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Everything posted by mmcfa2

  1. mmcfa2


    Warm and heavy with the gardenis spice taking the forefront. I can smell the amber and patchouli in the background. This one I wanted to love but it's too deep and dark for me
  2. mmcfa2

    White Rabbit

    White rabbit... Fabulous!!!! Wet On, I really smell the tea and a tiny bit of pepper. As it dries the milk comes forward, as does a tiny bit of honey. This is just wonderful! I can detect vanilla but it is not overly sweet, nor is the honey note. The balance is fabulous! For those who wanted to love dana o'she but couldn't, this is your next try! Soft, gentle and incredibly well balanced, very soothing!!!! It lasts softly for hours, never an overwhelming scent but softly present.
  3. mmcfa2

    Wolf Moon 2004

    This one is strangely different on me. It vaguely reminds me of tintagel, so I suspect it may be the juniper I am smelling. I do smell evergreen, but not pine. Anyway, it IS aquatic, and it IS cool, but it has a distinct berry scent that puts me in mind of the thanksgiving holidays and bayberry candles. This is my second try and I really get mostly berries. Not at ALL a bad smell, but I am NOT a berry girl. It changes very litttle from start to finish, and has good lasting power. Kind of smells like if you mixed tintagel and dragon tears?? This one goes up to swap or sell in favor of something I want more
  4. mmcfa2


    oh yummy! The bergamot sweetens this softly and the lavender and other goodies just fill me with bliss. My bedroom nowalways smells like one of four scents and I find them all equally wonderful: Jabberwockey when we are sickly, Somnus for tired but can't sleep days, Oneri for troubled worried days and The raven for hot sultry nights when I just want a good smell. I am in heaven with each of them but Oneri seems to help ease my thoughts and I wake content instead of angry which I commonly do when troubled. I am SO content in our room, even when the rest of the house is in chaos, the bedroom is a tiny oasis of sanctuary
  5. mmcfa2


    If you like sandalwood and patchouli, this one is for you! Luckily I realy love both and the rose is just a soft underscoring to add to the wonderful woody smells I can smell all three individually if I try, and yet they blend so smoothly that I can also smell the scent as a whole of warm gentle wood. Now I know patchouli is not a wool, but it smells woody to me! This is NOT headshop, it's more somber than that, but also sexy, VERY NICE!
  6. mmcfa2

    Dragon's Blood

    sweet rich Dragons blood. I think I like blood amber better as it has a deeper grounding note, but Dragon's Blood is a wonderful scent in it's own right. Sweet but not sugary, flowery but not floral, not cloying but very present, resinous but not dark. it's just a great smell! You just can't go wrong with dragon's blood!
  7. mmcfa2


    Rose with a sexual side! Not a child's rose, not a chaste rose, but a deep husky HOT rose! I love Harlot for this very kind of scent, and now I love Wanton as well!! I have an attar of rose lotion from isabella that smells quite similar to this and I just love them both. Where harlot has cinamon, this has a warm patchouli and the sweetish palmarosa. Big bottle on order! Now Beth... How about THIS rose, with black patchouli and cinamon? I'd die and swoon all over! I'm with Witch's dagger, must try this with harlot
  8. mmcfa2


    Ohhh how did I miss this one? I LOVE desire!! It starts off sweet, almost cloying citrus and vanilla. But very quickly the patchouli takes over and grounds the scent so it becomes darker and yet still feminine and warm. I never really smell the rose in it, although I do love rose. This is a scent that melts into my skin and reminds me of one of the lush massage bars although I cannot remember which one it is. Overall this is spicier than snake oil and never goes playdoh which snake oil DOES on me. It is really sexy and warm and close without getting overwhelming or cloying except in the first sniffing wet stages. I have a big bottle on order
  9. mmcfa2


    Dry candies...That is what I get from this one, then the florals come round and I wish o could smell the Ylang, but I don't. I get sandalwood and violet and lavender, and while i like all three very much, together they set my teeth on edge. This one is a pass, not a OMG wash it off, but a vaguely unsettled feeling I get when smeling it. For violets I'll stick with the raven and for lavender somnus and sophia. For woods grandmother of Ghosts.
  10. mmcfa2

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    This one is perfect! But not perfect for the notes listed. Somehow it does NOT as a whole smell like what it is made of. GoG has a much greater body that just being a sum of it's parts. It is the ultimate incense but not too much, wood but not too dry and floral but not too bright scent!! If you liked cathedral but wanted it more feminine, here is your gal! If you liked caterpillar but it was too mossy, again, here she is! Warm comforting woody spiced and floral, lovely, just lovely!! By the way i tried this first when i was ovulating and all I got was wood. So beware of your moon phase in testing these scents! Note, I loved this one so much I just realized I reviewed it again silly me, seriously get some, it's awesome!!
  11. mmcfa2

    Black Rose

    All I get from this is rose. No musk, no amber, nothing deep or dark, just ROSE! reminds me of the way whip smelled on me. Not at all a bad smell, but no complexity, which I adore in a scent. This one falls into the nice rose but nothing more category and that makes me sad because I LOVE rose and amber. I'll keep it as a room scent. that said, have you tried harlot??? Now THERE is a rose!!
  12. mmcfa2


    I wanted to love this one. I love dirt smells and I love roses. This one had dirt with a hint of ozone, a metallic tang that lingers. The rose is sharp. I love it around me, but on me it is a mess The metallic tang amplifies and throws wwhile the rose gets more and more harsh, not a gentle rose, but a high pitched one. In the room this is fresh soil and roses. I'll let it stay in the room with me, but not ON me sniffle After spending the day in the yard I tried this one again, After working with the dirt all day it's a winner! I feel like sun is falling across my shoulders and that I'm digging and pruning away without the sweat and the bugs
  13. Cathedral and The Coiled Serpent!
  14. mmcfa2

    The Coiled Serpent

    I hate having to identify notes, beth must get a real tickle out of our efforts! First, wood, sandalwood i think, then patchouli and vetivert and frankincense. I'm not a big fan of frankincense, and when it swirled up I recoiled from my wrist, but just as quickly it softened and blended back into the fragrance almost seamlessly. The patchouli is a dominant dry one, just lovely and it is lifted and sweetened just a tiny bit by its partner oils. It is lovely! comforting and warm, very woody, like well polished woods... Reminds me very much of cathedral without the incense and adding a strong patchouli note, so it may have more wood in it that I cannot define. I will definitely keep this imp and will ponder a bigger bottle. I want to compare it with anne bonny if I can ever score her imp!
  15. mmcfa2

    Mata Hari

    I got coffee, and tonka bean, sadly tonka in quantity makes me nauseous. I love roses and I get a whifff of them every now and again, the smell is both foody and decadent, like perversion was on me though, nauseating. I love it on other folks, but on me it goes yuck Someone buy or swap with me on this one? I bought a 5 ml cause I knew I'd just love it. sadly tonka has done me in again
  16. mmcfa2


    This is SO nice! It was a freebie from the lab that i would have NEVER ordered! The scent IS comforting and deep but not dark. I cannot smell the individual notes at all, just a slightly smoky ( pipe!) leathery smell, like I just sat in a leather chair recently occupied by a fellow I like who smells extra good who was drinking single malt scotch! I want to try this one on my hubby and see how he smells. I lean towards this being a masculine scent, warm, sexy and oddly comforting.
  17. mmcfa2

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    Wet I almost cried becuase this went all woods on me, but it was not long at all before the florals began to creep forward. Not Blast forward, but softly creep in around the edges. It gets warmer and gentler and the final drydown is WONDERFUL and lasts for hours, even through a hasty shower! If you are a patchouli and sandalwood lover or a lover of cathedral , this one is a new one to try. It has no patchouli that I know of, but it very much reminds me of patchouli and I'm pretty certain that the sandalwood is in there. I also get whiffs of cedar at intervals but they are all warmed a bit by the mandarin. The florals never really thrust themselves into view, so there is no need to be scared of them. This would likely age beautifully too I'm gonna give if a few more sniffs and may just have to order this in a bigger bottle
  18. mmcfa2


    white rose, BRIGHT rose, like walking out into the sun on a COLD winter day bright. I would swear there is a tiny bit of citrus in this. It melllows pretty quickly and becomes soft and very much like an expensive perfume on me. It morphs into a dry thin scent pretty quickly, similar to the way sepulcher did, only no incense, so that must be the rose I'm smelling. If this were a white wine, I'd drink it, but as a perfume it's too refined for me. I like mine a little bit dirty, a lottle sexy, this one is all high class, don't touch. 2 hours and it's almost completely gone. I thought I'd love this scent, and now I'm wondering if the white rose is an ingredient for me to avoid as much as I love rose?
  19. mmcfa2


    How does she do it? This smells EXACLY like Milk with tea specifically earl grey, with a hint of carnation's pepper. I feel as if I could drink my arm!! I tried just a smidge at first and could not find it on my arm. Applied it more liberally and I got the most comforting cup of tea ever. once it settles into this glorious milk and tea scent it hovers just above the skin, just like it is until it vanishes about 4 hours later. I wish it lasted a bit longer, but it's worth applying again. If you go for it on this one, get a ten ml, you won't be satisfied with a 5 or an imp cause it's a bathe in me scent that just gets better and better with each sniffing. Ya know, I'd like a scent of just the milk as well.. mm Mother's Milk? adding a touch of amber perhaps? How the heck did beth capture the scent of milk??? muttering and musing.... Pennance, I know we share the same hatred of almond. I'm so sad you got almond from this! But I'm thanking goodness I did not.
  20. mmcfa2


    This is the first scent I've had a totally negative reaction to! It smells like a tom cat peed on my rosemary bush!! Ack, off to wash.
  21. mmcfa2

    Blood Amber

    dragon's blood, amber and cinnamon? Sweet, warm and a hint of firey spice. Very sexy smell! It stays true from bottle to drydown except that the spice component takes a back seat after 20 minutes or so. This one is a skin scent with little throw and lots of lasting power. I love amber and I love dragon's blood so this is easy and wonderful!!. ADDED March 17: I love this scent. So far I love all the blood scents, dragon tears, blood amber, blood kiss, they are just sisters in the same beautiful sweet comforting family! It's not floral sweet, not insence, not fruit ,but it edges on all of these and then is grounded by the warm amber. Sniffing again, I just LOVE it! It's a me, only better, scent for sure. This is on the big bottle list for sure
  22. mmcfa2


    citrus lavender and musk! This smells like a refined sexy MAN! it reminds me of a commercial mens fragrance British Sterling, my seven year old nabbed that one
  23. mmcfa2

    Storm Moon

    Fresh, clean and cool, smells like just before a snow!!! I really like this one and agree that it is TOTALLY unisex. very different from the heavier scents I usually prefer, but just lovely!! While it stays fresh and aquatic for hours, the final scent is one of very soft early spring flowers. Really neat cause first it's a storm brewing, then it's wet and cold like snow and finally it's very soft flowers and greenery peaking out of the snow. The scent is wonderful!
  24. mmcfa2


    This one was okay, just okay. I smell very true to the ingredients, vanilla, honey and amber. Sadly I also smell a bit like almonds, just a tiny bit or I'd be HATING it, Nope don't hate it, but otherwise it IS a skin scent, just not a GOOD skin scent. I'm finding that I can do vanilla in one scent only so far. Desire. I LOVE desire, I'll stick with it.
  25. mmcfa2


    HIgh soft and sweet. I smell mostly sweet pea and that's how she stays. VERY girl scented, in fact, too much to me. This reminds me of a posh high end botique lotion or soap. If you like girl scents, this is a fabulous one, no objectionable notes, decent throw, sweet and pretty and feminine. I however like to smell a bit dirtier or darker...