all battling for dominion. Overall: What a fun scent. I don't think I'm in need of a bottle, but I like the imp and might buy another when this one's gone.
  4. donnatron


    Imp: This smells very, very familiar to me. I think I'm getting the almond the most with a bit of the sandalwood in the background. A bit sweet. Wet: It goes kind of musky on me right away. I think that's the fault of the fig but it's still a pleasant enough scent. Dry: Surprisingly nice. A sweet vanilla/amber scent emerges and it's nicely tempered by the roundness of the almond, fig and coconut. Throw: The baby bear of throws--just right. Overall: I wish I could say what this reminds me of. It's lovely, but it definitely smells like a couple of my other scents have been rutting.
  5. donnatron


    Imp: I was generously frimped this in an ebay order (which also came with a frimp of Vampire Tears. The universe wants me to have Vampire tears because I have now been frimped more than the content of a bottle of Vampire Tears. Weird how that works out). I had to look up the notes when I sniffed it because it smelled like the top note in Eat Me. My nose is getting better at this! Definitely currant in the vial. Also a bit of the sharp tanginess of huckleberries. Very nice. Wet: Eat Me on a diet. Pure, bright currant on me. Dry: In the initial drydown I get a weird plastic smell--like the inside of a thermos that has been filled with milk. That thankfully goes away the longer I wear it and I wind up with a scent true to the imp. Throw: Good. I can smell it on me for awhile after application and then you can smell it if you're close-ish to me. Overall: What a lovely summer scent. Also, I can use it to cut the heaviness of Cockaigne. This may become a 5 ml.
  6. donnatron


    Imp: Impassive. Reminded me of Silk Road which was not my friend. Wet: Wait... wait for it.... never mind the Silk Road. This smells fantabulous on me. Dry: Gorgeous AND long lasting! The honey clings to my skin and underlies this sexy, sultry mix of spices on my skin. I smell phenomenal. Throw: Enough to make the people I live with sniff around and ask "What is that? Is that PaperRose? Wear that one again." Overall: I want a barrel full of this.
  7. donnatron


    Imp: Almond-syrup scent. Smells like Hecate's biker boyfriend. Wet: HELLLLLOOOOO ALMOND! The almond just flashes through like lightening and then it's gone, leaving a delicious dry incense-y scent. I am getting the patchouli and the incense the most heavily. Me likey. Dry: Delicious. A well rounded, soft incense blend with touches of floral. If Dee and The Caterpillar have taught me anything, it's just to embrace the incense. The incense apparently has it bad for me. Throw: I slathered myself in Hanging Gardens earlier and then put this on the back of my hand. I can smell it loud and clear when I get up close but otherwise it's in a cloud of HG. Probably decent on its own. Overall: Do I REALLY need a vast collection of incense-based blends? Yes. Yes I do.
  8. donnatron


    Imp: Sort of generic musky/patchouli scent. I hope it works! Wet: OHMYGODWHYWHYWHY??? I finally understand civet. I have previously worn Black Annis without much ado because I amp the moss notes so intensely that I didn't know what civet smells like. But it smells like... basically like the part of Black Annis that makes me want to wash it off. Dry: Don't kid. My skin hated this so much that I had to wash it off with rubbing alcohol. Throw: It's unfortunate how much throw the ones that just don't work for you have. Overall: If you can handle civet, go for it. If not, you have been warned. Update: Mar. 16/09. My last imp of Satyr has gone the way of the dodo but I received a new one in a swap today and it's... different. I get a dark patchouli/red musk with something spicy and astringent over top. It's not unpleasant in the throw but up close I get a distinct hint of halitosis. It's not nearly as bad as I used to think it was although I must admit that I will never wear it except to simply marvel at it's half delicious/half digusting drydown. ETA: Hey, how cool is it that I re-reviewed this one exactly one year after my last review. Serendipity five!
  9. donnatron


    Imp: Sweet and gently herbal. Reminds me of Throat Coat tea. Wet: Medicinal. In a nice way, but medicinal none the less. Dry: Clean and soapy. There's a slight hint of leather or musk or similar, but for the most part it's pretty low key and mostly just smells like an amped version of clean skin. Throw: Nil. Overall: I put this on, went to work and could barely smell it anymore. So I covered it with Bess. It's nice in a very clean, light sort of way. I guess I should be glad I'm not in love with it, seeing as how it's discontinued.
  10. donnatron


    Imp: Sickly sweet lilac tempered by a mystery scent. Maybe tuberose? I'm getting no violet from the imp at all. Wet: Ay, that's the stuff. the violet leaps out all cheerful and bright and clean, tempering the lilac and sweeping the tuberose right out the door. Initially very sharp and reminiscent of (you guessed it) Ultraviolet. Dry: Gorgeous, darlings. Perfectly gorgeous (and, apparently, morphs one into Joan Rivers). The lavender stays bright and clean, the lilac lurks in the background creating a soft bouquet-y scent and the tuberose lends a general white floral scent. Lovely lovely. Throw: Pretty good. I put this on last night and could still smell it on my wrists this morning (so of course had to touch it up ). It has the most throw in my hair or if I'm doing some sort of physical activity that heats me up. Overall: I definitely put this in the same category as Ultraviolet. Were they related, Ultraviolet would be the cold, no-nonsence sister while Nocturne would be melodramatic and a bit mopey. This is a gorgeous blend. I was afraid to try it because I figured it would have no throw or lasting power on me, but now I want a big bottle. Love it!
  11. donnatron

    Black Lotus

    Imp: Floral gum? Definitely some form of Trident. Wet: The lotus goes sort of tangy/sour on me and the sandalwood comes roaring up to the front. This could go either way. Dry: Mysterious. Sour candies and dry wood. It's just such a juxtaposition since the wood... is so dry whereas the tanginess of the lotus seems very lush and moist in concept. Throw: Not noticeable. Overall: Not for me, sadly. My skin just amped the sandalwood up and then tempered it with the lotus just leading to a very weird scent on me. I don't know what I'll use it for, since it's too heavy for the bath and too gum-like in the imp to make a good room scent. Hopefully it works on one of my friends.
  12. donnatron

    Event Horizon

    I bought this unsniffed from the lovely Mrs. Black. Bottle: Strange. Sort of soapy but pleasantly so. A lot cleaner than I anticipated. Undercurrent of sweetness. Wet: Oddly clean. Light and fresh on my skin. WEIRD! Dry: Smoky, sexy, and all around a great scent. This dries down to a vaguely incense-y, sweet, enveloping scent. I've been on a big The Caterpillar kick lately and this is the sultry, take charge Caterpillar. Throw: Really good. Overall: I'm glad I took a chance on this one. A great addition to my incense-addicted ways.
  13. donnatron

    Baby Scent

    I was wearing Tamora last week and a friend said I smelled like a baby's head (in a nice way, since rereading that is creepy on many levels). Euphrosyne reminds me of Tamora without the peach notes but that same soft vanilla/floral skin scent.
  14. donnatron


    Imp: Mossy and earthy. All I can pick out is the wood and moss notes. Wet: I just learned a valuable lesson about what I amp. Moss, apparently, because this smells like Black Annis. Which I keep calling Annie Bonnis and then thinking "something isn't right...." Dry: If I get up close I can get the rose and wood notes. Overwhelmingly, there is moss. Lots and lots of moss. Throw: Excessive. Overall: I've been hankering after a sample of Zombi for a little while. I have now learned that regardless of the type of moss, the amount of moss, or just the mere whisper of moss will result in the same scent on me. So... yeah. I'm sure this is lovely. If your body isn't really into moss.
  15. donnatron


    Imp: WOW! This is a dark oil. I expected it to smell like patchouli or musk. Then I cracked it and I wound up with an all inclusive resort's pool in Mexico. I get fruity booze and a sort of salt/chlorine scent. Wet: Delicious. The banana pops out right away and is tempered by the more acidic fruits but kind of flirts with the coconut as well. Dry: Surprisingly nice. Fruity without being cloying, sweet without dominating. I get a sort of lovely fruity/incense-y scent without being too perfume-y. Throw: Decent. Overall: Nice for summer nights. I feel a bit out of place wearing this in early March.
  16. donnatron


    Tulips, peony, fresh flowing water and crisp green grasses. Oh, Amsterdam. When I put in my first imp order, I was looking forward to you the most. Then in the excitement of discovering the extent of my addiction, I left you in the dust. Come out to play, hon. Imp: Just a clean, fresh scent. I mostly smell the water and grass notes. Wet: It smells like a gap perfume I once had. I recall the hives the bodywash gave me and cringe. Dry: Still that Gap perfume. It's nice, very grassy and clean, slightly floral. Throw: None. I have to get up close and personal to smell it. Overall: It's very funny how you adapt into BPAL. Amsterdam sounded most like the type of commercial perfumes I wear and so I figured it would be perfect for me. It's now a bathtime scent. A couple of drops in the water and I'm in heaven but for everyday wear? I need the spices and the florals and the vanillas. We can still play until the imp is done, though.
  17. donnatron


    Imp: Sweet floral. Reminds me of Tamora in concept. The last time I wore Tamora I was told (in a good way) that I smelled like a baby's head. Wet: Normally vanilla takes some time to decide if I will be graced with her presence. The vanilla leaps out at me right away and goes for the jugular. I can smell the general sweetness of the gardenia. This is almost foodlike on me. Dry: Full on vanilla tempered by soapy jasmine. Sounds nasty but surprisingly good. Sort of sharp and classical and makes me feel not like an old lady but much younger than I currently am. I probably would have worn this in high school in the hopes that the boy behind me would smell it during social studies. Depending on where I smell my wrist I can smell the other florals, Throw: Full and strong. If you amp vanilla, be judicious in your application. Overall: Cute. It's a nice day scent and a bit of a morpher. I will hang onto my imp and see if I want a big bottle when I'm done.
  18. donnatron


    Imp: Foody... Very, very foody. It's not a real identifiable food scent, just a general cake/sweets scent. Wet: HELLOOOOOOO! This goes on and I have to crack the window. My skin has found something that it loves in a very inappropriate way, apparently. Dry: Eat Me without the currants. Really strong and heavy food scent. Throw: The roommate just came in, paused and asked what I was eating. I explained the perfume (she's used to me and my spicy BPAL). She then sniffed my wrist, made a face and opened the window. I don't blame her. I'm kind of embarrassingly stinky with honey and cake right now. Overall: It's very very sweet and foody. I think it's going to be a wash off for now because I overestimated how much was appropriate to put on. Cockaigne requires a very, very delicate hand. ETA: I just removed it with rubbing alcohol and I can still smell it if I get my nose up close to my wrist.
  19. Hi Betsy, There's a Forest and Woods thread here and a general non-sweet perfume thread. Cheers, PaperRose
  20. donnatron

    Old Scratch

    I woke up with a killer hangover this morning and I thought that Old Scratch would be a perfect compliment to that situation. Imp: Sweet and sort of woodsy. It's a familiar smell but I can't place it. Very calming, actually. Wet: Men's aftershave. It's not unpleasant but for some reason I thought that Old Scratch would be very clove/cinnamon in style. It kind of threw me for a loop. Dry: On me it dries down to a clean, expensive soap scent. It was precisely the type of scent I needed this morning. AFter awhile the lavender (I'd assume the soap smell is the lavender) leaves the stage and I get a nice tonka/patchouli whiff. Throw: Pretty intense in the wet phase. I was walking around in a cloud of Old Scratch. It's about four hours later and I can smell it when I put my nose to my wrist but it's not obtrusive. Overall: I think this is a very handsome scent and I like wearing it because it feels like I stole a daube of cologne from my boy. I think this would be a nice scent for my hair.
  21. donnatron


    Imp: Delicious! Intense, cherry-esque sweetness! Wet: The imp scent and this weird, heavy... carbohydrate-y sweetness? Dry: Robin Hood pancake mix and syrup. Seriously. It smells like camping but not in a good way. Throw: Minimal. Thankfully, I guess. Overall: What the hell, skin?? All the notes should, theoretically, work on me. But they didn't and they didn't in a bad way. This will probably be a hair scent until I bite the bullet and buy a scent locket.
  22. donnatron


    I stumbled across the description of Dee in my hunt for a less headshoppy Caterpillar. I knew that if it didn't work out on me then it would be proof that there is no God and I better start reading up on my Sartre. Imp: Uh oh. I was expecting warm and woodsy and bold. I get... thin, generic men's cologne. Kind of reminds me of my good friend St-Germain. Iffy. Wet: Sharp! Very, very sharp and I'm not quite sure what notes I'm identifying. Again, sort of a generic men's cologne scent, but the incense is coming out and I can smell the rosewood. Dry: So very worth it. Bold incense tempered by wood, sort of dusty smelling and overall very sexy. The Caterpillar's academic cousin. I could see this working out on a man but he'll have to pry the imp out of my cold dead hands first. Throw: Great! I have it on the back of my hand and it is wafting up around my head as we speak. Overall: Dee, you're everything I dreamed you were and more. I want bottles and bottles of you to stash around the house for secret pick me ups throughout the day. Sort of like when Melissa Joan Hart was on Cribs and showed all the weird places she had gin hidden. But with Dee. ETA: Wore this to a party last night. Late in the evening we were all tipsy and I had my arms around a friend. She kissed my wrist I smelled so good/she was drunk. Good lasting power, Dee. You and I will meet many times in the future.
  23. donnatron

    Golden Priapus

    Imp: Why hello there Mr. Pine Forest. I see we meet again. Wet: Sweet pine. Kind of weird. I can smell the vanilla in the background but my skin is amping up the green notes. Dry: It takes about an hour or so, but eventually I smell amazing. The pine and juniper are there, but they fade into the background and I just have this sweet, sultry close-to-the-skin scent. It smells like I naturally smell this good and have a light juniper fragrance on. The sharp drydown was so worth it. Throw: Personal. But I wear scent (mostly) for my own sake, so I don't mind having a little secret today. Overall: Big bottle? Maybe. I think I need to expand on my experiments in amber before I come to a definite conclusion.
  24. donnatron

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    Random PaperRose fact of the day: I used to work in perfume retail and food scents turned my stomach. With the fixatives and the fillers, I was such a floral girl. Since switching to BPAL, I have discovered that my skin plays with food scents in a way I never thought was possible. I feel like I should end this with "I'm PaperRose and I'm a BPALholic" because... dude... FOOD SCENTS! Imp: Almost sharp. I get an overall pumpkin/spice scent, but there's also a distinctive hint of... applesauce? Wet: Chocolate! Gaaaaah! CHOCOLATE! There's the pumpkin--my skin is all over the lab's pumpkin note--and this delectable, creamy, sweet, almost oily white chocolate scent. Eventually the pomegranate wants in on the action and it's just... delicious. I want to lick my arm. I won't because I'm classy, however. Dry: Gorgeous. I just smell sultry, sweet, sexy, and many other s-words you can think of that are not degrading. This is a take-charge scent and it makes me feel like I own the world. I wore it today and was talking to a friend who spent last night talking me off the ledge after I realized that I still didn't have a paper topic chosen for a class that is required for me to graduate. I thanked him for the support today, gave him a hug, and he spent a few seconds smelling my neck before announcing that I smelled amazing to the general vicinity. Throw: Very good. The aformentioned friend is the only person who had to get in super close proximity to me to smell it. Other friends agreed that it was very nice from a non-invasive distance. Overall: Oh foody scents. I'm sorry I let the Body Shoppe and Calgon turn me against you. You love my skin and you make me smell amazing. We'll be friends forever! Pinky swear!
  25. donnatron


    Imp: Clean laundry that has been washed with high quality fabric softener. Wet: More laundry. I'm not sure I like this. Dry: There is some sort of boy's spray cologne out there that smells like this. It's sort of a generic clean laundry scent and I feel kind of like a teenage boy wearing it. I can't tell which is my perfume and which is just the scent of my sweater. Throw: Zero. I thought I was smelling it, but it was actually the shoulder of my shirt. Overall: I did have a late and somewhat rough night last night, but this did not put me in a better mood. It kind of made me feel like I was covered in Tide, which I don't think is where the lab was going with this. I'll hang onto the imp because I think it will be an awesome bath oil, but I don't think this will be a skin-contact imp.