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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by gnl

  1. gnl

    Eat Me

    Three white cakes, vanilla, and red and black currants. My very first try of BPAL! I love vanilla and the description sounded just too good not to get. In Bottle: Some cross between angel food cake and sugar cookies. Yummy. Application: Still sugar cookies for a minute or so, then VANILLA. Wow. Very strong vanilla, though not offensively strong. Dry: Still very vanilla, but once in a while there's a bit of something citrus-y. Like, lemony-cake. So much love. Huge amount of throw, though that may be inexperience and putting maybe a little too much on. Everyone else in the house claims to still only smell the vanilla, but I'm definitely getting a little something else under it. After a while, I get alternating straight vanilla and angel food cake again. Once in a while a bit of ...I'm not sure, but I think it's the currants, underneath the vanilla. Later: Four hours later, the vanilla's pretty much won out over everything, and the scent's still going. Very nice. Verdict: It's so yummy, I was constantly smelling my wrist! Perfect results for my first try! So getting a big bottle when my imp runs out. 5/5