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Everything posted by donnatron

  1. donnatron


    Imp: Citrus man soap. Sort of smells like my boyfriend's bathroom after he showers--a bit humid, a bit soapy, definitely clean. Wet: Strong lemon soap undercut by a slight powdery quality. Dry: I like it but I don't like it. It smells like high school make out sessions. Like walking home from my boyfriend's and catching the scent of whatever body spray he liberally applied on my skin and clothes. It's appealing in a return-to-my-teen-years sort of way but I didn't like teenage boy's cologne when I was a teenager let alone now that I'm an adult. Throw: Strong. Overall: I can see a man wearing this but I wouldn't classify it as masculine. It smells too much like an awkward, earnest teenage boy and I can sort of relate to it fondly but it doesn't have the strength I prefer in my perfumes. I'm pretty sure I just snubbed Cthulhu. That's a bad idea.
  2. donnatron

    The Isles of Demons

    Imp: Vetiver-y. I think it's approximating the volcanic gas scent. A touch of sweet floral. Wet: ROCKS! OH SO MANY ROCKS! Hot, steamy, rocky rocks! And a bit of dark musk. Mostly rocks. Maybe vegetation? Dry: I'm pretty sure some of that rotting vegetation is violet. This smells like humid violet perfume in a hot spring. It sounds kind of unpleasant but it's actually really beautiful. A steamy skin scent with light, lush florals rising out of it. Very lush, very humid, very naughty. There's a touch of greenery and a touch of sappy, sticky sweetness. Throw: Average. Overall: I've been lusting after the Isle of Demons for a while and then for the last little bit it's been arriving in every order/swap parcel. I guess it's a good thing I like it. A varied, interesting floral with some amazing base notes. Being in the midst of dreary, cold February I'm more than happy to have a scent that reminds me of the sultry, languid heat of summer.
  3. donnatron

    The Lady On The Grey

    Imp: Tobacco flower and a touch of what I think is moonflower. Wet: Definitely tobacco flower. Years ago the Body Shop had a Tobacco Flower home scent line that smelled almost exactly like this. There's a cold, pearlescent quality to this scent and although it's definitely treading the line towards "traditional perfume" it's got an edge all its own. Dry: This smells like the ghost of Snow White future. I think one of those pale flowers is lily and this is really reminding me of a drier, more savoury Snow White. Replace the sweet coconut/snow aspect in Snow White with tobacco flower and sandalwood and you would have the Lady on the Grey. This woman has a history. Throw: Good. Overall: Overall I think I prefer Snow White. The Lady on the Grey is an interesting, evocative scent but she's a bit too... well, I don't know the word. Normally I'm pretty game for straight up florals and this is an interesting blend but it's just not my speed. Definitely give her a chance if you get to.
  4. donnatron

    Bon Vivant

    Imp: Effervescent. I wouldn't identify it as champagne if I didn't know the notes but it's definitley a bubbly scent. Faint hint of strawberry. Wet: The champagne goes straight up white wine on my skin. I smell like I've been on a bender. Dry: Soft, powdery strawberries with a hint of plastic. I feel like I've been taken away by Calgon. This reminds me a lot of the body sprays and lotions I used in junior high/high school. Very young, not the most true-to-life scent on my skin and not a very me right now scent. It is, however, a very me-at-14 sort of scent. Throw: Strong but you don't register it as perfume so it's more forgivable. Overall: So... this weekend my boyfriend and I were at my parents house and he was looking at photos of me on our dining room wall. We went to the same high school but never knew each other until we met a few years later. He was looking at my grade twelve grad photo and said "Wow, I wish we'd met in high school." It was flattering but a little creepy. And that's what this scent is like. Pretty but a little creepy. Instead of a little girl playing grown up I feel like a grown ass woman playing little girl and I am not a fan of that feeling. I like the scent but the association with my adolescent self is just a little too... too for me.
  5. donnatron

    Milk Moon 2007

    Imp: Sharp pomegranate with fig and an underlying grainy/soapy smell. Like powdered sunlight detergent. Wet: The pomegranate does its thing and sort of dominates the scent. The milk acquires this strange powdery edge. I get a sort of tropical vibe to this. Dry: This is really pretty. It's a soft, soothing fruit scent touched with a sweet honeyed milk approximation. I say milk approximation because the scent of real milk kind of grosses me out but this is sweet and creamy and gentle. Seems very soothingly and motherly. Throw: Minimal. Overall: Warm and relazing. I feel like I'm wearing a hug and it's been the sort of day where I need that scent. Definitely a loungy/sleeping scent.
  6. donnatron

    Are there any BPALS like YSL's Baby Doll?

    I'll admit that I've never smelled Baby Doll but going from the notes list I have a few suggestions: Venice Wanderlust lemon, red currant, wisteria, red rose petals, heady jasmine, Florentine orris root, waterlily, red sandalwood, violet plum, and violet leaf. A strong, womanly floral with bright citrus and currant notes grounded by the orris and sandalwood. I'd say this is probably your best bet because it hits up a lot of the Baby Doll notes. La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente Bewitching Brews Soft, lush myrtle and dry, sweet melilot with wild rose, pomegranate juice and peach blossom against a background of deep aquatic notes and a twirl of melancholy autumn breezes. A rosy/fruity scent. Light and crisp and has a bit of that commercial smell without the alcohol haze. Namaste Bewitching Brews Sandalwood, jasmine, rose, patchouli, cedarwood and lemongrass. I find the lemongrass strongest in this. It has a very laid back, cool, earthy vaguely hippie vibe to it. Blood Countess Diabolos Corrupted black plum, smoky opium and crumbling dead roses covered by a deceptive veil of Hungarian lilac, white gardenia and wild berry. A bright, fruity womanly scent. I wear this one a lot and I find it's a really nice rose/gardenia over ripe fruits. Persephone Excolo Pomegranate and rose. A sort of pink rose with a bright, fruity twang. Croquet Mad Tea Party Pink lime, pink grapefruit, white nectarine, wild rose, sage, woody patchouli, bergamot, and ornery hedgehog musk. Maybe a bit more on the fruity side than the rosy side. The Knave of Hearts Mad Tea Party Crushed roses and blackcurrant tarts. Foody roses.
  7. donnatron

    Kubla Khan

    Bottle: The type of tongue curling, buttery sweetness I associate with coconut. I had to check the ingredient list to ensure there wasn't any here. Wet: I definitely get that cold, minty "cave of ice" effect right off the bat. Reminds me of a lot of the yule scents over the years. The other scents are all exceptionally warm by contrast and the drydown to this is really interesting. I get the mandarin primarily and it combines with the opium smoke--I think--to really give me a thick, coconutty quality to the scent. As the scent unfurls I start to get that heady incensey quality I love from champaca, a sweet sugared floral from the lily and a general smoky vanilla quality. This is really complex and heady and I've been sitting on my bottle for almost a year because I just could not figure it out when I first received it. Dry: There is a lingering fruity sweetness to this one on top of a blend of the opium, vanilla, leather, champaca and tobacco. The initially icy cold blast from the drydown has disappeared but there's still a definite chill to this one. It feels decadent, rich and classical--definite an evocation of Coleridge's poem. If you're a fan of deep, complex, ever-morphing scents this is a must try. Throw: Fairly close to the skin, actually. Overall: It took me a long time to come around to Kubla Khan. It's the type of scent where you know it's special and you know there's something really unique about it but you can't place your finger on that uniqueness. It's a beautiful, evocative scent and I am so glad to have something this complex and beautiful in the GC. We can snap this one up any time we like, y'all!
  8. donnatron

    Leo 2007

    Bottle: Dusty amber. It reminds me a lot of Hymn to Proserpine minus the fruity aspect. The walnut bark is present in a sweet, wooden manner. I get a hint of sharp chamomile. I have a love affair with chamomile so this is okay. Wet: Syrup. The walnut bark and I think the saffron combine with the amber to create this heavy, foody syrupy scent. It's one of those things that I sniff, make a face, let dry down a bit more, sniff again, and then repeat. The walnut and the chamomile are definitely the dominant notes. Dry: This has a lo-ooooo-ooo-ooong dry down period to where it passes from tolerable to pleasant. It's a dry, spicy, slightly woody amber. Golden is definitely a colour association and I can easily see this working with the traits of Leo. The chamomile does a disappearing act which is a bit of a disappointment for me. The frankincense adds a really lovely spicy/incensey quality. Throw: Wet it screams for miles. Dry it's more polite and skin close. Overall: I don't know. I like Leo but I don't like Leo. I feel compelled to wear it every once in a while and it's usually when I'm lounging around the house by myself. I find the drydown fascinating but I'm not sure I'm ready to subject other people to it.
  9. donnatron

    Scent for Halloween?

    Wound up wearing Love Me because it jumped out at me in the box this morning. Whenever someone asks me what I'm wearing when I have this on I always verbally punctuate and say, "Love, Me" like I'm ending a letter or something. Saying it "Love Me" always makes me feel like Sally Field.
  10. donnatron

    Desert scents, including Southwestern scents

    They're wildly disparate regions temperature/climate-wise, but The Caterpillar reminds me of both Vancouver Island and Santa Fe NM. I think it's the common link of hippies? It also kind of reminds me of Oregon. The Caterpillar smells like shopping in Santa Fe to me and it is just a drop dead gorgeous scent. Definitely recommend it if you're looking for a slightly lusher desert scent. Santa Muerte is a great cactus blooms pick.
  11. donnatron

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    Imp: Juicy Fruit. It doesn't so much smell like Juicy Fruit (none of that powder!) but more like Juicy Fruit tastes. Wet: I think there be lotus here. Definitely getting that gummy pink sweetness I get from lotus. There's also a strong, sappy citrus note. I want to be contrary and say this is kumquat or some other rarer citrus. I don't get a straight up lemon vibe from it but there is definitely a citrus here. Dry: Pure, bright, bubblegummy yumminess. It's very sweet, girly and not at all serious. A nice sweet/tart edge to it. Throw: Mild. Overall: I think I need this more for the happiness properties than anything else but I've been nothing but crotchety since putting it on. I prefer Jailbait for my bubblegum fix.
  12. donnatron


    Imp: Jailbait minus the bubblegum. Sort of a pinkish scent mixed with cinnamon. Wet: Asthma puffer. Seriously. That sort of hazy ozone-y asthma medication scent. Tiny bit of cinnamon. I'm not really surprised. There is a certain type of rose--it shows up in Two, Five and Seven along with Jezebel--that just goes complete awful on my skin. That rose is likely in this blend. Dry: Cinnamon over asthma medication. It's really pretty until that cold, stinging note hits that back of my nose. Throw: The cinnamon is strong. Overall: Not for me. It's probably fantastic if that particular rose note works for you but I don't want to remind people of inhalable steroids.
  13. donnatron


    ... Cypress, ginger, fig, dried rose, red patchouli, tonka bean and cyclamen. Imp: Predominantly cypress with a touch of rose and patchouli. Wet: Cypress is all over this lending it a very woody quality. The florals fade instantly and the patchouli joins forces with the tonka and fig to make this a sweet woody scent. Dry: This is a very evocative scent. It reminds me of walking on the wood chip trails at the bird sanctuary. The woods are the heaviest scent but there's a certain light airiness to this. The florals are just hints of floral--like walking by a particularly lush flower. Throw: Average. Overall: I've always been fond of Nemesis ever since I discovered her in the Ancient Greece portion of grade six social studies. Unfortunately I don't love the scent as much as I love her but it's definitely something I'll reach for when I'm in a true-to-life sort of mood. This smells so much like our local bird sanctuary it's insane.
  14. donnatron

    Les Infortunes de la Vertu

    Imp: Mossy orange blossom. Wet: LEATHER! LEATHER LEATHER LEATHER LEATHER LEATHER!!!!! So much leather! Leather wearing a leather jacket and then taking said leather jacket off and smothering the other components with it. Leather then stands on top of the jacket and laughs his evil, maniacal, leathery laugh. Basically, there's a lot of leather. Dry: The leather continues to predominate. Reminds me of the leather from Buggre Alle This Bible. Sort of a dark, salty, kind of boot leather scent. It's not a dry leather, however. More of a lush, wet, clean leather scent. I can faintly smell the orange blossom but nothing else. Throw: Leathery. Overall: I am not all that into smelling primarily of leather. I like it as a supporting note but this is just too much leather. It trampled all over the other notes and I am not a fan. If you like leather or don't tend to amp leather then I would recommend it.
  15. donnatron

    Wolf's Heart

    Imp: There be dragon's blood here! Also some wood and... perhaps leather? I know that leather accord probably didn't exist when this oil was first concocted so it's probably pine or another natural oil that goes into the leather bouquet. Wet: My skin eats this while it's wet. I get a general dragon's blood/honeysuckle scent (which makes me wonder if db and honeysuckle have magical properties or if they're used to mask other scents because they're used in a lot of the conjure bag blends. As far as I know both are for protection and love or passion) and then it just goes faint. Dry: This smells faintly effervescent and very familiar. Just going by the general sense I get while sniffing it I'm going to guess this blend has sassafras or sarsparilla and coriander in it. The dragon's blood/honeysuckle/jasmine scent lends more a background to this scent. There's something very savoury and offputting about this blend. It smells like something I cook and I can't place the recipe but there's definitely a spice cupboard/what's for dinner? sense to it. Throw: Mild. Overall: I'm starting a new job in March and all the psychopaths have been crawling out of the woodwork with my current one. If Wolf's Heart works it's Voodoo charm on my life I don't care if I smell like cooking spice. Otherwise there are more lovely BPALs to explore.
  16. donnatron


    Thumbs up to fairynymph for looking up the notes and pointing out that there is indeed some form of banana in here. Imp: Cold bananas and moonflower. Moonflower is notoriously chilly to my nose so this makes sense! I get a vague sense of the gentle white ginger. Wet: BANANA! Sharp, piercing, BANANA. I can't even type it like a normal person because this is BANANA! BANANA is everywhere! BANANA IS BANANAS! BANANA NO LONGER LOOKS LIKE A REAL WORD! Dry: The banana element burns down to a general creamy "skin" feeling. Definitely a skin-but-better. Skin-but-banana? The florals sit on top of it so it smells like perfume on really beautiful smelling skin. The moonflower is predominant and then I get a soft berry scent just lightly spiced with the ginger. This is beautiful. Throw: Strong. All moonflower all the time. Overall: This is really beautiful. It's not something I would ever even consider for myself (Pele kind of killed my interest in tropical scents) and I'm glad I was frimped it. It hasn't shot to the top of my big bottle list but it's certainly an interesting, heady, womanly scent and I'm glad to have tried it. Will definitely give this imps ome face time during the summer.
  17. donnatron


    Imp: Weird. I keep myrrh and frankincense resin on hand to burn as incense and this smells like... neither. It smells very woody. Wet: The frankincense comes screaming out and tramples over all the other notes. There is a woody tone underneath that doesn't go away. Dry: Pretty. The frankincense calms down a bit and the myrrh steps forward. This is very, very incensy. It's pretty and a touch spicy. I don't think it really turns my crank, though. It's there. The ingredients are doing what they said. But it's just... not enough. Throw: Average. Overall: Eh. I like it but not well enough to really power through a bottle. I love frankincense and myrrh but I think that they are better as complimentary notes than the star of the show.
  18. donnatron

    Scent for Halloween?

    I forgot it was Valentine's Day (I got a long, pitying look yesterday when I asked him if he was going to be around on Saturday) but I'll probably wear Lunar Eclipse because it's one of his favourites. Unless, of course, Canada Post is especially speedy with the Snake Charmer click 'n ship I just received.
  19. donnatron

    The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa

    Bottle: Cherry blossom. I pulled this out because I was like, "WTF? Why do I have this and Kyoto?" Wet: It has a brief, chilly minty phase that reminds me of a lot of the drydown of the yules through the years. The cherry blossom bursts forth and it's grounded by a strangely musky/buttery note that reminds me a lot of skin musk. I do get a sense of anise from this and I'm thinking it's the ho wood. Dry: A beautiful mix of comforting and sexy. The mint lingers for awhile adding a really needed blast of refreshing iciness to this. I get a hint of tea shining through in a slightly acidic, tannic way. The cherry blossom, ho wood and rice wine combine into this really sultry, gentle, sexy skin scent. It smells... I don't even know how to describe it. Sweet, feminine, provocative and a little aloof. Throw: Remarkably strong, actually. Cherry blossom/rice wine have the best throw. Overall: A work of art worthy of a work of art. I've worn this to bed two nights in a row and I think the trend will continue. A beautiful, soft, womanly scent appropriate for pretty much any situation.
  20. donnatron

    Lady Luck Blues

    Bottle: A sweeter, almost tropical Blood Countess. I love Blood Countess so this is not a problem. Like BC, it has a beautiful, sweet floral tinged with a sharp, almost bloody plum. Wet: PLUM! SO MUCH PLUM! OMG! The plum amps up to almost untolerable proportions. It's sharp, slightly acrid and just stomps all over all the other notes. I can smell the rose and honey making a valiant effort to subdue the plum. Dry: Once the really high notes on the plum burn off this is really beautiful. The tonka and benzoin have an almost coconut feeling to them. It's a very rich, creamy scent and the base notes definitely remind me of Ashlultum and Kubla Khan. The florals blend together into a perfect bouquet, none of them overpowering the other. I do get a very clear sense of the vanilla orchid and the rose. The honey adds this dripping, sultry sweetness to the whole thing. It's a very film noire type of scent--this is the type of scent the woman slinking into the Private Eye's office wears. Throw: I thought it was mild but then I started moving around a bit. It's not the strongest throw in the world but it is pretty noticeable. Overall: I always forget that I have this. It's a beautiful, indulgent, sexy scent and it definitely makes me feel like one hell of a dame. A really good introductory scent for those who fear florals but want to try them.
  21. donnatron

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    First off: Congratulations to all our BPAL brides to be! I checked some of your posts (I don't know if that's thorough research or creepy but, you know, it's what I do) and you and your boy both seem to really like Katrina Van Tassel. I don't think any of the Hallowe'en story scents have ever been resurrected so I think that's one you'll have to ration. A similar, creamy floral is Alice. It's a honey-milk note with rose, a bit of spicy carnation and bergamot. Very light and feminine but maybe a bit innocent for a wedding night. A Few other suggestions: Peitho Lusty myrtle and jasmine with red sandalwood, stargazer lily, and clove over an opulent, rich bed of warm musk and bourbon vanilla. This is a beautiful, heady womanly scent without being too strong or bold. The musk and vanilla create this wonderful, lush skin scent and the jasmine is very sweet and supple. I really, really like this one and think it would smell intoxicating on a bride. Schlafende Baigneuse Skin musk, white cream, honeycomb, yellow rose, King mandarin, chrysanthemum, golden amber, honeysuckle, and wide-throated yellow monkey-flower accord. A more complex and sophisticated KVT. It's warm and golden and evokes golden sunlight streaming through the window. It's Salon so I would definitely try to pick up a decant before commiting to a bottle. Eos softly glowing skin, jasmine, buttercup and honeysuckle. I kind of like wearing the scent of a goddess on your wedding day and Eos represents fertility and rebirth. This scent is beautiful. The throw is all honeysuckle and jasmine but the skin musk and buttecup sex it up a little. I know that New Orleans was not your friend but Eos might have that extra little kick you're looking for. Antique Lace A soft, wistful blend of dry flowers, aged linens, and the faint breath of long-faded perfumes. A warm, creamy vanilla with florals and clean, sharp linens. It's a beautiful scent and well loved on the forums. Masquerade Patchouli, ambergris, carnation and orange blossom. This is a soft, velvety patchouli. Patchouli can be pretty casual, I find, and this is the most elegant primarily patchouli scent I've ever smelled. Yggdrasil would add some beautiful crispness to this. Brisingamen five ambers, soft myrtle and apple blossom, myrtle, and carnation. A quiet, soft resin with a bit of carnation spice. I don't think either scent would overpower the other. Scherezade Saffron and Middle Eastern spices swirled through sensual red musk. I love a mixture of red musk and crisper notes. Scherezade is beautiful, elegant and sexy. It has a lot of throw but if you're getting married outside strong scents are more forgivable. A similar scent in the GC is The Macabray White winter flowers plucked from a snow-covered graveyard. I don't know how you feel about the inspiration of your scent, however. Some other suggestions: Tiger Lily golden, warm, gently honeyed lilies. I find it's a warm scent but it definitely evokes warm, golden light rather than the feeling of being warm. It's simple and beautiful but an unforgettable scent all around. Three Brides Moroccan rose, king mandarin, red sandalwood, Egyptian amber, orchid, carnation, benzoin, tonka, calla lily, vanilla flower. Kind of a duh, I guess. But it's a lovely, complex vanilla. The Salons have a sort of regal quality about them that makes them perfect for a bride.
  22. donnatron


    I find Namaste is a good happy scent. It doesn't project giddiness or hysterical happiness but there's a quiet, calm contentment to it. I like wearing it when I know I'm going to be in a difficult situation and I have to keep myself a bit centred. Appropriately, it's a very zen sort of happy scent. Schrodinger's Cat is a silly, bouncy, bright citrus on my skin. It also helps that I'm a helpless nerd so I find it extra hilarious. And Moxie from the Panacea is designed to brighten the mood. It's a sweet, candied citrus. Very bubbly and fun.
  23. donnatron

    The most natural or lifelike scents?

    There's something in the drydown of Ultraviolet that smells like fresh running water. Not an aquatic scent or an approximation of water but just like turning on the tap and smelling fresh, clear water or the scent of a clear stream without the additional grassy/floral/dirt scent.
  24. From the current Luperci: Dia White amber, coconut, white musk, oakmoss, and tobacco flower. Coconut is not always tropical in BPAL scents but this will be light, musky and very fresh in my opinion. Philommeides Peach wine, carnation, lemon peel, osmanthus, blood orange, wood violet, and tuberose. Fresh, light and fruity with a bit of citrus and floral. I'm not sure what the wine part of the peach is but it might make it a bit more nighttime friendly. Both strike me as very summery and light and clean. The entire Ode to Aphrodite looks light for the most part and not very resinous. The Shungas are good for refreshing florals and teas. From the GC: Machu Picchu Sweet tropical fruits burst through deep, wet rainforest boughs, enormous steamy blossoms, over thin mountaintop breezes, mingled with the soft, rich golden scent of Peruvian amber. It smells a bit humid and hot. It's very sensual but the fruit adds a bit of needed playfulness. Sundew A carnivorous enchantress: diverse, lovely and graceful, emitting a sticky, glowing golden, sweet and terminally inviting scent. Its dew is believed to grant eternal beauty and longevity, and restore vitality and vigor to the magician. Sort of a rich, citrus-touched amber. It's citrus without being acidic or sharp. La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente Soft, lush myrtle and dry, sweet melilot with wild rose, pomegranate juice and peach blossom against a background of deep aquatic notes and a twirl of melancholy autumn breezes. I know they say autumn breezes, but this is a beautiful aquatic-fruit scent touched with florals. It's very womanly and bright. Schrodinger's Cat tangerine, sugared lime, pink grapefruit, oakmoss, lavender, zdravetz, and chocolate peppermint. It's an experiment, to say the least. It dries down differently on everyone but most people find it to be a sweet, fizzy herbal citrus. Jailbait Sticky pink bubblegum and the thick, sweet scent of orange and cherry lollipops smeared over a breath of heady womanly perfume. It smells EXACTLY like bubblegum. Young, carefree and very fun. Intense throw. The Mock Turtle's Lessons blurry aquatic notes, with a confusing, contrary splort of iris, ambrette, green apple, vodka, white mint and a squish of lime. It's like a summer cocktail! Caliban The scent of the salty seas, bittersweet wine, palm and tropical ferns. Bright and green with a sort of tropical bent.
  25. donnatron

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    Bottle: Samhain. It's Samhain (my Samhain is... 05 or 06. It's a colbalt bottle with a witch in red on it) without the pumpkin or the foodiness. Wet: I get some smokiness. And some butteriness. This is seriously an amped down Samhain on my skin. It's a bit warm and woodsy, but the scent it reminds me most of is Samhain. Dry: Samhain through and through. It's dark and smoky and a touch pine/fir-y. It's pretty. I also get that buttery hit of skin musk. It's powerful and commanding and more of a unisex scent than Samhain is. Throw: Lots. Overall: I'm a big fan of Hex 08. I think it's a beautiful, sultry, unique scent and I like that it's a lot brighter than I get from this one. I'll still definitely wear the hell out of Hex 05 and I'm glad to have the bottle but I'm also glad to smell the similarity it has to Samhain. If you like Hex 08 I would suggest some brighter pine scents like Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills or Black Forest. If you're looking for a less foody Samhain and some of this floats your way I highly recommend it.