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Everything posted by donnatron

  1. donnatron


    Imp: Ginger! Reminds me of an essential oil I used to buy. Wet: Like many on the board, I was convinced there was patchouli in here. When I booted the site up I checked the scent description and was just like "Oh... are these the notes the patchouli is blended with?" Dry: The patchouli scent goes away and is replaced by a heavy ginger essential oil scent. There might be vanilla in the background, but all my skin is into is the ginger. Throw: My right arm is a cloud of ginger oil. Overall: I learned a valuable lesson about what notes I amp today. This is nice enough and I'll use it up, but only when I'm in an identifiable single note sort of mood.
  2. donnatron

    The Unicorn

    Imp: Light, crisp florals. Very pretty, smells kind of like what I wanted Maiden to smell like. Wet: The white florals amp up on me for a bit and I can smell a crush of herbs in the background. Dry: This is nice and tangy on me, especially for a white flower blend. I mostly just get a general white flower scent, but it's nice and clean and a very pretty, soft scent. Throw: Considering that I was expecting my skin to just swallow this whole, I'm mighty impressed by the soft throw and moderate duration. Overall: A summer imp or something I can decant into the tub. Quite lovely, but just not my every day taste.
  3. donnatron

    Hunter Moon 2007

    Imp: Soft and a bit boozy. I'm getting the bonfire and wine notes the most. Wet: Oooh, this may be a good wine scent for me. It's starting out quite nice, smelling a bit smoky and the wine is clear and sharp. Dry: And then it all goes off the rails. I put this on my wrist, starting doing my make up and while I was blending concealer on my forehead I was just like "What smells like my optometrists office?" It was me! This comes out smelling EXACTLY like my optometrist's office, that sort of sterile, laboratory cleanser scent. Not very sexy. Throw: Not much. Overall: While I do appreciate the effort of noble optometrists everywhere, I would prefer to not pay tribute to them through my perfume.
  4. donnatron

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    Imp: Dollar store scented candle. This could be wonderful or it could be a terrible mistake. Wet: Immediately on the skin there is a scary plastic note. However, this does move from cheap candle scent to expensive scented candle scent. Dry: Wow, Frumious Bandersnatch, who knew you had it in you? This dries down to a lovely fruity, slightly spicey scent. I get mainly plums, but there is some spice from the carnations and a slightly sweet skin scent. Throw: Really good. Overall: I think I might like layering this with other scents. It's lovely but a bit too young for my tastes.
  5. donnatron

    La Petite Mort

    Imp: Sweetness with a bit of a sharp, floral undertone. Wet: Boiled sweets. It smells a bit delicate and old fashioned. Very sweet. Dry: Behold, world! I have finally found a ylang ylang that doesn't go wonky on my skin! This is lovely. I completely get that "flushed, glowing skin" scent with a little honey sweetness (maybe my old nemesis ylang ylang?) and some lovely incense from the myrrh. Throw: This is a skin scent. But it's the type of scent that would be kind of revolting if it had huge throw. This is meant to be a very private, personal scent. Overall: I loved Eos, but found the herbs a bit overpowering at times. This reminds me of Eos without the herbal qualities. This is very beautiful and very, very sexy. I'll use my imp up and see if I miss it. Potential big bottle.
  6. donnatron


    Imp: Sharp classical men's cologne. Reminds me of 4711 or the men's section of a Crabtree and Evelyn. Wet: Weird. I get a distinct hint of leather. This smells like the love child of Severin and Saint-Germain. Dry: The leather note disappears. I think it must be the lavender I was smelling, because lavender is now the dominant note while I couldn't smell it at all before. I get a dark, murky lavender with a bit of crispness in the background. Throw: Good. It's also delightfully balanced and all the elements are part of the throw, not just the lavender or the citrus musk. Overall: I'm not that fussy about this on me. It's nice, it's well blended, but it's a very handsome, manly scent. I like this for daytime office wear or some other benign task, but it's not social or sex-me-up scent. Unless, of course, I can get it onto the boy.
  7. donnatron

    I want to smell like a Hindu temple!

    I've been rolling this around in my head since this afternoon and the two best recs I can come up with are Wanton and Rakshasa. For me, patchouli and rose are the essence of a Hindu temple, although I'll admit I'm pulling up memories from grade eleven when I think of the scent. You could also try Desire.
  8. donnatron

    The Black Tower

    Imp: Men's aftershave. Wet: This could go either way. These are notes that can either go heavenly or deadly depending on the source so let's just cross our fingers and pray. As it is, it smells sort of... manly. But sexy manly, like he applied his aftershave and then touched his still wet face to my skin. Dry: This is pretty delightful, actually. There's a dense, sweet woodiness to it, the leather hasn't fled into the distance, the ozone peeks up every now and again, and the wine is not being poured too liberally. This is really wel balanced and intense. It's very sexy and while I can see a man pulling it off during the day, I think this is just too jaw droppingly hot for me to saunter into work or class leaving a trail of this in my midst. Throw: Just perfect. Enough to keep people sniffing after me, but not so much that I choke them as I pass. Overall: Hot hot hot hot. Leather is my new best friend (except for Severin, my best frienemy). This is phenomenal. I think it needs to be worn out to a jazz club where I will drink red wine and people will have to get into my personal space if we're going to have a conversation.
  9. donnatron

    Black Phoenix

    Imp: Old fashioned pop. A home brewed root beer or cream soda or similar. Wet: Cherries? Almonds? This is a very familiar scent. It definitely replicates parts of itself through the BPAL ouvre. Dry: Mmmm.... it reminds me of a very intense, very sexy Kyoto. I don't know what's in it, but I like it. The lab's right. I'm going to go make out with my reflection right now. Throw: Just enough to make it enticing, not obnoxious. Overall: I was afraid it wouldn't work on me just because it's the signature scent. Luckily it does and I am very, very glad that I came into an imp of this. Hopefully this will soon become a bottle.
  10. donnatron

    Black Hellebore

    Imp: Kind of weird. It's not plastic, but it definitely smells like a manufactured petroleum product. Wet: Immediately sweetens and some fresh greenery comes out. Fresh greenery without juniper!!! Dry: Lovely. This is what I imagined Amsterdam would smell like. Sweet and floral with a lovely green base. I am getting closer to finding my holy grail green scent. Throw: For bpal in general, this is not exceptional. For a bpal floral/green scent, this is AWESOME! Overall: I am a fan. This might wind up being my green/floral big bottle purchase.
  11. donnatron


    Imp: Bright and fruity. Mostly neroli. Wet: Dusty. Dusty and kind of rank. I'm surprised since fruit normally loves me. Dry: Blood orange single note. The raspberry is out the window, the neroli hit the ground running. Throw: Considering that fruits are normally screaming off my skin, this is not particularly notable. Overall: A scent to layer with heavy, bakery blends. On its own it's just not that kind to me.
  12. donnatron


    Imp: Fresh green herbs and a soft berry scent. In a way, this smells like the perfect mate for Lady Macbeth. Wet: The greens get sharp and shouty on me, tempered a bit by the berry. Dry: Quite nice. The berries are the dominant note but this is not a sweet scent. There's an underlying layer of lush greeness and the berries are just a gorgeous complimentary note. Throw: Tons while wet. Little while dry. Overall: Nice. I'm always on the hunt for a perfect herbal and this may be a candidate.
  13. donnatron

    Mata Hari

    Imp: Thin, jasmine-y scent. I catch a whiff of rose. I'm apprehensive just because I do love my rose but the jasmine seems to be dominant. Wet: Until I put it on, of course. The roses open the show and this smells like a lush bouquet for the first few minutes. This stage is beautiful. It's not what I was expecting, but it is delectable. Dry: Lovely. Heady and floral with the jasmine peaking out to temper the roses a bit. The vanilla is in the background doing its thing, the mahogany behaves itself and just adds a woodsy depth. The fig lends a sultry dusty scent. This is so well blended and so bold and just lovely. Throw: Marvelous. It's on the back of my hand, I'm currently slathered in about five different oils and its definitely the dominant scent on me. Overall: I want to pull my hair into a chignon and scent the nape of my neck. This is a very powerful, sophisticated and womanly scent. It makes me feel very sexy and in control. This was made for low cut dresses and elbow length gloves.
  14. donnatron

    Vampire Tears

    Regret born from ceaseless longing: wisteria, white grapefruit, neroli, green tea, jasmine, white ginger, honeysuckle, iris, and tonka. For some reason, I always wind up with frimps of this in swaps and sales. I now have more than the content of a bottle in Vampire Tears frimps. So I figured that I owed it to the universe to actually review the fragrance. Imp: Sharp, clean florals. Almost an air freshener scent. Wet: Like some other forumites, I get a buttered popcorn scent. It smells like a citrusy and lilac-y #20 Love Oil. Dry: The popcorn scent calms down and the florals and citrus are the dominant notes. This is very fresh and light and pretty. Now it seems like Embalming Fluid with a bit more gravitas. I applied this in my cleavage and I get the buttered popcorn scent if I stick my nose down into my shirt, but in the scent wafting around my head, I just get the florals and citrus. This is one of the few tea blends that doesn't turn to pee on me. Throw: Very good considering the ethereal quality of it. Overall: This is nice and light. It seems like it will be a good choice in the summer.
  15. donnatron


    Imp: Cocoa powder and honey. Wet: The chocolate comes out loud and strong on my skin. It reminds me of Bliss but instead of the pure chocolate smell of Bliss, this goes a bit dusty and darker smelling. Dry: Wow! Finally a leather note that doesn't require dragon's blood to stay present on my skin. The dominant note is leather with an undercurrent of dark chocolate and incense. The florals are around but are there to lend a heady fullness to the scent. Throw: Average. I find that leather scents are better if they're close to your skin anyway. Overall: What a nice scent. That seems to be the overall effect. It's nice. I'll use my imp up. I might order another imp. But it doesn't quite grab a hold of me enough to bother with a larger bottle.
  16. donnatron


    I recall trying this a few months ago and not being fussed. I don't know what was wrong with me. Imp: Sharp and spicy. A bit dry. Wet: Sandalwood, flowers, spice and fruit all over the soft creaminess of saffron. Bellisama! Dry: Gorgeous. A more properly perfume-y/incense-y version of Bengal. I get the spices and sandalwood the most, especially in the throw. When I get up close to my wrist, the saffron is more apparent. Throw: Really good. I will have to judicious with my application of this. Overall: How lovely. This is a lot creamier than I remember it being and it's just a great scent. I think that if it comes to a big bottle, Bengal wins out over this, but it's a nice variation.
  17. donnatron


    Imp: Light, resinous scent. Smells a bit like Crabtree and Evelyn cologne. Wet: OHMYGOD! This goes on sweet and warm and just gorgeous. The saffron lends this a really gentle feminine sweetness. Dry: I'm in love. There's a lovely musky base, a sweet saffron scent, some woods. It's just overall really well blended and a lovely scent to behold. Throw: Wonderful. Overall: I had been trying on R'lyeh beforehand and it disagreed with me so much that I had to wash it off. To replace it I pulled blindly from the imp box and the imp gods chose to smile on me. I had no interest in really trying this, but it is FABULOUS. Big bottle!
  18. donnatron


    A complex, voluptuous scent that captures the robust beauty and of the Italian Renaissance: lemon, red currant, wisteria, red rose petals, heady jasmine, Florentine orris root, waterlily, red sandalwood, violet plum, and violet leaf. Imp: Sweet lemon candy. Colour me confused. Wet: Lemon juice. Like slicing a lemon in half and doing it yourself, not the concentrate. Dry: Gorgeous. Brutally gorgeous. The rose and jasmine come out swinging, all the notes are perfectly blended. This is so sophisticated and beautiful. It gives the impression of a beautiful woman who's all scarves and rings and red wine. Throw: Pretty good for a floral. Overall: BOTTLE! Several bottles. Many bottles which will then live with me in utter harmony and I will scent myself and swan around the house wearing high heels with my robe and speak with an accent and call the cat "Darling." And, of course, wear it among humans so they can marvel at how wonderful I smell.
  19. donnatron


    Imp: I get aquatics and citrus. Wet: My skin hates this with a violent passion. I put it on and it smells like stinky feet that have been in the ocean all day. Dry: I made it to five minutes before I couldn't bear to keep it on. Throw: Average. Overall: I'm excited to wash it off so I can go review something else.
  20. donnatron


    Imp: Erm... I'm not sure. It smells heady and boozy and very foody. It's kind of making me nauseas in the sheer foodiness of it. Wet: Nice. Cockaigne with hard liquor. Dry: Sort of a warm, spicy molasses. It's okay, but my skin did turn it a bit dusty. Throw: Good. Overall: Eh. I'll keep my imp for winter and when it's gone, it's gone.
  21. donnatron


    Imp: Bright, fruity citrus. It's kind of candy-like. Wet: HELLLLLOOOOOO grapefruit! Apparently you would like us to be the best of best friends. Everything else just starts hanging out in the background getting to know one another. Dry: On me it's reminiscent of toilet bowl cleanser. The grapefruit goes big and there's a soapiness and it comes together to smell like a freshly cleaned public toilet. While I do appreciate a good clean public toilet, I don't want to be an olfactory tribute to one. Throw: Huge. Naturally. I had to go to Safeway in between putting it on and writing this review and I walked the aisles sending of huge puffs of toilet bowl cleanser with every step. This did remind me that I was in need of toilet bowl cleanser, so that was a nice bonus. Overall: Room scent. Definitely a room scent.
  22. donnatron

    Blood Pearl

    Imp: Mostly dragon's blood with a bit of the floral/violet scent of orris. Wet: So dragon's musk is just dragon's blood or what? Dragon's blood is the predominant note on me and it's all up in my face. Dry: Nice. A sort of bright, violet-y dragon's blood. Thankfully none of the coconut shows up. Throw: As with most dragon's blood blends, this is a close-to-the-skin scent. Overall: Nice. I don't think I really need another dragon's blood blend but I'll hang onto the imp and it will see the light of day again.
  23. donnatron


    Imp: Oh, no. Maybe I don't want to do this. Wet: Blurgh. I think it's the honey/fruit scent. Jezebel is also horrific on me. Dry: Better. Sharp and fruity wiht an underlying earthiness. It's sort of a scent memory, it reminds me of something not-unpleasant so I'm a bit more inclined to like it. Throw: Pretty minimal. I'm okay with that. Overall: It's kind of clean and fresh in a fruity air scent sort of way. I guess it's best I don't like it, being discontinued and all.
  24. donnatron


    Imp: Kind of innocuous. I get a sweet floral bouquet scent. Wet: The bergamot and carnation perk up and come to the forefront. Thankfully the milk has decided to stay in the background and not go funky on me. Dry: Sweet, floral and resinous. This dries down to a really compact scent--I can't identify the different notes. Throw: Definitely an up close and personal scent for me. Overall: This is quite lovely. I'm not married to it, but I'll use my imp up.
  25. donnatron


    Imp: Surprisingly gentle. I was expecting the wood to knock me off my seat. Wet: I kind of want to eat it. It goes cake-y on me. Dry: Nice enough. Like a few others up the thread, it's not particularly enamoured with my skin chemistry. Throw: Minimal. I could easily use my imp up in one application it's so faint on me. Overall: It's nice. It's definitely not what I was expecting but I'll hang onto it for summer or something. It feels like something that would cheer me up on a rainy day. ETA: As this dries down further it kind of starts to smell like root beer on me. Sexy root beer, but root beer nonetheless. For some reason, that makes me like it more.