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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by donnatron

  1. donnatron


    Okay. So I tried on Undertow and wasn't looking at notes. I got confused, thought it was Burial, and then put Burial on to compare notes. Turns out that there is juniper in more things than I anticipated. Imp: Strong juniper and a patchouli that feels wimpy by comparison. Wet: So you know that scene in 300 where Gerard Butler is all like, "This is SPAAAAARRRRRTAAAAA!" Juniper is totally doing that on my skin. It has declared war with the patchouli and they are having a hideous battle on my skin, throttling some flowers in the meantime. Dry: They call a truce and decide to both be kind of funky on my skin at the same time. THANKS GUYS! Overall: You would think that I would have learned my lesson by now. If there is nothing sweet in it, my skin is not going to like it. If you hate sweet scents, this could be the one for you.
  2. donnatron


    The Dark Side of Water: clean and purifying, yet menacing -- lotus and juniper with a hint of mint. A scent dragged up from the depths to the Stygian shore. Imp: Hello juniper. I see we meet again? Wet: I introduced myself, juniper. Why don't you let anyone else speak? Dry: I am not amused, juniper. We have spent too much time in each other's company. And... what's that weird cedar scent? Oh. It's you, lotus. I see you are also not willing to make a truce. Throw: Better than average. Overall: I don't know if I'm Bond and juniper and lotus are the villains or vice versa. Either way, I wish that these notes had fallen for my diabolical plan to have them smell nice on my wrist.
  3. donnatron


    Imp: A crisp pomegranate scent. True pomegranate rather than a Rose's genadine scent. Wet: This goes cranberry-esque on me. Weird, but... okay. Dry: This goes kind of dusty on me. The pomegranate goes back to a pomegranate scent, but it's kind of earthy and half there half not there. I kind of like it because it seems like the most literal interpretation of the Persephone legend ever, but it's also just not a generally nice scent on my skin. Throw: Average. Overall: Eh. I bet it would be nice in the bath with some jojoba oil and a good book. I have other fruit scents that like my skin more.
  4. donnatron


    Imp: Sweet, general fruit scent. Wet: The kumquat comes roaring to the front and centre. It stays there. It's all like "Whatever guys, Lewis Carrol would think that kumquat is a hilarious word. That's why I get centre stage." Dry: I'm starting to feel like a dirty liar, because I told the world that tea smelled gross on me, and every tea blend since then has behaved itself. This retains the kumquat scent but also smells so lovely, fruity and clean. There's a bit of pepperiness to it, but it's more like when you're at a wine tasting and the sommelier teaches you about the difference between pepper pepper and wine pepper. Throw: Good. Bright and clear. Overall: I wound up really liking this. I think it will see sundresses and sandals many a time this summer.
  5. donnatron


    Imp: Orange oil. The type you buy at the drugstore or wherever where they don't tell you whether it's blood, sweet or another variety of orange. Wet: Dirty water. Like a janitor's mop water. Dry: Well, it certainly comes around. It does smell dusky--on my skin it gains this kind of gross, musky attic scent. Not attractive. I can pick out a general orange citrus with a bit of bergamot and clove. It kind of smells like dried pomanders in an attic with an old cup that was once full of earl grey tea. Throw: Thankfully it stays close to me. Overall: I am neither a fan of pomanders nor deranged Miss Havisham style tea parties in my attic with imaginary guests. That's what this scent brings to mind for me and I can't shake it. It's pretty in a distinct way, and I can see it working on others, but this scent just does not like me.
  6. donnatron


    Imp: Candied ginger and orchids. Wet: Kind of disappears at first. I relax because that has been happening all day and for the most part the scents have come out while dry. Dry: Unless you're Pele. If I get up close I can smell a bit of a gingery floral smell, but I feel like I could swim in this and you wouldn't be able to smell it on me. Throw: Don't tease. Overall: For some completely bizarre reason, this makes me think of Sweet Valley High. Why? God only know. But, yeah... this scent makes me think of Jessica Wakefield. So I guess it's for the best that I don't really like it, because I would prefer not to smell like what I think an imaginary sociopath would smell like.
  7. donnatron


    Imp: I recoil and think I have a mislabeled imp. This is lemon through and through. Wet: All bright and fruity. Again, I'm just like "Why have you forsaken me?" because I love me a good incense. Dry: Here's the good stuff. I guess the fruitness was the ozone and that has decided to take a graceful exit. This is dark and smoky and there is a beautiful soft resin-y scent left it its place. This is what I would deam a single note incense, as it draws to mind the Caterpillar, Dee and Uruk. Throw: Pretty close to the skin. This is very mild for an incense scent. Overall: I like my imp, but I like the way other scents improve on the incense base note. It's pretty, though.
  8. donnatron

    New Orleans

    Imp: Lush jasmine and lemon. If this was a tea I'd be all over it. Wet: Jasmine! Pure, unadulterated, heady jasmine. Like so many of us, jasmine can go soapy on me, so I'm nervous. Dry: The jasmine is the dominant note with a slight undercurrent of lemon. There is a complexity to this scent that I can't describe but also lurks in the background. It's really sultry and lovely. I think, though, that it's definitely an acquired scent. I wouldn't wear this on a first date, for example. Throw: Really good, especially for a floral. Overall: Today is my Very Important Lesson day. I tried this when I first received it and it was at a different point in my cycle. It went soapy and gross. So I tried and tried again and now have been rewarded with a really lovely scent that is true to the original scent I envisioned. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Sometimes it works!
  9. donnatron


    Imp: Pure sandalwood with a bit of a generic floral scent in the background. Wet: Threatens to disappear. Maybe it's just a day where scents feel the need to tease me as the same thing happened with Hungry Ghost Moon this morning. Dry: A dry, balanced spicy scent. There is a note in this--I think it's the iris--that threatens to go old lady on me. It's a little weird. I used to wear patchouli oil in my hair and this smells like when I would first get into the shower and hot water came in contact with the patchouli in my hair. It evokes memories, but it's not the greatest scent memory. I definitely see that this is pretty--I smell a really nice balance of sandalwood and myrrh, but there's something about the iris that is making it unruly. Throw: Pretty close to the skin. Overall: It's such a nice concept and it seems so true to the mythos of Nefertiti, but I'm not overly taken with it. I'll probably hang onto the imp and wear it every once in awhile, but that's about it.
  10. donnatron


    The Babylonian Goddess of Dreams, who bestows the power of Oneiromancy onto her priests. This blend opens up psychic sensitivity during sleep and aids in the understanding and correct interpretation of portents and symbols. Because I'm smart, I just came home, grabbed the next in my series of imps and slathered it on. Remember kids, always check exactly what it is before you slather it all over some of the thinnest skin on your body. Imp: Bright lemony scent. Reminds me of a lemon-mate tea. Wet: Candy. Bright, delicious candy. Dry: So... I'm a weirdo. This is one of the most energizing oils I've ever smelled. I catch a whiff of my wrist and I'm just like "LET'S GO DANCING!" Okay, not so much, but I was smelling my wrist and then turned to my roommate and said "I really feel like going out tonight. What time is your first class tomorrow?" I can't imagine going to sleep while wearing this. That said, it's a beautiful scent and I smell lemon verbena mixed with thyme or sage. I just think it's so bright and cheerful. Throw: A lot, actually. But it's such a pretty, tea-like scent that it works well with it. Overall: The only way I could see this being a dream oil on me is if I come home stone cold drunk and somehow remember to slap it on before passing out, or sedating myself in some other way. It just feels so bubbly and effervescent and I adore it. It just doesn't really work it's particular magic on me. ETA: It's particular magic does not work past the two hour mark on me. I'm still bouncy and energetic, but my wrist smells like a gym bag. Another lesson of the day: when trying a new oil and getting the urge to go dancing, curb that tendency on the off chance that come a few hours from now you will smell like a locker room.
  11. donnatron

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    Bottle: Sweet, slightly spicy aloe vera. Wet: This almost disappears when wet. It goes sort of flat and aloe vera-y and I get frowny. Dry: And then my skin and the oil work magic. This evolves into a complex, spicy, woodsy scent with a sweet sugared vanilla and a beautiful ginger aura. Oddly, it smells best from further away. If I dip my head down and catch a whiff from my cleavage, I'm just like "mmm... a million times yes." Then I get up close and personal with my wrist and it smells just like aloe vera. Throw: Really good. And, as mentioned above, the throw scent is better than the skin scent. Overall: I just saw this on ebay and bid without looking at the notes because, dude, it was called "Hungry Ghost Moon" and I love me some hungry ghosts. I'm so glad I bought this because it is absolutely lovely and the label art is great. Definitely a keeper.
  12. donnatron


    A rich, bold blend of imperial rose, carnation, lush jasmine, lily of the valley, dark musk, amber, bergamot and gilded tangerine. Imp: Carnation and citrus. Aight. Wet: Floral. I can't really pick out any of the florals, but it is pure floral on me. Dry: Dear Jasmine, Stop going soapy or I will have to open a can of whoop ass and I am down to my last three. This smells like a really nice perfume layered over soap. I catch some amber and rose and what I think is bergamot. Very pretty. Heady. Complex. And then there's the soap. Throw: Eh. Overall: I guess it's less skin-drying than layering perfume over actual soap, but I can't say that I've ever got the urge to smell like fancy florals and Ivory at the same time.
  13. donnatron


    Imp: Penicillin. Wet: Cola. This scent seems to be morphing into my diet the week I had my tonsils out. Dry: Get ready to read the sexiest thing you've ever heard. Like, seriously, brace yourself. The crook of my elbow currently smells like a flea market armoire stuffed full of banana-flavoured marshmallows. Yeah. You want that. Throw: Minimal. Overall: I think it has potential to smell amazing on someone else's chemistry. But this one was awful on me from start to finish. Sorry, Manila. I'm sure you're a lovely city. But I'm afraid that this imp just is not my friend.
  14. donnatron

    Machu Picchu

    Imp: Unripe bananas and lilies. Wet: I can't really detect the notes because I put this on and the scent practically bowls me over it's so strong. WHAT THE HELL, SKIN? Normally you eat scents like this for breakfast! So... I don't know why I'm scolding you. Dry: This settles down pretty quickly. It goes to a soft floral/fruity scent on me with a dash of ozone (?? is that what the mountain breezes are?) and a soft, pretty amber. It's really complex without being overpowering or headshoppy. Throw: After it calms down, it has really amazing throw. Normally even my hair would eat this scent, but I can put it on and still smell it hours later. Overall: I have this weird reoccuring dream where I spend the entire dream attempting to make my way to Machu Picchu. So I have a weird sort of fondness for the place, because that dream is so weird and so funny to me. I received this as a frimp and was excited because although I am fond of Machu Picchu, it sounded like a scent that would never last on me. I'm so glad it does and really like the way it works with my skin. It's so lovely and unique and is really the sort of scent that makes a girl feel like summer.
  15. donnatron


    Imp: Musky lavender. It actually smells kind of like the Body Shop's white musk line. Wet: Ozone and lavender. Neither are particular favourites and I'm not hopeful. Dry: I think I should just not be hopeful with all my oils because then the will of the universe will make them smell pretty on me. This dries down, the lavender calms down, the ozone ditches town and the resins and musk create this soft, sweet gentle scent that smells totally pretty and classy. It's very unisex, but that seems to emphasize the femininity of it on my skin more. Throw: On me, very little. But this is so heavy and complex I think that I would not have friends if I wandered around in a cloud of this all day. Overall: I was expecting Lurid to be some sort of hypersexual fruit/vanilla/resin blend. Then I looked up the notes and was like "Oh... that's why the imp smells that way." It's quite lovely and I kind of like the idea of someone asking me what scent I'm wearing and repying, "Oh, Lurid."
  16. donnatron


    Imp: Cleaning fluid as imagined by Calgon. Wet: In my head I had this confused with jailbait and I was just like "um... where's the perfume, yo?" So my initial reaction was unfortunately sullied by that, because I am confused in that way. However, it was sort of bright and lemony and there was something that could potentially go sweet or potentially go sour. Dry: Really nice. Orange blossom always goes sort of soft and incensey on me, and it really seems to add a needed density to the scent. It seems like the midnotes are sweet and honey-like--honeysuckle I'd presume, and possibly the heliotrope. The lemon verbena is bright and cheerful without overpowering. A really complex, well-blended scent that settles down into a very pretty and intriguing perfume. Throw: A wee bit. It's actually kind of hilariously appropriate--it's the type of scent that invites you to lean closer for a better sniff. Overall: I love me a good Nabokov novel and I like the scent. I'm going to use more of the imp and see if this would be a good, light summer scent for me.
  17. donnatron

    Lady MacBeth

    Imp: Berries and herbal. It smells a bit like a sauce you'd put on chicken breast or something. Wet: A beautiful, sweet, lush juicy berry... and plastic. I panic... Dry: ...For no good reason because this is AWESOME!!! The berries stay lush and juicy, I can smell the wine note without smelling like a boozer and the thyme runs through the whole thing lending this nicely adult air to it. Throw: Tons. Overall: I really wanted to order this from the lab based on name alone. Then I picked it up in an ebay lot and was so excited. I remembered it smelling good when I first tried the order, but I thought that memory might just be because I so love the dragon lady character that is Lady Macbeth. Then I forgot about it, then wine in other notes started going gross on me and then I came back to this with trepidation. I was proven wrong, thankfully, and love this. It's a fresh, clean, beautiful adult berry scent. I smell delicious, but I am a grown ass woman and I can hold my own. LOVE IT!
  18. donnatron


    Imp: Microbrewery cherry cola. Wet: Oh cedar... cedar gets to rowdy on my skin it's not even funny. This is pure cedar with a bit of saffron sweetness. Dry: The cedar is still rowdy, but it appears to have tired itself out and some of the other notes come out to play. It still has that bubbly effervescent cola feeling and I quite like it. Throw: Moderate. Overall: I have good memories of cherry cola from my childhood. Sometimes you just want to smell like a good memory and if I can wait out cedar's tantrum, I now have a great oil to evoke some good scent memories.
  19. donnatron


    Daughter of Pan and Echo and dear friend to Demeter. When Demeter was mourning the abduction of her daughter, Iambe was the only creature in heaven and earth that was able to lend cheer and laughter to the grieving mother. Her scent is one of comfort, beauty and joy: Sudanese amber, patchouli, rose, gardenia, gladiola and white tea. Imp: Clean fresh floral. I can definitely smell the gardenia. Wet: Oooh. This is really perky and pretty. The florals are the dominant note with a bit of swirling amber and dense patchouli in the background. The tea has not reared its ugly head so I am half hopeful, half fearful. Dry: The tea rears its ugly head but has the good sense to get into place as a balancing top note. This is a sweet, light floral with some interesting base notes. As others have noted, there is a subtle melon element to it, but nothing too overpowering. It's fresh, clean and light, not fruity or foody at all. Throw: Actually kind of heavy, especially for a predominantly floral blend. Overall: What a fun, fresh, funky spring scent. It's not eyebrow raising, but it is unique enough to set me apart from the crowd.
  20. donnatron


    Imp: I was expecting cake, instead I wound up with the most delicate, beautiful orange blossom water scent I could ever ask for. It kind of smells like an Indian orange blossom pudding I once had. Wet: Vanilla! Vanilla that doesn't toy around about whether or not I will get to smell vanilla! The orange blossom amps up, and I'd assume the sort of heavy, grounding note is the black narcissus. Dry: OMFG. OMFG. OMFG. I heart Vixen. Like, I freakin' LOVE Vixen. This? BETTER THAN VIXEN! So smooth and creamy and sexy and vanilla-y. This just smells absolutely incredible. It's warm and enveloping and smells sweet and gentle with a hint of wickedness. Awesome. Throw: Really good. Which is a pro and a con since I am generous with my application. Overall: This is an instant top ten scent. Top five, definitely. I am in love with Hunger.
  21. donnatron


    Imp: Clean musk. Kind of gentlemanly, kind of neutral. Wet: There is a citrus feeling to this that comes through loud and clear. It kind of startled me because I thought I had the wrong scent in the imp. Dry: The musk is dominant on me, but it's made warm and spicy by the amber. A really balanced scent. Throw: Good. Musk isn't a scent that should be shared by everyone in the room, so it's nice and close to the skin. Overall: It's very nice. I'll definitely use my imp up, but I'm pretty sure that if I miss my imp, I'll get a replacement imp in its place. I can't see this having too heavy a rotation in my scent wardrobe.
  22. donnatron


    Imp: Frankincense and neroli. It makes me think of a charming man in a top hot wearing a waist coat. Wet: Immediagtely goes bright and lemony. The scent warms to my skin and acquires a slight candy-like smell. Dry: Dry, powdery frankincense tempered by lemon drop candies with a beautiful sugared lavender quality. Although quite masculine it tempers itself into a beautiful feminine scent. It's warm and incensey and inviting, but does have a certain knowledgeable air about it. Throw: Lots. Overall: I've spent the last few days testing scents as a reward for writing pages of my papers (I think I've reviewed about twenty scents in the last two days ) and this has been an amazing surprise. This smells like a wood panelled room in an old library lined with crumbling magical manuscripts with dried flowers on the table along with the remnants of the incense used in a seance the night before. It's absolutely lovely. LOVELY I SAY!
  23. donnatron

    Dragon Moon 2006

    Imp: Dragon's blood and yerba mate tea. I'd assume this is black tea leaf, but it lends a very astringent quality to the scent. V. nice. Wet: The dragon's blood amps up and then mellows out to mingle with all the scents. Dry: A nice mixture of bamboo, tea leaf, slight cherry, and then an undercurrent of dragon's blood. This is phenomenally well-blended. Also, I know it's not a pure cup of tea scent, but it's nice to have a tea-inspired note that doesn't go nasty on my skin. Throw: Ample but polite. At the beginning it's a bit overpowering, but the drydown is lingering and effective. Nice. Overall: I like this. It's nice and clean and an interesting scent overall. It's very unique compared to all the other dragon's blood blends and very lovely. If I come across a bottle that needs a home, I might pick it up, but I'm not fussed about obsessively hunting this down.
  24. donnatron

    Blood Kiss

    Imp: Mostly cherries and vetiver. I have the distinct sense that the cherries in this scent are my beloved dragon's blood resin. Wet: Off putting when first on. The honey goes sour and the wine starts to duke it out with the honey. I can smell the vetiver and musk underneath the battle attempting to smother all the other notes. Dry: So. Very. Worth. It. I still get hints of wine, but the vetiver and musk have been demoted to the bottom of the pile leaving this gorgeous soft vanilla/honey scent with a lingering hint of cherries. Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Throw: Fan-diddly-tastic. Overall: Oddly enough, when I first launched myself head over heels into BPAL, I was drawn to this scent by the description of the darker notes. I'm so glad that my skin clings to the ephemeral notes and creates this soft, lush scent. It's a really lovely, complex blend and I think I see a big bottle in my future.
  25. donnatron

    Brown Jenkin

    Imp: Strong men's cologne. Sort of Old Spice-y. Wet: Molasses in an oak barrel. Skin = weird. Dry: Dark incense with a touch of coconut sweetness. If I didn't know it was coconut I wouldn't identify it as such. Sandalwood and orris add a floral/dry dustiness. Throw: Pretty good. Up close it's more complex, but there is a definite incense aura about me. Overall: Nice. If I was more of a Lovecraft fan this would be a big bottle, but I'm not, already own too many incense blends, and can't justify it to myself. I'll be happy to use my imp, though.