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Everything posted by donnatron

  1. donnatron

    Midwinter's Eve

    A melancholy, deep scent, poignant and brimming with nostalgia. The perfume of sugared plums over a breeze of winter flowers. Imp: Oh plum, I'd know you anywhere. Wet: And... erm... you apparently would really like ME anywhere. Nice to see you plum... you're... excitable. Dry: Mmm... this is why I put up with you. This scent is a brilliant, heady plum scent with the barest whisper of other flowers. It's not foody, but it's alluring, and it makes me smell absolutely fabulous. I adore this. Throw: A few inches. Overall: Tart yet sweet, foody yet sophisticated. This is a gorgeous scent and I need to stop loving limited editions. But it is lovely and if some falls into your hands you are compelled to send it my way check how beautiful it is for yourself. Unless you want to send it to me.
  2. donnatron


    Imp: Sweet pine. Like someone really wanted pine candy and did a weird thing. Wet: PINE! OMFG PINE! This gets very metholated on my skin and just starts acting up... all... pine-like. Dry: Still very pine-y. I associate pine with headache remedies and cough relief, so I can easily see slathering this behind my temples or on my collar bone. But only when I'm already suffering a maledy. Throw: Pretty good. Overall: For me, it smells medicinal. If you like pine, you will probably think otherwise.
  3. donnatron

    Punkie Night

    Imp: Microbrewery apple cider. This is slightly boozy, but also quite fruity and lovely. It kind of makes me hungry. Wet: Sweet cranberries. Like I spilled a cosmopolitan on myself. Dry: This is lovely. I smell like mulling spices, but somehow really bright and crisp mulling spices. The cranberries are tart and juicy and the apple is a really true "apple" scent. It is an evocatively "fall" scent, but it's also so bright and fresh and clean that it can easily lend itself to spring days. Throw: Pretty intense, actually. I swabbed twice from my decant and it is spreading itself through my bedroom. Overall: Seriously. There's a reason that I try to not try LEs. This is to die for. If I come across some, it will be mine. If not, I'm going to close my eyes and pretend I never smelled it, because this is just cruel to my senses.
  4. donnatron

    The Pit & The Pendulum

    Imp: Resins and wood. Wet: The resins amp! THE RESINS AMP! Have I finally found a scent that won't make me smell like deadwood after thirty minutes? Dry: I haven't. The wood (methinks there be cedar here) starts misbehaving and amps way up. I wind up smelling like pencil shavings. Throw: Decent. Overall: Well, I'd kind of be into telling people "The Pit and the Pendulum" when they ask what I'm wearing. But they'd ask what I'm wearing because I smell like a junior high shop class. So... you know. Win some, lose some. This will probably smell better on my gentleman caller.
  5. donnatron

    Schrodinger's Cat

    Imp: This imp sent me into a frenzy about the spelling of Schrodinger (umlaut or no umlaut?) because I had just handed in a monstrous paper ABOUT the thought experiment peppered with umlauts. Luckily, it appears to just be a quirk of the lab and I am not going to be epically failed in my last undergraduate class. Anyway. In this imp this is bright citrus and lavender tempered by the oakmoss. I like the possibilities (hee! You see what I did there!). Wet: The oakmoss dominates and I get some grapefruit in the background. I am not enthusiastic; oakmoss is not my friend. Dry: The oakmoss settles down and I acquire this soft, citrus-lavender scent with a base of oakmoss and the teensiest hint of mint. There's no chocolate, so that note could just be an aspect of the lavender. This is actually a surprisingly refreshing and relaxing scent. I figured on it being a hyperactive scent, but it's sort of languid and sleepy. It smells kind of crisp and businesslike. I could see wearing this to work or to class. Throw: The oakmoss throws quite a bit, mingling with the lavender and citrus nicely. Overall: It's such a clever concept and I am a sucker for the physics-inspired scents. My final exam in the class I handed the paper in for is an oral defense of the paper, and I know what I'll be wearing to buffer me through it.
  6. donnatron


    Imp: Soft, soapy skin with a touch of sweet floral. Soapy skin sounds unpleasant but it smells just like clean, freshly washed skin warming in the sun. It's gorgeous. Wet: The skin musk sort of settles into my own skin scent and the honeysuckle and jasmine bloom instantly. The buttercup comes along at about the two minutes mark, lending a buttery quality to the whole scent. Dry: Oh my goodness, this is divine. The honeysuckle is the dominant scent, with the jasmine close behind. This is sweet, and heady and completely lush and gorgeous. I smell like some sort of delightful meadow nymph that naturally smells this way because I'm magic! How absolutely lovely. Throw: Some. Overall: The boy wandered in while I was writing my review and grabbed my wrist for a sniff. His impression? "This is like the orgasm one (La Petite Mort) but..." Pregnant pause. "More... better." I have to say I agree. Big bottle!
  7. donnatron

    Litha 2006

    Imp: Honey mead (the devil's brew. I nearly ran screaming from the imp due to bad memories of honey mead), green ivy and a touch of my beloved frankincense. Wet: The honey mead goes sour and turns my stomach a little (again, not through any fault of the perfume, just through my own youthful mead indiscretions). The ivy starts to creep through the entire scent; the honey can't decide if it wants to go sweet or sour. The carnation is going spicy. Dry: Hallelujah! The mead steadies itself, the honey sweetens accordingly, the frankincense smells delicious and holy. The florals have entwined to create a sweet boquet and the entire scent is just divine. It really takes its time to blossom, but the drydown makes it so worth it. Throw: A few inches from the skin. This also has the benefit of smelling more like it could possibly be my natural perfume rather than an applied perfume. Overall: Dammit. I try really hard to not fall in love with LEs, because I know that they will just break my heart eventually. This is gorgeous. I am keeping an eye open for it, because I want to smell like this all summer. And in winter when I'm depressed that it's not summer.
  8. donnatron


    Imp: I get a predominantly patchouli scent with a touch of spicy clove and myrrh resin. Wet: The patchouli is all "HEY YOU GUYS!" while the other scents take their time to sort of stretch and unfurl and get familiar with my skin. Dry: This describes malice perfectly. It's deep, intense and earthy with a touch of spice and resin. It's very well blended and settles down to a sort of single scent on my skin, rather than separate patchouli, myrrh, etc... Throw: Polite enough. Overall: My boyfriend likes wearing this one because he calls it "The schadenfreude stink." I think it works better on his chemistry than on mine, but it's an interesting scent. I think it's better suited to winter, but it could work nicely on a rainy day.
  9. donnatron


    Imp: A touch of white rose mingled with a general green/earthy scent. Wet: White rose doesn't seem to like me. It goes sort of sour, but retains an innate rosiness to it. The earth scent is out of control, amping up on my skin. The myrrh is waiting to make it's full entrance, but I can smell a touch of it. Dry: This is very true to the scent of Madeline. All the scents join together to really create a scent "memory" of her, and it's quite effective. Unfortunately, they don't sit well on my skin and the scent winds up smelling like sour, rotted white roses over dry, splintered wood and moss. Throw: Fairly soft. Overall: I acquired a half imp of Madeline out of curiosity. I'm glad to have tried it, and I think it's very true to the scent, but it doesn't really work on my skin. I appreciate the artistry that went into it, however.
  10. donnatron


    Imp: Sweet, honeyed cinnamon. For the longest time I thought there was vanilla in this. Wet: Chimera goes sweet and sticky, like a cinnamon bun. It's almost overwhelming for the first few minutes. Dry: But the sweetness tempers out, leaving a soft, creamy honeysuckle-cinnamon scent in its place. This is a really beautiful scent and it has a soft, skin-like quality to it that makes me smell less like I'm wearing a gorgeous perfume, but more like I just naturally smell like this. It's really beautiful. Throw: Quite strong. I'll put it on in the morning and smell wafts of it all day. Overall: This is a great scent. It's warm and creamy and transitions well from winter to spring. A definite must have for me.
  11. donnatron


    Imp: Sharp pine. Wet: Slightly warmer pine. Still very tree-y rather than leaf-y. Dry: Pine through and through. It's pretty, but not my bag. I get the sense that I'd be all over this had I a headache, though. Throw: Good. I've got it on my wrist and I catch a pretty intense whiff while typing. Overall: If you're into pine/tree scents it's pretty awesome. As it is, it smells really medicinal to my nose and I feel like I should be using it on migraines or something.
  12. donnatron

    Beltane 2005-06

    I've got Beltane 05. Is there a difference? I don't know. Imp: Sharp herbal mixed with bubblegum. Methinks there be lotus here. Wet: Sweet florals overlayed by... bubblegum. Dry: I think there is a jasmine note in this, because I am pulling up sweet jasmine. Still a soft Bazooka Joe bubblegum note, but it's tolerable and even sort of appealing. I don't think this screams "Beltane" to me, but it is a really beautiful, soft, spring-y sort of scent. Throw: Reasonable. Overall: Very pretty, soft and floral. I can already tell that it's cycle-dependent, and it's so jasmine-heavy that I'm glad I can find GC equivalents. A lovely scent, overall.
  13. donnatron

    GUNPOWDER! Recs for explosive blends?

    I'm not much of a (read: DO NOT WANT!!!) gunpowder fan, but that general "burning" smell reminds me of Djinn. From the GC you could also try Brimstone, which I have only smelled on others, but makes me think of that sort of sharp metal/burning scent of gunpowder.
  14. donnatron


    Imp: Sweet, rosy scent. Smells like this rose-flavoured pop I buy at a Lebanese store near my work. Wet: The florals are very tightly blended and don't bloom separately. This turns sweet and heady, I catch a whiff of the jasmine but the rose is the dominant note. Dry: This is so delightful. The rose and jasmine have become the dominant scents with the tuberose and frangipani laying down a sweet white-floral scent. Throw: A few inches from the skin. Overall: I love this. It's a really beautiful, elegant floral with a certain hint of naughtiness to it. Very well blended, very gorgeous.
  15. donnatron

    Mary Read

    Imp: Cool, citrus-aquatic. Wet: As I learned from Agnes Nutter, gunpowder does not fair well on my skin. I get harsh salt water and a burning gunpowder scent. Dry: Burning oil slick in the middle of the ocean. The gunpowder has tainted everything it touches--even subduing my beloved sarsparilla. It's weird, because it's almost pleasant, but then I sniff from the wrong angle and am overcome by the acrid gunpowder scent. Throw: Quite intense for an aquatic. Overall: Oh well. It's nice enough. I can see decanting some into a cool bath during the summer. And we all know there's no better way to use an imp up.
  16. donnatron

    Wings of Azrael

    Imp: Herbs and violets touched with lilies. Wet: Something, probably the cypress, goes incredibly sour. I get a touch of my beloved violet, so I wait it out. Dry: The cypress is still sour, but the other notes have warmed over it. The main scent is a combination of violets and lilies. There's a general herbal scent, but it's more of a herbal medicinal scent than a lush greenery scent. Throw: Average. Overall: This is an intriguing scent and I think it might show up in my oil burner, but it's not enamoured with my skin.
  17. donnatron


    Imp: I adore the dark, golden-red colour of this oil. Too perfect. The scent itself is patchouli with a touch of an animalistic scent that is probably the vetiver. Wet: A touch of sourness as the amber acclimates to my skin, but the scent is dominantly patchouli. Dry: Oooh, this is so lovely. Patchouli is still dominant, but whatever type of patchouli this is, it's almost creamy in scent. The woods just barely touch the scent, the vetiver is minimal, and the fig is also just barely present. The amber lends a comforting, sweet warmth to the whole scent. Throw: Pretty good. The patchouli has the most throw of the notes. Overall: This is the Lucifer of "Paradise Lost." He's seductive, rational and gets what he wants when he wants. This is an exceptional scent, the sort of thing I'll wear on days when I need an extra touch of confidence and reason.
  18. donnatron


    Imp: Erm... almond-y incense. Where on earth am I drawing almond from? Wet: I try with the earth scents, I really do. But I put this on and it smells like dirt. And a wee little ping of incense in the back. Dry: But the incense wins out. Thankfully my skin seems more into incense than it is into dirt, and the incense wrestles the earthy notes down into the ground (where they belong!). There's a sweet, heady touch of jasmine over top of the entire scent. This comes together in a really lush, complex way. It's really complex, really pretty, but does feel very... sacred. I can't see myself wearing this on a lazy Sunday afternoon or to class. It has a sense of smiting-from-above to it. Throw: Quite nice. The jasmine has the furthest throw followed by the incense. Overall: Crossroads is a gorgeous perfume. It's well-blended, and seems to be good at reigning in notes that go haywire on my skin otherwise. My own scent associations with it prevent me from ever using a full bottle but I think it's definitely a neat one to try.
  19. donnatron

    Black Annis

    Imp: Dusty anise. Sort of smells like coming across some random licorice while cleaning a rarely used corner of the house. Wet: There is something incredibly familiar about this scent. I don't know quite what it is, but it reminds me of summers at the cabin in my childhood. It's not quite the scent of the cabin or the woods, though--there's something... distinct, but sort of drifting at the edge of my perception here. From a clinical standpoint, when this goes on the skin, the anise actually backs off a bit, letting the lichen and civet fight it out. Dry: This is still a really familiar scent. It's not a nice scent, though. It smells very decayed and sort of scary. I could see wearing it as a Hallowe'en scent when I am intent on staying home and scaring children as I open the door. I will note that lichen/moss notes and civet are both abhorrant on me but somehow they manage to keep each other in check here. The anise is quite lovely, and I get something of a rocky cliff or cave scent from this. Throw: Strong. If you choose to wear this among humans, you will have to take great care in yoru application. Overall: If this scent had a literary companion (other than Ms. Annis, of course), it would be Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily." This smells like the creepy old lady down the street who all the kids said was a witch died and your mom volunteered to clean the house out, roping you into the job in the process. It's a very evocative scent, but it doesn't really like my skin chemistry and doesn't jibe with my tastes. I would recommend trying it, though, because it is a very complicated scent to wrap your head around.
  20. donnatron

    The Ghost

    Imp: General, thin "floral" scent. I can't really identify any of the different notes, just that this is the scent of flowers and there is a hellass lot of flowers here. Wet: I can now identify the lily. It dominates the scent but doesn't completely nullify the rest of the notes, it's just sort of the choir leader or the tour guide or something. Dry: Still a predominantly lily scent. I'm catching what I think is wisteria but it's not a note listed so one of the other notes smells a lot like wisteria. This is really soft and pretty. It's a very relaxed scent on me--I thought it would seem kind of elderly on me, but instead it smells more like a cute sundress-and-sandals scent I would throw on for a pleasant evening walking on the beach with friends. Throw: Not a lot. Overall: Pleasant but noncommital.
  21. donnatron

    Blood Countess

    Imp: Mostly berry and plum with a touch of opium (I think. I can cross-reference the scent from Event Horizon). Wet: Off the bat, this does not smell dramatic, threatening, or anything like what I'd imagine the real Bathory would smell like. My skin is super excited by the abundance of fruits, and so I can only smell the plum and berries. Dry: Once the fruit dries down, this turns into one of my favourite BPALs. The fruit is still a top note, but I cath whiffs of opium, the rose lends a dusty sweetness, and the sweeter florals just sort of swirl around the whole scent. It's a really complex, dramatic scent. It draws to mind red velvet curtains. Throw: A few feet. Overall: This is such a beautiful scent. It's dramatic enough for evening, but also classical enough to wear to a meeting. It's dramatic, seductive and just a beautiful scent to annoint oneself with. The lasting power is also phenomenal. I adore this scent (you will too?).
  22. donnatron

    The Coiled Serpent

    The Coiled Serpent: Peppered patchouli. Wet: The patchouli goes big and dominates the scent. It's a really nice patchouli oil, though, so I'm not complaining. Dry: A subtly spiced patchouli. There's a hint of what I think is black pepper and a slightly resinous scent I can't identify. Well blended, but clearly more theraputic than purely scent-driven. Throw: I leave a trail. Overall: It's strong and I like the way it reacts with me. I'll use my imp up and see where that takes me.
  23. donnatron


    Imp: A mint tea bag after being steeped. Wet: Thin, watery mint scent. A very clean "green" smell with a touch of floral sweetness. Dry: This dries down to a sort of demure, softened version of Ultraviolet. It's very clean and pretty, the mint adds the perfect hint of herbal crispness, the sandalwood is soft and barely present, the florals twine over the entire scent, slightly dominated by the violet, but for the most part creating a soft, floral bouquet. Throw: Not much. This is just a soft, clean personal scent. Overall: A pretty and unusual scent for the spring and summer months. Clean and fresh and the mint cuts through the heat in a very lovely way.
  24. donnatron


    Imp: Cinnamon hearts and toothache remedy. Wet: The cinnamon and clove amp up to near disaterous proportions. The tobacco sort of spreads out in a haze, adding a masculine undertone. Dry: A heavy, spicy, almost foody scent. It's snowing like mad here today and this seems like a very appropriate scent for the weather. While incredibly spciy, there is also a good base note to this (I'd assume the tobacco) that keeps it from smelling like I've just been messing around with essential oils. Throw: Good. Overall: I don't think this is particularly appropriate for spring or summer, so once the snow goes away for good I think this will get a few months in the imp box to age itself up. It will be a great fall/winter scent.
  25. donnatron


    Imp: Slightly warm fruity amber touched with patchouli. Wet: Sharp peach and patchouli. The amber and musk are there, but seem to be taking their sweet time to surface. Dry: Mmmm.... The peach is very mellow and floats over a thick, resinous base of ambers, musk and patchouli. This is a very dense but playful scent. The peach is just heavenly in this mix. Throw: Average. Overall: For the longest time, peach and patchouli sounded totally insane together to me. I fell into possession of this imp through an ebay lot and I'm glad I did. What a beautiful summer evening scent.